Chapter Two

Something feels soft and comfy under me as I stir. I hadn't felt this warm in a long time and wish to drown in it. Of course, that is short-lived when my eyes fly open and discover unfamiliar things. White drapes, a dressing mirror, and a bathroom off to the left. My room was filled with black and red, while this one... It was all whites and browns.

I sit upright, my back leaning against the bed's headrest. "Where the hell am I?" I mumble.

First things first. I lift the covers and look underneath to see I have the same clothes on since yesterday. I let out a breath of fresh air. "So I didn't get raped last night. That's a plus," I admit. Somehow, I found myself frowning none-the-less. Maybe I wanted to get raped by a beautiful lady?

Last nights events rush over me, but I especially focus on the one with the mysterious woman who possessed a kick as punch. I didn't know who she was. What her name was. Or how she got there. All I had to go by was she had an hourglass figure and long black hair. Someone knocks on the door and I have no clue who it could be. Maybe her?

Swinging my legs off the bed, I go to answer the door with a smile. When it draws back and reveals a scrawny waiter in a red suit with a metal tray in his hand, my smile falters. "Good day, sir," he greets,

before stepping around and entering the room. Eyes roam the room and stop on what he is looking for. He sets the meal down on the table and pairs it with cutlery.

"May I ask who ordered this?" I had watched him in his element, but then curiosity took ahold of me.

He shakes his head. "I'm afraid I won't be able to disclose that information. But I have been allowed to mention that it has been paid for already and to enjoy it to your hearts consent."

"Is it perhaps a woman?"

I'm studying his face carefully for any indication that he might know. He keeps his face impassive, except for the innocent smile that forms on his lips. It's a hella confusing when you're getting two total opposite expressions. "If that is all," he says. "I'll take my leave now." Then I received a bow from him before he is no longer there. The plate on the table is filled with freshly cooked bacon and eggs that had my mouth watering.

A gut feeling was telling me it was the woman last night that had organized this. And that only added as extra motivation for me discovering her identity. Just then my phone buzzes with an incoming text. I pull it out to find 10 missing calls from my sister and a couple from Hero. I choose to call him later and instead ring my sister back.

"Hey," I say. "What's with all the calls?"

"Because of father," she says, her voice a little defeated. She sighs into the phone before saying with extreme urgency. "Just get here quickly." She hangs up before I even have time to say anything.

My sister was always smiling and cheerful. So to hear how solemn she sounded on the phone, I knew father's anger was on a whole new level. If I was willingly going to brace the storm waiting for me at home, I might eat to gain courage.

So that's what I did.


It was nearing an hour when the limousine pulled up in front of our mansion. One of our many servants was ready beside the car to open it and let me out. I didn't bother thanking him. Not that I ever did to any of the employees that worked for us. We paid them the money. They're expected to perform.

Our house included 23 rooms, 9 bathrooms, 2 ensuites, etc. You get the point. All the bedrooms, studies and media rooms were situated on the upper levels accessed by the winding staircases upon entering. They parted in a curve down the sides of the room, while leaving the middle completely open except for the waterfall statue. There was also an open passage that led to the kitchens and lounge spaces. Also, the area where they would both be waiting for me.

Father was seated in the middle of the room, while my sister sat on the couch close by. A blank expression was planted on his face, with only his folded arms giving clue to his anger. Sister on the other hand just looked plain worried. "What time did you say you called him?" He addressed my sister upon feeling my presence.

"Thirty minutes ago."

"And what explanation do you have for us for your tardiness, Kento?" He finally decides to notice me.

"How are you, sister?" I ask instead.

"I'm good." She replies with a tight smile. All-the-while keeping her eyes glued to father.

"Well, Kento?" He repeats a tinged annoyed from being ignored. Father always liked being in control of a given situation and swaying the conversation if need be. So I did everything in my power to make sure he knew that I was the one who held the weight in our discussions.

"It would really bore you," I say. "First I woke up in a hotel this morning and was served breakfast-"

"Enough!" He cut me off with the raise of his hand. He massaged his forehead as he continued, "I have had enough of your foolish behaviour, and I will stand for it no longer."

"What is that supposed to mean?" I ask cautiously. This was not anything he has voiced before and therefore I didn't know what to expect. My whole body tensed and I could feel the quickened beats of my heart. My sister squeezes my hand in comfort from beside me. Sea-blue eyes that were almost identical to my sister pierced into mine.

"Kento, the only son of mine, and rightful heir to our company. Will you ever affiliate yourself with the Dae Jung corporation?"

I grit my teeth.

"Well?" He pushes once more when I have stayed silent. "What say you?"

"No father." I retort. "I. Will. Not."

"Hmm..." He nods, already knowing the answer. "And that is why you leave me no choice then." He ushers two of our maids over with the flick of his wrist. They stand next to my father as they await orders. "You have permission to proceed as planned." Both bow before disappearing. A moment later, the two women return wheeling two suitcases behind them. They leave them in the centre of the room.


"What?" I rise to my feet, completely baffled.


"I don't need a useless son. If you don't want to take responsibility like a man, then we don't need you here. I will officially disown you."

He knows the reason why I loathe it. And yet, he does not deem it reasonable. He does not feel he played much part in my mother's death.

From the corner of my eye, my sister is scared for me. Her gaze flicks back and forth between us as she bites on her bottom lip, practically nearly drawing blood. "But know this..." He continues. "When you walk out that door, it will be your sister who takes responsibility. She will have to marry to guarantee the uphold of our business."

"Are you serious?"

He looks towards her. " I already have received proposals but found no reason as of yet to accept them. I think that will change starting from today."

There was no way in hell I was going to allow that. And he knew it just as well as me. This was all one of his games to prove that he was always in power.

"So what will it be?"

"I'll join your damn company."