Chapter Three

The smirk on his face was instant. His teeth practically shined in glee while he stared at me with his knowing gaze. I had to grind my teeth in an attempt not to blurt out something that would seal my sister's fate. She would not end up like our mother, married to a man that always made her suffer.

Well done, father. You win the jack-ass-of-a-father award of the year.

He leaned back in his chair, his shoulders rolling back with a calm he seemed to suddenly posses. His fingers fidgeted with the smartwatch on his wrist before he spoke instructions into the gadget.

"Tao, you're needed."

Almost immediately, a tall figure emerged into the room. His face was void of a smile and his steps never hesitated. Tao was wearing a tailored royal blue suit and sporting it with a Graff Diamonds Hallucination watch. Anyone in the rich circle would naturally know that watch was of high calibre. Father would not settle for less when it came to his personal secretary.

Poor sucker.

"Sir," he greeted with a bow, before making his way towards me. When he approached me, his hand was already extended towards me holding some sort of folder. I raised an eyebrow at him and he pushed it even closer towards me. I begrudgingly took it and the inside contents revealed images of unfamiliar faces along with business proposals. There was suddenly a twitch in my lip.

"You are to learn this by tonight before officially starting at the company tomorrow."

"I will fill you in on any further details," Tao added.

"Splendid." I made sure to dish out the sarcasm. Even if I had to reign in my attitude, it would always be there while dealing with my father. My sister eyed me from the couch her gaze pleading for me not to aggravate him further.

"Just one more thing."

"Oh," he drawled, "and what is that?"

"I want the file of the disgusting man you were thinking you could marry her off to."

His expression turned calculative, weighing something in his mind. "Very well." At the swish of his hand, Tai handed me a second folder. A folder that was already prepared beforehand.

This time the folder contained a single photo. Cold brown eyes observed me much like a hawk eyes its prey. The man possessed high cheekbones and a sharp jaw. He was anything gentle, unlike my sister whose very nature radiated it.

Seung Tae. I read the name aloud in my mind. I'd not met the man already and decided I detested the thought of him anywhere near my sister. Closing the folder with more force than needed I excused myself without saying another word. I could hear my sister dismiss herself more politely than I ever cared to show before catching up to me.

"Brother!" She called from behind me. I stopped at the foot of my door, my back towards her.

"It's not your fault. I would have done the same thing over again."


I shifted on the balls of my feet and flicked her gently on the forehead, but enough to have her wince in surprise. "Stop right there. You're my sister and I want the best for you." I lowered my face down to hers since I was a foot taller. "Even if that means I need to go to a place I hate... then so be it."

Her eyes still held confliction, but my words managed to get her smiling. "And besides," I added. "you deserve a love that mom could never get." There was a pause of silence before she nodded her head. "Now off you go."

I didn't wait for her to respond before stepping through my door and shutting it behind me. Leaning my back against it, I let out an exhausted breath.


The next morning a limo was waiting for me downstairs. Another one of his attempts to remind me of my current reality. And also a precaution.

The driver tried to make conversation with me to test the airs and what type of master he would be driving from now on. I didn't talk to him due to a sour mood, but I'm sure he took away that I was someone as cold as the boss. Not that I cared.

The car parked in front of the work company that was at least 20 floors or higher. I stepped out of the car and made my way into the building. Stepping into the very building which played a part in my mom's misery had me contemplating wanting to walk out of it before I had even reached the elevators. Rumours had spread quickly that the oldest son of the Seong family had now joined the company as a director.

The rest of the day was filled with shareholders entering my office at all times during the day. God forbid making appointments or notifying me they ever planned to visit in the first place.

"Ahh," I groaned, imagining myself flipping all the documents on my desk into the air. Instead, I leaned back in my chair and planted my feet on the table. I snickered at the thought of seeing my father's disgusted expression if his eyes ever laid upon my behaviour in his 'precious company.' "Is it finally time to go home?" I mumbled to myself. "I think so."

"Not so fast," Tao entered the office and made his way to my desk. His stare shot daggers at my feet upon the table as he cleared his throat in disapproval. I waited for him to announce why he was here but his attention stayed put on my feet.

So much for relaxing

"What do you want?" I dropped my feet off the table and adjusted my position on the chair. His expression relaxed before he said, "your father has instructed for you to attend the business meeting in his stead tonight."

"No. Can Do." I shook my head. "The deal was to join the company and play director. After-hours business meetings are not my problem."

"I advise you that you attend this meeting."

"And I advise you not to advise me." I raised from the chair, gathered my coat and strode towards the exit. "I'm getting out of here."

"Very well," he replied upon me walking away. "But off the record, if you don't attend this business meeting and win him over with our proposal, then it won't matter even if you slave away here in the company."

"What are you trying to say?"

"Come on, Kento." He gave me a look of disbelief. "We both know you aren't as stupid as you make yourself out to be. It's already clear that you understand what I'm getting at."

His words spoke truth on the grounds that we grew up together, although we were never friends.

"Bravo," I clapped. "You win. So lead the way."

"Make sure not to get lost."


"Nice of you to make it." A man sits crossed-legged on the floor in front of a fully served table. His voice comes off strong, opposite to the signs of age from grey hairs and newly formed wrinkles.

Rolling back my shoulders, I take my seat opposite of the table. When I'm settled, he grabs the kettle beside him and pours liquid into my empty glass. "I hope you don't mind," he says, while I lift the glass closer to him. "I took the liberty of ordering ahead of time. There is a bit of everything since I'm not familiar with what you may like."

Bringing the glass to my lips, I sip the drink that tastes of peppermint before replying, "not at all." I send him a pointed smile making sure to reveal teeth. "In fact," I add. " I'd probably eat anything you order me as it's an honour to even be sitting with you."

The formal tone I coat on feels foreign to my ears. He bursts into laughter at my response, the sound full and ancient. I watch him in silence, wanting him to feel that he is directing the conversation. "You know, I had my doubts at first... the Ceo's troubling son entering the company with no proven track record. I had taken you for a dumb young man, but you changed my views just now."

"That is a great compliment coming from you," is what I say out loud. Internally, I'm throwing back a retort.

Of course, you pabo.

"Indeed." He nods in agreement.

"Now," I pull the folder from my lap and place it on the table in his view careful not to show my eagerness to move it forward. "Shall we talk business?"

Before the meeting can be taken further, the shoji doors to our private room bang open and reveal a male figure hovering at the foot of the doorway.

"This is where I need to intrude."