How air you?

"When she felt him beside her and heard his voice softly murmuring in her ear, all her fears left her. She knew without seeing that here was no monster or shape of terror..... (sigh), nonsense" Nyll utterred after he loudly closed the book that he picked from his table.

He reached for his phone when a ting sound surprised him then replied to a text. He was still holding the book when his phone sounded again. His lips curled into a smile.It is really weird to see a poker face guy who would suddenly smile with just a ting sound from his phone. I was curious about the text that led him to smile, the person who sent it might be someone special. I had spent a dollar time watching him smile after every reply he received. I want to take a peek but I should certainly give him a little bit of privacy since he turned into grown man after all.

His face became my other passtime while waiting fo his next move. I've been blowing cold air at his eyes, his ear and his neck. He turned around angrily and checked if some windows were open at the library . He was continously looking down at his phone so I continously teased him through blowing warm, cold, warm, cold air in his vicinity.

When he finally let go of his phone he checked the book once again , then raised an eyebrow after reading the title. It's Cupid and Psyche's story. He stared at it first then he unconsciously yawned. Nyll instinctly waved his hand in front of his month to shoo the fly, flying in front of him. But why does he felt like he touched or slapped something. He shrugged it of and went out.

"Waaaahhhhh, he slapped me, that stupid fly. It's the fly's fault, but why did he had to yawn anyway. " ,I cried after realizing that I was actually hurt. His yawn was actually quite long that's why my face was formed which abled him to slap my face. But why did I even face him.

This guy doesn't really believe in unseen things or beings. I've been whispering at him and even showed him the love story of Cupid and Psyche for him to believe that unseen beings exist.

I hurriedly followed him, trying my best to catch up. I tried my butterfly swimming technique but it was useless. So I hopped into a free fast ride from a human who was riding a bicycle. I caught up with him at last.

Mmm... but why is he meeting up with her, its unusual to see just the two of them. For I've been with them for a week and the three of them are always together. They had been talking for a long time enjoying their tea and I can see the tea's steam so I backed away because I might be seen through the steam. They looked really close to each other even after I found out that they are not mother and son. I thought they were family when I first saw them in my air mirror last week. Maybe they are really close.

They stood up and walked out in the cafe. The lady was casually walking but the guy was certainly acting like a bodyguard. He often glances at every direction and makes sure he was one step ahead or behind her. But they are in a safe place actually, i checked it myself.

Such a boring job to just follow around this boring guy. I almost forget that its my job to breath in him the right air, the right measure of cold air and warm air. I breath to help him while he breathes for me to be to be whole. Anyway....I think they are just both wasting their time and my time by just walking ,talking and holding hands and kisss..... wait what?

Ew, ew, ew, ew. Why are their hands intertwined? and (grasp) they're kissing. I couldn't believe what I'm seeing right now. I literally covered my mouth with my hands because I might blow a gush of cold air. But then, maybe they need a gush of cold air to be catch up with the reality that they... are... both... in.... trouble. Come on!!! lady, she is much older than him. She might be as old as his mother.

I approached them soundlessly to literally blow them away but.. hey!!! The guy is my person so I creeped and blew a long,chilly air in the lady's neck. She twitched, it worked. They stopped whatever they were doing. I let out a sigh and some locks of his hair played with the air I breathed. I was too closed to him so I immediately flew a little bit higher and just watch them go on their way.

I was quite bothered by what I witnessed. I have to be with this guy to see what he really is. I mean, I read his profile and he is a good son, was probably even called , a trophy son. He is good at eveything, he was showered with right sunshine with right air.. maybe? His previous air protector would be very disappointed to see his person becoming a baaad guy. I don't know if this is the reason why Icy gave up to be his air breather but I think its unprofessional of me to give up also when I just spent a week stalking him.

When he was finally alone,I finally saw a lonely person. He was just dragging his feet in order to get home. I don't know what he was thinking and what he is feeling right now.I was sad for him because his happiness and loneliness were just minutes apart. However, still, he is becoming a home wrecker. The lady is clearly married. The three of them even spend their dinner every other day.

My person, my client what is wrong with you?

I was still busily rumaging my memories of red flags during the time I was observing him when...

a white smoke of cigarette revealed my face, I am in panic. I can still go away.. I had to.....(coughs). I was coughing unendlessly.I was trying to get away as much as possible but I realised, I was trapped in a bathroom. He was smoking cigar in his bathroom.

He might had saw me. I don't know maybe my whole body was revealed. I don't know what to do. He glared at me then, our eyes met. I don't know what was in his mind right now...and maybe he was frighten that why he directly punched me in my face. I whimpered(ouchhhh), I clearly produced a sound that's why he got scared even more. So out of my given instinct I covered my mouth to lessen the sound of my pain.

Then as slowly as he can ,he reached out for my hand that I used to cover my mouth. I felt his humanly warm touch...

another white,fluffy smoke of cigar covered my face.

---------------------1 week earlier-------------

"Ma'am, I can't", Icy whispered that sounded almost a whimper.

"What is wrong with you? You're the second best among all of us. You can still do that, you have plenty of time to achieve it don't worry"

"Please, madam Snow, it's a torture for me",Icy pleaded

Snow kind of glanced at her in her critiquing mode to convince her once again but it didnt work this time, her beloved right hand woman, Icy gave up this time.

"Okay, okay and stop calling me madam, using mortal titles to please me, isn't pleasing. Arrange my schedule tomorrow, tell the members that I returned to my work" ,I stated and I saw the light coming back in Icy's face.

I prepared my stuffs that night. I will return to earth once again,my bad. I've been living in this earth for a long time. Its just that I stopped working cause I'm a boss now. But as a boss I have to show good leadership, I should be a good model to my little whirl of winds. To prepare myself tomorrow I monitored my person of interest.

Well, it seems fine for her, or, him, or them. My air phone cannot point out the person that I'm going to take care of. There are three of them, but what could be the problem. All I see is a happy father, a mother and a son? having their own dinner. My air phone started to load again, maybe its trying to point out now. Its loading, its loading it stopped working.

"What happened to my air phone", I shouted in agitation and my voice echoed in the hallway.

"Boss Snow, I think it's because we run out of air. I forgot to shake some trees", replied Ice who had been living with me as my assistant just like Icy.

It's no use if he will go and shake some trees now. Its already time for sleep, actually not for us but for humans. And we have to adopt their time. It would be unfair for us if we work 24 hours, we are not getting any overtime pay and most of all, we are not getting paid with human money.

I slept soundly and airlessly. Its a bright and warm day to start a job. I wore my best clothes and shoes. Yes, we airs dress up also although we can't see our reflection in a mirror or in a water we can still feel our body parts. Unless the area we are in have steam or any kind of that can actually shape or form us thus ;we can see our reflection. We don't know how we look because it depends upon the human time. Human breath allows us to be formed like a human also.

Our face however like I said depends on the situation we face when we are with our person.