I like Your Cold

He woke up or I mean I woke him up because I blew an air in his face. He opened his eyes and I was startled for a moment I thought he saw me because he was staring at me for a long period of time. He doesn't remember what he did last night or he forced himsf to forget it because I heared him singing in his bed that it'sq not real before he went to sleep.

He stretced and yawned once again then slightly shivered. I looked around to check if another cold air was going around him since I've been blowing warm air after he woke up. And I almost forgot that he have his aircon, that aircon really does suffocate.

He stood up from his bed did everything to prepare himself for school. After he went out from the bathroom I rushed inside to see me, I know it's still a foggy and that can help.

I faced the mirror ,wiped the steam then I finally saw me. I have a long hair and have an almond like eyes ,the best part is that ; I know I'm young. I was happy to see this version of me. I don't know when wrinkles would appear as the human termed it. I've seen humans with wrinkles and thought they were part of them only to realize that time had to be with them to get those. I don't even know if I can get them.

The last time I checked myself was when I still had a short hair and I was sure that I was still a child at that time.

Nyll unexpectedly returned to the bathroom. I hid my already halfed form in his bathroom curtain and waited for him to close his eyes.I had the opportunity to get out when he closed his eyes while washing his face. I was back to being air so I freely moved around his room and waved him good bye when he went out. I returned to the bathroom and to my curiosity, I accidentaly opened his shower. I screamed in pain when the hot water from the shower attacked me. It is so hot, I felt like I burned my skin. So I had to blow cold air in own body. It felt weird for me to do that because we are not designed to heal ourselves, our breath is for human.

My person seemed to like his shower hot,hot as the sun.

Anyway, I visited him at his school. As I said he is a nice kid. All his classmates were in good terms with him including his teachers.So my person is basically keeping a dirty secret that should never be known. That means I have a huge responsibility ahead of me as his air breather. This kid is in a hot mess.

I was bored while waiting for his class to end that's why I went home ,to my real home. Icy was there and Ice also. I feel like resting so I went to my room but I really couldn't sleep. Then I suddenly remembered something so I went to the fireplace called my two assistant to chat with them.

To make ourselves more like human I asked Icy to prepare a tea. We were gathered in front of the fireplace to really enjoy our conversation even If we really can't see each other. Only our shadows from the fire declares our presence.

"By the way, Icy, you still haven't given me your report on why you gave up on your person? " , I asked after blowing the hot steam coming from the tea. The steam showed my face, I am in my serious expression.

And to reply for my question she blew her tea's steam and it showed her apologetic face. "I'm sorry I almost forgot about it because I thought you wouldn't need it anymore".

"Then tell me the reason now then"

"Well, its because he has an extreme human condition"


"If he wants a hot coffee then it should be 100% hot. If he wants a cold room temperature then I need to blow hard until it feels like he is in Antarctica and you know how draining that is. And, and the dead air from the aircon is simply there to fill his room some air, he don't need us. Besides the aircon in his room suffocates me. "

"Ice, any addition? "

"Well, while I was with Icy to help her ,I noticed that his emotions are quite the opposite. He feels happy in simple things like cakes or balloon and cries when the sun sets or becomes sad when he has no companion "

When Ice said that Icy and I had an awed expression. Both our shadows showed our mouth open. Then my mind shifted to the lady, what exactly did she do to make him happy. Did she baked him a cookie, puddings or gave him chocolate?

I checked on him through my air phone and he is still in school. Damnnn he studies so hard and keeps a secret life. So tough for a young man to be double acting in his daily life.

Icy dropped down her cup and reached the letter from her pocket. "By the way, madam. There will be a meeting next week Monday. The secretary came here by himself to give the message and here... he asked me to give you this letter"

"The old man did really came here? "

"Yes, so maybe it's really important even North came with him", inserted Ice

"North came here? but I didn't saw him"asked Icy who was puzzled

"I did not see him at first also but I happened to see him when he rolled down the window of his car. I think he was waiting for his secretary to give him a sign. After Ice said that you are not here, he rolled up his window,again."

After hearing that North came to her house. Snow can't stop thinking about things that she might had done wrong. She basically did not do anything for more than a week, she just stalked her person.

While pondering about it, she realized that Icy dropped the letter in her laps.

She dispersed the group when she said goodnight. Both of her companion walked away from the fireplace until the shadows were seen no more. Snow slowly opened the envelop and a rush of fresh,warm pine scented air circled her until it landed on her neck, she felt a kiss . She was surprised by it. When did North started this idea. And also, she really can't decipher why North have to send her letters even though he could just actually tell her what he wants to say. The letter obviously contained the meeting details and specific warning if she ever thinks of escaping the meeting.

A P. S was written ,she was thankful she did see it because it's a clear instruction. She immediately dialed the number written in the paper. A second passed by after that, a clear, water-like answered in agitated manner.

North had been waiting for the call the whole day and it was very late when he received a call, he is already angry. He heard the woman's voice, it made his heart twitch in excitement.

"Make sure you are in time or else....if you read the letter then you know the equivalent punishment of the minutes of you lateness" he declared.

Snow rolled her eyes upon seeing it, of course she read it. it was written in bold, large text how could she miss it.

"Okay, okay.I understand no need to repeat it. I will be there besides; I am never late in any of your meetings. "

"Im just warning you... "

"Hello? you still there? "

"Uhmmm did you receive.... did you receive my kiss? " he asked in a low tinwd that sounded like a mumble

"Ohhh so that was your kiss?" she asked with a hight pitch tone that she unvented to pretend that she is excited.

"I answered your hugs and kisses that you wrote in your letter before... "

tot. tot. tot. tot.

Snow let out a small laughter then louder then a thunderous one that woke up her two assistants. They both ran to check on her only to see her laughing her ass out. Snow was just so happy after she heard him say thay so she hummed, laughed, hummed, laughed while walking into her room. Ice and Icy were both frozen by what they witnessed.

Snow had been holding herself to stop her laughter while she was in bed. North literally sent her a kiss. She just copied it from humans when she was observing them texting in their phone and just decided to write it in a letter. She knew that it was just a expression or add-ons if she may say ,to close a conversation in a text.

She likes that side of North, he was a bit traditional. She also remembered that time when he is actually riding in a chariot. He changed it after she mockingly and shamelessly told him that she wants a ride like those owned by humans.He patiently pens down a letter for her on his own when he can actually asked someone to do it for him. That is another side of him that scares her even more.