North had been carefully watching over Snow as she diligently watches her person. He had been trying hard to control his anger and perhaps jealousy. But why should he be?
For the last two years, he felt this anger coming from nowhere when Snow decided to leave the organization.It's maybe because no one had been able to make him angry just as Snow did.His emotions now are sailing smoothly and were just sometimes bumpy everytime she disobeys him.He is angry when she disobeys him but remembering how he also gets annoyed everytimes she dotes on him before is so unmanly of him.
But now that she is practically living with a human, hurts him and that's certainly the main reason why he is angry. He is embarrassed with himself everytime he takes a sneak peek at his air mirror just to see what she is doing. She is becoming the person's comforter, she used to be my comforter but not anymore. I know the guy can hear her and that's quite an amazing ability he got. He doesn't seem to care even when he heard a cough, a laugh and a sigh coming from Snow.
Monday passed by then Tuesday then another day and another day until it reached Sunday. The small changed of air temperature from Nyll's room helped him evolved into someone who is alone but not lonely. It might be scary for other but he was enjoying this change ; however something hasn't changed yet. He is still a third party. He is still the mister of the lady.
He was once again invited by the husband of the lady to have dinner with them. The husband is really fond of him because accordingly he is just like his younger brother ; that unfortunately passed away. The husband is fond of him but he was fond of his wife. Mrs. Dale is his mother's best of friend. She agreed at first to stay single for life until she met Mr. Dale. But I met her earlier than Mr. Dale, she is my godmother, my aunt and my first kiss. Mother never knew about this and she should never found out about it.
I don't know if I should blame the time and frequency of our contact on why I had fallen in love with her.
She laughed at me when I told her that I lime her, I was only 12 and she was 28 at that time. She told me I am still young so I waited for 4 years to pass. and finally told her that I even like her more now that I've grown up. She got angry when I told her and who wouldn't she is married now. But she couldn't do anything after I introduced myself to Mr. Dale.
From then on he invited me to have dinner with them every Sunday. As he said, it would be nice for a kid like me to spend some time with friends to avoid being lonely. Since I live in my apartment alone .And my parents are away from me, they decided to return to our province to take care of their inherited farm. Mr. and Mrs. Dale were the only family that I had in the city where I am living now.
As usual I arrived at their place in the exact time that I always do. The dinner was already prepared and we silently eat our dinner. We were already having our dessert when Mr. Dale cleared his throat, they looked at each other then happily annouced that they are having their first child. I was in shock but congratulated them; apparantly she is already 3 months pregnant. It means she was already pregnant when I asked for a kiss as my birthday gift. Im feeling a wave of guilt in my whole body.
Nyll left the house but did not really walked away. He was still standing outside pondering on what he should do next. Suddenly he rushed back in, Mr. Dale asked why he returned and he reasoned out that he forget something in the kitchen. He immediately ran into the kitchen because he knew Mrs. Dale is still there. She was surprised when she saw her and she stated her prepared speech for it seemed like that's what he came back for.
"I'm sorry Nyll, that is so wrong of me. I shouldn't had kissed you.But you know I just did that not to reciprocate your feeling but its because..... its because you asked for it. And as we promised that, that will be the end of it.I'm really sorry Nyll of ever I made you feel bad or unloved"
"No, no please don't be sorry for something that you just did for me. I should be thankful now that you woke me up with the reality that love at first sight never actually works", I said and stormed on my way out. I just hope Mr. Dale didn't see my almost broken face.
The words that she said continue to ring in my head. I should be grateful at least to be finally out of the cage of guilt. To be honest though, I dont know if she was my first love. I don't know if what I felt for her is love. I tried to reasoned out with myself on why I was attracted at her. I am trying to reason out why my heart aches right now and my tears are voluntarily jumping out from my eyes. Why am I feeling hurt right now.
Snow did not follow him inside the house because she can simply hear their converstaion even if she is outside. She heard their stories and their surprise announcement that the lady is pregnant. I heard how he let out a disappointed sigh So I thought it was over but he suddenly returned to the house. So I followed him this time, I marched right next to him. I wasn't in the mood to blow some air, I was only focused on the drama that's happening right now so I just blended with the present air in this house.
I appreciated the lady for the courage of speaking the truth. So basically; she just did that because she don't know how to say no to him, she spoiled him besides she is his godmother.
Yet I feel bad for Nyll also. He had been happy for the past week but he is suffering right now. The pain that he is bearing right now is painful for me to watch also. I mean, I experienced being heartbroken also but unlike his situation. I was broken because someone decided to leave me hanging and he is someone who don't know how to appreciate effort so yeah.... my pain is more painful. Lucky for him as a human being that he can actually express his pain by jumping or eating maybe or jumping...
Waahhhh !!!!! what the heck. He jumped out from the bridge. I hurriedly dove into the water before his body could reach the water. I am trying my best solidify my body so I could actually catch him but it's too late. He jumped from a very high place but he is falling too fast and he........ fell.
I shouted at him to swim back but to no avail. And of course !!! he will not swim if he is trying to kill himself. I spotted him and he was quickly and dangerously being washed out by the strong current. I had no choice, I step out from the water and prepared myself for a tough, draining situation. Before I could do my moves I made sure that there are no people around. It's pitch black now so I was not exactly worried but I still saw a couple so I just scared the shit out of them by screaming near their ears and immediately they ran away. I am now focused on my mission.
I tapped my hand in the water and they still didn't bother to move, they want the hard way so I brought out my force. I lifted my hand and still no movement , I lifted both of my hands and the water from that strong river rose. The river froze and was elevated but I still can't find him. I need to hurry because he might actually die due to the freezing air that I used. I blew an incredle air to clear a path that could lead me to him. Its not easy to find him because there are many substance floating around; after kicking and blowing fishes , plastics and shoes away;I finally found him. His eyes were closed so I carefully went near him and I my eyes caught a shining crystalline drop of water near his eyes. Maybe its his tears.
I ought to carry him since I was solidified now but my two hands are busy thus I enveloped him with my warm breath and I whistled a powerful melody until he was being carried away from the river . I successfully saved him, but what I did was really exhausting. I piggybacked him this time. As I was moving away, the tremendous amount of water fell down and a few passers by screamed in terror. I was sorry. I hoped no one saw me.
I can't just carry him to the hospital now I'm exhausted as well. I carried him to a place where people can see him. I layed him down on a clean spot, crawled next to him and transformed my breath into a warm one to keep him away from dying. I waited then waited until I felt my eyes began to get heavy then heavier. Then-