Gone With The Wind

My eyes started to open. I blinked once to clear my vision, I am trying to open them but I can't or maybe I just don't want to. I nudged a little bit and I felt a presence. I think I touched someone ,someone who is sleeping besides me. I am too weak to feel scared now, at least someone is with me. I moved to my side and wrap my arms around the presence and surely someone is here with me.

I don't know how many hours passed but I don't really care. I'm here to rest anyway. I came to figure out that I was hospitalized.I don't know how I got here but I'm just thankful for whoever saved me last night. When I was falling, I realised how stupid I am to take my life in this manner. I started to sob when I remembered it, I was not thinking about my parents who are working hard to give me life. I wasn't thinking about my teachers who gives me hope and my friends at school who makes me happy. My pillow is already wet with my tears then I suddenly felt the warm air again, the air that became my comforter. My hair is being tussled, he or she is patting my head. I cried even more whoever or whatever he or she felt a sympathy for me.

I had been sleeping for hours but I woke up because of the warm liquid that flowed near my head. I got up and saw him crying.He is in pain. I don't know how to get him feel better so I patted his head, he seemed to had clamed down after he felt my touch. He is now closing his eyes-

Shiiiiit!!! ,North is here. I opened the window curtain and saw a numerous

chariot marching towards us. A group of tornado is was behind them. At least the tornadoes were elevated, it could be dangerous to the people on the ground. North seriously used his chariot ,he was accompanied by a thousand soldiers to come here. Him riding in his chariot announces a state danger. He was wearing his flashy and magical-like suit. I mean why did he even bother to dress up, no one else can see him except Nyll and me. Him standing there with his hand on his pocket is very demanding but it got even more terriying when the windows shattered with just his breath. I rushed to cover Nyll from the broken glasses. North's eyes shot a wave of terror.

Nyll sat down and was already trembling. I'm certain he can also hear and feel the thunderous thumping of horse hooves and the freezing cold air that rushed to engulfed his room. I felt the freezing air suddenly attacking the room. Papers were flying, decoration were being thrown to everywhere ,the room is in total chaos. I can fight back but his wind is much more superior than mine. Nyll's room is freezing,the room is quickly being covered with ice. I know he likes the cold but what is happening right now is beyond his human body.

Nyll is in panic and feels very cold. I can even see the shadow of his breath. I faced him and waited for his other batch of breath to complete my face. I glanced at North with murderous look but he reply with the unfazed loom on his face . His stare made the room even more colder that caused the lights flickered and die. Nyll's exhalation completed the dorm of my face. I am now facing him but he can't really see me because of the darkness. He gazed directly at my eyes. I cupped his face qith my warm hands and whispered " I'll be back".

He smiled and nodded, I smiled back at him when I suddenly started to feel my body in a pause motion. North friggin froze me, Nyll waved his hand trying to reach for my hand but I was immediately scooped by the wind commanded by North. I can hear people's voices now trying to open the room.

We were already gone by the time a help came for Nyll.

His hell-like entrance to his mansion naturally called off the supposed meeting for today. His officials quietly picked their stuffs and they were gone with the wind within a second.

"You choose to disobey me when I certainly reminded you to attend the meeting" he roared and my hair almost gave up on clinging to my scalp.

" Don't you think it's too unfair for you to get angry at me for a second of tardiness? You're over using your power on me. I am not even late today, you just stormed while im at my work."

I shouted back , and with a small voice " Its just to unfair for me to be treated by you this way because of time but to be real you never lend a time for me before"

North bowed his head to calm down for a bit so i thought the qave of guilt is finally enteeung hus nerves but when he raised his head, his eyes sparked another horror

" But how come you can hug and sleep with your person but you never even visited me here voluntarily" he scowled.

But to be honest who would want to visit a place that has a lot of painful memory right?

" So the anger you're showing now has really no connection with the meeting. That's so stupid of you"

He was breathing hard then scowled back, "No!!! its so stupid of you to save a human and to disobey my rules. At the same time yes!!! my anger has nothing to do with the meeting today but with the action that you did today,you slept with a human today... how could you" he said with an accusing stare.

"So if this is about me sleeping and hugging a human then let's go and sleep at your graaaaaand bed while hugging. " I declared without giving a second thought. I just want to get over this and leave this place. He is in shock but I want to surprise him even more so I dragged him into his room. His room is quite the opposite of him, it was calm,bright and actually warm. I pushed the huge, heavy wooden door and locked it. I, then pushed him into his bed and made sure he lied down before then I crawled and lay down next to him . I rolled on my side to face him then I tightly hugged him with all my might if this is what he wants.

I looked at him and his eyes were still wide open.

"aren't you going to sleep " I asked with annoyed voice and watch him as he slowly closed his eyes.We were both facing each other, feeling each other's breath. I told him to sleep while I really can't sleep now, I've been sleeping the whole day . I only woke up when he dicided to pick me up with his chariot a while ago.

Snow had been staring at the nothingness. She wants to get away now but she can't because North wrapped his arms around her. She can't even move her legs because he locked it also with his legs. The warm air coming from North reminded Snow about Nyll. She hopes he is okay now.

It must had been really hard for Nyll that's why he even thought of ending his life . She stared at North, he has such a warm face but this sheepish face is the one who drove her to almost kill herself . She did the exact thing that Nyll did, she allowed herself to fall from a cliff but unfortunately for an air lime her, they can't actually die. They only die if people around the earth dicides to not breath anymore. Human's breath not only helps them to have an appearance . Their breaths are being recycled so that airs can inhale them then they will exhale it to produce air.

But there are more powerful air like North, they don't live by human's breath. They were simply created to be an air. North is the one who brings the coldest air in the earth. And he is living by his name. And I cannot blame his parents for raising him like this because he really doesn't have parents to accept the blame.

We don't have parents we were just created when the Creator created the world. But that doesn't mean I'm old, the older airs passed their last breath until we can finally co-exist with humans.

Since he is cool as his cold nature. I don't understand know why he broke his image by sending me letters and by obeying me in changing his mode of transportation. I don't want to assume that he is doing all of this because he came to realise that he love me now .I don't want that kind of scheme, it's to flat for me. I remember the time when he always calls off of our date or dumps everything that I effortly made for him. He alway leaves me because he doesn't want me to meddle with his life.

‎What's worst is when he left me hanging, I was standing alone at the altar on my wedding day.

I know at our first meeting that he will be my first love. And that's what I felt at that moment because I was a child and naive. but our first meeting is a joke to him, it is stupid move for a powerful wind like him. He was at the peak of maturity at that time. When I noticed that he doesn't like our set up I tried my best to please him. It's not my fault that we were choosen to be married. It was an arranged marriage. I didn't get to choose either but I chose to stay with him. But why should I stay either when he already left.

Then after two years ,he suddenly started to act humanely in front of me. I closed my heart for him. If he is doing all the nice things for me now then that is not love it just simply paying back.