A Room of Air

I remember what happened but all of it seemed like a dream. The hospital staffs were also wondering what happened but they came to a conclusion that it was just another natural phenomenon after watching the news that was showed early in the morning. They were apologetic that the nature chose to mess with my room. That is a total shit but it's the only way to make the issue stop.

They want to make it up with me by transferring me into the special room but I assured them that I'm fine, the room that I would be using is more useful for someone. I was at the entrance of the hospital and was surprised that someone is going to pick me up. Mr. Dale is smiling widely at me and it made my feel better.

He accompanied me until I was at my apartment's front door and I would be a total loser if I won't invite him for a coffee.

The room is quite different today. I guess my air comforter is on leave today. I can't get a glimpse of his or her presence there is no more air that used to hang out with me. Mr. Dale also noticed that my aircon is not turned on, he looked at me seeking for explanation.

"Well I guess my body started to adopt with the normal one" I said because this is even better than the cold death-like that I experienced at the hospital. I busied myself in somewhat finding out what to prepare for him. I just came up with a coffee and a pancake cause it's the only thing that my ability can do. We talked about life matters until the matter of my life is on the talk. I held my tears after he counciled me about the the importance of my life and the life of people surrounding me. He did not ask me about the reason why I almost ended my life.

Then we came to the comforting phase, I was able to smile after his encouraging words. He looked at his empty mug and looked at me right into my soul-

" .....I know that it's painful for you to let go of your fixed image of love at first sight.... My wife told me that you like her, and I trusted my wife that's why I allowed her to meet with you.We talked about everything" he calmly said.

I was shocked to know that they talked about it so , " aren't you angry I kissed your wife? " ,I asked.

" Well.... I did get angry but not to the verge of jealousy. "

"I'm sorry for that because I asked her to do it. But to be sure I'm not sorry that I've fallen in love with her, I'm not sorry that she was my love at first sight"

"Hmmmm, you know. I haven't fallen in love with her at our first meeting and same with her. We never even thought that we could go along but that's what caused our love to blossom. We were never each other's love at first sight but we were now each other's last. We worked out together for us to make each other's first, we enjoyed activities that were our first try. "

That long monologue that he uttered opened my other side of heart.I tried to hold my tears but I'm glad they fell because I felt the pain moved out from my whole being. Mr. Dale offered a hug and I welcomed it because he will do it anyway even if I'll decline it.

I was in my bed that night thinking about the extra ordinary things that happened today. I thought of calling my parents today but I gave up on the idea after checking the time. Mr. Dale told me that he won't tell my parents about my action but he advised me to call them. I stood up and opened my curtain . The stars were twinkling and the moon is just accompanying me for tonight. I did not dare to open my window because I don't know what will happen if I will. An angry gust of wind might attack me again.

After staring into nothingness, I went to boil a water. A cup of milk might make me fall asleep faster. My body needs to take a rest so that I could go to school tomorrow. My one day absent from school is enough for my emotional state.

The whistle sound from the kettle warned me so I hurried to turn it off. I poured the hot water and made my cup of medicine for sleep. I brought my milk to the living room and allowed the milk's steam to creep into the window's glass. The steam created a white paper- like so I tried to have fun by writing my name into it. I did it several tumes until my cup of milk can no longer produce a steam. I was not yet satisfied so I breathed near the glass. I wanted to write a longer phrase so I widened the coverage area. I was about to write now when I started to see something. There is someone outside my window . I stepped backward because im scared certainly;because I'm living on the last floor of the building. Me stepping backward became useful when I finally saw the complete figure.

A girl was staring right at me. The girl has a very long hair, I think her hair is even beyond her ankle. She was wearing a long blue dress that draped until her tibia. Her clothes were a lot like Elsa from the movie Frozen. It has the sparkly feature and the cold image that makes you shiver upon looking it. I stepped closer now to take a good look at her face and everything started to make sense, not all of the events but some of it. I came to recognized her face and if I remember it correctly, she was the face that I punched in the bathroom. That means I actually hit a being, I'm so glad and is proud to say that I'm not imagining.

While I was still talking to myself she came closer to the window where I was standing. I was eager to see what will happen now but her image disappeared. I looked around but I can't see her anymore I checked the steam that I created was no longer there, it dried up. So I hastily blew hard on the window to recover her image. I don't know if the steam and her disappearance have connection to each other but I did it anyway. I completed a wide white steam then looked for her but I can't. Maybe she went away now.

I closed my eyes and leaned my forehead on the glass because to be honest I was disappointed. Disappointment did not last any longer when-

I opened my eyes because of the knocking sound from outside the window .I saw her once again and she seemed to be blowing because I can see the motion of her mouth. While she was still doing the blowing thing , I started to feel the entrance of warm air filling in my room. I smiled at her and mouthed thank you.

I was not able to recover her image immediately but I'm starting to sweat. I know I can't feel the heat or cold unless it is 100% . I don't feel super hot but my body is reacting to it. My whole body is sweating, I can fell the warm water falling like a waterfall from my head. My clothes started to be soaked in sweat. My room seems like a sauna. Then I finally saw her once again and she is laughing hysterically. She is flying gleefully and is laughing at me.

She is teasing me.

After allowing her to laugh at me; I opened the window. She looked at me like a child and quietly came inside. I don't know when she entered but I felt it through the change of the room's temperature. The steam is gone. I guess it was back to normal now.

" Hello? " I asked because I want to have a proper conversation now. I always thought I can hear and see a ghost. I even thought of moving out from my apartment because it might be haunted.

" Hello", she echoed. I only got to hear her voice properly now. All I heard before were whispers and that always scares thw shit out of me.

" Where are you? " , I asked

" I'm right beside you" she said and I felt a cold air passed through my face

" How close are you? "


"Can you please appear now. I can't talk to an air right now? " I declared

"But you are talking to an air, I'm an air" ,she answered

"So what did I saw outside then, is that you custome? "

"That's me, I'm not wearing a custome" she said that implied she's upset.

I noticed that she got upset so I tried to bring peace again " I'm sorry but I really can't talk with you if I cant see you. My neighbors would think I lost some braincells. "

She was silent for a moment then " You can do your breathing again, if you want. And you might only see my face; unless you can produce a long and continues breath"

" I don't know if I can do it but let's try", I said

I inhaled deeply and blew a long breath. And her face appeared right into my face. I felt my face reddening because I can actually count her moles due to the very intimate space that we are in.

"Is this okay for you now ? " , she asked excitedly.

" It's okay but I don't know how long can I handle a floating face talking to me"

" Okay, okay then.... do you have a very light and smooth cloth?

"I think I have one but its not smooth? does it need to be smooth? ", I grumbly asked

" Yes of course it has to be light so that I can move freely and it has to be smooth for me to feel comfortable", she declared confidently. So my friend who is an air is quite choosy also. I went to search and found a white veil.

" I can't find a light and smooth cloth but can this work" I asked and showed the white veil.

" That's more like it " she said so I just layed it down in the sofa because I don't want to feel scared if she will suddenly grab it.

" That's not soft though" ,I stated.

"That's okay this can be used" ,she said and she was probably checking it now because I can see how the veil is being lifted and streched and folded. " why do you have a veil like this " she added.

" I am using it as a mosquito net" . While I was looking for a cloth. I saw the veil that I am using as a mosquito net. I think I used it in my poject before. I bought more than a yard but it turned out I only needed a small size.

She was suddenly silent again maybe she hated the fact that it was also dusty and was used as a mosquito net. The veil is being spread in the air and it neatly landed on her. I human figure was now outlined thought the veil. She was approaching me because I can see the veil flying towards me. I thought this is a better idea but it was the worst idea ever.

" How about now? ", she asked

I want to be the nice kid but I really can't. The white veil made it even more scarier. I felt like I'm watching a live horror movie wherein the bride is the ghost.

" You look like a ghost, I'm even more scared " I blurted out. I thought she would get angry but it seemed like she finally realized it too.

" Yeah right... I look like the common bride that died and would like to haunt for revenge... eeehhhh.This is scaring me" she said and i felt the swift cold air that passed me.

I didn't know that air are scared to ghost also. After she said that, she dropped the veil and went away . I don't know where because I can't see her . The sound from my bedroom announced her presence there so I followed. And I could see a human figure underneath the blanket. I was just so amazed to see that she acts like a human, she hid under the blanket after she got scared.