
"Hey you should stop harassing me now, there's a spare room if you want to sleep". Said Nyll and nudged her to make sure she heard what he said.

"Harass? " Snow asked and pulled down the blanket until her chest. Nyll saw the blanket was lowered, he then stared at the open area where he imagined Snow's head was positioned. He hopes he was really looking at her, becauae he was not only trying to look ,he wants her to understand.

"But you never complained when I slept with you for several times? ", added Snow with a splash of innocent tone.

"Well that's because I didn't know you are a she air and how would I know air have genders... I dont even know if you are a a child she air or an old she air"

"...but will you be sleeping with me if I am a he air?

"No, I won't."

"But do you believe now that we exists? "

"I don't know by what you mean 'we' all I know for is now is you do exists because I saw your .....face... "

" So your just like Psyche"

Nyll had been answering her without giving a thought but his mind somewhat lagged when he heard the name Psyche. He is challenging his memory to scan or remember where he might had read or heard it ;after a while his mind started to paint a book-

"Haven't you read the famous story of Cupid and Psyche? You humans are crazy about the day of the hearts of the day of valentines but you don't know Psyche?, Snow interrupted after Nyll left a long pause.

Then ting!!! he found out where he had seen it. He read the story of Cupid and Psyche when he was at the library. So of course he read it he muttered to himself but he was sure that he only read part of it; he never finished the story.

"Well I read Psyche is the girl right? ". He can't believe himself that he just asked ;but to divert the question from questioning whether he read it or not Nyll went back in asking-

"What do you mean I.... am.... like.... Psyche?"

"You desperately needed proof to believe in someone even if you knew they were there. You just want to see to believe . But good for you, my person , you are amizingly not-so-understandable. You believe there are ghost even if you can't see them but you shiver,yell or ran when your eyes could suddenly see a ghost."

Her monologue made me understand myself even more. Wow, I'm proud to know that I can now hear words from the kind of being that I categorized as non-existent who were fortunately existing even before I came to exist.

"....going back to our very first talk, can you move to your new room now?

"I like it here,why don't you go by yourself to your spare room".

I raised an eyebrow and dropped a jaw after hearing what she said. I can't even see her now so I could drag her out of my room. She may had been staying and comforting me but my bed is my part of comfort also. I can't still feel a wind moving... nothing... she really will not move. She is more stubborn than me.... urggggg!!!. I was already at the door hoping she would change her mind. Im already closing the door -

"Hey I'm just kidding, I was trying to see how long can my stubbornness seep through you"

Ha ha, she was kidding and I'm kidding myself also for even trying to leave my own room to an air.

She is closing the door when I asked her name. Come to think of it, I had been just calling her an air. She might have a name, she have to.

"Snow, my name is Snow" ,she said in a snow like voice.I don't know if she is trying to empress me because she literally spelled her name in the air using a real snow. My room is already wet by the time she left.

Snow and I slept together the whole night of that fateful night when I picked her up from her person's room. She was angry of course, but thanks to her anger I managed to be with her during that night. I had always been alone so her presence in my room created another kind of air. An air full of her wrath and busy mind. She can't really sleep and so do I. I only kept my eyes close in order to make her feel at ease. I tried just closing my eyes until I peacefully slept in her arms. I was sleep but my body is still in programmed not to let her go, my arms and legs locked her up.

I was the first one to wake up in the morning. For the first time ,I've got to see her face. She grew up well, she was still a child and I first saw her. She was in her teen years when we were arranged to be betrothed. I insisted because not only is she is a child but also I'm not into marriage. I was still in the prime of my youth when that happened so I was arrogant, I know I'm still arrogant until now, I'm just lesser arrogant now. I'm still young in mind during that time so I just kept her at the mansion while I travelled all around the earth. From north to south and when I want to make my life exciting. I will carry my coldest wind to different places that never had that kind of wind or skip the schedule of where I should start blowing air. I even arrive earlier or late at places that it's on the list. That's how bastard I was. Snow was always left at the mansion but she never complained. The maids and guards and all the air present in the mansion likes her. She is a likable being but not for me at that time. I still can't understand my heart, my feeling, my emotion and what I want to do with her so I let her be where she is.

I still can't see how special she is for the elders to chose her as my bride. They themselves told me that she doesn't hold any apecial power or ability so why did they chose her then. I don't hate her but I just can't see how I could live with her as my wife.

Crazy ideas came to me just before the night of our wedding. I planned not to attend. So I didn't, I happily did a day vacation. I was light footed when I returned at the mansion thinking that they airs had went home already after finding out that the groom has no intention to appear. The garden mansion was quiet which is the venue of the wedding. They surely went home.

I opened the door and easily made my way to my room. My room was filled with light. I checked and the light was coming outside. I rushed to peek at my window and to my horror. She is still there, holding her bouquet . The ice flower might had looked beautiful last morning but they had wilted and melted now only leaving a bunch of ice on her hands. Her white wedding gown made her elegant and lady-like. I recognized that dress ,they said it was the only one created by the owner using her tears.The owner froze her tears and organized it into a fabolous gown. Her tears that made up the dress, as they said were sweet because she always have tears of joy during the process. But accordingly , there is a single bead from the dress that is still tasteless because she wants the owner to fill it with her own tears. That dress was given to her as the gift by the elder who passed her last breath to her.

I was at the window of the mansion but I can still see her long locks of hair. Her long black and shiny air was displayed alongside her veil. The flowers that could had been showered by the flower girls were scattered in the whole place.

I felt guilt and embarassment soaking my whole being. I want to go out and apologize to her but how, she can't simply say okay and forgive me immediately. I waited for hours before I went out. The whole mansion is empty. No soul of air can be seen. I checked the maid's room, the guard's post and the meeting room but no one is here, no one is here to remind me how unkindly am I.

The guests and officiator were also there they had been patiently waiting for me. The time reached at exactly seven when she marched down the aisle ,dumped her bouquet and thanked everyone before she disappeared into the air. The guests and everyone who were at that failed wedding waited for her to disappear before they stood up and disappeared.

They were not waiting for me, they were simply waiting with her and for her.