Change Of Air

I just have to wait for hours before she would come back here. She won't voluntarily come here to accompany me so I did what I can do make her to stay here longer with me.I had kept her two assistants as my hostages. They had been with here long enough so I had the chance to make them talk about Snow. After hours of interrogating them I came to know that she is fond of her person. I am angry and confuse why they came to that level of closeness.

And this is someone's fault, my one worker who is supposed to look after Nyll gave his work to Kzy's company. Kzy and her group are considered as freelancer of air breather. They take jobs that were given up by official workers. Apparently this guy, Nyll has some body condition and Snow's power have the right amount to make him feel normal again.

Keeping up with Nyll's life is a lot comfortable now that we knew each other. I miss my home but Im happy for I can finally go home since its friday night.

"I won't be here tomorrow and the following day so ,bye"

"Why? I thought you should be with me everytime and everywhere? " he said while playing on his phone.

"Well ,cause it's my day off and you can still breath even if I'm not here, your body has now adopted to normal state", I answered then-

"And another thing don't try to blow some steam just to prove that there's someone. You might die of being scared... you know, not every air is as beautiful as me. "

He smiled and assured me that he wouldn't do it. I stored a huge amount for him anyway that can fill his room or follow him everywhere.

So I quickly said my goodbye and flew away. I am flying while humming with the group of birds flying with me. I got to admire the lights produced by the human's building; they are scenamatic, the lights looks like the stars except the're on land.

When I arrived, I was shoketh until my bones. I can't see my house, my house is not here and nowhere to be seen. How can a house simply disappear, humans can't see it so they couldn't possibly had destroyed it, they can't even reach it to be specific; my house is elevated. I am panicking, and my panic even became real when I received a call from North. With his call I knew he had something to do with it

"Where the fudge is my house!!! "

"Come to my place if you want to know"

"Why? "

"Come here if you don't want your two assistants to melt and die"

He was so sure of himself now he had the guts to capture my friends as hostages.

"I'm lazy to go there" , I grumpily said.

"I've sent my car to pick you up" he assured me.

I was picked up by a fancy car he's just showing me how fabolous he is ,is he . It's not even a car, it's a parade of cars. He's a show off. I looked around when the car stopped for our arrival.

The mansion is very bright today, other beings could be mistaken in thinking that it's still morning because his house is as bright as the morning, who is his decorator now who thought of this idea?

I was ushered to the dining room or to his party room to be specific. He has a bar area, buffet table and different table for each country's specialty. And there he is as fancy as he can be, sitting on his throne at the end of the long table. I sat at the end of the table opposite to him. I think he should hire another employee as his spokesperson during his every meal if he wants to say something from someone like me in this position. The table is long.

I sat for a second but he ordered me to stand up again. I stood and followed him. He led me in a cute space. A rounded ,well decorated table caught my attention because it was displayed near his gigantic window.The window showcased the nice fluffy, snowy clouds. That was nice of him. He sat down so I copied him. I started my train of thoughts of what I'll say to him and reloaded my mouth machine to produce my thoughts into words.

"Where's my house? " I asked quickly

"You're here in your house"

"Where's my real house? " I yelled

" The authorities destryoed it"

"What authority, I don't even belong in any organization for me to be acquinted with authorities"

"You built a house illegally inside the human's reserved forest so it had to be destroyed" he simply said and sipped on his whatever cup of drink.

"My house is not even standing on the human's area, it was built above it"

"Still you illegally built a house..."

"Who said it was built illegally? "



"So you have to live here in this house with me from..... now on"

"Its not even a house, its a mansion and it's not a home"

I know by what she meant home. She wants to live with people whom she considers as her family. We never had family,we never had parents but I want to be one , with her. I don't know how long can I make her happy just being with me. I don't know.

He wants me to live with him here in his mansion but I don't know how long my stubborness and pain can go along with his plan. Yes, I stayed here before but that was when I was in love, so much in love with him. And to live with him now that I don't feel like staying and when maturity struck me is maybe a no as an answer. I don't know if love at first time will be sweeter the second time around.

"Eat" he ordered so I did eat some but my stomach was only being filled with air cause I don't feel comfortable.

"Where will be my room then? "

"You don't have a room"

"Then why did you even said that I will live here if I don't have my own room"

"You don't have your own room because my room will be your room. We will stay in the same room"

"What? No!!! "

His eyes can't talk but they can send warnings. His eyes are melting and freezing me at the same time. I don't know if his gaze is scary or actually cool. so I tried to talk but-

"You don't want to be in a room with me but you willingly entered in that man's room even in his bathroom" he shouted, he is an expert in yelling at people or being like me.

I thought I froze but I did really froze. He did it again. He perfected the timing so I paused when my eyes were closed. He scooped me I can feel it, to bad I can't see his beautiful face as he carries me from his dreamy arms. But this is shit.

My eyes were still closed , when I opened my eyes.

My lower lip is being preciously kissed. It was a soft romantic kiss but I don't want to enjoy this horrific fantasy so I pulled back. I don't want this but he wants it and I only triggered him.

In a snap , I was thrown into his bed and in a second his body was in top of me. My wrists were wrapped perfectly by his hands. I just hope I am in pause mode now so that I can have a legit reason on why iy can't fight back. He was much stronger than me I ceant even flinch. I was just there laying down hoping that my stillness could calm him down. His kisses are now gentle, his lips landed on my jaw. He stopped ,looked at me as if trying to ask for permission. I gazed at him maybe in a loving way so his sudden kiss in my neck startled me. He slowly let go of my hand but left a lingering kiss on my lips and I eventually reached for it. That last kiss was so emotional for me, I don't know why I felt that way. That's insane. However his last kiss that I lingered on, is much more to him. Before he left me alone a small capsule of his emotion dropped near my mouth. He teared up. North left me without looking back and locked the door behind him.

I sat down and a crazy thought came in my mimd. It must be a crazy idea but I immediately swiped my fingers to scoop the tear while it hasn't dried up yet . His tear that landed near my mouth is important today. I quickly put it in my mouth. His tear tastes bitter. I was laughable with what I just did, I can't figure out where I read or watched the idea that a person's taste of tear reflects his emotion. My laughter ceased because what if it's really true?, it might be true because it seemed like his whole life is like a predicted sad story. But without a sarcasm, what made him teared up and why is he sad?