Chance versus Choice

I left the room and locked her there. It's just to keep her from getting away. I sighed when I was finally away from my room. I kept walking until I reached the garden. This is where she stood, this is where she might had cried while waiting for me. And here I am looking back on what I should had done. I should've had left here here. My tears has dried up now but I still remember that tingling feeling that I felt when she reacted on my kiss. I was being violent to her, I am forcing her to do what she doesn't want but how come our interaction ended into a romantic one. Maybe my tears rolled down because I felt relieved or it's because I'm sad on how our lives turned around. I'm sad that I had to force her when she could had done it voluntarily if I married here, said my vows here and kept her loving me.

I had been spending time with her so I don't know what to do now, now that I'm alone. While thinking about her, I decided to finish reading the story of Cupid and Psyche. How amazing love can do but how painful love can give. Imagine Cupid went against his own mother because he self injured himself with his own arrow after laying eyes on Psyche. And Psyche did whatever she could to show how much she loves her husband, she was willing to go to the underworld and had to face Cerberus,she became her mother-in-law's servant. But the important message of Cupid to everyone who read their story or who believes in Valentines should trust each other for love to live in a relationship.

With all the thoughts running in my mind, I thought of mine. Was Mrs. Dale really my love at first sight or I was just attracted because she was always there for me. Is love at first sight worthy when love is based on sight,attractive body and gorgeous face?

Will love at first sight be valid when a person loved another only after the second meeting?

Or will there be really love at first sight? will it not be like at first sight? can a person fall in love at first glance?

Can I love someone even if I'll can't see her?

It's boring to stay in my room in these empty apartment so I went out. I spent my time not boring myself. I went to movies, eat alone and played basketball with my neighbors. Snow said tht she won't be here with me but I feel her kind of air.

I hope she's okay, I really hope she was spending her day off right. I had seen the guy's face who picked her up, with his batallion of soldier and his magical outfit and powerful tornadoes sorrounding him. What can be their relationship? I sort of kind a got the vibe that they have a relationship but not in good terms. I don't want to feel like a third wheel once again but I'm not. I want a friend but I don't know if she considers me as one.

I don't want to spend my Sunday doing nothing so I went home and rode the last trip. I should go home now to talk to my parents. I almost forgot to talk to them about my crazy act because Snow had been making me feel normal for the past few weeks.

I arrived in our province when it's already morning. I called my mother before coming here so a fresh morning food was prepared in the table. She was happy to see me and I'm relieved when she never asked why I went home. My father woke up a little late and he just pat my back to greet me while I was having my breakfast. I observed that my father walks slowly now, he is getting older.

I was not used to attending service but I had to; when I'm with my parents. They discussed this matter to me but I just told them that; I will soon. They even told me they were disappointed because I used to love going to church, I was an active member as a child.

We arrived at our home now after the service and this seemed to be the right time since we were still fresh from the church. So I started with-

"I came home because I want to admit something "

They got the message seriously and immediately so my parents sat in the table facing me.

"I....tried to take my life . And I liked Ms. Dale when I was still 12 years old so when they broke the news to me that she is finally pregnant. I was hurt so I jumped from the bridge "

My mother broke down in tears and my father gave me a comforting hug. I told my parents not to mention anything if ever they had the chance to meet Mr. and Mrs. Dale. Because it might make our relationship awkaward. I want time to heal the pain and erase the past in our minds. I shared my darkest moment to my parents not to scare them but to show that I survived through it.

We had an open discussion and my parents gave me some pieces of advice. They comforted me and asked me to call them immediately if ever I feel sad, or lonely or met someone, someone that can make my heart thump like an elephant's footstep. We had our lunch together before they accompanied me in the bus terminal. They waved goodbye and I blew them an air kiss.

I was able to check on Nyll because North's mansion has a connection that can load my air phone. He went to his parent's house and told them everything. Good thing he did that because it might turn into more chaotic if his parents would learn it from other people. I had nothing else to do aside from watching so I lay down and and sit since North decided to lock me up in his room. A maid entered to invite me for lunch, at least they thought of feeding me. When I arrived in the kitchen, my mood lightened up when I saw Ice and Icy. They rushed to give me a hug and their hug warmed me but someone's stare is suffocating us. I took no notice of it until I sat down. North was following my every move with his eyes .He sat on his mighty throne at the end of his very long table while the three of us sat beside each other. We talked and talked and laughed loudly as we can, we can hear our sounds echoing in the the mansion. Then we checked him, he was laughing along with us.His laugh is like a tiny mouse trying to escape from the trap. He was trying hard to hold back his laughter.

"Can you just come over here and laugh with, don't try to act cool by holding back your laughter, as if it's a crime to laugh" ,I yelled because that's how it should be done ,for him to hear it. But I said it just to tease him so I was scared for a second when he really came. In a wink of an eye, he was there in front of us calmy eating his food.

But he did not even utter a word and we just can't continue our stories because be is there, we can't tell our stories about him. We finished our lunch earlier than we thought. North gave me space to chat with my friends.

"When will your job be finished anyway? you already did your part, he was back to normal",mentioned Ice

"And I think you ahould really stop because you will only be suffering if you become too close with your human", added Icy. "If you continue to accompany him, North will probably do something bad to him or maybe even you"

"He already did the worst thing to me" I answered

"But what if he will lock you here forever ?" asked Icy that made real sense. What if he will lock me here, but what for he hates me.

Icy and Ice told me that North asked information about me.

I had been with Snow for more than years . And she was the one who gave me the name Ice. She has been my sister and we communicate well so I know she is happy in her work now. She and her person are getting along well ,so well that it angers North. But why should he get angry?, it's because he is jealous. He is doing everything in his power to bring back the old Snow, the Snow who used to adores him but how can he? He is the one who killed the ever loving Snow.

I wonder what changed North to pursue Snow now ,when he was the one who drove her so much to the limit that's why Snow almost killed herself.Snow is my sister and my boss who called me Icy because I never had a name until she called me Icy. She had grown up now so she really isn't into North now. She was more comfortable with her person. She even allowed Nyll to take a look at her, he was the only person she had opened up to. Snow is happy and free when she is with Nyll while she still tries to avoid North. That's how she was coping with North's attitude, she was playing with his heart if ever North is in love with her today.