What Is?

What really happened?

What happened in the past is always a reminder or alarm set for the present.

Snow returned to her daily job .She left North without asking permission but just telling him that she will return to her work. Because for now, she wants to get away from North in order for her to realize her true feelings and intentions on why she is willingly going along with North's demand when she can actually decline because she was no longer part of him. But why? she wants to know the reason why he abandoned her. It dawned to her that he was a cold being just like his name but that's a shallow reason to leave someone in the altar on the wedding day. It just hurts that he can reject but she can't. He can say no but she can't, he can leave but she can't. She don't have the power to reject because she was chosen to be the bride, she was chosen by more powerful beings. Snow can't say no because she wants to be the ideal lady, she wants to hear a yes from North. She can't leave before because she was a fiancee, and she should always wait like a good girl for his fiance and still she can't leave now because he won't let her leave him, she can't because he wants to be part of him now.

Staying with Nyll makes her happy because they can talk like friends, no pressure coming from both of them. They never want to try going beyond their outlined boundary . But what could be the boundary between a seen human being and an unseen being.

" Snow, what were you like when you were younger? " ,Nyll asked while they were walking towards school.

" I had shorter hair and I don't look like I am today" , she replied

"So when did you start working as an air breather? "

"Since I was alive"

"So you never really had a childhood? "

"I don't know " I answered because thinking about it, I don't really know if all I did in my entire life is to work. I goof around humans and play in their house but I was still in work during that time.

" So you never played as a child? " he asked with concern.

"I think so, no. I did not play in the playgrounds, I didn't watch movies that entertains me. I didn't even go to school,gosh. I never tried to be young". I complained and he just laughed at me.

"If you want to feel specially young again, why don't we try a piggyback. I'll carry you"

"I've already done thay several times with you"

"Really? so, you were the one who was always breathing near my neck? "

"Yeah... pretty much so"

"What do you want to do then"

"Learn with you at school"

I don't know if it's a good idea but I want to try it. I have no desk in their classroom so I peek behind his back to read with his books. I even whispers my answer to him but I never got anything correct and he was annoyed by it. Nyll somewhat was frustrated and he wasn't able to control it until the whole class noticed him.

"Hey what's wrong with you earlier in our class, you kept talking and getting angry with your own self?" his seatmate asked after their class and I was just their staring at both of them.

"Sorry it's just that someone just keeps whispereing to me" he said while smiling.

"Be careful dude, cause you might had been hunted. You know, maybe someone from the other world is calling you", his other classmate interjected.

"I really can't hear the words she had been saying but-"

"You can hear a woman's voice ...I'm telling you dude, women ghosts are the worst of all, they scream, especially if they died a horrific death" said by his other classmate.

"wyhat is she saying? "

" Uhmmm, I heard her saying her answer but she screamed when she got the wrong answer" he said. He is making stories now.

"Maybe she died because she was stupid then", his other classmates concluded after they believed his story. I want to strangle him but I can't because I had to solidify myself in order to do that. So I blew a freezing air in their area where they gathered to tell their hypothesis, until they scampered away. Nyll was left alone trying to calm them down but they can't.

He went to the library now, so I thought that this is a nice place to play. I feel young playing this game. Students were quitly reading but I want to read to so I borrowed their book except that they can't see me. They only see a book levitating and the pages were turning by themselves. Students were screaming loudly now and I hate it so I dropped it. I dropped all the books that I levitated using my air power. Nyll was there and he just wants to avoid this chaos by pretending he was scared also.

Lucky for him, I get bored immediately so I stopped scaring people. And just tried to focus on listening on the lectures they were having. We went home together and he asked me again and again on what I want to do. But he took it back and suggested we should talk, we should talk about ourselves because he thinks we were still stranger. I read his life story and even witnessed it so I already know his life.

"I already know you" ,I said

"But I still don't know you yet, I want to know more about you " he said and it made my heart flutter.

We arrived at his apartment, he finished his works then sat down on his sofa. I sat next to him.

"I know you know about me but I don't know you yet, all I know is you're my air breather and your name is Snow.. " , he said looking really curious. I don't want to, but this serious talk is making me feel like human.

"As you know, my name is Snow. I don't have a last name because I don't have any parents. That's how we are, we don't have parents."

"And? , come on... just go to your exciting part of your life", Nyll complained

"I was about to get married but the groom never arrived " I replied

"sorrty that was.... "

"But I understand him now, you can't marry someone you don't love. Our marriage was an arranged one, the elders chose me to be his bride but he can't accept it because maybe I am not special as he had imagined. I'm not strong as he is and.... one of his favorite reason is because I'm too young for him"

"How old are you anyway? "

"I don't know, also we don't count years like how humans do. We count it through breaths, you don't really know when you have to pass your breath to another air. "

"So we don't know if you are older or younger than me?"

"yeyah, maybe I don't know ....."

"So what did you do when he never arrived? "

"He actually came, he arrived"

So Snow knew that I came home that night. She knew I was in my room but she never shouted at my name but she just went away. But I never followed her also that night. I checked her room the next day but she was nowhere to be seen. I don't want to violate her privacy but I can still because I am her current fiance. I sent spies to watch her and I was immediately summoned when they reported that she was trying to kill herself. She jumped into the cliff. I went to check on her and dismissed the spies. I watched her carefully and quietly and she jumped several times into the cliff but sorry for her, we really can't die. She was reported as someone who wants to take her own life but we can't even die; but she can if she will be able to convince death. Or death will take pity of her. Because in reality we've never seen death because no one wants to do . Thus I was heartbroken and felt guilt because she wanted to kill her ownself because of what I did. At that time I pity her but not today. I want to love her today. It may sound cheap to hear that I want to be with her because I pity her but love doesn't only rely on the word love itself. You pity someone but you still want to love them because that's how it should be. I pity her but still wants to love her because she'd seen the worst in me ,she'd done her efforts to be with me but failed. I pity her because she loved a pitiful being like me. And that's why I should still love her.