Another Story To Tell

"He arrived? and what happened",Nyll asked to urge me from talking.

I looked at him to convey my declination but he won't back out so-

"I saw him but I left and I jumped into the cliff, I tried killing myself for several times", I timidly said, "that's why I saved you when you jumped into the bridge because I know nothing good will happen. You could had died that night and your parent's heart could had died that night also. At east for me, no one would mourn for me",I added.

"But you can't die right? "

"Yeah, we can't die unless death will took pity on us or we convinced death to take us"

"But..... Snow I'm really thankful you are here with me. I never had a best friend "

"But.... you have many friends at school?"

"Yeah, I have many friends but I don't have a best friend like anybody else."

"I can be your best friend!!!! " she excitedly said so I was delighted. But her story is taunting me so I want to hear all of it.

"So what happened next? "

"What happened to what?"

"What hapened after you ....what happened after you tried killing yourself?"

"I tried living back to normal, I removed myself from the organization and started living by myself until I found my two friends."

"That's it? "

"Yes, that's it.. "

"But how are you? "

"I'm fine.. why are you sudden.... "

"How's your heart? "

"Im, my heart ....I'm still broken, I don't hate him but I hated what he did to me and I'm starting to hate him!!! all over agin when he is trying SO HARD TO MAKE ME FEEL LIKE I SHOULD GO BACK, HE IS MAKING ME FEEL BROKEN AGAIN!!!

When Snow raised her voice the room started to feel cold and other things in the apartment are being thrown away. Nyll can see some shining,small amount of ice dotting his room. He exhaled and he saw his own breath, so he blew a wholesome amount of his breath on his side and he saw her face once again. Nyll saw a droplets of glittering ,icy tears coming from her eyes. Her whole body was starting to solidify until she was solid, he can touch her. She is freezing cold but he hugged her. His body can now feel how cold she is but he kept on hugging her. He doesn't know how or what she feels but he just want to hug her because no one else will and no one else will comfort her. Her brokenness made me feel that I'm not the only one who've gone through a tough place. It's even worse for her because she doesn't have parents to confide with and her situation is too painful to feel like nothing is wrong. Everything that happened to her is wrong, his man or his groom should've had left her alone on the altar.

I hugged her until she melted in my arms. She calmed down but I couldn't see her now. And that's okay . I did not continue to ask her but she voluntarily said

"I don't know what he whats now because he has been bugging me. He even destroeyd my house just so I can live with him. "

"Really? but how do you feel about that? "

"I don't want to feel bitter. I'm trying to live with him to know why he didn't liked me. "

Just with her last words something that I feared happened once again. I heard the thunderous stump of horses and the whirling sound of wind. And there he is, he is not as fancy like he appeared before. He looks handsome and gentleman, his gaze is filled with loving presence. I looked at him once again and his direction of eyesight is towards Snow. Snow is in solidified mode now and I can see her breathing deeply. She seems nervous because her eyes are shivering. And her gaze changed also. Snow's heart soften after their eye contact. In a blink of an eye-

I found myself in an unknown world. But I can see the world below me. Where am I, I did not die ,am I in heaven?

But no I'm not in heaven I'm in North's mansion who happened to be located in the sky but not in heaven. I didn't notice anything when I suddenly appeared in his area but on the next blink I saw him on his throne. So this is the mansion where Snow lives ? It's a nice place to live in. A place where you can look down on earth and wonder what some stupid people are doing.

He was sitting on his glamorous ,powerful throne. So he really is a rich young man, he wears clothes that shows power and wealth everyday like he is a leading man of a drama.He is sitting down while the two of us are standing in front of him like soldiers returning to report from a lost battle. I shouldn't be scared because I haven't done anything wrong but I kept my head down or maybe to avoid his imtimidating presence anyway.

"Why are we suddenly summoned here in your fancy mansion? " asked Snow with a sarcastic tone.

"Why am I here? " I also asked because I really don't know why , am I just a collateral damage of her boss' anger. Or I was really summoned by the mighty North wind?

"Ethnow" , he whispered but it's loud enough for us to hear it, however we don't know what to reply it with. What is he saying?

I nudged her to somewhat explain what's the mystery since she looks relaxed. I don't know how to feel because she smiled a little smile.

"Ethnow" he calmly said again with clearer voice so I finally understood it and without having a thought my tongue slipped-

"Hey why does your boss have a lisp" ,I asked.

She hit me a little bit that made my legs tremble and said in warning tone

"I know so no need to state whats obvious but his lisp is happening only when he is nervous so.... "she said so I wished to get back what I said but I can't. And he is still there staring with us but with a sheepish look now. What on earth happened in the seconds that I arrived here. So I guess eyes are really the door of our soul because they never talked when he picked us up on earth. Their gaze at each other is quite different. It's hard to believe that she released her anger by frosting my room a little while ago.

I backed off for a few steps when I figured they need time to talk about them. I knew North over heared or spied us when we were talking. It's unfortunate for him to know how she felt through spying. I don't know where to go to give them space but I came upon a garden where I think I could stay for a while.

Back at the mansion, they were just staring at each other. They were both trying to make each other talk. But North knows he should. He is the one in the most desperate position.

"Snow, I don't know how you felt about me for our first meeting but I hope it is the same today " I said as if it's a casual talk. But she was not saying anything so I waited and waited and-

"What if what I felt when I first saw you is just a simple phase of my teen age years, what I felt before is a simple attraction" ,she explained. It hurts to address it because she is in right age to tell how she felt now.

When I woke up, I was no longer in the garden and that's a mystery because I never slept. I am wide awake but the last thing I remember is hearing North's voice talking to me

"You are a human and I know you know much stuff, you humans have even made it to movies wherein humans and beings like us ,beings far more different from humans should never be together. Just what as human movies portrayed someone should sacrifice their own life or someone should give up what they are capable off if they want to be together. But I don't want that to happen to both of you. Snow adores you as her person and you adores her as your friend. but I adore her because she is still my fiancee and soon my future wife . You can see each other someday if you will not see each other this time."

His long monologue is echoing in my head and that reminded me that she must had done her job in changing me into a normal one so that's it. Their serious talk must had fixed things between them and I should be happy for them. I realized she was my first ever like at first non-sight. Love isn't always based on sight it's on the feeling of being comfortable with the being. Love isn't always love sometimes its likes until it becomes love.