
Mr. and Mrs. Dale

Love at first sight isn't always found at first meeting. Love can be even more special if each individual will make their own effeort to make them both like they are each other's first. Sometimes first meeting has no spark but with love as a guide they can always reminisce that their first meeting is special. Love at first sight should continue as love at last breath.


Sometimes love comes not at firsts but love comes when their is brokenness. Brokenness opens a heart that could make you want to risk it all just like Psyche, she loves Cupid but still didn't trust her. Her brokenness allowed her to risk her life just to take him back. Love at first sight comes if it's someone's first time to feel the brokenness of others and convert it into love.


Love is there, we all know but how much do we need to like a person until we can say that we love them already. It's a thing for us to distinguish like and love. Because we might be just liked them at first sight. And speaking of sight, love cannot be seen but we feel it. Love is always there, it's been there for a long time, it's just up to us how we should accept it or interpret it. Love at first sight isn't everything but its something.


Love at first sight is rare. So you are blessed if you've felt that. But love at first sight can be a disaster if only one of them is smitten by their first meeting. Love is sweeter the second time around but it will be bitter for someone if he/she who tried to be around for the second time. Love at first sight is important and so are the seconds and thirds and others .Because other meetings are the ways to follow ups if he/she had fallen for you in the first sight or maybe he had fallen for others also in their first sight.

Nyll went home to their province because it's their summer vacation. He stayed and helped his parents at work. He can feel the fresh air circulating in his whole system. Nyll had never seen nor felt Snow ever again but that's how it should end. He is a human and she is not. She is a powerful unseen being while he is not. He tried tricking other air by trapping them in a blanket. He tried it once to Snow's assistant and friends. I don't know if Snow placed them to replace her. I can sense their preaence so I threw my blanket and didn't allowed them to leave until they could answer me. I caught two airs, who were Snow's assistant. I asked them where she is but they don't know also. Her two assistants were now permanently assigned to me becauae maybe thats part of the bargain on the deal that we should never see each other.

Apparently she never appeared to anyone but they knew that North and Snow kept in touch as an engaged couple. North became a whole different being because of Snow. But accordingly he did not change becauae of Snow but because he just wants to. yeah maybe he did but not his old habit that afdects ua people here on earth. He still likes playing the air scedule of every place so;It is summer now but here in the province is quite different it's freezing cold in the morning then hot in the later afternoon.

Sometimes I work early in the morning to escape the hot weather and to finish some work earlier. There was a particular day where it was really cold and it's still foggy in the mountain where I pass by to go to our farm. I was singing to myself to keep me from being scared when I saw a human shadow in the foggy area. I rubbed my eyes to make it clear that I'm not seeing ghost early in the morning. While I was still trying to comprehend it, it starts moving towards me and my whole body froze. I can't command my feet to run so I thought of looking down to check if that being or human is human if I can see his/her feet. I kept looking down until I saw nothing, the shadow is gone but-

"My first ever human friend can you piggyback me now, am I heavy now?", said a nostalgic voice. A lump was formed in my throat but I refrained it. But a little while I felt that she is not light as an air unlike before. I can actually feel her weight on me. I can even feel her warm breath in my neck so I slowly turned my head to check her. And -