Breaking St. Nymphetamina(18+)

The next morning, Naruto woke up on his bed rejuvenated and well rested. With a yawn he sat up only to notice that a naked, feminine body was cuddling him. He blinked and looked down to see a familiar mop of sandy-brown hair. The memories of the previous night rushed to the forefront of his mind; Miria and Moegi in his bedchamber, wearing the skimpiest outfits for his view pleasure. Him being pushed onto his bed and was promptly seduced and then fucked by Miria. That escalated into him trying to breed the two after being struck by a sudden bout of horniness that took even him by surprise, now that he was calm enough to think back on it.

But, despite himself, Naruto could not help but let out a very perverted giggle. Taking a moment to himself, Naruto leaned his head up and looked around his bed. He found Moegi, happily snoozing beside Miria - she was curled up while hugging a pillow with a cute, little satisfied grin on her face. The poor thing was probably going to need some healing if she wanted to walk out of this room, now that he thought about it, but he'd gladly provide it himself when the opportunity presents itself. For now he was just going to rest here in the arms of his wife until she wakes up. Then he'll get the day started.

Maybe he should use the simulation to show everyone the Ten Tails? That fucker was like a thousand times taller and wider than Kurama! Not to mention it's yoki was so big it was practically undetectable! Meh, he'll figure something out once he gets up. There are several new recruits that he needs to get healed up, and unlock their chakra, after all. Once he gets that out of the way, he'll see about setting up that simulation for himself. It would certainly bring in a crowd once they see his opponent.

He also needed to talk to Harja and little Teresa… and the other girls who wanted some 'daddy time" in all the wrong ways… and now, he was hard, again. Damn it! Naruto let out a tired sigh. That...that was going to be awkward as all hell. He just knew it. And there was Miata as well - the girl acted like she was a seven year old but she was actually thirteen… or maybe fourteen? When is her birthday, anyway? He needed to find that out, as soon as possible. Maybe he could convince Ino into helping her out as well? No… now that he thought about it, that might not be a good idea. If Miata is anything like Alicia and Beth, then trying to delve into her mind may bring the poor girl more harm than good. Anything could set her off, from insulting Clarice, to attacking Clarice… to trying to find out the cause of her mental stability. If anything, Ino going inside her mind might make her instability worse! He'd have to get a professional psychologist on the job once they were done with the Organization and youma.

He'll cross that bridge when he gets to it. With a yawn, Naruto stretched his legs and carefully eased his wife off of him. Then he proceeded to get out of bed and get himself dressed in his new clothes Tenten picked out for him. Right now, he has some new recruits to see and some stigmas to heal. The ones he'll see first will be Nike, Audrey and Rachel. Dominique, Minerva, Charlotte and Violet were brought back first and he did receive the memories from his clones. They were healed of their stigma ready; the same went for Abigail.

So that just left Nike, Audrey, Rachel, Clarissa, Lina, Keria and Phina. Well he hoped they wouldn't take the fact they need to be naked the wrong way. No one accused him of being a pervert so far - a few have warned him to not try anything funny, Hilda and Veronica came to mind. But there is a first time for everything. He just needed to find out where they are… he'll check the guest rooms first. Then he will move onto the spare bedrooms. And if they're not there, he will check the kitchen and so on.

Naruto's train of thought was interrupted when he heard Miria mumbling in her sleep. He chuckled and leaned back down to start rubbing at her back, followed by a peck on the forehead while he was at it. The sandy brunette mewled cutely and shifted about as her eyes fluttered.

"Hello, honey," Naruto whispered with a warm chuckle.

Miria groggily opened her eyes with a tired groan, and smacked her lips together as she blinked squintingly. "Mmmm, morning honey…" she yawned, then she gave her husband a look over when she saw him clothed. "Off to start the day?"

"Yep," the blond replied with a pop at the end.

Moegi yawned and rolled onto her back, roused by the husband and wife moving around and chatting it up. She groaned at the soreness of her ass and crotch. She couldn't feel her legs. "How the hell did you not kill me when you took my virginity?"

Naruto chuckled sheepishly at that. "Uh… very carefully?" then he took a thinking pose and added, "To be honest, I was extremely horny last night. And I have no idea why. Had I been any more aroused, I think I would have fucked you to death… worst case scenario that is. Miria and the hybrids and awakened beings are the only ones that are capable of handling me at my fullest. They're not completely human like us after all."

"Well, it would have been the way I'd rather go," she jokingly replied.

"I almost died by sex a few times, actually." Naruto told her with a sheepish chuckle, "Miria, Glissa, and Cynthia were three of them that almost killed me - the latter one did so single-handedly, no less. I think Ophelia, Jean, Galatea, Undine, Flora and Veronica were some of the ones that almost killed me that way as well. Then again it has been a few years since that happened, and I was a bit out of it at the time, so i can't quite remember. I wasn't kidding when I said they can keep me on my toes. All of them have the stamina to put me to shame if the situation calls for it." Naruto chuckled and kissed Miria on the lips, before adding, "It's just one more reason I fell in love."

"At least you're happy," Moegi said with a halfhearted smile. She couldn't help but be a bit jealous. "You think you can heal me up? I'd rather not find myself explaining to Tsunade why I can't walk. She might smack you."

"Sure, I can do that, no problem. I'll just surge my chakra into you." he walked around to the other side of the bed and pressed his palm against Moegi's abdomen; the strawberry blonde gasped pleasantly when she felt a surge of chakra rushing through her body and soothing the aches almost instantly. When he was done, Naruto leaned down and gave her a peck on the lips, drawing a giggle from his former student.

"Thank you, Naruto-Sama~!"

"You're welcome, Moegi," said blond chuckled. "Oh, and you don't have to call me Naruto-Sama anymore." he told her with an amused grin.

"I figured," she giggled, then sat up with a grunt. "So, what're you gonna be up to, Onii-Chan?"

"Checking on the girls I brought back," he replied. "Heal their stigmas and see if they know of any more girls who want out before we start the siege. The ones we got back with Nike, Dominique and Minerva was a stroke of luck on our part. Abigail as well since we literally came across her when we were investigating a...pile of bodies that were both human and youma. She was the closest and then she wanted to join up." he was trailing off the main point of it all but Naruto wanted to explain to Miria how he came across that one. "Anyway, back to the point, I'm going to look for them and see how they're doing. Then take care of their stigma problem. Aside from that, we'll see how it goes."

"Alright," Miria said; then she sat up and stretched her arms above her head with Naruto staring at her bouncing knockers with approval. "I'll see you soon?"

"Always, honey." Naruto walked over to her side of the bed and gave Miria a deep, loving kiss on the lips. After taking a moment to enjoy the taste of her lips, Naruto withdrew and gave her a small smile. "I'll see you around."

Then, after giving Miria one last loving kiss on the lips, he finally left his bedchamber and went to find the new arrivals. He checked the guest rooms first and found no one was there. After that he checked the spare bedrooms; and again, no one was there. He went to the dining hall and kitchen next, and apart from Nelani, Luciela and those bandit girls Juliet and Scarlet cooking some food the kitchen and dining hall were both relatively empty. It made sense to him; hybrids don't need to eat until every fortnight - they can go without eating for much longer if they really push themselves.

He then recalled Audrey and Rachel were watching Team Asuma doing battle with Hidan and Kakuzu in the simulation, so he decided to check the bailey to see if any of them were there. Several minutes later Naruto was out in the bailey; well, on the plus side of things, it was a fairly quiet day. More so than usual. Luckily, Naruto did find Audrey and Rachel, Nike, Lina, Keria, Clarissa and Phina in the bailey; the former two were walking around in a circle like a pair of headless chickens. Naruto found the sight amusing. From where he stood, those two were trying to find a way to turn on the simulation.

Unfortunately for them their yoki isn't registered to the seal. They'd have as much luck walking on water, which given their current state, was impossible.

Grinning to himself Naruto made his presence known to them, "Hey ladies," he greeted.

Hearing his voice, Audrey, Rachel, Nike, Lina, Keria, Clarissa, and Phina all jumped out of their skin and snapped their heads in his vicinity. Understandably, Audrey and Rachel immediately grew nervous when their silver eyes laid on his form. Lina and Clarissa were just as nervous since this was the second time they were with the fabled Ladykiller. They never got the chance to talk to him despite them joining sides. They had no idea why they did so, but there was something about him. Something that made them want ro put their trust in him. It was the oddest thing. Keria, Phina and Nike were the only ones who were relatively calm around him.

Keria cheerfully waved at him, "Hi Naruto,"

Naruto waved back at her with a smile, "Hi Keria, so what are you ladies trying to do?" he asked; Naruto then put his hands in his jacket pockets and strolled on over to them with a curious look on his face.

"They're trying to find out how to turn on that thing they saw yesterday," Phina answered as she jerked a thumb at Audrey and Rachel. "Unsurprisingly, they have no such luck so far."

"Not surprising. Their yoki isn't registered to the seal. For the moment, only I can turn it on or off. They would have as much luck walking on water." Naruto told the now former Number 38 with a chuckle.

Everyone gave him an odd look at his choice of words. "But we can't walk on water," Clarissa told him.

Naruto's smile turned into an impish grin, "Exactly." then he looked to them all, one by one, before asking them, "So how is everyone treating you so far? Is anyone giving you any trouble?"

"A few of the others have given us some odd looks, but nothing beyond that," Nike answered with a shrug.

"The awakened beings?" he asked her for clarification.

"The naked one, yes," she replied. It took Naruto a bit to guess who she was talking about, since there are a few awakened beings who like to go naked. But he figured she was talking about Priscilla since nine times out of ten, that brunette was streaking. "But the others were mostly hybrids and children."

"The naked one, does she have brown hair, brown eyes-"

"Massive yoki that scares the shit outta me?" Rachel interrupted. "Yeah, that one."

"Ah. That's Priscilla." then Naruto gave them all a serious look, "Word of advice for you all: don't pick a fight with her. She stated time and time again that she does not like 'weak bitches'. Be polite and for the love of the Twins don't provoke her… she apparently has a domination fetish too, so if she's approaching you, chances are she wants to 'put you weak bitches in your place'." he said, bending his fingers to mark his quotations. "She's pretty laid back, otherwise, though."

"Weak bitches- we're not weak!" Rachel barked, honestly offended.

Naruto raised his hands placatingly, "Those are Priscilla's words not mine." he told her. "I don't think you're weak, to be honest. If you all worked together then you can beat me. It would take a lot of effort but it's doable."

"We couldn't even cut you when you turned into that four tailed yoki creature." Audrey reminded him.

"Doesn't mean you wouldn't be able to beat me. Only the arrogant think they're invincible and unbeatable. And I'm neither of those. I know my limits."

"So, what brings you here?" Nike asked as she wanted to change the subject.

"I was actually checking on you lot," Naruto answered. "I wanted to see how you all were doing, see if you were settling in all right. Stuff like that."

"Well, we're fine." Nike told him with a nonchalant shrug, "We're still trying to figure out how to turn that thing on, as you can see. Is there anything else you want to ask?"

"Yeah, actually, do any of you know of any more girls who want out of the Organization?" he asked. He was going to wait on asking the question about healing their stigma. Nike, Phina and Keria are the only ones who know about his ability of healing their stigma so far… unless Anastasia's first team had done what they set out to do. If that is the case then they would already know of that particular ability of his.

"I know for a fact that over ten warriors are tempted to defect." Phina admitted with a small frown. "But they're scared of running into that new task force: the Crimson Guard."

"I know that around fifteen are thinking of defecting to your side." Nike added with a thoughtful look on her face. "They haven't tried anything though, because their handlers are keeping a tight leash on them. Not to mention the Crimson Guard would be sent after them the second they try and desert."

"Now that you mention them…" Clarissa started with a creased brow, "the handlers have been tight lipped lately. More so than usual. It's happened ever since the Crimson Guard was made. I've heard rumours that they're planning a new experiment for a warrior, a pair of twins if my memory is right. But those are just rumours; it's neither been confirmed or denied."

"I hate handlers…" The new arrivals nearly jumped out of their skin as Priscilla practically just appeared right behind Naruto and wrapped her arms around him.

"Oh, there you are," Naruto looked at his brown haired lover from over the shoulder and smiled. "How was your journey to the North with Luciela and Riful?"

Priscilla slowly looked at him with dull eyes. " were there, idiot."

"I know that. But it's common courtesy to ask, anyway." he told her with a polite smile while completely ignoring the insult on his intelligence. Besides, he was there at the end, not for the actual journey. "So, what brings you out here?" the blond asked the awakened brunette.

"Just wondering why your door was locked last night," she replied.

"...things happened." Naruto evasively told her after giving it a quick think.

Priscilla looked at him for the longest time; then her eyes narrowed dangerously as her hands trailed down south. "...You were fucking that weak bitch and the weaker bitch, weren't you?"

"Moegi-Chan's actually pretty strong," Naruto pointed out. "She and Miria are pretty even, when it comes to raw power."

"Weak. Bitches." the brunette growled viciously, "She. Is. A. Weak. Human! You don't need her or any of the others, they're not strong enough for you."

"What about Miria?"

"She is a weak bitch, too. But she is an exception. She and the other half-breeds have proven their worth." Priscilla begrudgingly admitted.

"You don't seem to have a problem with Karui," Naruto pointed out.

"That one has been around you for as long as I have." Priscilla reminded him, "I am used to her presence, just as I am used to having that former kage of yours around." she may not have seen that woman make a crater with a single punch, but what she was doing with that mudhead, Clarice was telling. That weakling was getting stronger now. She could smell it.

"...I think you're jealous," the blond said with an amused grin.

"Uh…" Nike tried to get Naruto's attention, only for her to yelp frightfully when Priscilla gave her a look that said 'interrupt or die at your own peril'.

Wanting to nip this potential problem in the bud before it can go out of hand, Naruto gave Priscilla an unamused look; she gave him a look of her own that dared him to challenge her. Of course, considering this brunette thinks she can do whatever the fuck she wants without consequences - like that stunt she pulled with Isley, and somehow managed to drag Luciela and Riful into it - Naruto knew he had to put his foot down. So, challenge her, he did; Naruto reached behind him and gave Priscilla a swat on the ass. The resounding 'SLAP' and startled squawk from Priscilla surprised the women immensely, and they all eased back when they saw the outraged look on the brunette's face as she looked at him.

"No. Bad girl," he lightly berated the awakened being. "No scaring them. They're scared enough of you, already." He then let out a squawk of his own as Naruto found himself flat on his ass, with an enraged Priscilla straddling him.

"Too bad!" she growled. The brunette glared at her mate and her yoki spiked as she transformed on top of him. Her abrupt transformation had gotten the women around the two of them to scream their heads off in fright, and they quickly backed off less they inadvertently get the awakened being's attention. "I think I've played your little game enough," Priscilla chirped, a menacing grin splitting her face. "It's time my breeding stud learned his place~!"

Despite himself, Naruto felt his pants growing tight. "...that's so hot," he couldn't help himself; this really was arousing as all hell. But, he wasn't going to be made this woman's bitch without a fight. "While I certainly don't mind getting fucked by you, I dominated you twice already; I won't go down without a fight."

"I'm stronger, now," Priscilla growled sexily. "I would love to see you try, this time around~!"

Nike, Audrey, Rachel, Clarissa, Lina, Keria and Phina all exchanged looks with various amounts of uncertainty. This was… too fucking weird for any of them. They were out of their element with this; how the hell were they supposed to deal with this?!

"You are just so goddamn sexy," Naruto growled throatily at her with a grin. "And let me guess: my 'place' is underneath you, right?"

"Of course," Priscilla raised her hips off of Naruto's lap, and moved her hands down to his waistline. "what's a better place for my breeding stud to be~?" then she slipped her claws under the waistband of his trousers and boxers, and yanked them both off his legs. His fifteen inch dick sprang free from its confinements and slapped the lewd, purple skinned awakened being on her snatch. She let out a pleasant shudder and as she guided his thick shaft to her womanly folds, a lewd grin stretched across her lips, "I'm going to enjoy this!"

"U-uh, should we go-" Audrey tried to say, only for her to be rudely interrupted by Priscilla.

"You all are going to stand there and watch! You weak bitches are going to see who the alpha bitch is!"

"Y-yes, ma'am!" Audrey squeaked.

"I'm really sorry about Priscilla… she's never like this." then he got a devious thought and added as jokingly as possible, "At least she's not stripping you out of your bodysuits." if Priscilla did use her claws to rip their clothes to shreds, not only would he be able to heal their stigmas but he would be able to see them naked too~. It's a win-win scenario in his mind.

"Oh, I intend to when I'm done with you~!" the brunette cooed, rubbing his bulbous head against her lower lips.

As much as she wanted to yell at the awakened being for saying such a thing, Rachel was smart enough to not provoke the creature that was about to mount the blond. She didn't have a death wish after all.

Fortunately for them, Priscilla was stopped from going forward with her intentions with Naruto by someone they least expected: Teresa of the Faint Smile herself, decked out in the same outfit that Clare is. Audrey, Rachel, Nike, Clarissa, Lina, Phina and Keria were so distracted by Priscilla mounting the blond, they never saw her casually walking over to them. Until she grabbed Priscilla by the scalp. Priscilla's eyes grew as wide as saucers, and she let out a squawk as the fabled Number One yanked her off of him, and pinned the purple skinned awakened to the ground with her hand on her scalp and her foot pressing down on her spine.

"And what do you think you're doing?" Teresa asked Priscilla with a her iconic faint smile. Her tone showed she was not in the mood for bantering.

"I believe, in her words, she wanted to 'show her breeding stud his place'." Naruto answered, when it was obvious Priscilla wasn't going to. Probably out of spite. He quickly pulled his trousers and boxers back up.

"Oh?" then for a reason not known to anyone in the bailey, Teresa let Priscilla up and the transformed young woman turned back to her human form. They found out that reason not a moment later, "I'll let you have your way with Naruto, as long as I can take part in it too."

"Hey!" Naruto cried out, "Don't I get a say in this!?"

"Two strong women want to fuck you. Are you sure you want to be complaining?" Teresa pointed out.

"Well, when you put it that way..." Naruto chuckled. Then he shook his head; no! He can't afford to get distracted. He has things to do today, like healing the new recruits of their stigmas. "But I was busy! Then Priscilla came along and got me distracted."

"You can be in two places at once, can you not?" Teresa asked her smile somehow becoming far more intimidating. She wasn't taking no for an answer.

"I can, yes." he answered completely ignoring the intimidating smile on the woman's face. "But I don't wanna…" feeling eyes on him Naruto turned and saw that Nike, Audrey, Rachel, Clarissa, Lina, Keria and Phina were looking at them, more specifically at Teresa with wide eyes and a gaping mouth.

"Is that…?" Nike asked, pointing a shaking hand at Teresa.

"Teresa of the Faint Smile?" Naruto looked at the woman in question, then back to Nike and said, "Yes. Yes she is." he reached behind the woman in question and started kneading her buttcheek, through her skirt. "She's also my mother-in-law, and… my girlfriend as well? We are boyfriend and girlfriend, right? Or maybe friends with benefits?" he asked looking to Teresa for confirmation.

"Oh, I'd say we're more along the lines of fuck buddies~!" Teresa giggled. "Not that I'd mind being something a little more… substantial."

"Well I certainly wouldn't mind being your boyfriend."

"That settles it, then~!" Teresa giggled. "Now get over here and give your girlfriend some attention, loverboy~!" Despite her smile and cheery tone, Naruto couldn't shake the feeling that it came with a promise of pain, should he decline.

Naruto decided to not tempt fate and swiftly made a clone to deal with the other women, before giving the wavy haired woman a passionate French kiss. He wasn't idle with his hands either; the hand that was on her buttocks, was kneading it with more passion, and his free hand caressed her nicely sized rack. Closing her eyes to bask in the pleasurable sensations he was sending through her body, Teresa moaned into his mouth and, as she cupped his cheeks, actively returned the kiss with as much passion she could put into it. Of course, Teresa being Teresa, she wouldn't settle for not going all the way.

Naruto yelped as he found himself lying face up on the ground in the bailey as Teresa straddled him. "Oh, priscilla," the blonde cooed. "Be a dear and make our lover eat you out while I get a much needed dose of his seed,"

"In front of them!?" Naruto yelped, pointing at Audrey and co. that were still watching them. And all of them were watching with wide eyes and in some cases, with gaping mouths. "I don't think that's a good i-" the rest of what he was going to say was interrupted by Teresa grabbing his cheeks between her hand and squeezing him.

She leaned down until their noses were almost touching, and gave Naruto one of the most frightening, but somehow welcoming smiles he had ever seen. "Yes. In front of them. I am hungry for cock, and you're the only one I am willing to copulate with. Don't. Argue. It will not end well for you if you argue." she warned him.

Naruto immediately raised his hands in surrender. "I'm not arguing! I'm just saying," he tried saying, but due to Teresa's grip on his cheeks his speech was slightly impaired.

"Just curious," Nike spoke up, and she understandably tried to make herself as small as possible when Teresa gave her an annoyed glare. But she kept going, "but when are you going to heal us of our stigmas?" she forgot that the clone was there, as did the others. It was understandable given the circumstances.

Naruto shrugged helplessly from where he laid on the ground; there was no point in trying to ease himself into asking that question now was there? "I was planning on easing myself into asking you all that question… then Priscilla came along and things got way out of proportion. Then Teresa added on to it." the blond replied.

Then, suddenly, Teresa let out a startled squawk when Naruto went up in a poof of smoke and was replaced by a log. The Uzumaki patriarch sudden vanishing on them like that startled Nike and co. then Rachel let out a startled cry when she felt someone put their hand on her shoulder, and was very surprised to see Naruto there.

"What? Never seen a guy swap places with an inanimate object before?" he joked; Rachel slowly shook her head from left to right. Naruto shrugged; there was a first time for everything. His clone was doing fuck all; he was just standing there beside Clarissa with an amused grin.

"Na-ru-to!" said blond looked at Teresa and found that the woman's eyes were shadowed. And seeing the admittedly terrifying smile on her lips, adding the cracking of her knuckles, had caused him to hide behind the butch woman for protection, even though he was stronger than her.

The blond tempted fate and replied, "What?"

Teresa's smile turned into a full blown grin that came off disturbing. "Get over here, right now!" she straightened up with a startled yelp when the blond appeared beside her, with an arm around her waist.

"I'm here! What is it that you want to talk about?"

As she looked between the two blondies, Priscilla just blinked in confusion as she wondered just what the hell was happening. How did this go from her wanting to show those weak bitches who was the alpha bitch in this harem, to this?! She was…so damn confused. Was Naruto always capable of diverging the subject so effortlessly like this?

"What do you mean 'what do I want to talk about'?! I want you to-"

"-train you? Well why didn't you say so?" a widely grinning Naruto interrupted the growingly annoyed Teresa before she could finish the sentence. Then he started guiding her and the owlishly blinking, and very confused Priscilla out of the bailey and into town. "Why, I know the perfect place for us to cut loose!"

"What?! I want you to-"

"-train you? I know, that's why I'm leading you away."

"No! I want to you to-"

"-say no more, Teresa. I'll train you good and proper!"

"NO! That's not what I want!" Teresa cried out in frustration.

Priscilla was just being quiet about it. Then she realised that Naruto was leading her into town… while she was naked. "Naruto, I'm not decent." she told him.

"When has that ever stopped you?"

"It never has." the brunette replied with a shrug, "But I'd rather only let you see me like this."

"You can just use chakra to make yourself look like you're wearing clothes, you know." Naruto pointed out.

Priscilla blinked, that was very true. She can do that. The brunette had other ideas though and one look at Teresa and she could see that the woman had the same idea as her… at least she hoped the woman did. A miffed Teresa stared at Priscilla with an arched eyebrow; the blonde and brunette stared at one another, before the latter mimicked picking someone up and dragging them. That charade got a narrow eyed smile out of Teresa and she nodded. Then it was Naruto's turn to be surprised when Teresa and Priscilla both grabbed him by the arm and legs, picked him up and turned around to the bailey and rushed to the far end of it as fast as they possibly can.

They were going to fuck him, if it was the last thing they ever do.

The clone of Naruto just stood there and watched the odd sight with an amused grin, "Well, that happened." he said and surprised Nike, Audrey, Rachel, Clarissa, Lina, Keria and Phina; when he spoke, the women all remembered Naruto had made a clone of himself. Then said clone looked at Clarissa and the others, "So, who among you wants to get their stigmas healed first?"


Of all people, Roxanne was considerate enough to take one for the team. Everyone noticed that Neideen was a lot calmer after the bitch went down on her. Who knew all she needed was some good cunt munching?

Roxanne was somewhat regretting it, though. Mainly because Neideen was not keeping her hands to herself. But despite that Neideen was feeling her up, Roxanne was letting the eye-patch wearing woman feel her up. She did not want to deal with Neideen having sex withdrawal, however, so she kept her embarrassment to herself. A sex depraved Neideen made for a scary Neideen...

Cassandra was thoroughly enjoying in her torment. As were Uranus and Elizabeth. For Miranda, it was a far more guilty pleasure, but she was also enjoying it. Of course… there was the questions from a curious Raftela. Those they could do without.

"How does licking a vagina feel good?"

Like one of those questions.

"For some it doesn't," Neideen replied, not at all phased by it. "But, for those who do enjoy it, the pleasure generally comes from making your partner feel good."

"So if Naruto were to do it to me…? I would feel good?"

"More or less. It varies from person to person, really." the saint replied with a nonchalant shrug. Then she let out a longing sigh, "I really want to have his dick pounding away at me." she said, before letting out another sigh and resting her head on Roxanne's spaulder. "I'm sooooooooo jealous of you all!"

"You don't have to be jealous," Licht told the woman with a shrug. "Sure he's good a good fuck, with… with an amazingly girthy cock… oh, that amazing cock~" she trailed off with a silly smile, then she shook her head a moment later and finished off her original sentence, "but it's nothing to be jealous of."

"I beg to differ." Neideen flatly replied. "He made all of you his bitches in all the right ways, and I was left without a cock twice in a row. I swear to the goddesses themselves, if this happens for a third time, I will kidnap him and fuck him until he's near death."

"That's a bit excessive, isn't it?" Uranus asked.

"This is Neideen we're talking to," Elizabeth told her. "As long as she's lusting after the Ladykiller I'm happy. He certainly didn't seem to mind her pervertedness." she added pointedly.

"Naruto is use to being associated with perverts." Sistina informed them all with a giggle. "Neideen is the biggest one he's met so far - she outshines his late mentor Jiraiya by miles. He certainly enjoys having her being so perverted with him though."

"I wonder if Nash is aware they have three awakened beings among them…" a bored Chloe asked herself aloud. She wanted to talk about something else, anything else.

Sistina closed her eyes and focused. "They believe they have your common youma among their populace." she opened her eyes again and looked ahead with a bored expression on her face. "So far only ten civilians have died. If we continue our route at this pace, we should arrive at Nash within two days. If we run at full speed with no stops, we should get there within three to four hours… maybe five."

"So should we run there, now? Or wait until we passed a mile?" Miranda asked.

"Running full speed for a few hours seems reasonable," Neideen chimed in. "I'd rather get them out of the way as soon as possible." She then hummed thoughtfully. "Maybe we can stay in Nash for a bit, afterwards. I could use the distraction."

Cassandra was all for that. "I can agree with that. We can run for days if we wanted to, so running for a few hours wouldn't tire us. And I don't know about any of you, but I want to have a comfortable bed and a nice hot bath."

Many a woman among her peers concurred. They all could use one. While they were used to using their swords as a makeshift resting post, nothing could beat a comfortable bed. With everyone in agreement, they all took off in a run towards Nash. To get rid of the awakened beings and to get themselves an inn afterwards.

While the trip there was dull as all hell, it was at least mercifully brief as the sixteen women found themselves in Nash within three hours. While they weren't even winded when they got close to it, they all decided to walk the rest of the way. This was mainly for Sistina, Lutecia, Neideen and Roxanne to get a good sense of where the awakened beings are.

"One's hiding out at the eastern inn," Neideen said.

"Another is wandering around… most likely picking out the next victim to eat." Lutecia added as she furrowed her brow.

"The third one is… actually approaching us?" Roxanne said, with a tinge of confusion in her voice, "His yoki aura is comparable to that of a single digit. But with us together he'll be killed in seconds. Cassandra and Hysteria would be overkill for him."

"He must have a death wish then," Chloe scoffed.

"That or he's over confident in himself," Noel shrugged. "I personally don't care, he'll die all the same."

Thirty minutes later and the awakened being they were talking about was in sight. He was fairly young, a young man just in his late teens. But they could see the wildness in his eyes, the maniacal need for nourishment. And his hair was wild and unruly. He was looking at them as if they weren't there - his eyes empty, yet piercing. He stopped walking when his eyes gained focus and noticed them all for the first time; when his lips spread into a wild maniacal grin as he cocked his head to the side.

"Hunnnnnnngry~" he said through his teeth.

Then his yoki abruptly spiked, cracking the ground underneath him from the sheer pressure; his clothes were shredded from his body as his physique transformed into something inhuman. His bones crackled as they shifted into a different structure, his feet resembled that of a lion's hind leg, his hands and fingers were bent in awkward angles as his bones broke and fixed themselves repeatedly; they were restructured into something that resembled a mixture of a human hand and a lion's paw and three sharp claws jutted out of them. His face morphed into that of a fox, complete with lion ears and a main, and he had rows upon rows of sharp dagger like teeth. Finally three fox tails spouted from his tailbone and fur started growing all over his body. Somehow, he looked like a creature a lion and a fox had conceived but had somehow mutated into that abomination in the womb.

He let out a loud cry of "HUNGRY!", as he aimed his claws at them; then several dagger sized projectiles shot out from his hands like a machine gun. He had a maniacal, wide eyed grin as the women all took out their claymores and deflected the projectiles with the flat of their sword. The projectiles that managed to get through were deflected off their plate armour.

All sixteen women scattered and charged, his attack moving in slow motion to their eyes. Hilda rushed first and used Noel's acrobatic attack on him in an attempt to sever one of his arms. It was a good attack on her part as she wanted to relieve him of his combat prowess, she unfortunately did not see how the fur on his tails flattened and gain a metallic sheen. Fortunately Hysteria did and she used her Elegance to get Hilda out of there, just as those tails lunged at the woman. Her armour would have held against it but Hysteria didn't want to take that chance. She saw Hilda as her friend and comrade, and did not want her to get hurt or worse killed because she took a chance.

Hysteria and Hilda both went through the awakened being and stopped several yards behind him. Purple blood gushed out from the many slashes that appeared over its arms and legs; he merely shuddered in pleasure with that same, sickening toothy grin rather than howl in pain.

He twitched and tilt his head at an unnatural angle. "That felt good!" he giggled insanely. His body was shivering with excitement as his wounds regenerated within seconds. "Do it again!" he took aim and fired more and more projectiles at them.

Cassandra rushed at him and when she got within arms length of him, she bent her knees and swayed along the ground like a pendulum. The pointy-eared woman lashed out at him with her sword. She chopped his legs and arms into fine slices. His arms and legs cut into many fine slices of meat, the awakened being fell to the ground on his side. He groaning in pleasure as his lifeblood spurt repeatedly from his severed limbs. Or he would have fallen to the ground had he not stabbed his tails into the ground before hand that kept him up. His blood seeped from his stumps and onto the floor, all the while he was giggling like a madman.

Uranus bared her teeth. "Tch! He's completely insane…"

Suddenly the fox - lion hybrid snapped his head to her with a disturbingly wide toothy grin. "No… not insane… I just can't feel pain. It's maddening! Hurt me! Hurt me more! It'll only make me feel good!!!"

"Riiight," Chloe drawled. Drawing her sword, "I may as well just put you out of your misery, then."

The awakened being gave her a desperate. pleading look, something that honestly surprised her "Please do, I've been unable to control myself ever since I woke up like this several weeks ago. This hunger… it's maddening. When I sensed you all approaching here… I knew you could put me down!"

The women of the Crimson Guard frowned at that as Chloe dashed forth, using Hysteria's technique, before cleaving the awakened being from head to groin in an instant. He was dead before he even felt it. He felt a tiny prick, one that made him flinch when it happened, then he parted in two.

"He… woke up like that?" as disturbed as Miranda was by that awakened being, she had to admit his last moments before Chloe cleaved him in half was a plea for help.

"I knew the Organization was making youma and awakened beings, but I never expected this…" said a rightfully disturbed Sistina. An awakened being that wanted to die. One that had some semblance of humanity in them. She never thought she would see the day.

"Are the others like this one?" Miranda asked.

Sistina frowned and shrugged. "I would need to go into a trance and find out," she said with a sigh. "I have received no such visions, at least in regards to these ones, so seeking them out would be a faster way to answer that question… especially considering the side-effects of a forced trance."

"We should go to Nash now, anyway." Lutecia said, as she and the others walked past the corpse, "The other two are on alert now that their third member is dead."

"Yeah. They went on alert the second he died." Roxanne concurred.

With a series of nods, the party of sixteen ventured forth to deal with the remaining awakened beings and book a place to stay.


They found the other two awakened beings in record time and managed to put them down before they could do any real harm. They weren't like the awakened being they fought outside of town, thankfully. Miranda wasn't sure how much of that she could take, even though it was just the one. After those demons were taken care of the women all made their way to an inn nearby and booked themselves a nice room to stay in.

They booked eight rooms between them, each one for two people.

Being best friends Cassandra and Miranda shared a room with one another. While she did trust that Miranda can take care of herself, Cassandra had blamed herself for her friend dying. As a result, she was overprotective and didn't want her out of her sight.

Neideen and Roxanne were sharing a room. No one was going to argue with that - except for Roxanne, of course. The main reason for them sharing a room was because they were ex-girlfriends, and Neideen was their heavy hitter. If Roxanne decided to be a creepy stalker again and start killing people for the heck of it, then Neideen would be able to put her down. It helped that during their first life, they had went on various awakened being hunting missions together, so they complimented each other.

Sistina and Lutecia were sharing a room as well. There was no particular reason for that choice, really. Lutecia didn't want to share a room with anyone else, and she wasn't going to complain about Sistina. She was friendly, and it was thanks to her guidance that the Crimson Guard had gotten themselves out of a very sticky situation. Not to mention her predictions while odd, were pretty hilarious if one was to look back on it… at least in Lutecia's opinion.

Rosemary and Hysteria were also sharing a room. Being from the same generation they knew each other best. Though there was some amonosity between the two of them - Rosemary did strike her down after all. However, the two women were able to get around that problem.

Licht and Chloe decided to share a room, as well. Mainly because they were more likely to get some peace and quiet in the same room together, than with anyone else.

Noel and Sophia were friendly rivals, not to mention they compliment each other as well. It also helped that they are from the same generation, so it wasn't that much of a surprise that the former Numbers 4 and 5 decided to share a room.

For Uranus and Elizabeth it was a no-brainer. They were victims of Roxanne, and are from the same generation as her. While Roxanne was sharing a room with Neideen, Uranus and Elizabeth were not all that confident in the one-eyed woman's prowess. There was safety in numbers so they decided to bunk together.

Hilda and Raftela were the last ones to share a room - the only reason being they were the last ones that didn't someone to bunk with. Neither of them seemed to mind, though. Raftela was almost never phased by anything, really, and Hilda was one of the friendliest women here.

Predictably, Neideen got quite the reception when she removed her half helm, much to Hilda's exasperation in particular. To her it was really weird seeing everyone looking at Neideen with reverence, and in the case of the young men, lust. The one-eyed woman found the attention flattering and hilarious at the same time; she could not get over the fact that everyone thinks she fucked that monster to death. Needless to say, it didn't take long for Neideen to don those robes from Nile once more and get into her role as Saint Nymphetamina. She quickly made her way to the cathedral and loved every second of it. Of course she didn't do anything...well, too lewd. She did have to keep up the act of being a raunchy saint of the Twin Goddesses after all.

Much to several of Neideen's peers' dismay, 'too lewd' was a metric in the city whose folk hero fucked a giant rape monster with a thousand dicks to death that equated to some pretty extreme shit, needless to say. As a result, Neideen was having a field day with several of the local priestesses in training. What was more, she even told the priestesses that she was seeking out the new champion of the church in order to officially 'induct' him into the fold.

In her room Hilda, garbed in her red bodysuit, laid on her bed with a serene expression. On her own bed was Raftela, and she was reading Child of Prophecy, Naruto's only non-smut filled book that retold his own life in a story format. While immeasurably curious about it, Hilda figured it would be rude not to let the former Number 10 finish before asking if she could read it. Maybe the book could give her the reason why her best friend was so fixated on him…?

Although, there was that other non-smutty book now that she thought about it. Though it wasn't actually a story like the others. His Autobiography could hold some answers too. And as luck would have it Raftela had both books on her person.

"If you're not reading it, then can I read the Autobiography?" she asked the stoic woman. Without taking her eyes off the page, Raftela grabbed and tossed the book in question to Hilda who caught it in between her palms. "Thank you,"

"You are welcome." Raftela turned a page and kept on reading. "It is a good book. It is nothing like the Icha Icha series he has written. There is no sex in it, though there are indirect references to Naruto being… rewarded for his efforts. He never goes into how the women showed their appreciation, but the implications are rather obvious,"

"Alright," Hilda nodded, before cracking it open. "Let's see what it has to offer, then." and the first thing she read was about Naruto's early life. From the sacrifice his parents made in protecting him from Kurama, in what would be infamously be known as the 'Nine-Tails Attack' to his status as a demon container revealed to the public soon after the attack and the consequences and repercussions of said decision.

With each page, Hilda's frown deepened and she found herself liking this village less and less - its former leadership, especially. What the hell was this 'Hiruzen' thinking telling the populace that the Nine-Tailed Fox was put inside Naruto? What did he think was going to happen? That Naruto would be treated nicely?! Hilda let loose a deep, calming breath. While still unaware that the seed Naruto planted in her not too long ago had taken root, she had a feeling it would and looked forward to when this whole thing with the Organization ended so she could start a family of her own with him. Hopefully, she could also bring him the same happiness, when that day finally came.

Meanwhile, in another room, Roxanne was reading Icha Icha: Conquest; the quiet was soothing, and she enjoyed having the room to herself. At least Neideen wasn't here to muck things up with her perversity. She didn't envy those priestesses, not one bit. That aside, she was getting all sorts of ideas from the book; Shiro having his way with that stable girl, Reiko, and knocking her up against her will was just so hot~! The former Number One would sooner die than admitting it aloud, but it was. And there was that uppy-haughty princess who thought she was better than everyone. She can't wait to see her get her just deserts~!

"Well," the wavy-haired woman said aloud to herself, her cheeks stained red, "Naruto surely knows how to write an… interesting story." a twisted grin spread across her lips as she licked at them, "I can't wait to get my hands on him, again."

Just then the door to her room opened and Roxanne exhaled and took her eyes away from the page to look at it. Neideen was back and she was rather...disheveled. Roxanne let out another sigh and gave her a bored look.

"Have fun messing with those priestesses, Neideen?" she drawled out before going back to reading the book, as if seeing Neideen in that state was a common occurrence.

"Oh, I wouldn't call it 'messing' around." The one-eyed woman replied with a dismissive wave, "it's more like 'training', they asked me to help them I did~" she giggled like a perverted woman on a sugar high.

Roxanne sighed. "Well, at least they were willing…" she muttered.

"Once they realised who I was they were practically begging me to train them." Neideen told her with a sigh. Then she dragged her feet across the ground over to the bed and did a good imitation of a falling tree by falling on top of it. "I never thought I'd say this: but thank the gods I'm away from there! They just wouldn't stop vying for my attention!"

Roxanne smirked at that, "Oh? Is the 'great' Saint Nymphetamina regretting having all this fame?"

"Fuck no!" Neideen chuckled tiredly as she rolled onto her back. "I'm enjoying it! But, there are times when you just need to take a break from it all." then she crossed her arms behind her head and sighed, "I wish Naruto was here… I'd be able to get some of that massive dick then…"

"You called?"

The former Number Nine and her ex nearly jumped out of their skin when they heard Naruto speak. Where the absolute fuck did he come from?! Sitting up, Neideen and Roxanne both looked around the room and easily found the blond in question. He was crouched on the wall opposite them. When Naruto saw their eyes on him, he gave them a grin and waved impishly at them.

"What? It's like you never saw a guy show up out of nowhere before." he said, dropping to the floor without making a sound. "I wanted to check on you, in particular," he said, looking over to Neideen. "I feel kinda guilty for leaving you hanging like I did, but I've been busy for the past few days, so I didn't get the opportunity to come back until just now."

"Busy? With what? Fucking your girls?" Roxanne asked, taking her eyes off of her book just to see his reaction.

Naruto shrugged at her question with a smile. "And then some. But mostly it was to get the defectors off the field and into safety of Morris. Recent developments have reached my attention that forced me to... accelerate my plans. Isley of the North is now on the side of the rebellion, along with a little mercenary group he recruited for protection. They're actually being led by an awakened being, Soleil the Joyous - a former Number 3 of your generation Roxanne, and she happens to be your biggest fan, Neideen."

"Oh, really?" the one-eyed woman giggled.

"Oh yeah. You have no idea how disappointed she was when she found out you were dead when she finally got on the field." he gave Roxanne a flat look at that, who shrugged he response. She wasn't going to deny anything. "Of course, when I told her you were back she was so damn excited. She was hoping for an orgy with you if you happened to run into her… without killing her that is." he chuckled sheepishly.

"You should totally bring her here," Neideen chirped with a lewd grin. "The name Soleil sounds vaguely familiar."

Naruto tilt his head to the side, and grinned. "...alright, give me a second." then, before they knew it, he vanished in a yellow flash.

Both blondes blinked owlishly at his abrupt departure. Neideen huffed and crossed her arms against her robes with a childish pout. That was more than a second! Then, she jumped and fell back in surprise with a yelp as Naruto and a pair of owlishly blinking women appeared in the room.

Roxanne stood up from the bed looking at the woman with the unruly silver-hair. She saw her once after usurping Cassandra's position; but that was it. The tendency of her friends being killed off was well known by that time, so she never really interacted with Soleil. But she recognised the woman.

Neideen on the other hand gave the women beside Naruto a look over, and she liked what she saw. Even if they were awakened beings. The silver-haired one looked very familiar, now that she thought about it. This woman was much younger at the time, but Neideen never forgot a pretty face.

"Well, now I know where I heard that name! You were the trainee that liked stalking me back in the day, aren't you~?" Neideen said with a grin, it was phrased as a question but it was more of a statement than anything.

Soleil blushed and giggled as she nodded. "You have no idea how jealous I was of all those girls you molested~!" she cooed dreamily. "I was hoping you would molest me and do all sorts of perverted things, but you never did."

"Oh? Let's alleviate, that, shall we~?" Neideen whispered, licking her ear after suddenly appearing right behind Soleil with her arms around the silver-haired awakened.

"It would be better if you were able to make yourself look the way you use to be all those years ago." Naruto told Soleil, then the blond got an idea; a mischievous smile spread across his face as he gave said idea some thought. "Hey, Soleil, I have an ability that allows me to share my chakra with other people. Want to see if you're able to change the way you look and 'become a warrior' again?"

"Perhaps a cute, little trainee~?" Neideen suggested.

"Well, this is about to get… steamy," Robin chuckled nervously, feeling her cheeks starting to burn.

"Think you can be Saint Nymphetamina again, Neideen?" Naruto asked as he beckoned the suddenly shy Roxanne over to him. "You were so damn hot as her…, you get what I mean,"

"Oh, I don't mind," Neideen giggled. "Using my 'legend' in such a lewd fashion was admittedly fun."

"Doing just about anything lewd is fun for you," Roxanne quipped.

"Yeah, just about," the one-eyed 'saint' chuckled sheepishly. Then, she looked down at herself and added with a coy smile, "and I'm already dressed for the part~"

When Roxanne was within arms reach of Naruto she let out a surprised squawk when he reached down and grabbed her butt. "You're not wearing your armour this time. So I can show you the attention I wanted to give you all those days ago~" then he made her look at him and brought Roxanne in for a dominating kiss that made her knees buckle. He had to show this woman her place, if he allowed her to get even an inch, she'd go the mile. As he dominated the mouth battle, Naruto moved one hand to Soleil's shoulder and absentmindedly sent a surge of chakra into her body to kickstart her chakra network.

The silver-haired awakened shuddered pleasantly at the warm sensation washing over her. But she felt a new, foreign energy spreading through her body. It was energising and made her feel like she could take on anything! Once it settled, the blond took his hand off her shoulder and put his entire focus in the wave-haired pigtailed blonde he was still dominating. Poor Roxanne was puddy in his hands, at this point. All she could do was let Naruto have his way with her as she pulled him into a tight embrace.

Then Naruto abruptly withdrew from the kiss, lest he pass out from lack of air. He grinned victoriously as the woman in his arms gasped for air; her tongue lolled out of her mouth and her eyes were half-lidded; it was giving him the impression that she was exhausted. But he knew better.

"'Roxanne of Love and Hate'" the woman in question mewled pathetically when Naruto palmed her breast and ass at the same time, "I'm going to fuck the hate out of you and make you my latest broodmare. And you're going to enjoy every second of it~"

She shuddered, nearly cumming from his words alone.

"Don't forget about me, this time," Neideen chirped pointedly, the malicious undertone promising a world pain if he left her unsatisfied a third time,

"You're the saint of the Twin Goddesses, and I'm the unofficial champion of the Twin Goddesses." Naruto told her with a grin. "I think you need to officially induct me into this religion and make my status as a champion official. And I still need those other 19 blessings you said you were going to give me~ And if they're anything like how you gave me the Blessing of Fertility, then I can't wait to get the rest of them."

"Let's start with the Blessing of Blinding Pleasure," Neideen giggled. "Any woman you bed will be guaranteed to cum when you blow your load inside her~!"

"Oh?" Naruto finally let Roxanne go, and she fell to her knees now that he wasn't holding her up. The blond looked at the robe wearing Neideen and asked, "And how will you apply it?"

Neideen walked around Soleil and to Naruto where she put her hands on his chest. Slyly, impishly, the woman moved her hands caressingly around his broad torso and gave him a flirtatious smile. "Tis a two step process, O' Champion," she cooed.

"Oh?" Naruto took a hand and brought it to his lips, "and what steps are these, dear saint?"

Neideen giggled. "First, I must partake of thy seed. Then you are to implant thy seed directly into me."

"I can most certainly do that~" Naruto growled sexily, drawing a giggle from the saint. "Let's start it off then, shall we?"

'Oh, we shall~!" Neideen cooed, dropping to her knees.

While Neideen got started on getting 'mini-Naruto' out, Roxanne got back up and cleared her throat to try and get back to the original point, before things spiral out of control. "S-so, you mentioned about having to accelerate your plans because of recent developments?"

"Yeah. To make a long story short, the Organization is catching on to my plans." Naruto exhaled in relief when Neideen freed his semi-hard prick from its cloth prison and got started on wanking him off. "It's only a matter of time before they purge their forces to get rid of anyone that took a liking to me. Unless no one has told the men in black of our encounter in Nile, you should be safe from their suspicion."

"A couple of warriors had come to investigate. But we made up a cover story where you fought us, but managed to drive you off after a lengthy battle." Roxanne told him; then she crossed her arms and frowned thoughtfully. "So we should be safe from suspicion."

"That's go-OD!" Naruto yelped when Neideen took the tip of his prick into her mouth with an audible nom, and started bobbing her head up and down his dick with rabid devotion. Shuddering Naruto caressed the wavy haired woman's scalp as thanks and took a deep breath to calm herself. "I also k-know that the Organization h-has recalled their forces since one of their 'spies' Camilla the Charmer, has r-re-reported that I was preparing an attack. The rest of them are wanting to defect but… but they're s-scared that you would be sent to kill them if they do."

"Which means we're likely to receive orders to hightail it over to Morris and take you out," Roxanne sighed.

Robin and Soleil took note of everything they'd heard for a later discussion.

Meanwhile Neideen withdrew, her mood having taken a major nose dive at as she listened to the conversation. Now she was no longer in the room for some of the more kinky shit she was planning on doing with him.

"You're fairly close to Morris anyway." Naruto told Roxanne with a small frown. He looked down briefly in confusion when Neideen did up his boxers and trousers. "And Camilla does have to report to her handler for updates on my faction once per month. Chances are you'll be getting your 'orders' from her once you're inside town. Of course, as I mentioned before, Camilla the Charmer is a part of the rebellion."

"Raftela did say we were to meet up with Camilla once we got to Morris." Neideen said as she stood up. "Morris is about a week's journey from here, right?"

"Give or take a few days, actually. Nash is fairly close to Morris after all. It wouldn't take you long if you were to go there via a caravan. On foot it would, as I said, take you a day or two to get there - but without breaks, it would probably take you about a day and night to get there."

"Good to know." Roxanne muttered.

"This energy you gave me," Soleil started, drawing Naruto's attention to her, "can you teach me how to use it?"

"I can most certainly try, but my method of learning is probably different to how you would do it. I learn best by actually doing instead of reading."

"Noted," Soleil giggled. "I suppose I can wait until the Organization is dealt with. So… shall we get back to what were were doing before we got distracted~?"

"Well…" Naruto looked at Neideen who was looking at him with her arms crossed. He smiled, cupping her cheek and giving the grumpy woman an uplifting peck on the lips. "I have some time to kill. Do you want to get back to what we were doing?"

Neideen couldn't help but smile if her life depended on it. "I certainly don't mind~!"

Naruto smiled back at her, and hooked an arm around her waist. "Good, because I can't wait for you to unleash your sluttiness on me." he grabbed her butt and kneaded her ass flesh through her robe, "I've heard that you were quite the naughty woman. And with the blowjobs you've given me, I have to say those rumours have some truth to them. I would love to see all of it for myself."

The former Number 9 grinned evilly as she dropped down, undoing the zip and buttons on his jacket and opening it up as she made her way down to her prize.


Meanwhile back in Morris, another reinforced clone Naruto was busy implementing a new enemy within the simulation. The creature itself is brown in colour and titanic in size; it has a single eye, which takes up most of its head, and spiky protrusions growing out of its back in a shape that is highly reminiscent of a conch shell. It has a grotesque bulb-like body with long arms and clawed hands, but no visible hind legs, a wide mouth with multiple rows of pointed teeth and a single spike on its chin. Dark veins similar to those of a plant ran along its body, and the endings of its tails resembled leaf buds.

The absolutely gigantically titan-sized Juubi, or the Ten-Tailed Beast was the enemy in question. And everyone that was in the bailey could see the giant fucker in all its terrible glory. The clone was not surprised when several women fainted at the mere sight of it. The Juubi was quite the terrifying fucker. Of course no one had asked him what the hell it was yet. A few of the more well-informed and intelligent members of his harem had already guessed it was the Juubi - Riful and Miria, especially, though even they were surprised by the seer presence of the thing. Also the ten tails behind it was a dead give away on what it was. They saw Naruto transform into Kurama to destroy that meteor in that simulation with an undead Madara, and the Nine-Tailed fox was the most massive thing they had ever seen... and were unnerved that this abomination was a thousand times taller and wider than the fox.

"Naruto… what the fuck is that thing?!" Zelda was not one for swearing, but she could make an exception for this.

"This would be the Ten-Tails. The first and the most powerful of the Tailed Beasts." the blond in question answered without taking his eyes away from the barrier, less he loses concentration. "Its power is so vast that it cannot be sensed. It has no thoughts and no emotions. It is pure, power and anger. What you're seeing now is its first form - the 'infant stage' as I like to call it. It only gets worse from there."

That left the women watching rather unnerved, to say the least. Konohamaru and his teammates marveled at hot badass their boss was for taking on such a creature, and several of his lovers shared the sentiment.

"How many stages does it have?" Tabitha asked.

"In total? Five. And each stage is stronger than the last. Though, the fifth one is more unstable."

"Five… that thing has five stages?!" Undine was jaw dropping in shock as she stared at the abomination in shock.

"How do you think the boss felt when he was fighting the damn thing?" Naruto chuckled. "He was scared out of his mind. It could use a more deadly version of a tailed beast bomb… and has a range of several thousand miles, maybe more. It was a nightmare to fight. The damn thing was so powerful it could bruteforce its way out of almost anything the Shinobi Alliance threw at it. The fucker felt like it literally couldn't be put down, at times."

"How did you defeat it?" Teresa asked.

"To be honest? We didn't. The Ten-Tails was too strong for any of us to fight. It was a fight for survival against it. A friend of mine, Neji, sacrificed himself to save me. And it grew stronger with every passing minute, which is why it had stages to it. I think it was the…third stage, that Obito became its Jinchuuriki. That was when we could finally fight back."

Queenie let out a forced, and nervous laugh. " least its not around anymore."

"Not entirely, anyway," Naruto shrugged. "The Nine Bijuu are basically the pieces is was broken up into when we finally won the fight. And while they can die, it's not permanent. They will always come back."

"I'm just glad they're on our side," Miria sighed.

"They're glad too. Matatabi and Shukaku adore the kids… not sure where Isobu is though. I haven't heard from him in a while."


In the Eastern Region of Sutare, the tailed beast in question was still lying in wait at the bottom of the ocean near the Organization's HQ. Kurama was still relaying information to him, and he knew that Naruto was planning to assault Staff soon. He also knew that Naruto was giving Konoha a chance.

All in all, things were finally getting interesting. Once Naruto finally gets here, he will reveal himself to him and his faction in the grandest display possible!

Naruto wants to do this without casualties on the warriors side, so his presence should get them to drop their swords.


"He's probably keeping to himself." Miria said with a shrug; then she looked at her husband for clarification, "He is the one that likes to be by himself, right?"

"Yeah. He is." Naruto chuckled. "I'm sure he's fine. He's probably keeping to himself at the bottom of a lake or the ocean," the blond said with an amused grin, unaware of the beast in question being legitimately flattered that he was thinking about him. "I wouldn't mind seeing him again, to be honest. But I won't pester him."

"So, are there any other women to pick up, today?" Riful asked.

The clone shook his head. "No. If what I was told is right, then the Organization is recalling the rest of their forces to defend their headquarters from our attack. The rest of them do want to defect, but they're afraid the Crimson Guard will be sent to kill them if they try. Anastasia's first and second team, and then some are here. Then there's the matter of the Crimson Guard themselves - they are still out there, after all."

"They are in Nash, right now." Galatea informed everyone, "They're not moving at the moment, but they are two days away from here."

"Ingmar told me that the Crimson Guard are coming to Morris to kill you, Naruto. But they're to report to me for any additional information that would help their chances." Camilla told him, "But seeing as you already took care of that little problem, they will be defecting soon after they arrive, I'm sure."

"Chances are they're trying to keep the Organization from suspecting them until they do. It's been around a week since we last saw them, so they haven't been in the loop. Chances are the boss is out there correcting that little problem right now… hopefully he's not fucking them because of how serious this is. But knowing the boss, I wouldn't cross my fingers."

"Oh, he's fucking them," Miria sighed. "I know it! I'd bet it's that one-eyed hussy, in particular." After last night, she was hard pressed to get mad about it, though…


Just as his most envious wife had suspected, Naruto was doing precisely that, letting out a roar and emptying his balls right into Neideen's waiting gob. Robin and Soleil shuddered longingly at the sight of the blond stud's dick visibly throbbing as he deposited spurt after massive spurt into the saint's mouth, with said woman eagerly gulping down every last drop.

"Oh, fuck~! I said it once, and I'll say it again: there is no way you're a virgin!"

Neideen giggled as she withdrew, right after gently squeezing out the last traces of his cum from Naruto's shaft. She then opened up and showed Naruto her prize, before making a spectacle of swallowing his seed and licking her lips. "I suppose I'm technically not, as I've had plenty of oral sex," she said with a lewd grin, before hopping onto the bed behind her and spreading her legs in a suggestive manner. "But, I've never gone all the way, mainly because my stigma would disgust any man who saw it; but that was then - this is now; so c'mon, you stud, make me your woman~!"

Poor Naruto was now painfully hard after hearing that. He let out a low chuckle and made his way to the edge of the bed. "Well, it looks like I got a real horny and perverted saint to tame. Oh, I wonder how the Twin Goddesses will take that~?"

"Personally, I think it's about damn time," Teresa giggled.

"Neideen has been rather… 'hungry' for your dick, if you catch my meaning." Clare added with a suggestive giggle of her own.

Naruto smirked at that and tilt his head to the side, looking down at the horny woman before him. "So, Saint Nymphetamina… I have to ask: what are you wearing under that robe of yours~?"

"Why, nothing, of course~!" Neideen giggled. "Undergarments would get in the way of laying this blessing upon you~!"

"Aw, that's a shame… I would have loved to see you in some rather… skimpy undergarments." he said with disappointment, then Naruto gave her a lewd grin and added, "But seeing you naked as you take off your robes is the next best thing though~"

"I think I would prefer if you peeled them off while having your way with me," Neideen suggested lewdly.

"A tempting offer, I wonder what Saint Nymphetamina would say to that though… hehehe, most likely the same thing." Suddenly, Naruto shoved Neideen down on her back and pulled the hemline of her robe up and over her head leaving her in her birthday suit, "I can certainly do better than that though~" he growled.. Neideen shuddered longingly and spread her legs, giving him the most pleading, desperate look he'd ever seen. Naruto was lost the instant he saw it. Nothing and no one was going to stop him from taking this woman and making her his utter bitch! He mashed his lips against hers, pulling the former Number 9 into a tight embrace as he stole the breath from her lungs, Then Naruto withdrew from her lips and gave the woman a lustful growl as he rubbed the underside of his dick against her virgin cunny. "I'm going to enjoy breeding you, you perverted, cock sucking slut~!"

"Make me your cockslave you stud~!" she cooed.

Naruto growled once more, his primal side taking over from there. Not to mention he was still affected by the drugs Moegi fed him the night before. He was going to utterly ruin the perverted bitch by the time he was finished with her.

Neideen forgot how to breathe as she found herself impaled upon Naruto's mighty bitch-breaker without warning. She writhed and groaned beneath him, her innocence - what was left of it anyway - destroyed in one fell swoop. Then, Naruto hugged her close and slowly started to move before Neideen had a chance to recover. She locked her ankles behind the man, rendering him unable to pull out entirely as Naruto slowly fucked the one-eyed bitch nice and proper. Only after the woman was used to his size and the discomfort ebbed away to pleasure did the blond speed up. Moving his hands under her back and down to her ass Naruto grabbed two handfuls of her ass flesh and pulled her up into his thrusts while he slammed his thighs down into her.

Naruto could feel her fingers digging into his skin but not enough to draw blood. He didn't care for that however. All that did was get him to fuck the bitch harder and faster. Neideen threw her head back and howled out her enjoyment; the deep pounding she was receiving was everything she craved and then some! Out of instinct alone Neideen started thrusting rolling and bucking her hips against his thrusts. Her toes curled and her remaining eye rolled back as Neideen was pounded within an inch of her life.

Robin, and Soleil openly gawked at and ogled the stud and his display of manliness. Clearly, this blond had earned his moniker as their loins started to burn. For the former her loins had that indescribable itch that only a thick cock could scratch; for the latter, she just wanted to go over there, yank Naruto off of her idol and ride him for all she was worth!

"That's it, you slut!" Naruto audibly growled; his lust-fueled voice gave Roxanne, Soleil and Robin pleasant tingles. "Take my dick! Submit to it! You know you want to be bred by me!" his tone was dominating, commanding, but most importantly it was forceful.

Neideen's walls clamped around his thrusting meat-stick at his words, Sistina's prediction of her lusts being quenched after being impaled upon his 'mighty spear' has come true. But what the Oracle's prediction didn't say was of the addiction the one-eyed woman would get. She just loved the feel of Naruto pulsating and thrusting cock, pounding her into submission. If this kept up, she'd need this as much as breathing, and Neideen fucking loved it~!

Roxanne, Robin, and Soleil flinched and shuddered when they heard Naruto slamming into Neideen with a roar, his balls visibly contracting, what they could see of his shaft throbbing, as he shot his hot, thick, thrice-blessed spunk right into the saint's wanting snatch. Poor Neideen nearly fainted, the feel his wet heat flooding her innermost depths nearly proved to much for her. She gurgled pathetically, the sensations sending her over the edge. Her inner walls clamped down and milked Naruto for his seed; her juices splashed against his nutsack and formed a sizeable puddle on the hardwood floor; her nails drew blood and Neideen smashed her lips against Naruto's in a frenzied show of desire, claiming him as her mate once and for all as he painted her pussy a pearly white.

Naruto groaned lustfully, and pushed her back, withdrawing from her honeypot, only to flip her over on her front and pull Neideen's crotch to his, impaling her on his mighty bitch-tamer once more in an instant, before plowing her with everything he had. The sound of flesh on flesh blended with Neideen's desperate, longing, pleasured moans as he railed the bitch hard and inhumanly fast. She came almost instantly. A mixture of her juices and his trickled down her legs and stained the bed as she writhed and wailed in unfathomable pleasure. She couldn't take it! The one-eyed saint had been dead to the world within seconds of being flipped over. The only indication that she was even still alive was her stiffening and gurgling with every spurt, when Naruto slammed into her once more and blew another load right into her waiting cootch.

The blond shuddered happily as the last drops of his load were squeezed from his dick like toothpaste from the tube. Once the loads were reduced to a trickle, Naruto slowly pulled out of her with another shudder. Neideen's unconscious body flattened out and with an undignified plop before him. But he was still hard. Luckily, he had three other bitches in the room…plus fourteen more in the inn, if needed. Cassandra is just so damn adorable when she's all embarrassed or shy - much like Yuma. He can't wait to bring that exotic babe out of her shell~!

Then he turned around and gave the biggest bitch in the Organization's history, and two awakened beings a lewd grin that promised the greatest fuck they would ever receive.

"Who wants to go next?" he asked them with an expectant look. Naruto chuckled when a thoroughly-flustered Robin struggled to shyly reply.

Roxanne however had no trouble showing she wanted to go next. She marched on over there and took hold of his dick, that was slick with Neideen's juices and his own seed. The curly haired blonde gave him a flat smile as she jerked and tugged on his cock, the combined juices acted as a convenient lubricant. "C'mon, loverboy," she cooed with a psychotic grin, "Neideen's not the only one who wants you to make her his bitch; show all three of us what you can do with those clones of yours~!" Of course, she had every intention to bang the holy hell out of the original, but her pragmatic side told her that making the others wait for a good fuck would prove troublesome.

Naruto quirked an eyebrow at that; if he didn't know any better, that right there, sounded like a challenge. He grinned outright at that, Naruto never turns down a challenge! Naruto formed a half-cross seal and two clones appeared beside him in a poof of smoke. Then they appeared behind and beside Soleil and Robin, surprising the two awakened beings thoroughly when the clones grabbed their asses and breasts. Meanwhile, the original Naruto pulled Roxanne into another kiss and dominated her tongue before she could muster up a fight. Her eyes rolled back and she wrapped her arms around him, submitting to him in an instant as she gently urged him to go down on top of her. Of course, Naruto knew better than to do that… there was nothing behind the woman. So they would end up on the floor if that happened. So Naruto did the next best thing: he grabbed her thick thighs and lift her off the floor. Then he walked over to the other unoccupied bed in the room and set Roxanne down on top of it.

Roxanne yelped and giggled as she was carried off and when she was set down on the bed, she withdrew from the kiss to look Naruto in the eye with a longing expression.

Naruto ran his hand along her bicep, "I have to admit, your bodysuit looks good on you. It just hugs your curves in all the right places," he said, trailing his hand up and down teasingly. Then he leaned in and whispered into her ear, "I want to see the real Roxanne. I heard you were a bitch of the highest degree in your first life. And I want to tame that you."

Roxanne's face was split by an evil grin. "Oh, really~?" Suddenly, her yoki spiked and Roxanne flipped them over so that she was on top. Crossing her arms before her, she then slipped her gambison off over her head sexily as she gave Naruto a lewd, malicious grin. "A lot of warriors loathed me when they found out who I really am. I honestly didn't give a shit about their opinions of me."

Naruto smirked at her "Considering anyone that befriended you had a tendency to die, it's not surprising." then he reached up and grabbed a handful of her tits and gave them a firm, yet gentle, squeeze, "You honestly remind me of Priscilla and Ophelia - Priscilla because you're so prideful. And Ophelia, because you honestly remind me of her when she was batshit crazy." Naruto saw that she didn't care about what was being said in front of her face. "You're manipulative, vain, sadistic, and a good actor if the reports the Organization had on you was anything to go by."

Again, Roxanne didn't care what was being said; in her personal opinion those were her best features. She slammed her hands on the mattress on both sides of his head and leaned down until their noses were almost touching.

"And what, are you, going to do about that? Hmm?" she asked, giving the blond beneath her a challenging, but vicious narrow eyed grin.

"I'm going to fuck you of course." he answered with a harsh swat to her butt. Roxanne let out a low, guttural moan at the impact. "Naughty girls like you need a good dicking in my honest opinion."

Those were big words coming from him; Roxanne's psychotic grin grew even wider. This would prove to be quite the challenge and she loved challenges.

"I would love to see you try…" Roxanne took off her leggings and sat back down on his legs, and gave him a challenging grin. "I'm going to be the one who dominates you!"

Naruto grinned back and growled sexily. "Go ahead and try," he challenged in the huskiest voice he could muster.

With a low, ominous chuckle, Roxanne reached down and took hold of Naruto's shaft and guided him to her folds. She licked her lips, and her body trembled as the bulbous head of Naruto's schlong rubbed against her womanly folds. Then the curly-haired woman bit down on her bottom lip as she impaled herself upon Naruto's mighty spear. The sound of skin slapping skin rebounded off the walls as Roxanne took his fifteen inch cock near to the hilt. The woman had to use yoki to stretch her insides to accommodate him. She whimpered cutely at the feel of her inner walls being so impossibly stretched. He was so gosh darn big!

Slowly but surely, she inched her way to the base of his massive shaft. When her thighs finally met his, Roxanne shuddered pleasantly. She felt so god damn full~!

Yes… she was going to enjoy this. And from the sound of it, so were those awakened harlots…