Crimson Guard Part 3(18+)

Back in Morris, Naruto's clone had finished inserting the Ten-Tails into the simulation. But he was nowhere near finished; the clone had another idea for an enemy/potential ally to be implanted into the simulation. It was himself, yet at the same time, not himself.

Mecha-Naruto, a machine that looks similar to Naruto himself, but with bolts all over its body to hold it together. Long story short, those who had never seen Mecha-Naruto before were surprised by its appearance.

Shikamaru narrowed his eyes as he looked at the robot with suspicion. That thing looked very familiar. "…isn't that the robot Orochimaru made to extract the kyuubi from you?" he asked, looking to the clone for clarification.

"Yeah, that's the one." the clone replied with a nod, "I might add the Mecha-Kyuubi as well, now that I think about it."

"The technology difference is staggering," Miria muttered to herself.

Naruto couldn't deny that; compared to the Elemental Nations this continent was primitive. While they had strong swordswomen in the form of these hybrids, they wouldn't stand a ghost of a chance against a four-man team of ninja. Of course, that was before they got themselves trained by him.

"While the technology and battle prowess in the Elemental Nations is superior compared to here, you ladies are capable of going toe to toe with ninja now; but six years ago, that would have been an entirely different story." the clone wasn't going to sugarcoat anything, or hold back on his bluntness. "To be honest, the only thing you all had going for you was your healing factor, yoki and the unique abilities that came with it. Alicia would have been able to put up a hell of a fight in her awakened form, as well since her skin as a demoness is, admittedly, stronger than steel. But outside of that, you all were one trick ponies and not use to someone that likes to fight dirty."

"Tell me about it," Jean sighed, "I saw you toss Dauf out of Riful's castle in your stage one cloak, then destroyed him so thoroughly you left a crater were he once stood. And you did it effortlessly too." She blushed. It was just so… hot, though she never actually admitted it aloud. Then again, she did bear his child as a direct result of the following romp. That was arguably close enough.

The clone sheepishly scratched his cheek, "Then the boss got jumped on by Riful, you, Galatea, and Clare and proceeded to fuck you four stupid. That was one of the best days ever..."

"Well, I certainly tried," Jean giggled, her cheeks stained red.

"After healing your stigma you tried to have the boss's babies. He wasn't complaining of course… now that I think of it quite a lot of you tried to have his babies as soon as your stigmas were healed. Granted, a few of you lasted a long time without giving in; I'm not going to name, names, Raftela…Deneve…and Helen." he was contradicting himself and he knew it. But what could he say? He was a prankster at heart.

"What happened to you not naming names?" Raftela asked the clone with a curiously arched eyebrow.

The clone opened his mouth to reply, paused in thought, and closed it again a moment later. Then the shadow clone shrugged and said, ", I lied."

"Of course you did." his most loving and loyal wife sighed. That was the only thing Jean didn't like about her man. "Just don't lie to me."

"I don't lie to you… some of the time." the clone freely admitted. "I mean be honest: have you ever told the Boss the truth?" he asked Jean that question, since she was the one who told him not to lie to her.

"I have told you the truth!" Jean exclaimed looking genuinely offended.

"Really? Then why were you garbed in only a cloak when you and the boss first met all those years ago? Because everytime the boss asked you that question, you always deflected it or outright refused to answer." the clone pointed out to her.

A blushing Jean stammered nervously "I… I uh…" the woman really walked right into that one and she knew it.

"If you don't want to answer, that's your business. The boss, nor I, will think any different of you."

Jean pouted as she averted her gaze, her cheeks now even redder.

"...Troublesome; whatever she's hiding it's obvious it was traumatic for her." Shikamaru told his friend with a sigh. "That is the most likely reason why she's been avoiding telling you about it."

The clone looked at Shikamaru for a moment; then realization dawned on him. "...Oh." the clone looked to Jean and asked, "I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable, honey. Do you want to cuddle once this is done?"

Jean took a deep breath and nodded with a small smile. "I would like that."

"Of course you would…" a jealous Miria muttered under her breath.

"I don't see what you're so jealous about. Out of everyone here, you've been with our husband the most." Tabitha told her captain. "I also seem to recall you conspiring with Moegi to trap him in his room last night." She crossed her arms with a pout, visibly grumpy for not being included in that little scheme.

"So THAT'S why his room was locked last night?" Priscilla exclaimed, glaring at Miria accusingly. "You hogged him all to yourself!"

"A conspiracy, by definition, requires more than one person to be involved," Miria pointed out. "I will have you know that I was perfectly willing to share, hence Moegi's involvement; I just wanted to make sure he knew that I am his wife and I will not tolerate him being taken away by some whore in the streets."

The clone was so tempted to say, "Yes, by making yourself a whore." but resisted, even if just barely; he knew better than to say that. Miria would not take too kindly to being called a whore; well, outside of the bedroom that is; plus he didn't have a death wish. He kept his focus on the simulation and saw Mecha-Naruto was just seconds away from being downloaded completely into it. Once it was finished the clone took his hand off the barrier and went to check the seals real quick in order to see if it was implemented correctly.

Once he was sure it was, the clone turned to address Miria and said, "Oh, you made sure he knew you were his wife. You 'pounded' it into him again, and again, and again."

"He and I loved every second of it," Miria giggled.

"Oh~!" Ino gushed, her inner gossip rearing its ugly head, "Give us all the juicy details!"

"Oh, please, no," Shikamaru groaned.

"Yeah, no," the clone said, looking at Ino with a deadpan and being in full agreement with Shikamaru. "I ain't telling you jack diddly squat about our sex life."

Though admittedly tempted to gloat, Miria nodded in agreement. No need for the foreign blonde to start asking for some, after all… Her man was fucking more than enough foreigners for her liking.

"Aw...." whined a disappointed Ino, much to Shikamaru's relief and irritation. Relief due to Naruto not giving the blonde her fix, and irritation because the blonde in question was whining like a child who lost her favourite toy.

Then the clone appeared behind Jean and wrapped his arms around her waist as he pulled her back to him. He made especially sure that the browless woman felt his stiff cock against the crack of her ass. She cooed and giggled at the contact, giving him a flirty grin. "Shall we take our leave for a bit~?" Jean asked, rubbing her rear against his groin.

"Yes, let's…" he gave Jean a loving peck on the cheek. Then he looked at Tabitha and Clarice, "want to join us, you two?"

"I wish to go, too," Priscilla chimed in.

The Naruto clone chuckled and brought the brunette into a one armed hug. "Alright," he gave get a loving kiss on the lips, "you can join me and Jean as well." he told her as he withdrew from the brunette's lips.

"I wouldn't mind joining in." Clarice shyly said.

"I'll go with… if only Captain Miria comes with us." Tabitha added with an ultimatum. If her beloved Captain wasn't going to join, then neither would she… unless said captain gave her permission of course.

"Miria is free to join us. Nothing is stopping her - no, not even you, Priss." the clone said, giving the brunette in question a strictly warning look.

"Can I at least spank her?" She asked, still grumpy about not being able to have her Naruto time, last night.


"Absolutely not!" Miria shouted as she covered her own butt with her hands. She was not going to let that… that harlot anywhere near her butt! Priscilla would hit her so hard she wouldn't be able to sit down for a week!

"Oh, well you heard the lady." Naruto chuckled at the annoyed, childish pout and glare on Priscilla's face. "I'll give you extra snuggles tonight, if you're a good girl." Priscilla brightened up at that and nodded rapidly. Naruto chuckled again and looked at his easily to become jealous wife, "So does that mean you're coming to join us then?"

While still a bit flustered, Miria gave him a smile and a nod.

"Alright, Tabitha, Clarice, and Priscilla, follow the three of us back to my bedchamber… yes, you can join in as well, Alicia and Beth," he added at the end having sensed the jealousy from the twins themselves. They perked up at that and cheerfully scurried on up to the group. Naruto chuckled and swiftly created a clone to look after an overly curious-looking Miata to make sure she didn't try anything that would make the situation awkward. "Y'know, now that I think of it - since the two of you can multitask with great efficiency now, have either of you tried to make a clone of yourselves, and get them to partially awaken through the soul link?" Naruto asked the twins. It was a legitimate question; their spar yesterday had brought so many opportunities for them.

Alicia and Beth exchanged looks before shaking their heads, "No, neither of us have tried that." the latter answered, though she was visibly intrigued. She never saw what her awakened form would look like if she were to awaken. Seeing it from one of her clones is an opportunity she can't hope to pass up. But right now they have more important things to do.

"Hmm… it's food for thought though." Naruto told them, then he gave his wife Jean a playful swat on the butt and gestured the other ladies to follow him. "C'mon you five. Let's get going."

"No, you cannot go with," the other clone said with a hearty chuckle, when he saw Ino sneaking the group a curious glance. "If Miria won't kill you, Priscilla certainly will. And she'll enjoy every second of it… and probably eat you."

The blonde gave him a nervous, sheepish grin. "Noted."


"That blonde one isn't following us is she?" Miria asked.

At her question, the shadow clone looked over his shoulder and found that their little group wasn't being followed at all. "No. Ino isn't following us. She wanted to, but was apparently deterred. Guess my clone is responsible for that."

"Good," the sandy brunette chirped.

Naruto chuckled amusedly. "You're so adorable when you're jealous, you know that, honey?" he gave her a playful swat, drawing a yelp and giggle from Miria.

"Please, don't encourage her," Tabitha said playfully. "Once she gets started, little can stop her."

"But that's what I love about her," Naruto playfully replied, "You all have your own quirks that I just adore~!"

The five women all blushed and smiled at that. "Oh! Can you give us some examples?" Clarice just had to know! That way maybe she and the others can find out what he likes the most!

"Alright," Naruto said with a chuckle, "You, Clarice, I find your shyness and perceived lack of self-confidence adorable, and your ability to push through them… sexy. It honestly reminds me of Hinata, my first girlfriend."

The brunette in question didn't know if she should take that as an insult or flattery… but after hearing him saying it was sexy when she pushed through them, she settled for flattery. And she was flattered.

"You, Priscilla, are confident and prideful," Naruto added, giving the brunette in question a smile. "You know what you want and will stop at nothing to get it. That just makes me want to bend you over and fuck you silly~"

The awakened brunette giggled, giving him a lewd, teasing leer. "Go ahead, I dare you~!"

The blond chuckled, before carrying on. "You, Tabitha, are loyal, almost to a fault, and willing to go above and beyond for your captain. I find that trait of yours both admirable and hot."

The former Number 31 blushed heavily and gave him a shy smile.

"Last but not least," Naruto continued, looking towards Alicia and Beth, "you two are just so cute; I love your almost-childlike curiosity, and fierce determination." he gave the twins a grin and winked at them. Waking up to having my hands grabbing your nice asses a day after we first met, makes me want to do it again."

The twins giggled lewdly and scurried on up to give him a peck on either cheek. "Want to grab our 'nice asses' again?" Alicia asked the clone as she and her sister withdrew with a lewd grin.

Naruto chuckled giving them both a playful swat. "Let's get to the room, first," he said with a flirty grin.

Miria scoffed and said with a smug looking expression, "I don't care if you decide to grab my ass on our way to the bedchamber." then she leaned forward a slight tad and gave the clone of her husband a flirtatious grin and swatted herself on the ass. "Everything I have is yours for the taking, after all~"

"Oh, I know it~!" the clone chuckled, giving Miria a playful swat, before leading the way. He was looking forward to this~!


Meanwhile, back in Nash, a newly-stripped Robin's eyes rolled back and she let out a deep guttural moan as the clone behind her slowly sank deeper and deeper into her virgin ass, no less than three loads of his seed now trickling down her thighs from her raw, sore, freshly-deflowered snatch.

"Your ass is so fucking tight!" the clone groaned into her ear as he eased more and more of his shaft into her anus, "Damn, you can crush an apple with it!" given what she is that claim is not at all far fetched. Robin shuddered, then yelped pleasurably when he fiddled with her clit. Before she knew it, Naruto had bottomed out within her with a groan. "Oh, I'm gonna enjoy this," he said, before starting to move - slowly at first, but to Robin's glee and dismay, that didn't last long as he was soon to be pounding her with everything he had.

Off to the side, a stark naked, thoroughly-fucked Soleil was sucking off her own Naruto as a mixture of their juices leaked from her violated cunny. Her Naruto clone was leaning his head back, threaded his fingers through her silver hair with a pleasure-filled groan as she went down on him like a pro.

"Yeah. suck that dick like you mean it, you bootylicious woman~!" he growled sexily. "It's what you wanted isn't it? A good cunt-pounding, right?"

"Of course," she cooed, after withdrawing, jerking him with her hands while she was at it. Then, Soleil gave him a nice long lick from base to tip, before adding, "I missed you so much~! Now, I get to properly show you my appreciation~!" With that, she went back down on him, swallowing the tip of his mighty cock and going all the way down.

Naruto gurgled pathetically, feeling her lips at the very base of his dick. Then, she started to pull back and fuck him with her throat. Oh, he was going to enjoy this~!

Finally, back with the original, Naruto and Roxanne were still having their little clash of wills as the sound of flesh on flesh filled the room. By now, everyone in the inn knew damn well what was going on. Some were tempted to go over there and tell them to keep the noise down, since their fucking could be heard through the floorboards. But they knew better. It was the Lord of Morris, the unofficial champion of the Twin Goddesses, and the changeling of the giant nine-tailed beast after all. They did not want to bring his wrath down upon them.

And there was Saint Nymphetamina there as well, and they were less inclined to piss the famous Saint off. Of course, there was the rest of the Crimson Guard and they had no problems wanting to make their presence known to the fucking couples… the only reason they hadn't done so yet was because they were afraid they would get themselves roped into it the second the door opens.

"You are so god-damn beautiful, you know that, Roxanne?" Naruto growled at her with a sexy smirk. Giving the woman on top of him a soul searing kiss, he gave her rump a mighty smack that sounded through the room and swallowed her lustful mewl. He withdrew from her lips, saying, "Your body is like it's made for this! I just want to keep on fucking you for hours!"

Roxanne could feel her cheeks burning at his words as she gave him a genuine, loving smile. Something about this man, something she simply could not explain, just… melted her icy, black heart. It made her want to be with him for the rest of her life… or rather his. More likely than not, she would outlive him - he was human, after all. But she would be more than happy to help him leave behind a few kids, if he wanted. "Go ahead," she cooed, "I can take it~!"

"You're a hybrid; I would be surprised if you aren't." he teased her. Then, he pulled the blonde into another breathtaking kiss, before flipping them over so that he was on top. Roxanne squealed and giggled, wrapping her arms and legs around him as he continued fucking her without missing a beat. He withdrew from her lips to take a deep breath, then asked, "Do you want me to fuck your nice ass into the mattress, sexy lady~? Do you want me to punish you for all your misdeeds in your first life~?"

"Go ahead," she mewled longingly, "give me your worst! I deserve it~!"

"It won't be any fun if you were to just lie there and take it, you know, miss 'Love and Hate'," Naruto teased.

Roxanne giggled and started pulling him as deep into her snatch as he could reach, as she moved her hips with his. Her inner walls clenched and squeezed his dick as she flexed her inner muscles to try and make him cum.

"Oh~" Naruto shuddered at the feel of her squeezing muscles. "That's… that's pretty good…" he complimented her; then he leaned down and gave her a loving peck on the lips before saking, "want a new nickname for yourself? It can be…'insulting' if you so wish~"

"J-just call me your little rape doll," she cooed. "I'm yours to fuck anytime, anywhere you want~! You can even fuck me in my sleep if you're feeling horny enough~!"

"Rape Doll Roxanne, huh?" Naruto chuckled. "Very interesting~!" he grinned and laid down on top of her, "Alright, from now on you're known as 'Rape Doll Roxanne', once you're officially with us and the Organization is dealt with you are to be naked at all times. If anyone asks, we'll make up an excuse and say you're a streaker."

"Yes, master~!" she cooed teasingly with a giggle.

Naruto giggled with her, "I can't wait to make you my wife." he pecked her on the lips once more, "Now, my little Rape Doll, fuck me as I fuck you."

Upon feeling his lips on hers, she gave Naruto one of the most loving looks he'd ever seen as he withdrew and nodded with a smile. Then, Roxanne obliged with every ounce of effort she could muster. She had never been so happy in her life! Now, she was going to do her damnedest to make him equally so.

The blond groaned at the feel of Roxanne's folds clenching down on him once more as she bounced with every thrust. Her adorable moans were like music to his ears and the longing, loving look in her eyes as she shyly smiled up at him burned itself into his psyche. She was his, and his alone… forever. At this realization Naruto started fucking her back, and the sound of skin slapping skin and the springs squeaking in protest echoed through the room. The sound of her adorable, pleasured moans filled his ears as Roxanne did her damnedest to keep up, never breaking eye contact with him.

With every thrust into her, Roxanne mewled; with every slap of his balls against her snatch, she groaned with pleasure and she met his pounding halfway. The woman used her inner muscles to her advantage, to massage him, to squeeze him. To try and wring out as much cum from his ball sack like toothpaste from a tube. The gravity was on Naruto's side; while Roxanne was bouncing her thighs in time with his pelvic thrusts, Naruto was slamming into her. He was figuratively trying to breed the woman and the blond took enjoyment in watching her heaving knockers bounce with each thrust he made into her.

"I… I love you," Roxanne whispered shyly, unable to help but break eye contact when she did. "It… it feels so strange. I've never felt this way about someone else before, but I… I… I don't think I could live without you…"

Naruto grinned down at her, "I think marrying you is the right choice, then, my little Rape Doll." and he couldn't sense any deceit from her either. She was genuinely in love with him. "What do you say?"

"I… I would like that," she said, giving him a shy, embarrassed smile.

"Then, let's finalize this by putting a bun in the oven, shall we~?"

"I'm yours to do with as you please," she whimpered. "P-put twenty in me for all I care~!"

Naruto groaned lustfully at her declaration, his dick throbbing in agreement. "Gladly~!"

Then Roxanne threw her head back and howled her joy when Naruto tripled his pace. The mattress groaned and squeaked in protest from the brutal pounding Roxanne was being put through. And she enjoyed it! Sadly for Roxanne she reached her limit thanks to the pace increase and she howled her orgasm.

Naruto grunted in exertion at the feel of her inner walls clamping down as she hugged him close. Even if he wanted to, the blond was rendered unable to pull out in time as he did his best to power through her orgasm, so he slammed into her hungry cootch and stuffed it to the brim with a massive, hot batch of baby batter. Roxanne's toes curled and the room spun before her very eyes at the sensation of his wet heat splashing against the very back of her womb.

"Gonna… fuckin'... breed you!" Naruto growled hungrily into her ear.

Just then the door to their room was knocked on. Naruto and his clones all looked at it, then at each other, then back at the door again when it was knocked on once more. With a sigh, Naruto tapped Roxanne on the thigh to get her to unwrap her legs around him. She did so with much reluctance and whined pathetically when he eased his way out of her snatch. Butt ass naked, Naruto walked over to the door and opened it.

A thoroughly flustered Cassandra and Miranda were on the other side, drawing a savage, evil grin from Naruto. The next thing they knew the two of them were pulled into Roxanne and Neideen's room with a cartoonish yoink.

"Ah!" Cassandra couldn't help but cry out in surprise as she was yanked into the room. It was here she realised there were two awakened beings in the room… and they were getting fucked by - or sucking the dick of - a Naruto clone.

Miranda also saw the state Neideen was in. The woman was out cold with a satisfied grin. Then her gaze went to Roxanne and she was thoroughly surprised at how utterly fucked stupid she looked; and the uncharacteristic, loving smile on her face as she looked at Naruto, it felt so alien on the woman.

Turning her surprised look to Naruto, Cassandra saw that he had one of his own. She then turned beet red when he pulled her into a hug and sniffed her hair.

"Well…" Naruto chuckled. "This is a pleasant surprise." He pulled back and gave Cassandra a loving smile and cupping her cheek as he said, "Congratulations!"

"Uh… f-for what?" The former Number one looked at him nervously.

The blond drew a yelp from Cassandra by pulling her into another hug and whispered into her ear, "you're pregnant~!"

Her knees buckled as she suddenly felt lightheaded at the claim. "I… I am? How c-c-can you tell?"

"Weird as it may sound, I can smell it," Naruto chuckled. "Long story… But, yeah... You're gonna have a baby~!" he grinned up at her and wrapped his arms around her waist, "Looks like I'll have to make you my wife… or maybe a consort~?"

Cassandra's blush deepened as she gave him a shy smile. "Indeed you do," she giggled. "You still owe me that happy ending, after all~!"

"That's right, I do owe you that happy ending~!" Naruto looked at Roxanne for a moment, smiled and then looked back to the exotic elf-eared woman in his arms. He whispered into her ear, "I also made Roxanne my Rape Doll, and she enjoys her new role. So there's another thing for you to enjoy~"

Well that was a guilty pleasure if ever she'd seen one… But, she had to let him know. "Uh… r-right… Just so we're clear, I'm not into anything quite that kinky…"

"I figured." the blond chuckled, "You don't seem the type. Doesn't mean I'll never corrupt you, though~!"

"We'll cross that bridge when we get to it!" the former Number One quickly said, pointedly ending that train of thought right then and there.

"Fair enough, fair enough," Naruto chuckled again. Then, with his arms still wrapped around her waist, he walked behind her and pulled the grown woman flush against his chest. Miranda looked on with both joy and jealousy. While unable to help but envy the woman, she was happy for her friend. "So what do you say to a little... bonding with the father of your child~? Or..." he then gave Mirandra a leering grin, "should I try and give your best friend here a kid of her own~?" if he can't corrupt Cassandra then he can at least try and do it to her friend. He managed to do it to several of his lovers and they enjoyed being dominated so. It helped that she looks like his wife, Cynthia.

Miranda perked up at that and Cassandra giggled. "I think she would enjoy that~!"


Early the next morning, Naruto sighed tiredly, but certainly didn't regret yesterday's happenings. After Cassandra and Miranda paid him a visit, the dominoes fell from there and he eventually found himself having fucked the entire crimson guard… and the cleaning ladies… and the innkeeper… in addition to no less than one dozen of his wives!

To speed things along though, he brought the Crimson Guard along with him, and got them to report to Camilla for their new 'orders'... only for them, to rebel and the now-former Number 20's handler to mysteriously go 'missing' when he came to get her to report back to the Organization. His awakened lovers had a tasty meal that day. Now everyone that was part of the rebellion was accounted for. Naruto had them and the ninja he'd collected meet in the bailey, after having sent Soleil and Robin off with a message for Isley.

Karui was conspicuously absent, as she and Nalani were taking care of the kids with the help of a few clones.

"Alright, where to start?" Naruto asked no one in particular with a heavy, tired sigh.

"Start with the approach?" Cassandra suggested. "Which direction are we coming from?"

"You and the other pregnant women are staying here," Miria said. "I don't doubt your combat prowess, and I would love to have you coming with. But I don't want to potentially endanger your unborn child." She primarily said that for Naruto's sake, though she wasn't heartless. She didn't want the brat getting killed in the womb by a lucky shot from a warrior that is defending the Organization.

"Our armour is made of the same material as our swords. They're practically indestructible." Hilda pointedly told her best friend.

"Be that as it may," Tsunade rebutted, "the heat of battle has been known to lead to miscarriages. Keeping her and the other expectant mothers here is for the children's' sake."

"We also will be leaving a few others to hold down the fort for good measure," Miria added. "I'm sure Galatea and Chronos' teams would suffice."

"We also have to expect the Organization would be sending a retaliation force of youma and awakened beings to Morris when we leave enforce." Naruto added, "which is another reason why you're staying here. Just in case. It will be much safer for you in the keep, and Soleil will be dropping her mercenary group off to man the battlements, before giving us a lift."

"A lift...?" Ino asked oddly.

"She can turn into a motherfucking dragon!" Naruto boasted with a chuckle. "A big one, too; more than thirty meters long. With her help, we'll be ably to transport a sizeable force over to a mountain pass where we can find a secret entrance to Staff with Anastasia's help."

"You fucked her, too, didn't you…?" Miria deadpanned. She was getting real tired of him not being able to keep it in his pants, and it showed. She hoped he wouldn't leave her for those harlots. At least she got some make up sex, though.

"She won't steal me away," Naruto chuckled, pulling her into a one-armed hug. "I'm your husband, after all; I'm here for keeps. But, yeah, she's going to be joining the family once everything is said and done with the Organization. That being said, she should be popping up in... a few hours or so?" He hummed thoughtfully. "We might wanna spread the word so the villagers don't shit themselves… and come up with an excuse. I... have a pet dragon or something?" He shrugged hopelessly. "I dunno... but we have a while to cook something up."

Several of those present sighed in exasperation.

"You would bring us something that absurd to deal with, wouldn't you?" Tsunade muttered.

"Well… at least the Tailed Beasts aren't here." Choji said with a nervous chuckle. "That would cause a panic."

Was it his imagination, or did Naruto just hear a sneeze in the back of his head? "Yeah…" the blond chuckled back. "That aside, I think it would also be a good idea for Soleil and maybe Glinda to help bring supplies and warriors back and forth if the siege draws out for whatever reason."

"And we're here to get those 'trainees' you talked about out of there before blowing it all to hell, right?" Ino asked for some re-clarification. He made it sound as if they were going to be there for months instead of going in and extracting the VIPs for several minutes.

"Yeah, them and the warriors," Naruto replied with a nod. "Though if I was the 'handlers' or the Elder himself, I would use every resource available to me. So the warriors would probably be sent out to fight us the second we show up."

"The best-laid plans of mice and men never survive contact with the enemy," Riful giggled. "Of course we'll be sure not to kill them, but there's always the possibility that they will try something that would somehow prevent Naruto from turning Staff into a second Pieta."

"I was told by Kiera and Phina, that the other 20 or so warriors of the Organization want to defect. They haven't tried anything yet because they're scared that the Crimson Guard would be sent to kill them if they tried it."

"They needn't have worried," Raftela pointed out robotically, reminding those from Konoha of Shino. "Coming here to kill Naruto-Kun was our first priority and the handlers couldn't risk that mission being compromised by the distraction."

"True, but they probably didn't know that," Shikamaru rebutted. "Sometimes, the fear of something happening is the only motivation you need. I would probably bring at least some of the Crimson Guard with you. That'll make it clear to any would-be defectors that they don't have to worry about being executed by them. It would also lower enemy morale - significantly, I'm sure."

Neideen grinned naughtily, other ways to achieve such an effect coming to mind - such as sucking Naruto off in plain sight of the Organization.

"I also heard that the Organization is making another attempt at the soul link experiment, another pair of twins if my memory is right." Naruto looked at the new defectors and asked, "You ladies wouldn't know anything about that would you?"

"Intimately," Neideen cooed, a lewd grin spreading across her face, much to the exasperation of many. "Those two are just so cute~!"

"I… uh... see…" well, he wasn't going to judge her. After fucking Riful and Europa - two loli-looking awakened beings - plus Harja and little Teresa - though the last two were against his will - he was in no place to judge Neideen. Hell, even before that, he would have been in a terrible position to do so, because of that first time with Moegi! "If you were, uh, intimate with them does that mean you know what they're capable of?"

"Vaguely," Neideen replied with a nonchalant shrug. "They tried to keep it under wraps - presumably to keep you from getting that information - but, they appear to be like Alicia and Beth and the handlers even tended to boast that they were somehow better, despite being younger. I heard talk that they are capable of switching roles in an instant, though I never seen it. So I have no idea if that's just boasting or not. The twins, themselves, weren't very talkative about it. They were kinda… emotionless as well. It was honestly creepy, but in an oddly cute way. They weren't quiet after I ate them out, though~"

"It would be safer to assume the worst," Tsunade pointed out with an exasperated sigh, doing her damnedest to ignore that last part… and the flashbacks of Jiraiya. Seriously, if he were alive the old pervert would doubtlessly fall in love with that woman! "If these twins were indeed trained to be Alicia and Beth's replacements, it would be wise to treat them as being far stronger… and in a far worse mental state." She sighed again, before adding, "I... can't believe I'm saying this, but when push comes to shove, you might want to send the pervert out to seduce them or something."

The following evil giggle would haunt Tsunade's nightmares for the rest of her days…

"...We can also have Alicia and Beth themselves be there. Show the Organization how much the girls have improved with emotions." Naruto smiled rather evilly at that as he looked at the twins in question. "They think emotions are weak? How about we show them otherwise."

Said twins perked up at that, very much liking the idea.

"Looks like someone likes that idea." a grinning Helen stated the obvious.

"Can you blame them?" Naruto chuckled. "Never thought I'd say this, but they could use the revenge. Can you imagine the looks on their faces when the handlers find themselves facing not one, but ten Alicias and Beths? They would shit themselves!"

More than a few people present shared a good laugh at the mental image.

"So, is there anything else we need to know about?" Moegi asked.

"If you find any men in black, kill them. They're the handlers. There's one or two men in black you all should be on the look for, though." Naruto then looked at Miranda, "Think you can give us the description on this Dae fellow you worked with?"

"He's missing half of his face." the Cynthia look-alike answered with a shrug. "He's the only one in the council with that disfigurement. If there is any candidate to who is making tng the youma and awakened beings, it'll be him. He's the one who brought all of us, sans Raftela, back to life."

The people from Konoha, in particular - Shizune and Tsunade, especially - didn't like the sound of that.

"What about the Elder?" Shikamaru asked. "What does he look like?"

"He's an old man," Clare answered with a shrug, "Rimuto is his name; and as for what he looks like: sparse silver hair, and prominent wrinkles on his head."

"He also has the habit of treating everyone as tools and doesn't care about the lives of anyone." Miria added with a hated scowl. "He is the type of person who wants the final results, not how it was made. As you can expect a lot of experiments of theirs had failed."

"Tch…" Tsunade scowled, "So we got a Danzo-esque person here. That's just great."

"He is also the one who tried to destroy our minds." Beth added. "He has said numerous times that it was okay to stamp out any and all emotions during our training."

"...yeah, Dae and Rimuto need to die." Naruto told everyone. "Speaking from experience here, but if they are allowed to escape then they'll just come back sometime later and cause more trouble. They need to be put down."

Neither the ninja nor the locals present had any issues with that.

"If that's all, I think it's time to start getting ready," Miria pointed out, "we have a long day ahead of us."


It didn't take long for Soleil to reappear on the outskirts of Morris in her awakened form with her mercenary company hitching a ride on her. She circled around the town, first, looking for a suitable landing spot and found one near the east gate. Predictably, her presence had caused a panic, though it was at least mitigated before it had started, thanks to Naruto, and quickly dealt with by the blond and several of his lovers.

And of course, the church of the twins had a prophecy handy for this as well… That being said, Neideen, Sistina, and Father Isaac were especially helpful in that endeavour, claiming that Soleil was given to Naruto from the Twin Goddesses, themselves, as a reward for agreeing to sire their children. The awakened being in question was thoroughly amused by the bullshit they were spouting, but she wasn't going to look a gift horse in the mouth and simply rolled with it.

Once that was out of the way, Naruto and several of his wives helped with the unloading. Scarlet was also given a chance to prove her worth and helped with the logistics, ensuring that the assault party would have all the supplies they needed… for now. She also had game plans ready for if and when any possible complications reared their ugly heads. Naruto was impressed, if nothing else - as was Miria, though she was far more grudgingly so. Needless to say, the redhead would be coming with to ensure that everything ran smoothly… and several awakened beings who would also be coming with looked to ensure that she'd also be literally eaten alive if Scarlet tried to hurt their man.

The chances of that happening were nil, but as Naruto said long ago: even the strongest person in the world can be defeated by a baby in the right circumstances.

Being the smartest person Shikamaru was making contingency plans for contingency plans. And with the limited knowledge he was given on the areas of Staff, the Nara was planning a series of routes for the four teams to take. Team Samui was a member short, but they were still the leading team here. But Shikamaru was a better tactician, hence he was making the plans.

Of course there was one thing the Nara had to know.


Said blond stopped what he was doing and looked at Shikamaru from over the shoulder, "Yeah?"

"When are we heading out?"

The blond stared at him for a moment, then answered with, "Tomorrow. We'll move out when everyone is well rested. We can use this time to get some last minute training in as well."

"Why don't we leave at noon and set up camp about an hour or so away from Staff? We can then start up the siege in the morning." Shikamaru suggested. "It would give us plenty of time to rest by the time we get there, and we would be able to lay siege on Staff not long after."

Miria stared at the lazy foreigner and found herself surprised at how solid that suggestion sounded. "I like that idea, actually…"

Naruto chuckled in agreement with his wife. "I have to admit, his plan is a lot better than mine." he told Miria, before addressing Shikamaru once more, "Yeah, we can set out a noon and set up camp an hour away from Staff."

"I'll let the others know," Miria replied with a nod.

Naruto smiled and gave his sandy-brunette haired wife a loving kiss on the cheek before she went on her way. Miria giggled and gave him something nice to look at as she walked with an extra sway in her hips. Naruto appreciated the view, very, very much. Pushing his perverted thoughts aside for now, he walked up to the still-transformed Soleil as she lied down on her belly, waiting for her group and a few of Naruto's clones to unload the supplies from her back. "Hey, how you holding up?"

The draconic former Number 3 would have smile if she could and giggled. "I'm doing just fine, thank you," she replied. "I'm getting a bit hungry, though."

"We do have some artificial innards grown in the citadel. You can go get something to eat once you're unloaded." the young man told her with a gentle smile. Naruto then out his hand on her snout and rubbed her soothingly. "I wonder why you're okay with being treated as a pack mule. Even if you volunteered yourself to be one."

Soleil shrugged, "It was the easiest way to do things. It sure beats having to use horses all the time."

"More impressive and practical, yeah," Naruto replied with a chuckle, "I can't argue with that. I just don't want you doing something you don't want to, if I can help it, so I had to ask."

"Sweet as ever, I see," Naruto heard Neideen giggle as she approached. "Truly, you are worthy of being the Champion of the Twins, my love~!"

Naruto chuckled and turned to see that the woman in question was garbed in her robes, once again, flanked by a similarly-garbed Sistina and several servants as she approached. Also with her were Lyesse, Harja, and little Teresa - all of whom were now wearing more simple outfits themed after the church. They had just recently started their internship and Neideen agreed to oversee their integration into the faith.

Elspeth, Samantha, Nissa, and all three of Luciela's daughters were also joining, though they were still back in the chapel. The same went for Damia; shockingly, she of all people had also independently developed an Oedipus Complex of her own. Needless to say, Naruto was not impressed to learn that she had been sucking him off in his sleep for weeks…

Well, at least it was easy to convince her and the others to join the church and stop that shit, even if the way he had to bribe them felt… dirty.

Viciously pushing those thoughts aside, Naruto greeted Neideen and his kids with a smile. "Hey, you three. How's the Church treating you?" he asked them, getting down on one knee with his arms spread open to hug them. They enthusiastically ran right into his arms.

"Neideen is a lovely and entertaining teacher," Harja giggled. "She has shown me so much about this faith and how everything works. Until she came along, I thought I'd be bored to tears!" Never in her young life had the young hybrid thought she'd be so happy to be wrong about something!

"Neideen has a way of… making things interesting." Naruto told his daughter with a chuckle, "She is also known as Saint Nymphetamina too. So she has a lot of sway in the church."

"Oh, I taught them all about that," Neideen giggled.

"And then some?"

"And then some." the eye-patch wearing woman confirmed with a grin. "They're having a lot of fun there now."

"Uh… right. Just make sure they don't get themselves in trouble," Naruto replied nervously.

"I'll do my best," Neideen chuckled nervously. "They are your kids, after all, and you left me with quite a few of them."

Chortling, Naruto stopped hugging his kids and stood up. Then he walked over to the Saint and whispered into her ear, "You can have some 'fun' with Harja and Little Teresa if you want. They're the naughtier ones, after all."

Neideen grinned evilly at that. "Noted~!" she chirped.

Then he withdrew and gave the Divine Oracle and Saint a friendly smile. "So, now that you're no longer part of the Organization, what are you ladies planning to do - apart from the obvious of course. Retire from being warriors? Anything like that?"

"I would love to retire and become a Champion of the Twins, full time," Neideen giggled. "Possibly make a few dozen kids with you while I'm at it… after a proper wedding, of course~!"

"Once the Organization is taken care of, we'll get you that wedding." Naruto told her with a chuckle and a wide smile. Then he looked to Sistina, "And what about you? Are you planning on retiring as a warrior?"

"I don't mind the idea, admittedly," she replied. "But, I'm more inclined to keep myself sharp… maybe volunteer as Neideen's personal bodyguard."

"It wouldn't hurt." said woman smiled warmly at Sistina, "You have no idea how many men think they can get lucky because I'm a pervert. I'm perverted, damn it - not a whore… uh... Well… not anymore, at least..." Neideen out a tired sigh and sheepish chuckle. "A certain someone did make me unable to even look at other men, now, after all~!"

Naruto chuckled sheepishly, as well. "I'm glad you enjoyed yourself~!"

"Yes… you surely enjoyed yourself." A jealous Miria said with a look of annoyance as she returned to her husband's side after seeing that harlot talking to him. "I've informed the captains; they're getting everyone ready to move out." she told Naruto. "As soon as they have their equipment we can start moving." She then gave Naruto a flat look. "Kiba's also confirmed that Cassandra's not the only one among her unit that you got pregnant. Chloe, Uranus, and Raftela are as well."

"...oh." Naruto blinked owlishly at that. He smelt that Cassandra was pregnant. He must have not noticed Chloe, Uranus and Raftela were as well, since he was a little busy fucking their asses into their mattresses. Arousal can distract a person from things like that. "When I checked on them, one thing tended to lead to another." He chuckled sheepishly. "I guess I was too lost in the heat of the moment, last time to notice…"

"You're going to have some kids, yourself," Sistina pointed out. "As a direct result of you and Moegi kidnapping Naruto a couple nights ago… and the drug you took in particular, you're going to have triplets. You and Moegi are due to conceive this Wednesday." She then gave Naruto an impish grin. "Congratulations!"

"...Your foresight is pretty damn cool." he told her with a wide grin. Then his mind regestured what she said before mentioning the triplets. "Wait a minute…" he snapped his gaze to a suddenly nervous Miria, " drugged me?!"

"Moegi drugged you!" Miria was quick to throw her partner in crime under the bus. "I had nothing to do with that! She's referring to the drug I took to induce ovulation!"

"You do know I can sense when you lie, right?" Naruto flatly told her. "And guess who lied at the start."

"Someone's been naughty~!" Harja singingly said, before giggling in amusement. "Shall I spank Auntie Miria for you, Papa~?"

"You stay out of this!" the sandy brunette squawked,

"No." the blond said with a shake of his head. Then, he gave his wife an evil grin. "I can think of worse things than that."

"L-like what?" For the first time in decades, Miria suddenly wanted her mommy.

"No sex for a month. Or cuddling. I can think of even worse things as well. Like making you fight Yami-Naruto, at full power, all by yourself."

"I'll be good," she squeaked, suddenly white as a sheet.

"Oh, go easy on her," Neideen giggled. "She just really wanted a baby."

"By drugging me." he pointed out.

"It was an aphrodisiac," Sistina rebutted. "Her and Moegi's intentions were to ensure that you had the energy to take them both on."

"If I can fight for three damn days, non-stop, then I can take both Miria and Moegi on after pounding a literal army of women. They didn't have to drug me." He frowned both confusion and discomfort. "Also, I was drugged in the past. It was a lethal one if it stayed too long in the bloodstream. And there were a couple of others who tried drugging my food when I was younger. The thought brings up bad memories."

"I… didn't mean to open an old wound like that," Miria muttered, looking ashamed of herself.

Naruto sighed again and pulled her into a hug. "That is mainly my fault as well. I never did tell anyone about that. It's not even in my autobiography. Just don't do it again, okay?" he paused for a moment, and looked thoughtful. "What kind of drug did you use on me anyway?"

"As Sistina pointed out, it was an aphrodisiac," Miria explained. "Long story short, it increases your sex drive."

Naruto perked up at that."Oh… so that's why I was so damn horny." He chuckled. "Well, I suppose I can make an exception in this case… and any other cases you use an aphrodisiac on me~!" he reached down and grabbed Miria's butt, drawing a pleased squawk from her. "You are planning to use that on me again, aren't you?" he asked, before leaning in and making Miria mewl as he nibbled her ear.

"I wasn't, at the moment," she admitted with a heavy blush. "I wanted to make sure the drug I took had worked first. Apparently, it did..." She then turned upon feeling Harja and Teresa's gazes upon her. To her horror, they were beet red and smiling with amusement, a twinkle that simply did not belong appearing in their eyes. She hugged Naruto to herself and gave the girls a flat look. "Don't you fucking dare!"

Lyesse's jaw dropped at the implication, looking at her half-sisters in shock. To her and Miria's immeasurable discomfort, they simply giggled mischievously at that. Much to Naruto's chagrin, he could sense that Neideen, Sistina and even Soleil were thoroughly entertained this turn of events.

"I'll do my best to keep them out of trouble," Neideen assured rolling her eye in mild exasperation as she tried very had to hide her amusement. Of course she would be entertained by this! "They are his kids, though, so no promises."

"Good luck with that. And I really mean that. They're a handful." Naruto told her, rubbing Miria's back comfortingly. Then he looked at his wife and groped her butt again with amusement, "You wanna go somewhere private and snuggle? It seems like you need it."

"That and a stiff drink," Miria sighed. "I'm not pregnant yet, so that shouldn't be an issue…"

"We still have some barrels of local ale in the winery." he told her. "We can get you a pint or two."


Several hours later, after Naruto doted on Miria for a bit and Soleil got something to munch on in more ways than one, the three of them and several others were gather together in the bailey; they were all geared up and Soleil was transformed with several supplies tied down on her back. Thankfully, the citadel was a rather big castle, so they still had some wiggle room, even with the giant, motherfucking dragon in the middle of it all.

"...That is one big dragon."a wide eyed Kiba pointed out. Soleil was so damn big he had to crane his head back just so he could look up. She wasn't as big as say, Gamabunta, or Tsunade's slug, Katsuyu, but her size was nothing to sneeze at. "How does a little thing like her turn into something that big?!"

"Awakened beings, when they transform, can come in various sizes and they can resemble animals as well as you can see with Soleil. " Naruto told him, gesturing to the transformed woman in question. "I once saw an awakened being as tall as a house. Riful's awakened form is taller than this entire citadel. I never seen what Betty can turn into, but she told me hers is basically a giant slug with a shit ton of tentacles and teeth. Glissa, meanwhile, just... kinda turns green and grows metal plates on her arms and legs and looks like an elf. And those are just examples."

"I… I see." Kiba slowly edged away from Agatha, who had a rather disturbing smile on her face. He knew she was an awakened being, but if she could transform into something that big, then he is going to be full of NOPE! He'd rather stay far away from something who could eat him whole… especially when they start grinning like that at him. He'd rather take on someone who could take chunks out of him instead.

"Aw… are you scared of me~?" Agatha mockingly asked him.

"I'm scared of the way you're looking at me," he deadpanned. "I'm no chopped liver."

"Not if I have anything to say about that." Agatha then made the disturbing imagery of licking her lips hungrily. And her eyes changed from their brown to demonic gold, complete with vertical irises. Lastly, her hair began to defy gravity as the locks slithered around her like snakes.

"Oh, stop teasing him, Aga-Chan," Naruto chuckled amusedly. He had to admit the scared look on his friends face was funny. "Are you hungry? Is that why you're doing this? Or are you doing it just for shits and giggles?"

"The last option." the brunette answered her mate as her features turned to normal. She gave the Uzumaki Patriarch an 'innocent' smile and added, "I saw the way he's been looking at us. I figured it wouldn't hurt to remind him just what we are."

"I already know what you are." Kiba retorted. "I'm just wondering how you people can disguise yourselves so well."

"Agatha's 'human form' is what she used to look like when she was a hybrid, minus the silver eyes and the hair she would share with the others." Naruto informed the Inuzuka heir. "It's not that hard blending in with the locals. They wouldn't know Agatha was an awakened being when she's being looked at."

"One of the many benefits if you ask me." the brunette said with a nonchalant shrug. "It's almost as if I was human again. And then my hunger for innards reminds me of what I am." she shrugged again, "It's not all bad though."

"Anyway," Naruto said, clearing his throat, "before we all get sidetracked any further, Soleil is going to carry us to the Northern Region." he gestured to the skeletal dragon in question, "There, Anastasia will guide us to this secret pathway, and we'll use that to get as close to Staff as possible before setting up camp to attack in the morning. Any questions?"

"Are you going to transform? Hinata told me that you can fly and you can make platforms for people to stand on." Shino said, "No disrespect intended towards Soleil, but she doesn't seem big enough to carry us all and the supplies."

"I was considering it," Naruto replied with a nod. "My ability to fly, and those 'platforms' is directly tied to my Six Paths Sage Mode; but, I would stand out like a beacon if I were to use that form. Instead I'll be using Hiraishin, to fetch everyone else when we get there. That way, the wives I have who are coming with will have a chance to give their kids some last-minute attention. Miria and Robin will also be coming with to oversee everyone unpacking and setting up camp. Anastasia will be coming with as well, to serve as our guide."

"Sounds like a plan." Kiba sighed, then he looked to Shikamaru, "What's your take on this, Shikamaru?"

"I don't have enough information to make any sound judgements." the genius replied with closed eyes and a sigh, "But the plan to make camp a mile away from this 'Organization' was my idea. And leaving behind some of us so Soleil won't get tired out so fast is also a good call. So, I'm not unsatisfied yet." he opened his eyes and gave his friend a look, "All that needs knowing now is who is coming with, excluding who was already mentioned."

"Your teams," Naruto clarified, "As well as the other ninja. Squad 10 and the remnants of Team Gai are going to be placed under the command of Samui." Said blonde gave a respectful bow as Naruto gestured towards her. "Team Konohamaru and the remnants of Squad 8 will be working under Omoi." The young man in question nodded. "I'll be using Hiraishin to hop back and forth. Anastasia, Miria, Robin and Soleil all have the seal on them. I'll also be sending a clone with you, just in case anything comes up, while I make sure everything's in order, here."

"I will also come with to keep an eye on the ten of you," Priscilla added stepping forth with a distrusting look in her eye.

"Fair enough," Naruto sighed with a chuckle. "Just don't be too hard on them. They're scared shitless of you after I told them how strong you are."

"They should be," Priscilla gloated, a satisfied grin on her face. "I won't cause a fuss if they don't."

Chuckling with amusement at his girl's gloating, Naruto couldn't help but shake his head. Then he saw the analytic look on Shikamaru's face, and he knew that the Nara was thinking of ways of restraining the young woman. And was probably thinking of backup plans for backup plans for those plans.

"They know better, Priss." Naruto told her, "Besides, they're some of the few people I trust in Konoha. I know they won't cause trouble."

"You have that much faith in them?" Priscilla asked him with a arched brow.

"Yes." the answer was simple and to the point. It was filled with so much belief and trust that it honestly touched the ninja from Konoha - Moegi, especially.

"We'll see how worthy they are of that faith, then," the brunette replied with a smile and a nod.

"Soleil," the dragon in question perked up at being addressed by Naruto, who looked up at her from over the shoulder. "Are you ready to move out?"

Soleil nodded affirmatively and replied with, "All they need to do is hop on and I'll be on my way."

Naruto nodded, before producing a shadow clone and turning to the people planning to go with. "You heard the lady, it's time to get going."

The ninja present all gave him a salute, before dashing forth and hopping onto Soleil's back, soon followed by Naruto's clone, Priscilla, Robin, and Anastasia. Miria was the last one to do so, after giving Naruto a peck on the cheek. He gave her one back and watched as Soleil took off after everyone got themselves settled in. He noted, with some amusement, that Priscilla sat between the legs of his clone, with Miria and Moegi both found and arm to cling onto.

His clone was going to be sexually frustrated to hell and back. He just knew it. Mainly because Priscilla was grinding her ass against his crotch. And with the smug as hell smile on the brunette's face, she knew it too.

Once they were heading to the North, Naruto looked to Agatha and asked. "Do you have anything you want to do while we wait?"

"I'm good," Agatha replied with an amused grin. "I'll probably just get something to eat. I'm feeling a little hungry."

"Alright, I'll see you around then." he gave the woman a playful swat on the rear as he parted ways with her. He had a few people he had to see. And wanted to see. He also needed to make sure Neideen wasn't corrupting his kids too much… though he wasn't holding his breath. This was Neideen he was thinking here.