The Love Triangle 2


Eric understood that I did not want to hear those words. Throughout his creepy confession, I looked somewhere else. Where were those sweet nothings when I most needed it? I already got so fed up with his foul mouth and complaints that recalling a part of it made me feel sick.

"Red, how did this happen to you?"

I slowly turned my head to look at him, relieved that he changed his topic. I pointed a finger to my throat, telling him I could not speak yet. Sore throat is common in patients after extubation, and hoarseness of voice persists after a few days or even weeks.

"I see. If you're bored later, and if you're no longer tired and sleepy, we can exchange messages."

Just when he has the time to chat or exchange messages with me? I rolled my eyes, and he looked away, pretending he did not see me.

My silence probably told him that I no longer wanted his presence; he stood up and picked up his things.

"I won't stay longer. I know you need more rest."

I nodded and gave him a pursed smile. He also bent down and kissed my forehead before he turned to leave. Watching him heading towards the door, I wondered if he was indeed sorry that he took me for granted. I also wondered how did he know I was here. I shouldn't guess that it was Sean who told him about what happened to me because I knew it was the last thing Sean would ever do.

Left alone in the silence of the ICU, my thoughts went back to the scenes in the forest. I imagined those tiny creatures crawling in their designated spaces until my train of thoughts jumped forward to the scene where I opened the lid. The buzzing sound of those bugs storming out of their confinement area pierced deeply into my mind that I covered my ears with my hands.

Who is Patrick, and how did their friendship start? Why is Patrick living in the same place as Sean? Is the forest their hideout of some illegal things they do?

I tried to recall each piece of their conversation, and the depth of their relationship was as bright as the broad daylight. Patrick was not a common man, judging from how he lived amidst that weird environment. Goosebumps spread over me as I thought of him. Scenes of those crawling creatures, moving beneath sticky fluids and powdery mats, flashed again in my mind.

The door suddenly swung open, jolting me out from my deep thoughts. Sean's handsome face met my eyes, and his smile got wider, showing his happiness. He rushed towards me, then held my face with both of his hands.

"Thank God, He gives you back to me."

He pressed his lips on my forehead and closed his eyes for a long while. Drops of tears spilled on my neck, so I reached out to wipe it away. He straightened up and chuckled, brushing away the trail of tears from his face with the back of his hand. Pulling the chair that Eric used a while ago, he sat down in it and reached for my hand. He stayed quiet for a while, but a smile broke out from his lips while gazing at me with his tender eyes.

"Patrick used to be the head of our country's biggest lab. He was about to tell the world of his discovery, but someone else plotted for his life and claimed his victory. When he got into a coma state, his enemy threw him on a clearing somewhere near my house. To cut the story short, I rescued him and provided him a home."

"He started growing domestic animals. And maybe because his curious and explorative personality surfaced later, he also grew different kinds of insects. And that's how he comes up with those Bronca bugs."

I nodded. My questions about Patrick's personality now had some of its answers, but another set of questions began to pop out in my mind. Who is his enemy? And just how deep is his grudge toward Patrick that he was able to do that horrible thing?

"Bronca bugs are everywhere, but Patrick did crossbreeding out of them. He also introduced some viruses into their bodies."

I stared at him as he explained, imagining those tiny claws creeping on my skin. As I imagined thousands of them into my bodies, I cringed in fear, and I gasped.

"Why?" Sean asked, his eyes widened in alarm.

"I saw those bugs again in my mind."

"Oh, I'm sorry that you have to go through with this." Sean stood up, but after a moment, he sat down beside me and gathered me in his arms.

"Never did I expect that you would go down that far. It's a forest, and it's scary. Of course, I had it in my mind to show that place to you. Patrick already expected that I would introduce you to them." Sean shook his head, perhaps thinking how stupid I was to do that.

"Anyway, it happened already. And I thank God so much that you're awake now." Sean pressed me closer to him and pressed a long kiss on my temple.

The door opened again, and my senior consultant came in, followed by PGI's and nurses.

"Dr. Red, you scared us all. Researchers are still not successful in their studies about these Bronca bugs, and you got yourself bitten. But don't worry, they are getting closer. Thanks to that netizen, who sheds light on us."

I smiled, but perhaps, the sense of confusion reflected on my face.

"Someone uploaded videos in social media showing that these bugs crawled out from our president's lapel flower. So, it is clear that the president himself made us all subjects of his experiment. He is a scientist by profession, in case you don't know yet."

I furrowed my brows as I stared at him, demanding for more information.

"Those bugs that crawled out from him were cultured bugs, or shall we say crossbreeds."

My eyes flew wide as I associated the term "cultured" to Patrick. There must be a conspiracy behind the spreading of these bugs. If it was not meant to kill, it was rather intended to destroy. And the president's reputation was clearly the target of this plot.

My heartbeats started to race. There must be a relationship between Patrick, the president, and Sean. If there were none, why would the president order to admit Calla at the hospital closer to Sean?

Probably, my face looked like a crumpled paper because the doctor laughed and said, "Don't get bothered by that. Focus on your healing first. And for the good news, you may now transfer to a regular room."

An hour after Sean and I settled in the hospital's suite room, someone knocked on the door. Soon, it opened, and a female nurse stepped in. She was wearing an N95 mask, but after a few moments of gazing at her, I realized she looked familiar. Of course, I was already familiar with the nurses because I was already working here ever since I was a PGI.

"Flowers for you, doc." Her voice sounded different, but her accent gave way.

Sean handed the bouquet close to me so I could pick up the card. I hurried to open it, and I saw a small strip of paper attached to it. I pulled it out and secretly dropped it on my side. When Sean came back to my side after placing the bouquet on a table, I handed the card back to him.

He read aloud and said, "Get well soon."

"There's no name, dear, but I think it's from Eric. How does he know you are here?" Sean said, glancing at me.

I rolled my eyes and slipped under the covers as Sean stood up again to put down the card on the side table. I picked up the strip of paper and read the message in it.

"I'll get you out of here as soon as possible. Sean is a dangerous man."

The message then ended with Eric's signature.