Book 2 : 18

Sean wrapped an arm around me tightly. Looking at the murderous look of the president, my knees started to shake. I was wondering what Sean had done, causing him to act this way. Wasn't he the one asking Sean a favor to keep Calla? If this is all because of jealousy, he wouldn't have gone a long way to follow us here.

"Mr. President, what wrong have I done for you to scare my wife?"

"I'm not scaring anyone, especially your wife, because she is just one of your victims, just like me."

"Whatever you are talking about, Mr. President, I don't understand. I never have any ill intention towards anyone."

Sean stepped forward to end his confrontation with the president, but one of his men blocked our way. "Don't you dare show some disrespect at President Ric."

Sean drew out a deep sigh, and I could tell how much he was holding back his urge to throw a punch at the president's face. Before he could speak, someone spoke behind us.

"Follow us at the VIP lounge."

Sean was about to continue walking out from them, but I turned and blocked his path. With glints of fear and threats of tears smearing my distorted face, I tried to beg him to submit.

"Sean, please hear him out. You should know if his accusations are true or not so that you can defend yourself."

Sean's expression softened as he looked at me. He noticed my trembling lips, and the glints of anger in his eyes turned into guilt.

"I'm sorry, babe. I would have spared you from all of these because they are waving too many lies."

"I know you well, Sean, and I will be here for you."

That promise made him stare at me. I gazed back at him to let him know I was sincere. Whatever were my heartaches earlier did not matter anymore. He is my husband, and it's all that mattered then.

Sean pushed our suitcases towards the group of men walking towards the direction of what must be the VIP lounge. The moment we reached the door, a man in simple jeans and jacket whom I understood as one of the presidential guards, opened the door.

On the sitting room, lay a set of elegant couches. And on the wall, hung a huge and exquisite oil painting. A wine bar was on one side, and across the main entrance, was another door.

"The president waits for you at the function room," said one of the guards whose smile seemed worth a million bucks.

A sense of panic started to engulf me, that even if the room has a warmer temperature compared outside, my hands and knees began to shake. That unexpected meeting with the highest officer of the nation seemed like a bad omen.

Sean entered the door first while his hand was holding me as I followed behind. Not even Sean had thought of pulling a chair under the long table the moment we saw President Ric sitting at the far edge.

"Get a seat," he barked, and his voice brought goosebumps throughout my whole body.

Sean did not say a word as he pulled out an elegant-looking, wooden chair. I looked up at him, and his sharp gaze met mine. I knew it was not for me, but my trembling worsened in that look.

"I won't beat around the bush. According to my investigation, you are keeping a snake in your territory."

"Someone threw him in the clearing near my house. He's almost dead, so I saved him."

"You saved him so that you could use him against me. You support his plot to ruin me by raising those deadly bugs. I know you are well aware that even the United Nations are asking my explanation about it."

Sean shook his head, and his expression showed a massive shock. "Mr. President, I have nothing against you. My intention is only to save Patrick's life and to grant his request to stay in my property. I could not understand what conflict do we have to make me plan such a kind of absurdity to destroy you."

"You don't have any conflict with me, but you allow him to manipulate you so that he can launch an attack at me through your resources. You avenge me on his behalf!"

Sean let out a mocking laugh. "Mr. President, whatever may be your conflict is with Patrick is none of my business."

"I know you are loyal to people whom you think you have owed with, just as you do with the late Thomas Grey. And because of your loyalty, whatever is it that you have owed with Patrick, makes you avenge me on his behalf."

"This is foolishness, Mr. President!" Sean shook his head in disbelief. I, who was listening, found it also irrational to accuse Sean this way.

What exactly is happening between Patrick and him that it had to reach this far as affecting innocent lives?

"Am I not right? You had already started your revenge a few months ago. Do you think I wouldn't know?"

Sean shook his head like it was such a waste of time to talk to him. I threw a piercing gaze at the president, showing him how irritated I was at his irrationality.

President Ric broke out into devilish laughter as he turned his laptop towards us--its screen now facing us.

"Lady, you won't give me that look anymore after you watch this."

President Ric turned on the video, and soon images of Sean and Calla appeared on the monitor. They were lying down on the sand under the moonlit night, each of them grabbing their bodies on hot and wild sex.

I cringed in pain as I watched how Sean did it with another woman. He looked hungry like a beast, and he nibbled Calla's body like a piece of bone he was not willing to drop.

I slowly took a deep breath, pushing back the tears stinging in my eyes. This was his past, and what I should care about was the present. I'm not clean myself--I let Eric devour my soul like a hungry wolf, as well!

"You know he's my woman, but you dare to steal what is mine. You should be happy that I still allow your bastard to live!"

Sean got dumbfounded as he seemed to lose energy after watching the video. He must be so ashamed.

"If you want me to keep this issue from escalating, let Patrick come out!"