Book 2: 20

I heard a loud crashing sound as I closed the door. I ran back to see what's happening, and as I expected, I saw Sean reaching out to the president, his right hand on his collar. Still not satisfied in seeing how the president's face turned into dark magenta, he smashed the chair and swiped the things on top of the table with his hand,

"Are you happy now? You have successfully destroyed me. What else do you want, and why do you this to me?"

To my surprise, the president just broke out into devilish laughter, his busted lips oozing with bright red fluid trickling into his chin. He didn't call out his guards, either. And that made me suspicious. I got afraid that without me, they would capture Sean and torture him in this foreign land.

"Let's go!" I pulled his arm and dragged him out; my eyes secretly peering on the guards.

Sean grabbed our trolleys with his right hand, and once we were out of the room, he stopped and picked up his phone, allowing me to continue holding him.

"Show up. We're outside of the VIP lounge."

Men in suspicious black shirt emerged from all corners and behind the pillars one by one, forming a discreet barricade around us. I couldn't help turning around to see the presidential guards, confirming my suspicion that they were indeed following us. Seeing perhaps the nature of these men in black through their suspicious facade, I noticed that some of them slowed down, and some even stopped.

What made me wonder was the fact that Sean seemed prepared for this. Throughout the short period of knowing him, never once did I see Sean having bodyguards except for today. I even questioned why he seemed so confident, only to realize that, maybe, they were there all along. I realized I barely knew Sean except for our companionship

How much more mysteries do I have to unravel? What kind of a man have I married?

Exiting from the airport with this mysterious entourage, my mind was already formulating possible ways I could escape. However, I was a stranger to this place, and if I would allow my emotion to rule my decisions, I would surely end up as Ric Abella's hostage. I already saw myself as the president's pawn to make Sean concede to his wishes. In return, he would be able to subdue Patrick's determination to dethrone and destroy him. Or, was it merely about Patrick?

Once inside the car, Sean remained silent. His darting eyes as he stared off into the distance, showed more of his fury, rather than his shame from being exposed.

"Drop me in one of the hotels," I broke off the silence, earning Sean's attention back to me.

"Babe," he paused, took a deep breath, then closed his eyes.

I stiffened in my seat, straightening my neck as if there were two rods securing it in place, I held my breath, not wanting to hear him out. I knew what he was going to tell me, but I was not ready for his apology.

"I have tried to save you from all these heartaches, but I failed. I'm so sorry." his voice cracked when he said the words I then hated to hear. "I just don't know where to start."

I scoffed, but I did not want to give in to my tears. I had already cried hard countless times, and I swore, I would never do it again to any man.

"Turn right to Palazzo Verde," Sean instructed the driver, his voice was as lifeless as the impending death of our bond.

"Yes, sir."

To my sense of relief. Sean no longer persisted to bring me to his home. He leaned back on the car's seat, closing his eyes again. Perhaps, he found it hard to apologize for something he intentionally did.

As the driver pulled over at the hotel's entrance, I no longer waited for Sean. I stepped out of the car and proceeded to the trunk to pick up the smaller suitcase. I was glad I decided to separate our things into two different suitcases.

Sean caught up with me, but he was empty-handed. He probably understood that our case had come to an irreparable stage.

Pulling the suitcase from my hand, he followed me until I reached the room I had booked. Not wanting to share a room with him anymore, I picked up the suitcase from his hand.

"Sean, thank you for everything. I was such a fool to think we would last forever, but..." I stopped. I just couldn't bring the words out of my mouth.

"I'm not giving up."

"But I am. I'm sorry," I pursed a smile, holding my urge to cry.

"Red, everything is a lie."

What does he mean, I thought. That everything about us was just a lie?

"Sean, let me ask you once and for all. If you tell me the truth, perhaps, I could forgive you in the future and let my child know you as his father."

"Go ahead."

"Are those videos real or not? I only want yes or no as an answer."

My heart began to flutter as I waited for his answer. Probably because I didn't want yes for an answer.

He swallowed hard before he took the courage to reply. Just by watching how the color drained off from his face, I knew I didn't have to wait for his answer.

"Yes." His answer echoed long in my mind like a broken record.

I swiped the card right away on the door, slamming it close after I got in. Losing all the strength after his confirmation, I leaned my back on the door, slowly sliding my body to the floor. The burning pain inside my heart began to scorch as that video replayed again in my mind, summoning a deluge of tears from my eyes.

I didn't know how the day ended, and how the sun shone again. If not for the child in my womb, I would not have forced some bits of food into my stomach. Finally, deciding to go out, I changed into a new set of clothes.

Just before I grabbed out my purse, the phone inside my room rang. Thinking it could be Sean, I hesitated to answer it. I had finally decided to sever all ties between us.

The phone rang again, so I decided to just pick it up. To my surprise, it was Hazel.