Book 2 : Chapter 30

"I'll do the same," said the other one, and this declaration hit everyone's mind like a domino effect.

"Unless Mr. Grey assures us in person, I couldn't allow gambling our investor's interest on some newbie."

I felt like breaking down upon their distrust of me, but I could not blame them. Even if my grandfather or Sean may be the dominant controlling shareholder, they knew I was a doctor and had not been into any business before. These people were wise and experienced business magnates--some were even shareholders--and they were elected to see the company investors' overall interest.

"Calm down, everyone!" Atty. Evarez spoke, silencing the clamor that had started to break out. "It seems everyone has got the wrong impression. Dr. Red is here with us as someone who would go hand in hand with Mr. Grey. Is it not a fact, ladies and gentlemen, that when a man falls in love and gets his inspiration, he gets more efficient?"

"You're right, Atty. Evarez, but what we decide is a warning on your part. All these years, we put our trust in Mr. Grey, and we don't want anyone else running the companies on a trial-and-error method."

"How about setting another meeting with Mr. Grey? If it is true that there is no conflict between him and Dr.Grey here, he would have endorsed his wife to us formally and personally. Don't you think so, everyone?" said one of the directors.

"I agree," said another one, and the rest nodded and chorused their approval.

Make it as soon as possible."

"Until then, Atty. Evarez."

"By the way, I have been silent from the start, but I could no longer keep it now that this subject has caused a little chaos," said another one of them as she stood up to gain attention. "A friend told me that he just had a meeting with President Abella. According to him, Mr. Grey has deceived everyone regarding his true identity, resulting in his wife's fury. Thus, Dr. Red is here with us today to announce her assumption to the business as the legal heiress of Grey's legacy."

Everyone fell silent as they threw their gaze at me. I tried to stay calm as much as possible, listening to their claims like I was not the concerned individual. If only they could see right through my heart, they could have seen how they got it shattered and bruised.

Atty. Evarez raised a hand to silence everyone as they chattered away their opinions and reactions. I also took a deep breath in relief that he stepped out on my behalf.

"We are all professionals here, and I believe that listening to gossips is not our thing. We all know very well that Mr. Grey has transferred the ownership to Dr. Grey the moment he found her. I have proof of that. And he has already announced it to us that one day, he would introduce her to us."

"But Dr. Grey is here. Is it true that Mr. Sean has not told you about your real identity?" the same woman directed her question at me, looking at me in the eyes.

"I prefer not to answer any question related to our personal lives," I answered calmly, but my refusal gave away the truth, and they all cast their suspecting eyes on me.

"Let us give our respect to Dr. Grey. Mr. Sean Grey is a brilliant man. He has reasons for everything he does."

Silence filled the room for a while until someone spoke in favor of me. I didn't expect that there was still someone who cared about my feelings.

"Dr. Red, our apologies, but I hope you understand. We are not underestimating your capabilities, but we want full assurance for the company and the investors' overall protection. Your grandfather worked hard for this, so we can't lose the company over a personal dispute."

After a few more exchanges of ideas, Atty, Evarez closed the meeting, and everyone agreed on another session with Sean. When everyone else had left, Atty. Evarez sat down and talked to me.

"I'm sorry if I did not do it as you asked. I think this meeting makes you see my point," Atty. Evarez explained why he did not tell everyone that I am fully taking over, removing Sean from the management.

"I understand, but I have already decided. This case between us is irreparable."

"Dr. Red, I and my wife often fight ever since the start of our marriage. But at the end of the day, we always try to solve our issues by listening to each other."

"Our case is different, Atty. Evarez, but it's something too deep and delicate to explain."

"Think about it. You're putting your grandfather's company at risk because you have no experience in the business. And even if you appoint someone as your consultant, or have the board elect another CEO, it would still greatly affect the views and trust of our clients and the minority shareholders."

"What do you want me to do, Atty?"

"Let the storm in your marriage pass. Do not remove Sean from his post. After all, everything is in your name already."

I went back to the hotel to get my things. I had decided to stay at Grey's residence because it's now my home, after all. I lay down on my bed, thinking about everything that happened, and I also thought about Sean. Perhaps, they had already arrived at Kalasag, and probably, he's already having his dinner with Mia. Too bothered about him, I thought of a way to talk to him. But before I could pick up my phone, my phone rang. It was Hazel.

"Dr. Red, I'm here at the door. I'm bringing something for dinner."

I walked to the door with heavy steps. All I wanted at the moment was to roll down in my bed and think. But thinking about the food, I remembered I had not taken anything, and my baby needed it.

"Haze--" I swallowed the word when I saw the man beside her smiling with a large bouquet in his arms.

