Book 2: Chapter 46

Maybe because I had come up with a decision, my lower abdominal cramps did not recur any more. I had a dreamless sleep all through the night, and all those body malaise and dizziness I had were gone. With the help of Jera, I was able to get ready for my meeting with Mr. Ian that morning. Atty. Evarez informed me through a message that he and Mr. Ian would come in the morning, in response to my message about selling my share.

I changed to a casual dress that Nay Mina had sent me. With a soft touch of pink lipstick and a blush-on, I did not make any effort to appear presentable before Ian. Anyway, I was confined at the hospital and what anyone may expect was that I would be in a hospital gown.

Since I occupied the most expensive hospital room, there was a sitting area for the visitors. It had couches, a center table, and built-in cupboards. And before the shorthand of the clock on the wall hit number eight, I was already sitting in one of the couches, anticipating their arrival.

True to what I expected, there were three loud knocks on the door. Nurse Jera stood up to open it, and soon Atty. Evarez's huge figure filled the door frame. I gestured for him to come in while I stood up to greet him. He extended his hand, and I accepted it.

"How are you, Dr. Grey?" he asked, a warm smile spreading on his face.

"I'm feeling better now, and I want to get this trouble over and done with."

I pointed the couch across me with my hand, gesturing for him to sit down. I then turned to Jera, and with the message I conveyed through my eyes, she excused herself and went out.

"Are you sure of this decision?" Atty. Evarez asked me the moment the door creaked to a closing motion before it snapped shut.

"Since Eric and President Abella have put their hands into this chaos, I could never expect something good. And because the majority supports Mr. Ian, even Sean himself, then I'll play along. After all, I realized that wealth can't buy the peace and happiness that I want now. Whatever would be left for me, I'm entrusting it to you as well--the way Sean has trusted you."

Atty. Evarez smiled with glints of joy in his eyes. Yet, he was quick to conceal his emotion. He looked away for a second, and before he stuck his gaze back to me, his face was already devoid of emotion. I believed at that very moment that Atty. Evarez was hiding something. How would I know if all of them might turn out as members of a conspiracy team? And what if I was just being played at?

But I no longer had time to dig out the truth. If ever I had, I no longer wanted to do anything. I allowed myself to lose even before starting the fight. That tiny, beating heart inside my womb was more important than anything.

Atty. Evarez tried to discuss the pros and cons, though I already doubted his moves. Eventually, I still chose my freedom and the life of my baby inside my womb. Wrapping it all up, he handed me all those sheets that needed my signature.

"Atty. Evarez, where is Mr. Ian? How can I sign these papers without him?" I asked. It had been an hour since the lawyer and I started our discussion.

Before Atty. Evarez could answer; three successive knocks alerted our attention to the door. Once it opened wide enough to show whoever was outside, my jaw dropped when a tall and slender figure greeted my eyes.

"Good morning!" he greeted us with a half-smile, his sharp gaze showing his autocratic behavior.

"Good morning, sir! Finally, you are here," Atty. Evarez scrambled to his feet to meet him halfway. He then extended his hand to him and chuckled.

The gentleman whom I presumed as Mr. Ian moved his gaze to me.

"Wonderful to meet you, Dr. Grey," he said, fixing his eyes on me. "I'm as well, Mr. Ian of Riddance Corporation."

What is this man saying, I thought. Does he think Atty. Evares and I have just met and introduced ourselves?

"Please sit down, sir. I want to get over with this," I said, denying him the introductory formalities. My first impression of him as someone cunning never changed. And just a glance at his look made my skin crawl in anger and contempt.

I began signing the papers without glancing at the two of them. I was never interested to know him further. From my peripheral view, I could see him moving around until he settled on the couch next to Atty. Evarez.

"One condition, sir," I said, glancing at them, "give me my freedom. I want to go home from here."

I was hoping he would understand what I meant. It was he who sent a troop of guards to make sure I wouldn't escape. Since I already gave him what he wanted, he would not need me anymore. There was Atty. Evarez, whom I appointed to represent me while I was away. It was part of what I just signed.

"Sure," he nodded—his mouth still shut. The way he refused to say a word made me wonder how he got the nerve to pose a threat against Eric and how he demanded to surround my place with guards to keep watch over me. I always imagined Mr. Ian as someone domineering and authoritative, not a man of few words and decency.

That day's turn of events was quite fast. Soon, I was already on board a private plane that would take me home. During one of our stopovers, I had learned from the pilot that many countries were now closing their doors due to the spread of the Bronc X virus. And since I had a powerful back-up, the government allowed me to travel through the company's private plane.

I hurried to pick up my phone from my bag. Ever since that series of depressing events happened to me, I no longer browsed on the internet. And after that continuous notification beeps, a news article caught my eye.

"A blind report about the creator of Bronc X virus is currently causing chaos among the countrymen. The authority is now shifting the focus of their investigation regarding this matter. It looks like they have finally found the answers to the problem that has been shaking the world in fear.

The reporter pointed to the former scientist, "Patrick Rama," who worked at the National Virology Unit several years ago. According to him, this person had contributed a lot to science due to his breakthroughs. For some reason, he disappeared for several years. And recently, he resurfaced as the cultivator of the virus under the protection of the business tycoon, Mr. Sean Mark Grey."