Book 2: Chapter 47

"Dr. Red, I just received a report that Prospero City is now on complete lockdown," the pilot told me after I climbed into the plane after our last stopover for refueling and engine checks.

"Is it because of the spread of the Bronc X virus?" I asked, stiffening in my seat, my eyes unblinking.

"Your city is the only place negative of Bronc X infection," the pilot replied while his hands were fumbling over some keys on the cockpit. "But it is heavily guarded since Mr. Sean Grey's business establishments are there. No one is allowed an entry or exit for the moment."

My thoughts then went on Sean, and I was wondering if this pilot beside me was the one who transported Sean to wherever he may be at this moment.

"Is Sean in Prospero now?" I tried to sound dry, presuming that everybody already knew our status. And surely, this pilot who brought every dignitary to each of their destinations had also heard about their personal lives.

"I have no idea, Dr. Red. I bet Mr. Sean is hiding now."


Why did these people seem to know so many things except me?

"It seems that you are oblivious to what is happening around, Dr. Red. Some influential people are after Mr. Grey's life. They are looking for loopholes and are pinning on him some issues that could push him to the edge."

My eyes grew wide at this. I am always aware that business magnates always have their bunch of enemies, but it never occurred in my mind this way.

"Such as what?"

The pilot looked at me, perhaps searching for some clues in my expression, whether I was feigning ignorance or telling the truth.

"I am not the right person to tell you this, Dr. Red. What I am telling you now may not be the truth."

"Please, captain." I slumped in my seat, feeling the gloom enshrouding me. Why were there so many secrets that Sean is keeping from me?"

The creases on his face continued as he fixed his eyes on me. Then, finally, he said,

"It looks like you are innocent; indeed, Dr. Red," he smiled. "Sean is just trying to protect you from all of these. During our last talk, he confessed that he wouldn't have wanted to let you know your identity because once you would, your enemies may pressure you into handing out your inheritance through their threats. At least with him, they could not easily put him down."

"Sean…told you this?" I forced out the words—my eyes growing wider.

"I am one of Sean's few friends," he chuckled.

"Then, please tell me everything you know."

The pilot stood up and gestured for me to follow him. He then led the way to the plane's dining area. The table was beside a window where I could see the vast stretch of the runway. I did not waste my time, and right away, I pulled a chair beside the window.

"Coffee?" he offered, turning on the percolator at the small bar.

"No, thanks." I was pregnant, and I couldn't risk the baby on some caffeinated drinks.

"So, I'm gonna make a hot lemonade for you." A smile broke on his face, followed by a wink.

I chuckled, watching him as he turned his back on me.

After he set the coffee and lemonade in front of us with some wraps of club sandwiches he heated on the microwave, he sat down on a chair across me.

"These people—Sean's enemies—are pinning on him the accusation of supporting Patrick's revenge towards him through those Bronca bugs. It happened when Patrick released a statement to the public that President Abella stole his research and claimed it as his own."

"I don't get it," I said, shaking my head. All the while that questions in my mind about Patrick remained unanswered

"Patrick and the president were good friends before. They both worked at the country's biggest research lab. One day, Patrick went on sick leave and left his research stuff to President Eric, as his most trusted friend. He never expected that a day would come where he would steal it and declare it as his own. You know what? It was a huge science breakthrough, rocking the country in awe."

I gasped in surprise. I just could never believe my ears at this revelation! Patrick, who looked like a caveman with his thick beard, was a great scientist?

"Not only that, the president injected some lethal medication to him while he was at the hospital. And when he was about to die, he took him away through a private helicopter and dropped him off somewhere near Sean's place in Kalasag. Luckily, Sean came in to rescue him and brought him to the hospital."

"So, is it true that Sean supported him in growing those bugs?"

"Not, really. Patrick asked Sean a favor to let him live somewhere in the woods of Kalasag. Sean never knew what was in Patrick's mind when he grew those bugs. He thought it was his pastime, being used to experimenting with things."


"As you see, this pandemic now is giving President Ric a huge headache. And through this, the world will know that the real creator of that science breakthrough was not President Abella, but him."

I slowly shook my head as I tried to absorb this load of information. I just couldn't understand why they had to involve Sean in this. Then, the pilot's voice broke my wandering thoughts.

"President Abella thought that Patrick would not bark out his secret if he involves Sean in this. Sean saved his life, supported him, and accommodated him. But the president is wrong. After Sean had learned what the president was up to, and what are his other intentions, he, himself, released the truth to the organizers of the United Nation's Organization."

"What about Patrick? How can he save himself from the president's wrath?" My heartbeats were already drumming like cicadas in the summertime.

"Patrick was already prepared for this. He knew that he could die in doing this, but he could not stay silent anymore. He could not let him continue fooling the people with his wickedness. On top of these, Patrick could not stay silent as well about the secret the president was hiding for so long."

I inhaled a lungful of air slowly, then blew it out through my mouth. This information seemed to blow my mind away. I sipped my lemonade and emptied half of its content, trying to soothe the dryness in my throat.

"Do you know, Dr. Red? The president has been punishing Sean for a long time already. He sent Calla to seduce him while he was on Sama Island. It was not a coincidence—he was being followed. Those drivers he thought as his men were actually the president's spies."

"Punished? And Calla? I don't understand." My eyes bulged out as he mentioned her name.

"Calla, because she would hurt you more, knowing he was Eric's girlfriend. All those things that hurt you are part of his big plan."

I kept staring at him, urging him to continue.

"And punished, because the president thought he has the right to inherit the Grey's inheritance."

"Why him?" I felt that my circulation was already rushing to my head. I could even see how my face reddened through the glass window.

"He believed he was a Grey. His mother was one of your grandfather's other women back then. During the reading of the will, he rushed in to claim what he thought was his right, only to see the paternal DNA showing that he was the son of his mother's previous relationship."