Book 2: Chapter 54

I furrowed my brows while I took the paper bags from her hands.

"Dr. Mia would like you to be there at her garden wedding this afternoon."

I froze in my seat, unprepared to take the big blow. Sean and Mia are getting married today? Why hasn't she told me about it? Is she afraid to break the news to me because I am sick?

I felt a lump sticking in my throat, summoning the floodgates of tears behind my eyes to open up. I chuckled loudly, but my tears trickled endlessly that I couldn't brush them enough with the back of my index fingers.

"Look, Dr. Red, the garden is already ready," the nurse said as she walked towards the glass wall, peeping through the narrow slits between the curtains.

I jumped off the bed after a while then sauntered towards the glass wall. A beautiful flower garden greeted my eyes, and there were rows of chairs and tables indeed, wrapped in cream and burgundy pleated skirts.

I scanned the place further, and my eyes fell on the make-shift altar. My tears then dropped further like a deluge when I saw Sean wearing a black, three-piece wedding suit posing for a pictorial. Beside her was, of course, Mia, enclosing Sean's waist as she tilted her head to pose in front of the camera. Perhaps, it was one of their last-minute poses to say goodbye to their singlehood. Overwhelming jealousy was killing me!

"Miss, I need to be alone for a while," I told the nurse, and without hesitations, she fled across the room while stealing a glance at me. She, perhaps, was wondering why I was crying.

The moment I heard the door slamming to a close, I slumped on the couch, planting both the soles of my feet close to the base of my thighs. I then hugged my legs and locked my fingers together in front, placing my chin on top of my knees afterward. Then with a loud wail, I released the last string that bound my emotion from showing, pouring out my grief for losing Sean forever.

I didn't know how long did I cry since I dozed off right after my strength left me after so much crying. The door then opened, and the nurse's head popped between the slightly opened door.

"Dr. Red, the wedding will already start in thirty minutes. May I help you with your makeup?"

I gave her a blank stare for a moment. I knew it wasn't right to refuse an invitation since Mia was the one taking care of me while I was recovering from a Bronca bite illness. And I didn't want Sean to think I was bitter; after all, leaving him was my choice.

"Also, Dr. Red, Mr. Ian came over to check on you, but you were still asleep."

"Really?" His name alone was enough to ignite anger from within me, painting my face into a dark magenta shade.

The nurse gave me a quick stare, perhaps wondering why I reacted that way. Mr. Ian was, after all, a respected image in this establishment.

"Yes, Dr. Red."

I looked down, taking a deep breath to stop scaring her away. When I felt that my face returned to its pinkish glow, I looked at her straight in the eyes.

"Miss, please tell Mr. Ian to stop coming to my room. Let him wait in his office, instead. I will see him in twenty minutes."

The nurse disappeared right away, and I smirked at the thought of her boss's reaction after knowing that I wouldn't welcome him in my room. I did a quick shower then changed into the outfit Mia had sent for me. Thanks for her thoughtfulness; she must have known that I did not bring any.

I was already in a silver-and-black wedge, paired with a strapless, burgundy A-line dress when the nurse came back. She gasped when her eyes fell on me, surprised at my instant transformation.

"You're so beautiful, Dr. Red!"

"Thank you." I smiled.

Letting my hair fall loosely on my shoulders, I enhanced my face with light makeup and a dark-smokey eye shadow. While checking myself before the mirror, my eyes then fell on a jewelry box. I hurriedly opened it, and a glittering pair of diamond earrings and necklace greeted my eyes. I also noticed that there was a note inside the box.

Wear it for today's special event. See you soon.

Needless to say, I knew it was Sean's. I committed his neat penmanship to my memory. So, this set of dress, shoes, and jewelry came from Sean.

It's so thoughtful of him. He knew what I needed to wear to the event that would later break my heart. It's alright, I thought. I would try my best to be happy for him.

"I'm already ready, Miss. Can you please accompany me to Mr. Ian's office?"

"Sure, Dr. Red."

She walked to the door ahead of me, but just as she was about to open it wider, she slammed it close again, then leaned her back on the door, facing me.

"What shall I do, Dr. Red? He's here, again," she shrieked but contained the volume of her voice.

"Are you sure?" I asked, my eyes growing large.

"Yes, doc. He's already outside."

I froze for a second in disappointment, but I shouldn't be harsh on her. it was not her fault. Mr. Ian was just, perhaps, stubborn as expected of a CEO. He's the boss, anyway.

I sighed, then shrugged my shoulders. "Okay, let him in."

The nurse nodded, then faced the door again. The moment the door opened, Sean's tall and immaculate figure filled the door frame, sending my heart into a rifle-firing mode.

However, I began to feel awkward that I couldn't dare to look at him in the eyes. Sean then stepped forward, turning to look at the nurse, opening the door wider for her.

"Thanks for taking care of my wife."

"You're welcome, sir."

All of a sudden, it felt like the world had stopped spinning for a moment. The steps he took towards me were too slow as if the world had gone into a wrong motion.