Magic and Alchemist

Descriptions of side characters are not so promising in Lovely Princess. The character 'Selina Hua' for example is only described as the best friend of Alexa Bella Chronos, one of the villainesses that the player will encounter when the player chose the route of Crown Prince Daniel from the Seraphium Kingdom. Selina Hua in the game will also be affected by helping her best friend who is the fiancee of Crown Prince Daniel in bullying Rin. The reason is simple, they want Rin to stay away from Alexa's fiance.

Alexa and Selina Hua then met their doom in Crown Prince Daniel's hand. Alexa was deprived of her peerage and expelled from the Chronos family. While Selina who is a commoner as Alexa's partner in bullying Rin gets a hundred lashes and her family business is destroyed by the Crown Prince.

Selina shuddered remembering what would happen in the future if she followed what Selina Hua did in the game. She then laid her body on the bed.

'Luckily I remember the memories of my previous life before it was too late,' thought Selina.

Selina and her family now live in the Seraphium Kingdom after moving out of the Calamus Republic. The reason they moved out is that of her mother. Diana Hua née Zodiva, the little sister of the alchemist Leo Zodiva. Diana herself is a popular designer and has her own business in the fashion industry named 'Blooming Moon.' The Blooming Moon now is a big brand name. To make it more successful Diana wants to expand her business.

Because the majority of orders came from the Seraphium Kingdom -also Diana's father's home country, Diana wants to move her business' headquarter to the Seraphium Kingdom from the Calamus Republic. As for the reason why Selina's father, Zhihao Hua agreed on moved out to the Seraphium Kingdom there are two reasons. The first is to make his wife's business more successful. While the second reason is that now Selina's brother, Landon Hua is studying abroad in Long Ya Empire. Long Ya Empire's Capital City Long Chao is further to Calamus Republic's Capital City Roland than the Seraphium Kingdom's Capital City of Seraphina. He wants Landon to go home more frequently because the distance is not that far anymore. This business is likely the one that will be destroyed by Seraphium Kingdom's Crown Prince.

"I will not let my current family suffer because of me," vowed Selina.

Selina made a fist. She has sworn an oath and has no intention of ending up like character Selina Hua in Lovely Princess.

"It's too late to persuade Mom not to expand the business to the Seraphium Kingdom. So what I can do now is stay away from Alexa and enjoy my current life," decided Selina.

Selina then remembers her new family in this world. Besides her father, mother, and brother, she has another family in the Calamus Republic. They are her favorite Uncle Leo Zodiva who lives with his wife, Aunt Mary Zodiva née Latsya, and their daughter who is three years older than her named Astrid.

Selina is really sad not to have her cousin Astrid Zodiva playing role-play with her anymore. She always becomes the prince charming and Astrid either becomes a damsel in distress or a princess that being kidnapped by Demon Lord which is none other than her brother, Landon, that role-playing with a boring blank face.

"Thank God for blessing me with life in which my parents are rich, so I don't have to work part-time to pay off tuition. Though I have to avoid the villainess if I want to survive," thanked Selina to God who reincarnated her here.

Selina also remembered the fact that in this Gaia world, magic is a normal thing for humans, elves, and all other beings. There are two types of magic in this world, non-elemental and elemental. As the name suggests, non-elemental magic doesn't have any element attributes and can be used by everyone.

As for elemental magic, there are six Basic Elements, they are Fire, Water, Earth, and Wind, but Light and Dark are rarer and more powerful than the other four Basic Elements. Besides Basic Elements, there are also Advanced Elements. This element appears in people who have more than one affinity in Basic Elements. For example, someone who has Fire and Wind affinities can train to combine the two elements so he or she can use one of Advanced Elements, which is Thunder.

Alongside the Thunder element, there are Fire and Earth elements that combined and become the Magma element; Water and Wind elements combined and become Ice element; lastly, Water and Earth elements combined and become Plant element. Fire and Water Elements can't combine because they're contradicting each other, same with Wind and Earth Elements.

"Magic is real here and not some intricate and complex trick that people use for entertainment." Her eyes sparkling in the realization of she can use real magic in the future.

"But I have to wait for three years before I can use magic."

Selina's eyes become dim afterward in the realization of she can only use magic when she is seven years old. She kneels in defeat.

In this world, humans can only use magic when they reached seven years old and have their Signum Ceremony. Signum Ceremony is a test that children must take to find out their affinity with six Basic Elements. Usually, humans in this world only have an affinity with one of the Basic Elements. It was rare for humans to have dual affinities even more so with triple affinities, same with elf race and other beings.

"Wait a minute. Why don't I use my memories of my past life to become an alchemist here? It is such a good opportunity. I'll become rich and can help lift my family's status here as alchemists are greatly respected here in Gaia, just like Uncle Leo's family."

In this world of Gaia, only people who have abilities are being respected. Alchemists are people that made enchanted gadgets or magic devices. They are greatly respected by people and even by aristocrats because they invented magic devices that facilitate human activities. An alchemist with a true ability like Selina's Uncle, Leo Zodiva is rare and highly sought after by countries.

*Knock… Knock… Knock...*

"Selina, are you awake already? Come downstairs so we can eat breakfast together."

Selina heard the voice of a woman from behind the door before the door opened and reveal Diana in a white blouse and white long pants. Diana is a beautiful woman in her twenties with flaxen hair and blue eyes.

"Mom?" Selina called her mother in this world. She feels a little strange but familiar with how she called Diana.

"Yes, Lina darling," replied Diana.

Selina gathers her focus back and asks Diana to go downstairs first.

"Can you go down first? I want to take a shower and change my clothes before eating."

"Okay, Lina. Just go downstairs after you're done. I already made your favorite dessert."

"Chocolate pudding?" Selina asked.

"Chocolate pudding," confirmed Diana.

"I'll be waiting for you downstairs, come quickly," said Diana, who then left Selina alone in her room.

After Diana left Selina's room, Selina immediately took a shower, changed her clothes, and went downstairs to have breakfast with her mother.