The Best Alchemist I

"With my knowledge of technology in my previous life, I could definitely become the best alchemist in Gaia," murmured Selina.

"But to become the best alchemist that is not bound by the state, I have to have a network that is not controlled by one country only. That being said the easiest one is to become a knight of 10th division as they also work independently in trade-related issues under the patronage of Union Guild. If I become a knight in their division, I will know which markets are suitable for certain magic devices."

Selina who was lying on her bed kept thinking about how she can become an alchemist who is not attached to any country. Her body which was only four years old at the moment seemed smaller because she is laying on a king-size bed.

"How do I persuade Mom to let me become an alchemist like Uncle?" Selina muttered again to herself.


Selina let out a frustrated sigh.

"…What should I do?" Selina asked no one in particular.

A week has passed since Selina remembered her previous life. Since then, she has been trying to get permission from Diana to study to become an alchemist. However, Diana opposed it because she was still too small.

"I must try on my own first to become an alchemist. The easiest way is to practice directly," said Selina.

Selina got up from her bed and opened her bedroom door. Looking right and left, she watched whether anyone saw her. Not seeing anyone, she then quietly walked toward the kitchen which was on the first floor. She sneaks like a cat who wants to steal a fish. Seeing the kitchen was empty - this was a break time for the servants, she entered.

Selina immediately opened the kitchen cabinet drawers one by one to find the magic device that was the target of her experiment. What she was looking for was a magic device called lighter or ignitorem. After rummaging through the contents of the cabinet drawers, she finally found the ignitorem.

Ignitorem is shaped like a little stick around five inches with the pommel become storage or chamber for mana stone. Ignitorem is one of the magic devices that people in this world used to start a fire every day in their household for cooking or any other activities that needed it. Magic devices, on the other hand, are enchanted gadgets that are made to make humans, elves, and other beings' life easier. They are powered by mana stones.

Mana stone is a stone that can power the magic devices. It was obtained by mining from a place that has mana roots. This mana roots appearing by itself so in the past people are going to fight for the place that has mana roots. Now in a peaceful era, mana stone is predominantly imported from the Forestaria Allied Federation.

The reason for ignitorem being invented is because not everyone in this world has an affinity with the Fire element. So cooking, baking, smithing, and many more activities will be difficult if at all times the fire must be ignited manually by rubbing two stones to produce sparks.

After finding what she was looking for, Selina sneaks back to her room. Selina's house is a two-story mansion where Selina's room is on the top floor. Selina turned her head to the right and left again for the second time to make sure no one was watching her sneak from the kitchen to her room.


Selina immediately entered her room and locked the door. She then sat in front of her desk and opened one of the desk's drawers. From the drawer, Selina pulled out a book, a screwdriver, and an inscriber. Inscriber is a tool for writing and deleting runes. Inscriber is not a magic device because to write or delete runes the user needs to insert their mana into the inscriber.

"Okay. Let's do it!" Selina said excitedly while rubbing the palms of her hands together.

Selina tied her long light brown hair into a little bun. After making sure her hair was neatly tied up, Selina opened the book she had pulled out earlier. This book is a book about runes. Written in the title section is "RUNES IN GAIA." She took this book secretly from his mother's private library.

The second thing Selina do after opening the book was opening the outer frame of the ignitorem with a screwdriver slowly. After succeeding, she noticed what runes were written on the inner frame of ignitorem. Inscribed on the inner frame of ignitorem are fire rune, also called kaunaz rune and manifestation rune or mannaz rune. The kaunaz rune is shaped like a sign of smaller than or one of the hiragana letters, which is the letter 'Ku.' Whereas mannaz runes are shaped like a gate.

"Hm... According to this book, it seems like the conclusions I got about these two runes are true. What is written on the ignitorem is kaunaz and mamnaz runes. It seems easy enough. I just need to delete the kaunaz rune and replace it with the thurisaz rune to turn it into a magic device that functions just like a stun gun," said Selina while holding the tip of her chin with her right hand.

"Let's start the experiment!" Selina said excitedly.

Picking up the inscriber, Selina poured her mana which is still unstable into the inscriber. Slowly she erases the kaunaz rune. After succeeding, she then again poured her mana to write the thurisaz rune. Slowly but surely Selina finally succeeded in writing the thurisaz rune on the ignitorem, though it took her some time to get it done.