S Class Mana Amount

The magic device's light turned red then almost exploded if not for the fast reaction of Zhihao who released Selina's hand from the device.

"…Looks like you're one of the S class for this new term." Emily looked at Selina in awe.

'S class mana amount? This is not mentioned in the game as 'Selina' only has C class mana amount,' Selina thought, confused about the result of her mana measurement.

Selina can hear people murmuring behind and beside her as this is a sign she has an abnormal amount of mana.

"Look, the child is a commoner but has an S class mana amount," exclaimed a nobleman from the line next to Selina.


"Does her gene has a mutation that makes the child have an S class mana amount?"

"But such cases are very rare."

"Very rare does not mean it never happened."

"You are right…"






After Selina go to the registration of Seraphium Royal Academy and measured her mana amount, Selina and her father going to their home in the outer section of Seraphina City. As the daughter of the family which consists of a rich popular designer and a high-class adventurer, Selina and her brother Landon are fortunate enough to live well and not lacking anything. Though Landon was now in Long Ya Empire, he studied abroad to become a warrior. Warriors in Long Ya Empire are equivalent to knights in the Seraphium Kingdom.

Arrived at home Selina called her mother in excited tones.

"Mom! Mom! Look at my result."

"Coming down, Lina darling!" Selina can hear her mother's voice from the second floor where her mother's studio is located.

Finally down to the first floor, Diana asked in anticipation.

"How's the result? Do you get in?"

Selina thrust both her hands that holding an identified card for Seraphium Royal Academy in front of her mother and grinning widely.

"I'm in! I'm officially a student at Seraphium Royal Academy now. Look at this mother, my mana amount is actually in S class!" Selina excitedly said.

When Selina told her result of mana amount to her mother, Diana stunned and turned silent. A few moments later she pulled on Selina's hand and hugging her.

"S class? Really?" Diana asked still don't believe in her hearing.

"It's true, Mom. My mana amount is in S class," Selina said trying to convince her mother.

"Congratulations Lina darling!" Diana said while stroking Selina's hair.

Selina smiled widely then hugging her mother back. She is relieved of her mana amount measurement as Seraphium Royal Academy didn't receive students who are not at least in the C class category of mana amount. Mana amount in this world of Gaia is divided into six classes, from high to low are S, A, B, C, D, and E class.

"Thanks, mother," Selina said to her mother who's brought to tears by the good news from her daughter.

Diana doesn't have high mana amount, she is measured to only have a D class mana amount, so she was worried about her daughter. She worried that she might have passed down her mana amount to her daughter as well. She's not worried about Landon as he inherited his father's mana amount which is A class.

She is truly worried about her only daughter. Her ambition to become both alchemist and official at Union Guild is not an easy feat. Even if Selina is a hard worker, she must have a talent for it too. If she inherited her mana amount then she can't go studying in Seraphium Royal Academy. In this world, children inherited the mana amount of one of their parents. This is why a noble only married another noble to keep their descendant to have talent and prestige.

Someone like Selina who has an S class mana amount despite being a child of an A and D class mana amount parents is very rare, even more so she is a commoner. It seems like her gene mutated and the result is her S class mana amount. One year ago Diana and Zhihao can measure their daughter's mana amount as children can do their first mana amount measurement test at five years old, but in the end, they didn't do it. They afraid of hurting their daughter's feelings if she knows she doesn't qualify to chase her ambition. But now, they don't have to worry anymore.






After dinner, Selina asked her parents for permission to rest. She then went to her room on the top floor.


The sound of Selina dropping her body onto the bed could be heard throughout the room.

"I didn't know I had an S class mana amount. Is this the cheat God gave me?"

"Hm... That might have happened because Selina in the game only has C class mana amount and affinity for Water Element like Mom," Selina said still in a sprawl position on the bed.

Selina turned around and hugged a pillow on her bed.

'Come to think of it, it's also weird that Dad who is an ordinary adventurer has an A class mana amount. Dad said that he was a commoner. But that is very unlikely because the commoner in Gaia on average only has mana amount between C class to E class. Even if that is true and Dad's gene has a mutation, which causes Dad to have an A class mana amount, but that can't explain the mana amount which Landon and I have.'

'If Dad's gene has a mutation, Landon and I should only have C or D class mana amount. This is consistent with what is said in the thesis of Abraham Eche Will that Sister Yulia gave me. But the reality is that Landon has A class and I am an S class. This can't just be a coincidence.'

"There's something Dad didn't tell Mom, Landon, and me. Could it be that Dad is a nobleman?" Selina gets up to a sitting position.

"Ah... But it's impossible. This must be only because our genes also mutate like Dad. After all, someone's thesis might also be wrong right? Moreover, this is related to genes, a very difficult subject."