Introduction I

On the first day studying in school, Selina is actually both nervous and excited. There are two reasons. First, she will meet with one of the capture targets which is the crown prince of Seraphium Kingdom and Alexa Bella Chrono who is the best friend of 'Selina' in the game. And the second reason is she never attended public school before in her new life after reincarnation. It was because of her mother's big business that she was the target of kidnapping once. That ended up being a trauma for her mother that's why in the beginning she is not allowed to go to public school and only homeschooling. She is allowed this time because, for a school that is attended by nobles, their security must be top-notch as well.


Selina heard the bell. It's the sign of going to class as their homeroom teacher is going to class to take attendance. In this class 1 which only has six students, the only commoner beside Selina is named Jackson Ragurd. Class 1 is special, you can say that it is a class for the elite student who is cream of the crop. Even though they are not yet taking their Signum Ceremony to know what their affinity is, they have a high amount of mana. This class is a mix of children with A and S class mana amount. In other words, class 1 is a class of the elite within elite students.

A twenty-something years old male teacher comes into Selena's class. He is a handsome person with long black hair tied back and morning sky-colored eyes. As he stood in front of them, he said his name and took a roll call.

"My name Albus Zeus Wright, I'll be your homeroom teacher for your twelve years studying here," he said.

'Albus? Fortunately, his name is not Albus Dumbledore otherwise, I would doubt in what world I was reincarnated,' thought Selina who almost fell from her seat.

"Let's take class attendance, shall we? Alexa Bella Chronos."

"Present," one beautiful girl with strawberry blonde hair and emerald green eyes answered the call. She is the only girl beside Selina to be in class 1.

Selina turns her head to the side to see the girl who just said 'Present.'

'So she's the villainess in Seraphium Kingdom's Crown Prince's route. How come this cute girl become a villainess in the future?'

"Daniel Zephyros Grand."

"Present," a platinum-haired, gray-eyed boy answered the roll call.

'So that's the Crown Prince,' thought Selina.

"Jackson Ragurd."

"Present!" a boy with a purple hair and orange-pumpkin eyes answered with high pitch, some people even stuffed their ears to muffle the sound he creates.

"No need to be that loud Jackson, I can hear you just fine," Selina's homeroom teacher teased Jackson as it made Selina and the others hold back their laughter. Jackson's ears became red with all the teasing. A few moments later the roll call continued.

"Christian Prasinos Grecass."

"Present," a boy that looks a bit like a girl answered, the class confused as he looks like a 'she'.

"Arthur Fotia Rosenfeld."

"Present," a handsome boy with bright golden hair and mesmerizing ruby eyes answered in a calm voice.

'Oh My God! He is even more handsome than Daniel. Are there characters like him in the game? Why doesn't he become one of the capture targets? Is he a hidden character? But as far as I know, Lovely Princess doesn't have a hidden character.'

"Lastly, Selina Hua," Selina's eyes met Teacher Albus's eyes when she answered his call.

"P... Present," Selina answered a bit stammered. It seems that Teacher Albus knew she was out of focus earlier as he smiled lightly at Selina.

"Let's get each of you to introduce yourself to your classmates, after all, you will be in the same class for twelve years."

Teacher Albus said while smiling at his students. His eyes stopped to each of his students, studying their response. There are two categories: nervous or panicking one, and confident one with a smile or a smirk.

"Let's begin with Alexa. Please come forward and introduce yourself to your new classmates." Teacher Albus pointed Alexa as the first to introduce herself. Alexa whipped her long strawberry blonde hair and came forward. Aura of confidence oozing out of her. You can know already she is in the last category.

"My name is Alexa Bella Chronos as you already heard from Teacher Albus. I like shopping and dress up. I also like to dress up other people, nice to meet you all." She said while smiling and folding her little hands.

"Okay, you can go back to your seat. Next is Prince Daniel!"

Alexa then goes back to her seat which is on the front-most right side of Selina's classroom. The classroom is shaped like half of spherical while the roof is made of glass that can be closed. Their seats are arranged in two rows with three seats in each row. After Alexa took her seat back, Prince Daniel came forward to the front and introduced himself like Alexa

"Nice to meet you, my name is Daniel Zephyros Grand. I am the Crown Prince of Seraphium Kingdom, but you don't need to speak formally with me. Just call me Daniel is fine." Then Daniel gave a little smile while looked at his classmates one by one. You can see that he has a charisma of a prince as soon as Selina and others looked at him, they nodded in respect. Not every day you can see a Prince who doesn't flaunt his Royal bloodline.

"Thank you for the introduction Prince Daniel," Teacher Albus bowed in respect.

"Please call me only 'Daniel' in school, Teacher Albus."

"Okay, Daniel then. Please go back to your seat," Teacher Albus gesturing with his right hand to the middle of the front seat.

"Jackson, your turn." Teacher Albus said while smiling at Jackson.

Jackson then came forward and introducing himself.

"My name is Jackson Ragurd, just call me Jackson or Jack. My hobby is climbing trees as it makes me feel united with the wind. Nice to meet you."

"Okay nice, thanks for your introduction, Jack. The next one is Christian."