Introduction II

"Okay nice, thanks for your introduction, Jack. The next one is Christian."

A boy that looks a bit like a girl or androgyny looks came forward. His black hair contrasting beautifully with his pale skin, while his eyes are in the color of chocolate fudge. His seat is exactly behind Jack.

"My name's Christian Prasinos Grecass, just call me Chris. I know some of you doubt me because of my looks, but I am one hundred percent a boy." He stated passionately.

"Um… Thanks for your introduction, Chris. You are no doubt a boy." Teacher Albus assured him as his right hand landed on Chris's left shoulder to give him more assurance.

After Chris' turn, now it is Arthur's turn.

Before the teacher could call his name, he came forward, gave Teacher Albus a nobleman bow, and then introducing himself.

"My name is Arthur Fotia Rosenfeld. You can call me Arthur."

Arthur said in a confident tone. He introduces himself not too fast nor too slow. Even though he introduced himself in two short sentences, Alexa squealed in delight.

"Can I dress you up?" Alexa asked in delight while raising her right hand.

"Mm… maybe next time my Lady." He said then kissing Alexa's hand.

Selina sweatdropped at his replies to Alexa, one thought formed in her mind.

'He is a playboy in the making. Must avoid him at all cost, Mom said playboy is the worst kind of male. Also from my past life's memories, all girls who have an affair with a playboy ended up tossed aside and become the victim. Playboys always toying with girls' feeling like it was an item that catches their attention.'

Then finally it was Selina's turn to introducing herself.

"Hello, my name is Selina Hua. From today onward I will be your classmate, nice to meet you." She said like what she had been practicing at home.

Alexa raised her hand again and asked, "Is that dress from Blooming Moon?"

"Yes, it is my mother's design," Selina answered while looking at her dress. She feels proud to have her mother's dress even recognized by six years old children.

"Wait, you're the daughter of Diana Zodiva?"

"Yes, you know my mother?"

"There are no girls and women in Seraphina City who don't know Diana Zodiva. She is the best designer from the Calamus Republic." Alexa said with sparkling eyes.

"Ah! We already moved the headquarter of Blooming Moon to the Seraphium Kingdom as the orders from here are the majority of the orders we receive. The Calamus Republic still becomes our branch though."

"So we can order directly from a store in Seraphina and not through Seraphium Kingdom's branch of Union Guild anymore?" Alexa asked in a fiery tone.

"Uhm," Selina only nodded her head in response.

"But wait your surname is 'Hua,' right? Not Zodiva." Alexa scrunched up her forehead to think.

"Zodiva is my mother's maiden name. Her actual name is Diana Hua as she is married to my father." Selina answered in a light smile.

"Ooh…" Alexa's mouth shaped in 'O'.

"Ehem… Selina, can you please help me get her autograph? I'm her fan." Alexa shyly said to Selina.

"No problem. My mother would be happy to give her autograph to you," Selina said while smiling at Alexa.

"Really?" Alexa asked as she suddenly stood up and both her hands slammed against the table in front of her.

"I'm sure about it, she won't be mad but delighted to know she has a little beauty as a fan in Seraphina," Selina said while nodding her head.

"T… Thank you…" Alexa became bashful.

'Looks like it is okay if I'm friends with Alexa. I just need to make sure she doesn't behave like a villainess,' Selina decided silently in her heart.

"Okay. Selina, please return to your seats," Teacher Albus said.

Selina nodded her head and returned to her seat.

"Because today is your first day of school, there is no lesson today. The lesson will start tomorrow. Do you have something to ask?" Asked Teacher Albus.

Not a single student raised his or her hand to ask a question.

"Okay, this will be it for today. You can chat with your friends until the bell of the first lesson is over and after that, you can go back to your homes," said Teacher Albus before he returned to the teacher's seat in front of the class and left his students to chat with each other.

"Selina, can I chat with you?" Alexa asked after turning her chair to face Selina directly.

"Yes, but there is one condition," Selina answered.

"What is the condition?"

"Call me Lina. All my family and close friends call me that," Selina said, smiling at Alexa.

"Then you can just call me Alex too!"

"Un! Alex. "


"Pft... Ahahahaha..." Selina and Alexa laughed together after an awkward moment.

"So Lina. Do you have a hobby?" Alexa asked after their laughter subsided.

Selina nodded her head, "Yes. I have a hobby of singing and dancing. How about you?"

"I like drawing and painting."

They both then talked about various things. From their chat, Selina learned that Alexa and Daniel were not engaged at this time and Alexa only wanted to be engaged to the person she loved.

"Aren't nobles just doing political marriages where both parties benefit?"

"Most nobles are like that, but my family is different. My father and mother were married out of love and because our family was a high noble family and we had no shortcomings in politics and economics so we were free to marry anyone we liked. That is what my father said."

"Woah... So is there someone you like now?"

'Hopefully not Daniel,' Selina thought.

"Ahahahaha ... I haven't thought that far!" Alexa laughed.

'Thank God…'