Forming Mana Path I

In the evening at Hua's residence, Selina with Zhihao and Diana were sitting relaxed after dinner together. Selina, who remembered Alexa's request to get Diana's autograph, finally opened her mouth.

"Mom, can you sign here?" Selina asked Diana giving her a paper and a marker.

"What is this for, Lina Darling?" Diana, who was leaning on the sofa asked Selina.

"My friend at school, Alexa is a big fan of yours and she asked me to ask for your autograph," Selina answered.

"Of course, I can. Here give it to Mom. "

After receiving the paper and marker from Selina, Diana immediately signed the paper and gave it back to Selina.

"Here, Lina darling."

"Thank you, Mom," said Selina, who then slipped the paper in one of her textbooks so it wouldn't get tangled.

"You're welcome, Lina darling," Diana smiled.






The next day in Class 1 room, Selina gives Alexa the signed paper.

"Alexa, here. This is my mother's signature."

"Waaah... Thanks, Lina," said Alexa who was so happy that she hugged Selina after receiving Diana's autograph.

"You're welcome, Alex," said Selina who replied to Alexa's hug.

Shortly after Selina and Alexa took their arms off each other, Teacher Albus entered the room.

"Good morning, students," said Teacher Albus.

"Good morning, Teacher Albus!" Class 1's students replied to Teacher Albus's greetings.

"For today's first lesson we will move outside. Come on hurry up! You don't need to bring your books or bags because this is a lesson that requires hands-on practice."

After they moved out of the room and sat on the grass, Teacher Albus began the first lesson of the day.

"Today we are going to learn how to control mana, mana path, and mana itself for the first-year curriculum."

Teacher Albus then began lecturing Class 1's students about mana, mana path, and how to control mana.

"Mana is a supernatural force or power that may be ascribed to persons, spirits, or inanimate objects. Mana is essential to even the most basic of magic. Mana can be controlled and manipulated to create an effect that would not be possible otherwise, such as conjuring and shaped the Elements." He looked at Selina and her classmates one by one and continued his explanation.

"There are seven points in a human's body that must be connected and formed to become mana path. The seven points are Root point, Sacral point, Solar Plexus point, Heart point, Throat point, Third Eye point, and lastly Crown point. Those points are located in different areas in the human body."

"Who knows the place of the first point in a human's body that is essential to form a mana path?" Asked Teacher Albus to his students.

Christian raised his right-hand high.

"Okay, Chris?"

"It is the Root point, Teacher Albus. Root point is in the base of the spine, in the tailbone area," Christian answered Teacher Albus' question.

"Correct." Teacher Albus smiled.

"The Root point represents our foundation. On the human body, it sits at the base of the spine. So it was essential for all of you to learn mana path and mana control. The second point is the Sacral point. It is located in the lower abdomen, about two inches below the navel."

"Everyone still following?" Teacher Albus asked all his students.


"The third is the Solar Plexus point. Solar Plexus point is located in the upper abdomen in the stomach area. The fourth is Heart point. The Heart point is the bridge between the lower points and the upper points. It is located in the center of the chest, just above the heart."

"The next one is the throat point. It is located in the throat as the name suggests. The last two are the Third Eye point and Crown point. It is located in the forehead between the eyes. And last is the Crown point, which is the highest point in the human body. It sits at the crown of the head. When you're done opening all seven points, you can form a path that connects all points. If it was done properly there is very little chance of your mana or magic going berserk."

"Everyone understands what I'm saying?" Look at all his students who's nodded in understanding, Teacher Albus decided to move their introduction of seven points of mana path to forming mana path itself.

"Before you formed your mana path, you have to know that it was made by focus on meditation. Meditation is also a way to replenish your mana faster than just regular rest. First, sitting in a comfortable position with your spine straight, but not rigid. You then want to focus on each part of your body starting with your feet and working up. As you do this, have that part of the body relax and let the stress melt away." Teacher Albus instructed.

Selina then following Teacher Albus's instruction then began to focus on each part of her body. Starting with her feet then up, Selina can feel her body became relaxed.

"The next step in mana meditation is to focus on the breath. Do not force it, but let the breathing become steady and deep. The mind will most likely wonder, just gently bring it back to the breath and maintain the focus on each inhalation and exhalation you take. Visualize the oxygen coming into your lungs and passing into the bloodstream. Visualize it nourishing all the muscles, organs, and cells of your body and then see it removing the toxins from your body which you expel with each breath."

This time Selina get a little trouble while doing it. She can't focus as Arthur who is exactly on her right side received praise from Teacher Albus.

"Well done, Arthur. Everyone look at Arthur this is what meditation should look like," praised Teacher Albus.

When Selina and others see Arthur, they can see he is enveloped by a red aura. The aura is so big that it is enveloped Arthur completely and radius two meters from him.