Phillipus and Dessa could hear noises moanam's and pleasurable grunts from the royal bedroom, the flesh slapping coming from the the bedroom, No one is allowed in the bedroom no matter what is it, that's Diana's order, Most people would have decided to not to peak their new king having sex with their queen and princess, they both are really frustrated.

But Phillipus and Dessa wasn't most people. They had a curiosity streak that damned them and doomed them in many times. The door was locked, but that wasn't really a problem for someone like them. Dessa slowly clicked the door open and it swung open.

The both generals stopped suddenly. They could see the bedroom from their vantage point. The door was open a crack

Dessa and Phillipus could have easily stepped back, they step to the right and get a closer look. Their eyebrow raised and they saw Diana's face filled with unbearable pleasure, Hippolyta is sleeping in the bed Large amount of cum leaking from her pussy and her queen streatched pink asshole,

"YES, Kal, DEEPER, HARDER, oh yes that it!" Diana moanamed hard, they knew that this was a private moment, if they get caught they will get punish hard for peeking their queens private affairs. They knew they should leave, normally no one want to watch their king, queen and princess in this situation, but the generals is turned on by this exotic display infront of them.

Their legs seemed to be broken for some reason. Instead of walking back, they stepped forward. Dessa could see the look of pleasure on Diana's face. She saw her body shake every time the kryptonian rammed himself into Diana from behind. Her nails dug into the bed mattress, when he plowed her princess.

Dessa felt her hands slip down her armour. Phillipus licked her lips. There was a part of her brain that was screaming for her to turn and go to the duty while they still had a chance.

But their fingers were down on the pussy and they felt the moisture building up already. They both closed their eyes and flickered their fingers across their center. Dessa touched her love button when she worked herself over.

"Are you going to cum for me, Diana?" Superman asked.

"Yes, Kal, I'm going to cum for you, I'm going to cum for you so hard," Diana breathed heavily, they both watch their princess get ravaged by the kryptonians mighty cock. "I want your big cock to split me apart."

Phillipus leaned in closer and saw Superman's cock almost pull out of Diana. She pushed her fingers deep into herself when she watched. Her nipples grew extremely hard against her armour.

Dessa on the other hand she watch her kings big balls slapping on Diana's asscheek, Dessa put her fingers in her wet pussy, Phillipus slid off her top armour and allowed it to drop onto the ground. Diana's moans increased. the kryptonian know what the royal guards are doing. Dessa's keep panting when she fingered herself into a mental stupor. Her fingers twisted into her center and she played with herself. She kept rubbing her center over and over again, gaining a heavy amount of friction.

"by the gods," Phillipus said. She imagined Superman having her down on the bed and having his way with her with his thirteen inches big cock. She could hear Diana's screaming orgasm and the cries that she was going to cum extremely hard. rode her fingers to her climax when Diana did.

Phillipus and Dessa snapped back to life and realized what happened. Both pulled their fingers out of their pussy and they could see their juices dripping. They caught most of the show. The show was over and it was time to get back to duty. All they both had to do was get out of there and put the armour, then they pretty much get ready for their job,

Dessa knocked a chair over. winced. The noise in the bedroom ceased. One could hear a pin drop in response.

Dessa backed off, phillipus scold her and they both ran into something soft and supple. They both hit it back first. They both closed their eyes when they realized they had been blocked from leaving.

"general's, i am not expecting to meeting you both here, what the hell do you think you are doing in our bedroom." Diana angrily asked.

"Um, princess we was just hear the grunt's, we thought, you were in danger" Phillipus said to Diana. The both saw Diana in blue lingerie. They could barely keep her eyes off from Diana's sexy body. Dessa might have had a tiny bit of a crush on her, just a little bit.

"I was, um, returning you a message, I pricked…picked it from …the senate, my princess." Dessa said to Diana, she watched diana, she could see the look on Diana, says she didn't believe her.

"I see," Diana said. (She always wanted to rape Dessa and make her his bitch she has large black breast smaller than power girl but bigger than her and brown nipples, she wanted to lick it, and bite it.)

"Well that seems very thoughtful of you is it Dessa", Diana said and keep the angry look on her face. She watched phillipus she has black big breast but same as her curl black hair, who could made nice addition to her husband harem, she and her mother was planning on taking trusted member into their harem.

Kal walked out of the room. He stood calmly in the background, and they both didn't dare turn completely around to see whether or not he was wearing clothes or not, they both are afraid of what Diana should do to them for peeking.

"So, how long have you been both of you here?" Diana asked to them.

"A couple of minutes," Phillipus admitted.

"Kal, don't be shy, you know it's just our royal gaurds," Diana said.

"i know" Superman said.

"Walk out so they both can see you completely." Diana said to her husband, actually he didn't shy, Phillipus and Dessa saw Superman. The good thing was that he was wearing blue shorts. The bad thing was that he was wearing boxer shorts….no wait, the bad thing that he was wearing not much else, Their eyes lingered on his muscular chest and his subtle frame.

"You've been here for a while, haven't you, Dessa?" Diana asked. He looked towards both, their are in unreadable expression in their eyes.

"sorry my princess, we didn't meant to watch it," Phillipus said. (she trained Diana but Diana secretly trained by god of war in compact and after killing ares she became god of war) she is afraid of Diana,

"No, don't worry, it's kind of hot that you both thought enough of both of us to want to some one to watch having sex, but law is law you will get punishment later for peeking" Diana said. She smiled and grabbed Dessa's hand.

Superman roughly kissed phillipus hard and massage her big black tits Phillipus moanamed like a bitch in heat, Kal captured her nipples started to roll his tongue on her nipples, Phillipus moanamed hardly a large assume of pleasure consumed her body,

"by the gods kryptonian, Don't stop keep massaging my breast" Phillipus moanamed hard, Superman is not planning to stop.

"You have something sticky on your fingers." Diana said to Dessa. Dessa blinked and before she could protest, Diana slowly stuck Dessa's fingers into her mouth. She slowly sucked them clean. The black beauty barely stifled a moan from what Diana was doing. Her eyes were locked on Kal when she did this,.They looked innocent and at the same time, extremely mischievous, she watched Phillipus breast getting sucked and bite by him,

Superman watched Diana sucking Dessa's fingers like she would his cock. His throbbing manhood grew extremely large before her, to the point where it threatened to rip out of his boxer watched what's happening she was angry, that her friend is naked rubbing her body against her husband, the amazon queen angrily graped phillipus away from, her husband, Kal watched her and scold her.

"i am sorry my beloved, i need to test my friend to findout if she is worthy for our harem" Hippolyta replied to Kal watching his angry reaction.

"what's on your mind Hippolyta" Kal asked, this make her nervous go away, she watched helpless Phillipus.

"she will eat my pussy good, if she did a good job the she will earn the honour of your cock being rammed in her pussy, you go fun with Dessa Kal" Hippolyta said to Superman,

"Tell me, Dessa, do you see something that you like?" Diana asked.

"Um….." Dessa said. Diana smiled when she looked at her.

"Yes, I think that she does, and she's staring right at it," Diana said. She smile when she walked over towards Kal

She pulled Kal into a long kiss, and their tongues connected with each other. Kal tasted the juices on Diana's lips and sucked them completely. He ran his fingers down her lower back in response. It was like Dessa, phillipus and her mother was not even here. Her nipples got completely hard again and she started to sweat a little bit more.

"Dessa, it's a pretty hot night, isn't it?" Kal asked her."I mean, you're sweating like that."

"Yeah my king, it's pretty hot," Dessa answered. She wondered how much Superman was a culprit in whatever Diana was doing to her. He might have been playing the good boy to her bad boy for all she knew.

"Why don't you sit down on the couch and relax,?" Diana asked to Dessa , more like a order. Dessa sat down on the couch suddenly. Superman sat down next to her and Diana sat down on Superman's other side.

"So, my husband's pretty big, isn't he?" Diana asked, "i know you are checking up on him,"

"my princess!" Dessa said. She could feel the warmth rushing to her loins suddenly.

"He always leaves me and my mother satisfied and at the same time, I still can't wait for more," Diana said, She reached over and placed her hand in Kryptonian's boxer shorts. She slowly stroked him up and down.

"Diana, stroke it faster….." Superman said.

"i will my love," Diana said with a wicked smile, and started to pump his cock fast. "And you like, Dessa, don't you Kal?"

"Yes, I like her," Superman admitted with a smile.

"She's a sexy big black beauty, with a cute ass, isn't she Kal?" asked him. Superman raised her eyebrow.

"I want your honest opinion, Kal, I'm secure enough that I won't get mad if you tell me that another girl is hot." Diana said to Superman

"She's pretty hot," Kal admitted.

"Would you like to fuck her, Kal?" Diana asked.

"my princess...!" Dessa barely said the word in horror( she may be enjoy watching and tought of him doing to her but letting him defy her body by a man), She nearly jumped up, but Diana reached over Dessa and held her down.

"You heard me, you bitch , you want Kal to fuck you, don't you?" Diana asked firmly showing who is boss.

"Yes, my queen but I'd never….." Dessa said.

"Silly amazons and their sexual hang ups," Kal said, shaking her head in response.

"It would be pretty selfish of me if I kept the merchandise all to myself. I mean, something like this deserves to be shared." Diana said to Dessa,

Dessa wondered if Diana realized the potential sexual innuendo that she made with that remark. Knowing Diana, it was even money that she did.

"Kal, I don't want you to say anything that people are going to hold against you if you change your mind a year from now," Diana said. She lowered Dessa's hand, right onto Superman's crotch.

"Any girl you want Kal, I and my mother will be happy to allow them into our bed. I know that I come first, so I have nothing to be afraid of, i know you love me more than anything ." Diana said.

"You're pretty confident, aren't you, i own you Diana?" Superman asked with a serious look on his face. He smiled at her, "ofcouse i love you Diana,"

"i know you love me, but i don't think that you can stick your entire cock in Her mouth," Diana challenged her husband. Dessa's eyebrows rose up.

"Is that a challenge?" Superman asked to Wonder woman with a smug smile on his face.

"If you want to make it that way, Kal," Diana said with a smile. Superman pushed the dark royal gaurd down to her knees before Dessa realizing it. His gigantic rod was exposed for her.

"Look at that?" Diana asked."That must be a good thirteen inches, wouldn't you say Dessa?"

Diana breathed in the dark royal gaurds ear. Dessa didn't have a measurement device on her and she would have to agree. Superman felt Dessa's hot breath inching towards his cock. He could see her sexy face extend towards him. He encourage her, Her lips wrapped around his head and she sucked on it. She had a different style than Diana did as how she went through with this, but it felt pretty good.

Slowly, Dessa eased him into her mouth. She gagged when half of him was in her. Diana's smug look increased.

"That's it, just a little bit more," Superman said. Dessa sucked on him (she has experience on sucking rubber cocks.

Diana didn't know if she could do this. She didn't know if she could fit his entire cock down her throat. Dessa's throat struggled to expand with him,

chocking to death on a cock wasn't the worst way to go, but she didn't want to go out that way. Dessa remembered that her friend taught her to breathing through her noise.

"That's it, you're sucking my cock, you're really sucking my cock," Superman grunted. Dessa's lips wrapped around his thirteen inch cock.

"That's the cock you need, bitch," Diana said.

"That's the cock you deserve, suck it like it's your job!" Diana said. He could feel Dessa go down onto him. Her mouth bobbed up and down on him. Dessa thought that once she hit her stride, she could get him inside her. His cock rammed down her throat. She reached down and played with his balls.

"Oh, are you getting tired?" Diana asked Dessa. The dark royal gaurd admitted her jaw got a little sore. She refused to let this one up though. She rocked her head up and down when she slurped him.

Superman placed his hands on the back of her head. Dessa looked up at him and it was erotic to see his cock into the sexy blackbeauty's mouth. She kept working her mouth up and down on his tool.

"Getting closer," Superman said.

"Yes, do you think handle my husband's large amount cum?" Diana asked to Dessa.

"Do you want it on your face, Dessa? Or can you handle swallowing it?" Superman asked. Dessa looked up at Diana. She furiously rubbed superman's balls. She made sure to hit all of the pleasure points.

"Damn, she knows the best spots," Superman grunted.

"Taking notes kal," Diana teased him with hint of jealous, She rubbed her clit through the edge of her lingerie and breathed. Her nipples drew harder. Dessa leaned back and she could feel it coming. She knew that the force of this might be more than she bargained for. She braced herself for the impact.

"Damn it, here i cum, you slut," Superman grunted. His thirteen inch thick cock exploded in her 's cum shot into the back of her throat, shooting drop after drop of cum into her mouth.

Dessa slid back onto the ground. The cum dribbled from her mouth. She only swallowed most of it. Diana roughly pulled up off of the ground and embraced her, kissing her, tongue and all. Dessa leaned into the kiss.

Superman watched his wife swap spit with her slutty royal gaurd. This was extremely hot and he couldn't take his eyes off of what she and Dessa were doing. Superman watched Hippolyta and Phillipus, Phillipus was tied her hand back, her face was in Hippolyta bare cunt liking it and worshiping it, Hippolyta has a large metal she is roughly smacking her ass hard, while Phillipus licking her dirty pussy and asshole and taking her husband's cock.

"Now, it's Kal's turn," Diana said. Dessa was thrown practically into Superman's arms. His strong arms wrapped around her and he gave her a panty saturating kiss. She could feel her armour taken and pulled off. Diana helped expedite the process along by removing her red bra, red panties, a garter belt, and a black stockings were Dessa's attire was removed by her husband. Superman lowered her down on the couch and started to kiss down her body. He started at her ear, and made his way down the side of her neck. Her remaining dress slid down and her black big round slutty breasts were worshipped by Superman's tongue and his teeth. That sent sparks down her body and Superman kept traveling down her.

"And now it's time for you to be taken to the heaven," Diana said in a sexy tone, "Kal could you please give her a tongue vibration that you do?"

Dessa felt a rush of cool air down her privates. Superman's tongue followed his way deep into her dripping hot pussy. He pushed his way into her. His tongue worked her over. It was amazing oral sex, don't get Dessa wrong, but she didn't think that it was something that would blow her mind. As it turned out, Superman slowly worked her up to blow her body. His tongue started to vibrate into her body. The pleasure wave cascaded through Dessa's body. Her mind was completely rocked.

"BY THE GOD'S HIS TONGUE IS BLESSED!" Dessa yelled when her body thrashed.

"I know, he's that good," Diana said. She made sure Dessa taste the juices from her own fingers. "It's called tongue to make you his bitch. Who knew, superspeed could be use for the language of love. Or in this case, the language of really intense orgasms?" Diana said as Dessa could feel her entire body shaken. She knows now she was Superman's slut now, if he could bring her to an orgasm like that.

"Ready for the main event my slutty whore?" Superman asked her.

"Yes, fuck me, fuck me until I can't walk, my lord!" Dessa yelled. She could feel Superman's manhood go against her dripping hot slit. Dessa lifted her thighs up.

"Better hold you in place, so you don't want to hurt yourself," Diana said. She held Dessa's arms behind her back and kept her in place. Dessa's legs wrapped around Superman and he didn't stray too far as a result. Dessa watched his cock seemingly grow so it could get into her pussy extremely fast.

"Fuck, she's really tight, you never been fucked dessa!" Superman grunted.

"I know, she hasn't been fucked by a real man's cock," Diana said. Superman grunted. Her hot sopping center squeezed his manhood when he pumped in and out of her in response.

"Harder, faster, fuck me hard my lord oh that's it" Dessa breathed.

"You got it my slut," Superman said. He held onto her hips and rocked into her body. Each thrust caused Dessa to wonder if she died and went to olymbus itself, she couldn't beleive what is happening to her. This cock inside her like this, it was heaven. Each push into her caused her to feel a tingle of warmth.

"You're going to cum now, whore cum for me whore" Superman ordered to Dessa.

"And when my husband tells you to cum slut, you're going to fucking cum like you never have cum before." Diana said to her. Dessa thought that Diana's words proved to be oddly prolific. Superman slammed into her body. Her tight cunt squeezed around him when Superman kept plowing down into her from up above. She thought that she was seeing stars. Constellations actually, that was how hard superman fucked her. He slowed down the fear of hurting Dessa.

"I'm fine, my lord, you can fuck me fast" Dessa breathed.

"You better be," Superman said to Dessa. Her eager walls hugged him. Her sinfully tight and juicy pussy stroked him.

"Yes, fuck me, fuck my brains out!". Dessa yelled at the kryptonian. As Diana smiled and she straddled Dessa's face. It was obvious what Diana wanted and Dessa pushed her tongue into her mouth. And show her talent in Diana's mouth.

"Oh, she's a keeper Kal, by the gods this is excellent, i am keeping her as my own personal whore!" Diana screamed. As She grinded her pussy onto Dessa's face.

"Bet, she's been dreaming about this for a long time," Superman said.

"Well, we're giving her something better than dreams, aren't we my love?" Diana asked.

"Eat my wife's pussy out and make her scream, you whore" Superman said. He pinched Dessa's nipples. And captured her bud with his teeth, Dessa couldn't believe how much pleasure he gave her. Her nipples felt like they had been bombarded with intense amounts of pleasure. Her cunt clenched again. There was only one thing left for her to do is that was eat her misteress out like there was no tomorrow. The juices entering her mouth from Diana's were sucked up by Dessa like they were her life.

Dessa summoned all of the strength to her body. Superman's manhood speared into her. She needed to finish him off before she was finished off. Her hips kept lifting off the bed.

"I think she deserves her reward, for making me so good my love" Diana said."You don't want to break her body before you have a chance to really play with her, do you, kal?"

"No, I don't want that, i want to keep her" Superman agreed.

He allowed himself to break free. His self-control was better inside a normal amazons pussy and it improved within the sticky depths of Diana's pussy me was as well.

Dessa's wet quim milked him. Superman pushed into her body and he let it go. He pulled out of her body at the last possible second. Diana grabbed his prick and jacked it off at super speed. His cum fired, pretty much covering Dessa's face and her big breasts. She was dripping wet with cum, her face and breasts completely coated in a creamy coat.

"by the gods, how can one set of balls store so much?" Dessa asked weakly, feeling Kal's cum drip from her face. It was like a one man bukkake just exploded on her face and it kind of did.

"kryptonian stamina," Diana said cheekily.

"He certainly has lot of stamina," Diana said. She could feel the combined taste of superman and Diana's juices when she licked her lips. Diana turned towards Kal.

"So, can we keep her Kal i really like her?" Diana asked to her husband, Superman smiled.

"I think that it would be rude to make this just a one night thing." Superman said,

"Yeah, obviously spoiled for her life," Diana said. Dessa was going to protest, but Diana was right, she wanted to be their royal fuck slut,

"time to check other royal whore, is it worth making her our slut" Superman said and turned towards Phillipus and Hippolyta, Hippolyta tied phillipus hand back of her face pressed against Hippolyta bare pussy, she was angry her best friend kissed her husband,

"you like that don't you slut, licking your queens pussy, you must be honour by this, are you honoured by this, answer me slut," Hippolyta lifted her head and roughly slapped her face and pressed into her bare mound, "you better make me good, or i will never let you touch my husband, oh that it whore oh that's it"

Hippolyta moanamed hard her breathing start heavier. Superman graped phillipus started to roughly fuck Phillipus ass, Phillipus never felt anything so much pleasure and pain at the sametime, Superman suddenly taken his hard cock and plug in her pussy, he fucked her ass and pussy as sametime using his superspeed.

"she has lot of potential, i am going to keep her" Superman said to Diana,

"yes she has my love," Hippolyta said to Superman. Diana drag Dessa tied her hand and her leg in the same side of the bed, tightly her ass and pussy is open to Diana,

"oh, yes that's it massage my dick with your inner muscles," Superman said, he watched Diana tying Dessa in bed, it made him to edge he send a lot of cum in her pussy and her asshole claiming phillipus as his own royal slut.

Hippolyta watched this, and she started lick her husband cum from the Phillipus ass and her friends pussy, then she dragged phillipus by hair tie her friend like Dessa, in the bed near to Dessa, Superman was confused. he watched Diana and Hippolyta wearing iron dick strap which is ten inch, he understand, what they both are going to do, they both has a metal scale in their hard,

"pleasure is over, its time for punishment, for touching our husband and peaking when we had sex, and disobyed our direct orders you sluts" Diana said angrily, she is not going to let the crime unpunished,

"but my princess ..." Phillipus was about to speak Diana. A hard smack from Hippolyta no her bare pussy made her silent, she had a ball in her mouth, Diana smacked Phillipus, Hippolyta beat the pussy and asshole of the Dessa, both woman's cried out of pain, after a hour of this punishment, they watched their pussy is full of red and juices flow from her wet cunt.

"look at this slut, they are loving their punishment, who knows they both are pain slut" Hippolyta said to Diana, and then watched their eyes their is hint of tear but the mouth is full of salaiva, from their mouth, Both woman's licked their sluts pussy and tasted her pussy, its taste good.

"time to take the punishment to the next level mother" Diana said to Hippolyta. The amazon queen understood, both showed the iron dick into both woman asshole, the cried out of pain, Superman watched the hot orgy, he slowly went back to Diana, and graped her big round slutty breast.

"oh Kal" Diana moanamed, superman started to roughly massage it roughly, and pluged his dick in her asshole started to fuck her, Hippolyta watched the erotic scene of her daughter getting fucked while her daughter fucking her best friend, she pumped hard on Dessa asshole, Dessa was in pain and pleasure, she could feel, the queen fucking her with iron cock and amazon queen keep breast, pinching, and biting, slapping it made her cum again and again, Superman send his seed into Diana's asshole, and he graped Hippolyta and do the same but he bite her neck, roughly massaged her breast while fucking her ass, Hippolyta cumed again and again in the ironstrap which directly send her cum in Dessa pussy,

"you like it dont you fucking your ass while you fucking your slutty royal guards," Superman asked and pours his large amount of cum in to Hippolyta ass, The punishment's and sex continued for next two days, Antitope watched from the palace window some unknown reason she was hot and bothered by it, she could feel her pussy juicies are dripping, she hated herself for it.