Chapter 8: Senate fall


Superman, Wonderwoman, Hippolyta, Phillipus and Dessa are naked, Superman is getting his blowjob from Diana, and Dessa, Hippolyta is currently getting licked by her best friend Phillipus.

"Kal, my love, many senate members would love to serve you and willing accept you as their king," Hippolyta said with a pause, and she moanamed when the general continued to pleasure her queen by sucking her highly sensitive clit.

"what about the rest of then" Superman asked, when Diana and Dessa giving her wonderful double team blowjob, he watched his wife arched her back to meet the generals mouth, the constant blowjob send him to his edge and he cumed his large amount in Diana's mouth, he watched Diana and Dessa swaping his seed.

"Antitope, and six of them currently rebeling against us and our plan, they wanted you to get away from your island" Hippolyta said, the amazon queen sprayed her juices in Phillipus face, and she watched her daughter sliding his pussy into her husband thick rock cock.

"i will take care of her" Superman said with a smile and started to fuck Diana using his superspeed.


Hippolyta heard from spies that her sister was hunting in the forest, she stepped through the way which is leading to the forest. She stood surveying the beautiful forest, she look like an avenging goddess in her white armor with her sword and shield hanging at her had learned from spy that one of the places Antitope and her friends was here. she had fought against Antitope manytimes, she is a tought fight but Antitope never beaten her, Hippolyta thought that she would go to the forest and capture antitope and return with her as a present for her husband, Taking a small tablet from one of the pockets on her belt(which was given by Kal) she saw a small green dot flashing a few miles took off like a rocket leaving only a small swirl of sand and dust in her wake using hermes scandal, she shot forward. The tabloid acted as sensor to find Antitope and homed in on the match to the blood vile that taken from Antitope while her sister is at sleep, she had inserted into it. As Hippolyta raced she went over her plan for attacking the woman, from what she knew she would not be as strong as her since she had not been on wearing any belt. From the her caculation the fight would be an easy made the queen of amazon smile, she was looking forwards to a fight and what better than to dominate her own sister and bringing her to her husband as his slave. Hippolyta flew low and fast over the ground with her long blonde hair blowing out behind her. Looking at the radar she saw that the Antitope should be over the next mountain. Slowing down Hippolyta stopped on the bottom of the forest and slowly made her way to the top before lying down on a bush and peeking over. Staring over the bush she could see antitope in her black armour trying to fight a harppie with her spear. Hippolyta watched the dark haired woman circle the harppie. Her movements were light and fast as she dodged in to strike the harppie before it could attack her. Hippolyta frowned as she watched the Antitope stagger and roll out of the way. Apparently her sister had been fighting for a while and he could sense Antitope was starting to tire. But suddenly as the harppie struck antitope, she jumped up in the air and brought the spear down on the harppie's head, the spear slipping between hard plates and burying itself deep into the harppie's head. Hippolyta watched as the Antitope plucked up the spear and wondered what she was going to do next when, Antitope hefted the weapon and tossed it towards the grass bush, which Hippolyta was hiding behind. Hippolyta rolled out of the way quickly as the primitive spear sliced though the bush easily before soaring past her.

"I'm going to guess that the lack of screaming means I missed. Why don't you come out behind that grass so we can settle this like warrior?" Antitope yelled facing the big bush and watching as grass back in to fill the hole her spear had made. She was surprised to see a her sister slowly fly out above the bush Her body covered in a tightly fitting white outfit and a long mane of blonde hair flowing behind her."I haven't seen you in this forest before Hippolyta. What did you get bored fucking the kryptonian and decided to hunt" Antitope asked as spitting the kryptonian, like it was a bitter fruit.

"In am not bored by him in a way i came for his purpose." Hippolyta said in a melodious voice. When Hippolyta finally landed a few meters from her sister, could see that they were near the same height, same look other than antitope black hair, .

"And what did you end up here hunting did your man kick you out of his bed?" Antitope asked stepping back and bit to keep enough distance from her sister.

"I love him." Hippolyta said causing Antitope to open her mouth with in shock. "I love him and he loves me and to repay that love I am going make him a king, and i am going to need your help Antitope."

"And what would that to be?" Antitope asked growing even more wary and suspicious of Hippolyta.

"I come seeking your help in the senate, to make my husband the new king and i am going to make you his whore and probably my bitch?" Hippolyta said matter of factly. Antitope was shocked as she heard this Hippolyta talking about the man to be her king, But the shock was soon turned to rage, as she charged at the Hippolyta, but the queen of amazons was ready for the charge, and ready for the strikes that came with it. She known Antitope previous battles and her sparring matches and she knew what to expect from let Antitope lead the dance for a minute, getting a feel for the reach and speed of her opponent.'Wow she's fast.' Antitope thought and she noticed the hermes of scandal's, as they exchanged blows, Antitope felt her blood start rushing though her veins and her body felt like it was awakening from a long sleep as she fought the watched as a smile started to appear on Antitope face, her kicks gaining more power as her punches speed up. 'She is starting to enjoy herself. It's probably been a while since she has had a proper fight.' Hippolyta thought herself bringing a wrist up to block a punch aimed for her face, but that was just a feint as another fist planted its self in her lower ribs. Antitope was surprised when instead of gasping out in pain her sister let out a pleased moan sounding like she had actually enjoyed licked her lips and started to take a second look at Hippolyta. The armor she wore left a lot of skin revealed including most of her large breasts.

What she did have on was all white leather the same color of her hair. 'It's been so long since I have been touched by any one.' Antitope found herself thinking as a fist grazed her ear causing it to sting. Hippolyta kept up the assault noticing that her sister's mind was elsewhere at the moment. That had been part of the plan. She had hoped to confuse her opponent by responding with pleasure instead of pain. But instead it seemed like instead of confusing her sister, she had done something else, she had turned the warrior woman on. Rushing forward Hippolyta faked a punch and instead grabbed the back of Antitope's hair and crushed their lips together. The kiss lasted for a second as Antitope was to shocked to react. Grabbing her sister's face in both hands she held her close as she kissed her, her tongue forcing its way into her sister's mouth. Antitope bent down hard on Hippolyta's bottom lip when the woman retracted her tongue. The queen of amazon just hummed in pleasure before bringing her knee up into Antitope's stomach causing her to open her mouth in a loud yell. Before she could react Hippolyta spun around and kicked at her side sending her down into the grass a few feet away. Antitope's body seemed to come fully awake now as she lay there moaning in pain. She was experiencing feelings she had not in a long time, and knew that it was going to be hard to finish this fight without giving in to up Antitope charged at Hippolyta and hit her with an uppercut sending her flying up into the air. Antitope was dazed for a second from the hit giving enough time to catch back up with her.

"You" Antitope cried going for another grapple but instead all she managed to grab was the side of Hippolyta's top ripping it from her body. Hippolyta had moved to the side, her large breasts swaying freely in the air now. With lighting fast reflexes Hippolyta sent a round house kick into Antitope's side earning another moan from the woman. Following it up brought her leg up high and brought it down on Antitope sending her careening to the ground. Antitope let herself fall, her mind in a haze of pain and lust and excitement. Her whole life she had always enjoyed fighting as much as most people enjoy sex with her sisters. In fact to here they were mostly the same thing and when combined made for a good time. Though she didn't want to submit to this woman or the kryptonian, she couldn't help her body getting aroused. Stopping herself she took a second to recover, felt a pair of strong arms wrap around here.

"Here's payback for ruining my armour sister." Hippolyta said, gipping Antitope's black armour and pulling it apart. The armour split leaving her front exposed from her neck to her pussy. Turning around Antitope angerly threw a punch at Her sister not really aiming. The wild punch actually hit staggering the Amazonian queen for a moment. Seeing her chance Antitope trying to get some distance, Hippolyta came in for another charge only to Antitope at the last second and wrap her lasso around Antitope's neck. Grabbing the lasso Hippolyta slung it around sending Antitope careening into the ground and throwing up a cloud of dust. When the dust dissipated Antitope found herself on her back being strangled by the lasso as Hippolyta held her down with her boot. Hippolyta ground the heel of the boot against her sister, the long heel rubbing roughly over the woman's clit.

"Ohh yes just like that sister. Grind your heel into my clit Lyta." Antitope moanamed with both pain and pleasure, all ideas of defeating her all gone as her mind succumbed to the truth telling aspects of the rope. Hippolyta smiled and dug her heel in harder pinching Antitope's clit causing her to yell and squirm under could feel her nipples harden and her pussy lips get wet and wondered if this sort of power and control was what got her master off.

"What was that you said whore?" Hippolyta asked to Antitope as she moved her heel down to rub over Antitope's slit.

"I said grind your heel into me Lyta. Beat me, whip me, hurt me and make me cum." Antitope begged as tears came out of her eyes (its been so long since anyone do that her she need her sister to do it)Hippolyta chuckled darkly, she had heard about these kinds of woman's, she never thought her sister would be a pain slut, and there were stories that some of her sisters might have been into that sort of thing, but never in life that her sister would be a pain slut,

"Is that it sister?" Hippolyta asked pressing her heel roughly into Antitope's slit. "For me to hurt you sister, for me to beat and degrade you and use you like the worthless little cum rag you are?"

As the amazon queen pressing her long three inch heels further into her sister's cunt.

"Yes ohh yes, it's been so long sister please." Antitope cried as she felt her sister's heel move around inside of her. Stepping down Hippolyta ground the tip of her shoe against Antitope's clit as the heel scratched up against's inner wall. Pulling her heel out of Antitope's clit, Hippolyta yanked on the rope choking Antitope and bringing her up to her knees. Grabbing her brunette hair Hippolyta pulled her in for another kiss. This one lasted longer, both women passionately embraced the kiss as lips and teeth and lounges as Antitope started to get lost in the kiss she felt Hippolyta break away. Opening her eyes she was met with a hand coming towards her. Her head snapped to the side as Hippolyta's palm met with her cheek leaving a large mark.

"You liked that didn't you whore. I bet it has been years since anyone has touched that worthless cunt of yours, sister. What is that why you were out hunting alone here? Did your friends got done using you as their slut and threw you out." Hippolyta asked slapping Antitope again and sending her to the ground.

"Y..Yes, sister my lover dumped me, no woman hasn't touched me for a year." Antitope said her breath coming fast with arousal. Hippolyta laid down on top of her, their clits and pussies rubbing together as they moved.

"And what did you do for your worthless love? Did you give yourself to her? Did you lie on your back and allow her to use your body, to be her personal whore?" Hippolyta asked rubbing herself over antitope enlarged clit. Antitope moaned in response her body squirming against the ground as Hippolyta's fingers found their way into her snatch. Leaning down Hippolyta began to lick at her sister's chin and neck leaving a wet trail across the Antitope's face.

"Ohh yes sister. I am enjoying it, please dont stop" Antitope moanamed, she wanted this, she wanted to be kryptonian's bitch, the thought of how good the kryptonian cock in her tight pussy made her pussy wet. Hippolyta continued to rock back and forth above her. Leaning up Antitope took one of Hippolyta's large swinging tits in her mouth and began to suck on it. Hippolyta leaned down mashing her tit into Antitope's face, the large orb covering her sister's face and smothering her as she continued to fuck her cunt with her fingers. She could feel the her sister struggle for breath under her, her body shaking from a lack of oxygen and an impending climax. Antitope was totally at Hippolyta mercy, her pleasure and pain was coming by her will felt herself getting off on this rush of loved having her sister; no she wasn't a sister anymore. This whore under her and her mind filled with visions of her and Kal el dominating each and every woman in the senate members. She imagined breaking and taming them as kal watched, his hand idly stroking his large cock as she presented some amazon to him, she love rapping the woman with the help of Diana. Antitope face red with tears and her pussy wet with her own juices. She was brought out of her musings from a muffled yell from Antitope as the woman climaxed. Leaning up Hippolyta allowed Antitope to take in a few lungful's of oxygen, her eyes drooping into a half lidded look of pleasure. Before she could fully recover Hippolyta pulled on the lasso choking her sister and stopping her from taking any more breaths. Slipping her long fingers into her wet snatch, Hippolyta started to rub her cunt over Antitope's clit, exciting her as she watched the beautiful sister under her. Hippolyta felt like her body was going to burst into flames as Hippolyta kept on pounding into her. The pleasure she was sending though her body was amazing even as her lungs screamed out for oxygen. The amazon felt long finger of her sister dip into her cunt and explore her abused pussy even as her vision started to darken. Before she could pass out she felt the rope being loosened around her neck. Her first breath of air was replaced by a loud umph as Hippolyta's foot connected with her sister's side turning the woman over.

"Ohh yes Lyta abuse me, hurt me, fuck me please." Antitope cried, her cunt leaking cum as she lay on the ground panting.

"Good because that is what I plan to do to you sister. Now get on all fours like the good little bitch you are." Hippolyta commanded who was happy to see how quickly her complied, grabbing her by the hair Hippolyta roughly slammed Antitope's face into the dirt."Much better, now spread those legs for me bitch. I want to get a good look at that ass before my husband destroys it."

Hippolyta slapping one of the round cheeks hard.

"yesh sis... mishtress." Antitope said, her voice muffled by the ground. Hippolyta was happy to spend her time playing with her sister's tight firm ass. Each one easily fit in her hand and her lips and she took her time memorizing the contours of her sister with her fingers and tongue. Hippolyta spent her time playing with Antitope 's cunt, four of her long fingers rapidly drilling her hole as her mouth and tongue kissed her cheeks.

"What a pain slut you are." Hippolyta laughed as she heard her sister moan after Hippolyta took a quick nibble on one ass cheek."And look at this ass of yours. Its so wide and spread, Your just anal pain slut aren't you."

Hippolyta leaning forward to run her tongue over her sister's puckered ass.

"by the god's," Antitope let out a loud moanam when Hippolyta touched her asshole with her pink tongue.

"But let me tell you something whore. My husband is larger cock than what ever strap, did that to you. He is going to rip you apart and split you in half when he gets you. And then after he is done you will just be a mindless whore for him to use." Hippolyta said evilly causing Antitope to cum from the images. Antitope ground her cunt into Hippolyta's fingers as her pussy exploded, gushing cum and a bit of piss as he rocked back and forth. Superman had flown to the palace with his beautiful wife Diana in tow. In fact they two had been sex in the sky, they connected the entire time. His cock never leaving her hot snatch as he flew through the air. And Diana seemed to enjoy it. Diana took her time moving up and down his shaft and languidly rubbing her wet body all over him as they flew. By the time they got to the palace the kryptonian could tell that Diana was finally starting to run out of steam. Smiling down at Diana, he removed his still hard rod from her and brought her inside. Diana was ecstatic at being able to see inside the palace. But her happiness was drowned by the tiredness her body felt. Kal took her to one of the bedroom, were he placed her in bed he watched her sleep, he asked phillipus where is Hippolyta,

"queen went to hunting my lord" Phillipus said, Kal scanned the forest looking for Hippolyta. His hearing was the first to pick her up as he locked onto the sound of her heart then what sounded like moaning. Looking to where the sound was he could see some dark haired woman on top of her. His eyes glowing red at the idea of his wife being attacked, he flew down in a red blur to their location and barely stopped to grab the woman and throw her off of Hippolyta. Kal started to walk towards the mysterious woman, her hair obscuring her face as she lay on the ground. His eyes lit up as he looked at her naked form.

"Kal el wait." He heard Hippolyta purr and looked down to see the amazon queen half sitting up with her long arms grasping at his leg. The sight of the naked amazon made his blood boil even more but turned his anger into lust.

"What are you doing in here?" Superman asked, his voice ice cold as he looked at her. Hippolyta felt her body shiver at the power and aggression aimed at her and wondered what it would be like to be taken by her husband in his current state. She wasn't sure if she would survive it if he chose to turn his anger on her and fucked her in his current mood.

"I came here hoping to bring you back a present." Hippolyta said ar She cooed rubbing one hand over his cock.

"what do you mean" Superman asked.

"I wanted to bring you back my sister to join our harem." She said in a deep sultry voice letting each word drip out. Her hand was now rubbing over his large shaft and she could feel it bulging in her hands.

"Ohh yes I recognize her now that's your sister. Pity I didn't get a chance to enjoy the view the last time i saw her." Kal said looking over at the Antitope laying on her back in the sand, her body scraped and battered yet still with a look of lust and pleasure in her eyes as she looked blankly into the sky."But it looks like you did. Tell me Hippolyta did you have fun taming your sister?

"Mmm yes my love but I couldn't wait to watch as you took her. She is nothing but a pain slut, a plaything to be fucked hard and taken. I can't wait to listen to her scream as your cock rips into her asshole and spreads her wide lust like you ripped mine." Hippolyta said with a smile ar she now moving up to run her lips gently over Kal's cock. Kal looked down at where Hippolyta was breathing onto his rod, her red lips just inches from his cock."I want to watch as you rape my sister throat and pussy, I want to listen as you break her into a million little pieces with your large shaft. She said that she used to fuck by small strap's, why don't you go over there and show her the power of a true man."

Hippolyta seemed to be done toying with him because she let him go and sunk down onto her sister. This was fine with Kal el as he felt like he was ready to blow a load just from listening to his wifes sexy voice and having her breathe on his cock. Marching over Superman could see that the lasso was still stuck around the woman's throat from where Antitope had been holding it as she ate her came to from the impact just in time to feel a tug on the rope. Looking up she came face to cock with the largest rod she had ever seen, she never tried any leather dick's this big, Her mouth was watering just from the sight of the massive shaft, she struggled to look beyond it, she watched it when Superman fucking Hippolyta in the bedroom, but watching it closely, she could see the face of Kal-El or superman as he called himself.

"Superman wha." Was all antitope got out before her mouth was stuffed full of his cock, his hips slamming down and pushing more and more of it into her mouth. Antitope let out a mix of a scream and moan as the large thirteen inch long cock was forced down her throat. She could feel her jaws aching as they had to stretch to fit the monster inside of her. Not that she had any choice as superman was fucking her so hard that he seemed intent to force his whole cock down her throat no matter what. And the more she screamed or moaned the more intent he got as pleasant vibrations shot up his dick.

"That's it slut scream for me as I fuck this pretty mouth of yours. I love how your screams make my cock feel, the only downside is I don't get to hear your lovely voice." Superman mocked grabbing the lasso and pulling her up closer to him as he continued to fuck her throat. He was taking immense pleasure from skull fucking Hippolyta sister into his personal cum slut, Kal continued to quickly thrust in and out of Antitope's mouth but Hippolyta's ministrations had him on edge and he lasted half as long as he would have liked. Though it was still long enough to have Antitope chocking and struggling for air. Holding her tight with the lasso Kal thrust in one last time before shooting wave after wave of cum into her mouth and down her throat. Antitope seemed to happily drink it up as Kal continued to slowly thrust into her. She never drink a man's cum this seems divine for her, When he finally pulled out he was stopped by antitope who grabbed his ass and held him close as she licked up the last of the cum dripping from his shaft.

"Ohh that was so good my king. Thank you for using my throat like that, its' been so long since anyone has taken me like that or since I had the treat of drinking my first man's cum." Antitope said the lasso making her sound like some sort of sex crazed nympho.

"I'm not done with you yet slut. I plan on fucking your other two holes until they are formed perfectly around my cock." superman said as he grabbed her neck in his hand and squeezing gently. Antitope's face was one of ecstasy and her eyes started to roll up as Kal continued increasing his grip on her throat. "I heard you were a pain slut, well let's just see how you feel when my cock is ripping your ass open."

Superman moving his cock down to press up against her entrance. Even as streatched by strap as it was it still wasn't large enough for Kal's shaft.

"Ohh yes my king take me. Use your big cock and spread me. Rape me with that log you call a cock and turn me into your whore." She cried as she felt the head of his cock slid into her ass. Hippolyta watched as the next few minutes were filled with screams and grunts as Kal continued to thrust in and out of her sister, His cock seemed to be stretching the woman to her limits as she yelled and shook under him. He kept pounding hard against her sending small shockwaves every time they connected. But still her ass wouldn't let up its grip on his rod. Antitope could feel her asshole being ripped and spread as Kal continued to rape her with his large cock. Her muscles tried in vain to hold him inside of her as he moved. Antitope felt her body explode into a universe of pleasure and pain as Kal's hips met hers. She was loving this, there was no foreplay, no loving caresses of her body. Instead she was just being thrown down on the ground like some two-bit whore and having her ass and pussy brutally fucked by the largest cock she had ever tried to couldn't move her body under his strong grip. His hand clamped around her neck holding her to the ground as he fucked her. His cock only leaving her for a few seconds to switch holes, Hippolyta played with herself as she watched the two go at it. She was aware that this was less sex and just a pure brutal fucking,. Hippolyta moved closer and watched as the large rod slid in and out of Antitope's snatch before twitching and shooting her full of his cum. As Kal pulled out and watch When antitope pulled away he grabbed her head with both hands and ordered her to suck his cock.

"suck it, you bitch" He commanded, Antitope didn't know what else to do, She continued to try to resist but Superman succeeded in ramming his cock into her mouth. She began using her lips and tongue to stroke his cock only to keep him from jamming it into the back of her throat. Like her sister, Hippolyta enjoy sucking Kal dick.. Antitope was sucking on her new king's cock with her sister lying naked in her lap. Antitope could feel Kal thrusting his hips, succeeding to force his cock deeper and deeper into her throat. Then she heard him groan with delight and buck his hips forward just as his cock began erupting in her mouth and down her throat. Antitope tried to pull her head away but Kal held it tight as he unleashed every drop of his cum into her mouth forcing her to swallow it again, Hippolyta wrapped her mouth around Kal's tool eagerly, sucking on him. Her mouth blew him, as she could see Antitope's arms wrap around Kal, her breasts pressing against his chest. Kal grabbed them and pulled Antitope into a kiss, as he enjoyed Hippolyta's oral efforts as she presented herself a bit down south. His eyes flooded with lust and passion, as she worked him over, her tongue swirling over him.

"Oh, that's the spot, oh that's really good," Kal grunted, with Hippolyta pushing her tongue against his hard rod.

"I bet my pussy tastes better than my sister's,"Antitope said, and Kal smiled."But don't take my word for it my king….."

"Well after something like that, I'm going to have to a test run you whore," Kal whispered, sliding his tongue into her snatch and Antitope's eyes closed shut as a rush filled her heated loins. Superman really was going to give her a going over with that tongue and it was not hard to see why. He was going to make her his, just like that.

"That's…..that's just amazing," Antitope whispered, Superman licked her out, pretty much eating her into a drooling stuport. Hippolyta smacked her lips around Kal's manhood, and continued the blowjob. Her hand manipulated his balls, and soon enough, she had Kal spewing his load. His powerful hips pushed forward at the force where it would break the jaw of a normal woman but Hippolyta was not a normal woman.

"Want a taste, sister whore?" Hippolyta asked and she grabbed Antitope roughly by the face, pushing her tongue down her throat. Hippolyta was completely naked and Antitope and Hippolyta swapped Kal's cum in their mouth, which caused his cock to throb. Antitope's sweet pussy tasted wonderful and now Hippolyta stepped over.

"you do realise i am angry at you?," Superman asked and he smiled.

"Oh, this is going to feel good my love" Hippolyta whispered, Superman was angry at her the kryptonian is going to punish the amazon queen later, but now he is going to make her wife feel good, as Hippolyta clenched Kal and like an animal in heat, prepared to deliver herself to her pushed her tight box around him and Kal groaned, as she clenched him. Her healing ability would always leave her pussy tight but he tested the limits, when he buried this thick tool into her.

"OOOOH," Hippolyta moaned as Kal pushed her open, really splitting her apart. She rotated her hips down onto his tool and her moans got even more intense. She bounced up and down, his hand reaching towards her breasts.

"Do it, do it, they are yours, do it, oh do it!" Hippolyta's screams got more pronounced with Kal cupping her breasts and she closed her eyes as she bounced up and down on rode Kal's tongue,Hippolyta was coming down from an orgasm, so Antitope made her move, the consequences be damned. She pushed Hippolyta off of Kal, which caused her to really be surprised. Superman grabbed his hands around her hips. She shivered, as his length brushed against her dripping opening and he worked into her from behind, causing her eyes to shut with the ultimate rush of pleasure erupting between her loins. Hippolyta, deciding on a consolation prize, decided to sample the oral delights of her sister. Sure enough, her tongue inside her was good but then again, why wouldn't she be? The Amazons had thousands of years of foresight in pleasuring members of the fairer sex.

"Yes, oh, damn it, eat me," Hippolyta grunted, as she grabbed Antitope's head and she could feel need sensations rock into her cooed underneath Kal and then screamed when he rammed his cock into her at superspeed. The super powerful thrusts inside her caused her body to heat up, tight center milking his managed to hold his load back from Antitope that was beneath him, grabbing her breasts. This drove her wild and driving her wild, as his hands grabbed her hips and then roamed all over her body. She screamed, as he rammed into her hard from behind, over and over again. Each thrust brought her to greater pleasure.

"You're getting off on that, aren't you Antitope?" Superman whispered, as he grabbed her breasts once again.

"Yes, she is, that slut need to get pound hard, and Kal all the senate members just like her my king, wow it's so hot," Antitope whispered and Kal smiled, as he pulled Antitope away.

"Seems to me like you're in the need for a hard pounding, yourself, Hippolyta" Superman said Without another word, after those, Kal grabbed her wife's hips and slammed into her tight body repeatedly, over and over again. The woman closed her eyes, and her pussy clenched onto his. Her husband super powerful thrusts heated her body up and drove her wild as she was thrown into the throes of passion.

"Oh yes, yes, oh yes, harder, faster, yes!" Hippolyta screamed at him, and Kal was going to rise to the challenge over and over again. Then after Hippolyta was coming down, he grabbed Antitope from behind and pushed himself into her. The Amazon felt herself stretched out and Kal worked her over Antitope could never believe that anything could make her feel so good, or make her feel so wet. The woman closed her eyes, as the powerfull kryptonian rammed himself into her from behind over and over again. She got hotter once when he indulged himself in to his wife's sister once again and suddenly the kryptonian rammed into his wife.

"ow fuck me like a common whore," Hippolyta moanamed Kal inside her and she fingered herself to try and alleviate some of the tension.

"Well that's a long…short project," Kal said, with Hippolyta putting her legs around him and Kal ran his hands down them, as he rammed down deep into her canal. After a few more super powerful thrusts, Kal allowed Hippolyta to come down and he rammed into Antitope.

"Yes….but it would be worth…the effort," Hippolyta whimpered, as she was determined to make Kal come in her. She bit down onto her lip and clutched onto the bedsheets, as Kal picked up the speed in her. Her ear splitting moans could be heard once more. Eventually something had to break and Kal was brought to the edge of an amazing climax. He spilled his seed into the waiting womb of the whore. "Oh look like, you're not done yet, my love."

Hippolyta was still hot and horny, he fucked both of them, until Antitope passed out, he watched Hippolyta try to kiss his hard thirteen inch cock.

"oh it is not yet done, when the senate meeting i want you in the center of the senate, for many punishment's you have done past day, like you taking Phillipus away from me without my permission, when i wanted to fuck her and acting on your own will and come here without my permission, the mistakes need to be punished," Superman said,


A few hours later Hippolyta sat in the middle of the senate chambers which has been filled with senate members, the queen of amazon groaned as she felt the long cord of her lasso lash out and strike her large chest leaving a bright red mark. Hippolyta squirmed and let out a loud yell as she felt the cord whip against her breasts twice more in rapid succession. Each time she moved, her lasso would bite deeper into her skin where it was wrapped around her. Superman had taken his time tieing up Hippolyta. He wound the cord around her body, wrapping it tightly around her breasts and sending the cord down to ride up between her lower lips. Kal had also wound the rope so that her neck, arms, and ankles were all connected. So everytime The queen of amazon would lean forward the rope would choke her slightly forcing her to arch her body back and presenting herself to him.

Hippolyta let out a loud moan and tried not to squirm. The feeling of the ropes tight against her body was making it hard to resist cuming. The worst offender was the rope that was riding up between her pussy lips causing her hips to grind against it.

"Ahh..." Hippolyta cried, breathlessly as the rope smacked against her large breasts again. Superman just smiled and struck again bringing the rope down hard and fast earning a pleasing moan from Hippolyta. Kal ran his hand over one of her large reddened breasts and roughly tweaked her hardened nipple. He was sure that her large eraser sized nipples could cut diamond at the moment as hard as they were.

"Who knew you were such a pain slut. Listen to yourself moaning like a whore as I whip those slutty breasts of yours." Superman said as he pinching her nipple and pulling on it, reaching down he grabbed the cord that was sliding between her lips and pulled on it making it sink depper between them, Superman asked with a evil smile "You want to cum don't you whore."

the kryptonian roughly pulled on the rope between her legs forcing Hippolyta to try and rise higher.

"Y..Yes my king" Hippolyta screamed as an orgasm threatened to rip through her. The higher she tried to move the tighter the rope wrapped around her breasts became, she didn't care every in the senate watching her she wanted to cum bad, Hippolyta begged "Please my beloved king let your queen whore cum"

This cause the kryptonian to laugh. The senate members watch their queen getting beaten by lasso, the senate member's got horny, some of them didn't bother to hide, they strip their clothes and started to playing with their pussy.

"Fine, you can cum. show your lord what a dirty whore you are." Superman commanded. and pulled hard on the rope forcing it deep between her lips. He watched the senate members and antitope naked and rubbing their clit,

"Yess." Hippolyta cried as she stopped fighting and let wave after wave of pleasure shoot though her. Her juices gushed out of her lips and down her legs making a puddle on the floor. Everytime she felt like she was at the end Kal would slap her ass or pinch one of her tender nipples and she would start again. By the time she finally stopped she had tears running down her cheeks and was fighting for breathed. "Thank you my king."

The amazon queen tried to catch her breath.

"We aren't done yet whore. Look at the mess you made on the floor, you need to clean it up, and look at your senate whores, they wanted my big cock fucking them." Superman said, before grabbing her and maneuvering her so that her face was pressed against the ground and her lips on the dirty stone floor."Lick it up slut, make sure you cleanup all of your juices."

Hippolyta quickly started to lick and suck at the puddle of her juices on the floor. Her large pink lips brushing against the stone as she tried to clean up the juices. She could feel Kal's fingers in her hair as he grabbed onto it to hold her in position. She was so engrossed in the feeling of his hand in her hair that she didn't notice his large cock pressing up against her cunt. Without warning Kal thrusted into her making her moan against the stone floor as his cock filled her up to her womb stretching her. Her lips moved against the wet stone letting out a breathless moan as Kal thrusted into her with his powerful hips.

Hippolyta moaned against the stone floor, her head pressed down into the puddle of wet juices by Superman's hand in her hair. Her hard nipples brushed against the rough floor every time her bod swayed.

"Did I tell you to stop licking whore?" Superman asked, taking his hand out of her hair and pulling on the rope going down her back making Hippolyta gag slightly as the rope choked her.

"N..No my lord." Hippolyta said. once she was able to get her breath back. Leaning back down she continued to lick at the puddle of juices as Kal's large cock pressed against the tight wall of her cunt causing them to expand farther than she thought was possible. moaned against the floor as Kal continued to fuck her, pushing her face closer to the cold wet tiles. Hippolyta's had finally finished licking up the large puddle when Kal pulled on the rope going down her back, choking her and making her rear back. Pulling on the rope Kal felt Hippolyta's body move around his cock, her tight cunt molding its self around his dick as he pumped in and out of her.

"This is your punishment for going into the forest without telling me whore." He said removing his cock before slamming it into Hippolyta's ass causing her eyes to roll back as his large member invaded her tight sphincter. Hippolyta couldn't help but let out a long moan as Kal pummeled her ass, his cock splitting her in to as he pressed against her. She was sure she could feel her stomach budging from where it was inside of her.

"Yes my king, I'm sorry I just wanted to surprise you. I know how you feel about my sister, besides you and I though bringing back my sister would be a great wedding present." Hippolyta panted as Kal continued to fucked her mercilessly. Instead of saying anything Kal pulled on the rope chocking her into silence as he continued to rock his cock back and forth inside of her. The sound and sight of the beautiful amazon queen being tied up and fucked soon brought him to his edge. Pulling out once more Kal thrusted in hard burying his shaft up to his balls in her soft ass. Hippolyta let out a choked scream as Kal came filling her ass and womb with hot cum, she could feel the pressure growing in her as rope after rope of cum shot into her until her stomach started to bulge.

"Look at that, you already look like a pregnant whore." Superman said as he look down at Hippolyta lying in a puddle of their juices, her stomach bulging out from all of the cum he had put inside of her. Kneeling down Kal undid the rope before helping her up to sit on her lap.

"Why are you holding your legs together so tightly?" Kal asked as Hippolyta settled onto his lap, her arms wrapped around her now enlarged stomach.

"I'm just loving how great I look pregnant, and how good it feels to have all of your' cum sloshing around inside of me and I don't want to let it escape yet, i want to feel pregnant again ." Hippolyta replied, as the amazon queen look up at Kal, smiling, he leaned down to kiss her juice coated lips.

"Don't worry my love I plan on keeping your pregnant for the rest of our lives so you will have a long time to enjoy walking around with my cum and my children inside of you." Superman said, This seemed to excite Hippolyta and caused her to start rubbing her legs together as the prospect of being filled like this again and again ran though her mind." But for now why don't I give you your present and let you get cleaned up."

that the doors to their senate room opened revealing Antitope standing there wearing a white dress that exposed her ass and breasts,

"But master I thought I was being punished, I though you didn't like me going into the forest." Hippolyta asked, looking from Antitope to Kal.

"You are right, but I was only mad because you did it without telling me. You could have been seriously get hurt going in there alone. And if anything were to happen to you I would hurt. I love you Hippolyta you are my queen and I want to have you by me always." Kal said, leaning down to gently kiss Hippolyta. Kal began to gently rub his hand over her bulging stomach and his lips grazed hers.

"I love you to Kal el. I promise you won't loose me, I am yours for the rest of eternity and nothing will change that." Hippolyta said kissing him back. The two sat there for a moment kissing and rubbing each other until Kal turned his attention back to Antitope.

"Now that you are done being punished it's time for your present. I think that since you were having so much fun with your sister so that she should be your whore. She has been instructed to help you how ever you want and her discipline or reward is up to you." Kal said.

"Thank you my husband." Hippolyta Replied happily as she turned towards her sister. "Come over here my sister whore."

she watched Antitope walk over to them, her body swaying as she walked. As she got closer Hippolyta could smell the arousal coming off of her sister and smiled at the Antitope as she knelled down infont of them and offered her. Hippolyta grabbed the chain and pulled it causing her sister to fall forward and land with her head against Hippolyta's cunt.

"Why don't you start by cleaning your king cum out of my cunt?" Hippolyta commanded opening up her legs and letting the cum gush out of her ass and cunt. Antitope happily started to lick at her sister's forbidden pussy, her tongue diving deep as she licked and sucked to get all of Kal's cum out of her mistress's ass and cunt. Kal reached around and started to play with Hippolyta's large breasts, cupping them in his hands and lifting them.

"This is a wonderful present my love thank you this." Hippolyta said, leaning back into Kal's arms as Antitope continued to lick and suck at her pussy. Leaning down Kal slowly kissed her and the two laid there as their new whore cleaned out Hippolyta's cunt

Superman turned and watched the senate members he grap one of the senate member and started to fuck her, the orgy continued until every senate members passed out with pleasure,