Diana is ready to train Talia al ghul to be a good whore, now the entire League of shadows is now under Superman's command, he already inject syrum to increase Talia Strength. When Diana ,Talia, and Superman entered the training hall. Suddenly Diana ripped Talia dress, Diana could see her husband looking at Talia bare pussy with desire.

"Kal, I bet you want to eat that sweet pussy. Am I wrong my love?" Diana said.

"Not at all! do you think the whore really need pleasure right now" Superman said, Diana know's her husband loves playing with pussy and boobs all day.

"It's all yours Kal, you can do whatever you wish, i can sense it in your eyes, goahead eat that pussy." Diana said, Talia sat on the bed, the kryptonian pushed Talia's legs up and apart, and dove right in, no teasing, no caressing. Her scent drove him wild, and he sucked and lapped at her smooth pink pussy lips using his talented tongue.

"AAH!" Talia cried out aloud, she never felt anything like this she dont know what happened to her body, she began to throw her head back,

"Shhhh... Whore" Diana shushed her gently but firmly. "Quiet now whore,"

From then on, Superman heard only whimpers of pleasure. The kryptonian flicked her clit and made circles around it with his tongue, and she raised her head to look at him, but bit her lip to keep from making noise. She tried to grab his head, but Diana roughly pulled her hands back.

Superman licked and sucked a few more times at her clit and swollen pink lips, and then sat back up. Talia squirmed and whined,

"I bet you thought you were going to cum, dont you whore?" Diana asked to Talia. Talia lay back into her lap and nodded, panting. "You will, eventually. You'll cum so much you won't be able to stand. But not yet."

Diana roughly slapped the woman's round perky breasts, and then made her stand up. Talia is really frustrated,

"We have to do something about you getting all handsy, though. Find a good spot my love." Diana said. At the base of the bed, by the cage, were the hooks in the ceiling. The kryptonian threaded lasso through a loop on the back of her collar, and down her back, where he threaded it through the loops on her wrists, which Superman pulled behind her, and knotted it. Finally, he threaded the rope through the loops on her ankles, knotted it, wound it back through her wrist loops, knotted it, and then looped the rest around the hook on the ceiling and back down to her collar and tied it off. She wasn't suspended, but she wasn't going anywhere, either.

In the meantime, Diana had lined up an assortment of fifteen magical toys and gadgets on the bed,

"Am I going to have to gag you slut?" Diana asked to Thalia al ghul, Superman could smell the arousing. Diana smiled. She slowly licked her own lips.

"No, my queen." Talia al ghul replied. Diana picked out the first toy, a small vibrator, she slowly feel it in her hand, she slowly swayed her ass inorder to show her husband what is coming to him, he watched it, he slowly licked his lips, he is patience.

Diana switched the vibrator on and approached bondage Talia al ghul with it buzzing away. She loosened the lasso which Superman tied Talia al ghul, which gave the rope enough slack for her to kick apart Talia al ghul's feet. She touched the device to the Talia al ghul's nipple, and Talia al ghul gasped, she could feel her queen torturing her. Diana traced it down Talia al ghul's belly and eventually between her legs, and Talia al ghul watched the kryptonian as he leaned against the table and watched them. His wife traced it against the former leader of League of shadow's pussy lips, still swollen and wet from the tongue bath Superman given her earlier. It glided along, and Superman could saw Talia al ghul jerk when it crossed over her clit. Eventually, Diana fell into a pattern, and began circling Talia al ghul's clit, flicking it, teasing her lips, and then back again to her clit, Talia al ghul could feel's her new kings eyes on her, she turn on by that thought, she could feel the vibrator against her skin, Talia al ghul knows her queen can do whatever she want's to do with her.

Talia al ghul's hips jerked in anticipation and bucked, but Diana kept her on the knife's edge. Right when Talia al ghul's face contorted and Talia moanam's increased, she was about to cum but Diana pulled it away.

"noooo, my queen!" Talia al ghul cried. Diana watched the frustrated bondage league of shadows member, Diana spanked her hard on the ass, leaving it red, the pain was intense Talia al ghul never felt pain like this, she let out a cry like a little girl. "AAiiieeee!"

"you whore, you don't understand, don't you, you dont get anything unless i allow it," Diana told her in vengeance more like a pissed Amazon, ", you are going to feel the pain you never feel in your life,"

"No, wait, my queen" Talia al ghul pleaded. "I'll be good whore."

"enough whore, Kal bring me the ball gag" Diana said, she flashed her husband a dazzling smile, Superman take the gag and handed her the ball gag. "Open up bitch, you will be my little slut, and dont make me tell you again."

Talia al ghul is clearly afraid of more punishment, she slowly did so, Superman watched this his cock is as full mast, his first wife is really Killing him, maybe she need some spanking sometimes Superman thought himself and Diana put the ball gag in the Talia al ghul's mouth and fastened the snaps behind her head.

"So how is my new little play toy doing, is she comfortable?" Diana asked, the only thing Talia do is shake her head, and Diana tied her off with lasso, she spanked talia for fifty times, she returned to the table. She watched her husband's full mast, she know its killing him, she loved the frustrated look on her face. " Your turn my love,"

Superman sunk the Fifteen. She selected the small butt plug from the bed, and rubbed some lubricant on it. Superman went behind her and roughly spread her legs, she spanked her ass again and again, Talia face is filled with tears. After two minutes, she roughly massaged her soaking pussy, causing muffled moans through the gag, it felt so good for Talia, but when Talia al ghul felt the tip of the butt plug slide past her ass cheeks and began to spread her anus, she jumped. Superman held her still, though, and pressed on roughly.

"Just relax whore," Superman hotly whispered into her ear, and kissed her ear lobe. She sighed, and The kryptonian felt her muscles loosen up. The plug slid much easier now, spreading her more. She grunted, and then the plug reached its length, and her ass clamped shut at the base of it.

"See whore it easy," Superman said, walking back to the table. "That wasn't so bad, was it whore, i can sense you are excited about this?"

"Yeah, my love. It stays in like it meant be there. At least until the next size." Diana said. Talia eyes went wide as she glanced the next size up.

Diana put two small clamps on Talia's perfect, pick nipples. Talia screamed through the gag, but Diana just roughly graped her black hair and slapped her in the face.

"You want me to play with your ass?" Superman asked to Talia al ghul. He could tell the Talia was reaching the limits of what she thought she could handle. It was clearly time to prove her wrong. Superman first took the string of anal beads. They were just slightly smaller than the thickest part of the plug already in her al ghul eyes tracked them as he approached her. "Let's get you more comfortable,"

Superman unhooked her from the ceiling. Her knees wobbled, but he guided her to the bed and she almost immediately went on her hands and knees, sighing with relief, as the position made the butt plug more comfortable. Superman roughly spread her knees apart, and tied her ankles in place, anchoring them to the bedposts. He pushed the cage to the far side of the hall. and then went back to anchor her wrists in place, as well. Lastly, the kryptonian threaded the lasso through the loops on her collar, and tied either end to the posts.

When he was done, he went behind her and stuck two fingers in her tight pussy. "Mmmf! MM mmm!" she moaned. The ropes didn't give her much slack, but she pressed back against the kryptonian fingers as much as she could. Her juices flowed generously, and after all the teasing, it wasn't long before her muscles clamped down like a vise around his fingers. "Ghhhh!

Talia cried out aloud through the gag as her body shook with orgasm. When he felt her muscles relax, he gingerly pulled the plug from her ass, and it came out smooth as silk. She sighed with relief, but made a gurgling sound when he pressed the first of the beads into her ass.

"That's one slut," Superman said. "do you want to know how many are left?"

"Uh uh." She shook her head.

Superman popped a second in, and she shuddered. A third and fourth went in easy. Superman put a fifth in, and he could hear her breathing become raspy and heavy.

Diana climbed onto the bed in front of Talia, and took the Talia's face in her hands.

"Good whore, i want you to concentrate, dont disappoint my husband!" she said, slapping Talia on both cheeks, she cried in pain as one more bead went into the Talia's tight ass. "look at you, like a good whore You've almost got them all."

Superman pushed one more bead into my Talia's ass.

"I tell you what. You be a brave whore, and take the rest of these beads, and I'll take your gag off. Does that sound like a deal?" Diana said. Talia al ghul nodded enthusiastically. The kryptonian put the last three beads into Talia's ass, and then Diana reached behind Talia's head and unsnapped the gag, letting it fall to the bed.

"look at this whore," Diana said. "You've drooled everywhere."

She wiped Talia's drool off her chin and cheeks.

"So, how does it feel whore?" Superman asked slightly slapping and gave a squeeze to her firm ass. She moanamed the feeling of her king's strong hand in her lovely ass.

"my king, It's incredible, i love it! Thanks for making your slave feel good" Talia gasped feeling the pain and pleasure coming from her ass,

"That's it whore," Diana said, she roughly massaged Talia swaying breast, Talia moanamed in response. "You like things in your ass, don't you?"

"Yes, my queen." Talia replied her face turned in to o shape.

"My love," Diana said to Superman, he turned his attention to his lovely wife. "do you think she's ready for the bigger plug?"

"Only one way to find out," Superman said. "But first..." Superman pulled gently but firmly on the tail end of the string of beads, and the first one popped out of her ass.

"OH!" Talia cried out in pain.

"Does it hurt whore?" Superman asked.

"No my king!" Talia replied. "Oh god, keep going!"

"Keep going...?" Diana prompted her.

"Keep going, please, my king." Talia begged, the kryptonian braced his hand on Talia al ghul's firm round butt, and pulled another bead out of her ass. She grunted, and Superman pulled another.

"yes!" she whispered, more to herself, it seemed than to them. The kryptonian pulled more out, one by one, Talia grunting and groaning in bestial ecstasy the whole way, until there was just one left.

When the kryptonian pulled the last bead out, she sighed, and Superman slapped her ass. Her wide anus clamped shut.

"Hmm," Diana said, holding Talia's face in her hands, examining the pleading look in those icy eyes. "my husband is good with it dont you?"

Talia shake her head in response.

"You want more dont you?" Diana asked, Talia nodded in response. "We're going to use your sweet little body today, and you're going to love it, but again we own your slutty body"

"But it's going to scare the hell out many woman's at some You're going to have to fight through it, i know you are a brave whore, but do you understand what i am saying, you will feel pain, if you obey me, you feel the pleasure also"

"Yes, my queen, i will be a good whore." Talia replied. Superman took the larger butt plug and placed its lubricated tip against Talia's asshole. He pushed firmly, and Superman could Talia's mouth, as her mouths became perfect O. This bigger plug took longer to make its journey, stretching it wider little smaller than his thirteen inch cock. Talia screamed in said, and Diana roughly held her face.

"Look at me, whore! Look here! I know it hurts, trust me it will feel good" Diana assured her. Superman know Diana maybe over dominate stands but he also has pure heart.

"Oh, my god," Talia groaned in pain. "Oh, my queen it hurts! But ... so good! Oooh, it hurts and feels so fucking good!"

"Atta girl, i know you can do it" Diana said, as the widest part of the plug passed through her. When it was all the way in her, Superman slowly kneaded her pale ass cheeks.

"How's it feel, slave?" Superman asked to Talia, the kryptonian licked her asshole outer rim.

"Guh..." she panted. "Hah... so... full... came... again..."

"She's definitely a anal whore," Diana said, roughly kissing Talia.

"Look like some one is turning on," Superman said, Diana turned his attention to Superman, she cupped Talia wet pussy. "I bet you want Talia to eat your pussy."

"Hmmm," Diana grinned she started to rub Talia's clit, he moanams get louder. "I suppose."

While Diana pulled her panties off from under her armour, Superman untied the Lasso that held Talia's head up. It immediately drooped, and she sank down farther to battle the exhaustion. When she did, though, her butt rose higher in the air, and the Wand nestled more directly on her clit. Her body bucked and shook as she came again, wordlessly.

Diana slid onto the bed and pulled her armour up, inching her bare pussy toward Talia's mouth.

"Eat it, i want you to put every effects to make my wife happy, then maybe you will get your reward." Superman said, he kissed Diana, the amazon princess returned it with fire.

"i love you my love" Diana said, she could feel his strong hand massaging her breast, she let out a moanam in his mouth.

"now eat it," Diana repeated. Diana obeyed, and lapped at his first wife's pussy. "Mmmm... that's right, whore. Make me cum."

"She gives good head, doesn't she?" Superman ask, tapping Talia's tight butt with the crop.

"Mmm yeah, she is talented, she need to learn many skills in oral section" Diana breathed, she could feel her husband touching her nipple with cord, he slowly draw it towards her other nipple and he smacked it, she moanamed hard. "She seems a bit distracted though."

"whore, is that big wand on your asshole making you cum again." Superman asked.

"Mmhmm," Talia moaned into the Diana's pussy, Talia could taste the honey from Diana pussy, she loved it, she licked and sucked Diana's pussy again and again.

"When you make me cum, I'll have my husband take it away," Diana said. "How does that sound?"

"Mmmm!" Talia renewed her licking and slurping with a new purpose. Swirling her tongue around her queen's clit and teasing her lips. Like her life depend on it.

"Oh, she is getting it right," Diana said, putting her hand on the back of Talia's head and forcing her down on her pussy even harder. Superman could tell from the start that all of this had his first wife all wound up. Seeing her new pet tied up and having forced to orgasm, that's really turning him on . The horny Assassin between her legs was driving her to the moon. Diana gripped the Talia's raven hair and came. "Oh,. Oh, uuhhnnngh!"

Diana's face flushed, her body twitched, and then she went slack. Talia drew up, her mouth and chin coated in Diana's love juices. Superman removed the Wand, and Talia, too, relaxed, but was mostly held in place by the Lasso, The butt plug was still planted in Talia ass, but after multiple orgasms, she hardly seemed to notice or care. Superman let them have a moment to recover,

Diana oozed off the bed, still flushed, but took a deep breath and she went directly to Talia and untied her completely. Talia collapsed onto the bed, her butt still poking high in the air. Diana took hold of the plug and began easing it out of Talia's tight little ass. As it slid out, Talia moaned like a common whore,

Diana completely stripped as Talia recovered from the intense orgasm, panting on the bed. When Diana was naked, she crawled on top of Talia and rolled her over. Talia still had on the nipple clamps,Diana removed those, too from her tits.

"AAh!" Talia yelped, but Diana bent and gave attention to each ultra-sensitive nipple until Thalia was gasping and moaning again.

"Oh, you little slut," Diana said, slapping her breast, it jiggle. "I bet you're ready to come again."

She had chosen a thick, clear, double-ended dildo, and held it up to show Talia, whose eyes went wide. The thickness was not big as Superman's cock, but Talia could feel her pussy burned with desire Diana climbed off of her and spread the Talia's legs. When she placed the blunt head of the dildo against Talia's drooling cunt, Talia squirmed and moanamed.

"Take it," Diana hissed, pushing harder. Superman watched this.

"NNN!" Talia groaned as the head of the dildo began slipping into her, stretching her pussy to its limits.

"That's right, slut, take it!" Diana hissed again. The first inch was inside the pale, squirming brunette. "Come on, take it, whore!"

Diana shoved more of the thick silicone into Lady shiva's. Talia's eyes went wide and she covered her mouth with her hands and whimpered through them.

"Push on it, whore!" Diana demanded, and Talia reluctantly pushed her pussy onto the colorless, translucent shaft. "Good whore!"

Diana cheered. She bent and captured Talia's clit and started to roughly massaged it, Talia moanamed, she mashed it against the dildo. Talia exhaled sharply at the stimulation.

"Just relax it whore and let your body get used to the thickness," Diana said, sliding one leg under and one leg over Talia's legs. As Diana inched forward, she placed the other end of the dildo against her own wet entrance, and pushed.

"Oh, my queen," Talia breathed, watching the length slowly disappear into Talia's pussy. "Oh fuck that's hot."

Diana groaned a little as the thickness stretched her out, and Superman slowly stroked her thighs with his fingertips. Eventually, their pussy lips met, and they both gasped in pleasure.

"Holy shit!" Diana moaned. "You ready?"

Talia nodded, and in unison they pulled back, sliding away. Talia kneaded her own breasts, as she watched the length of dildo slide out of her. When they had extended fully, they plunged back onto it until they were touching again.

"Hah! Holy shit!" Diana moaned, he watched her husband looking at them, as they pulled back again, faster this time, and then slammed back together, the flesh smacked each other, the sound echoed the room.

"Ah! Yeah!" Diana cried out of pleasure her face is filled with the sign of pleasure. They began pulling back and sliding together in rhythm, and Talia, who'd cum at least a half a dozen times already, was already reaching her peak.

Diana saw this and picked up the pace, but to no avail. Talia came again when the dildo is in her pussy, moaning and bucking, and Superman could see that the dildo had become slick with her juices.

"I'm sorry my queen!" Talia said, kissing Diana's calf. "I couldn't..."

"No worries whore," Diana said. "You'll just have to come again, then. Get on your hands and knees, and don't let the dildo slip out!"

Together they maneuvered so that they ended up on their hands and knees, ass to ass. Before Talia knew it, Diana was already humping back against the dildo. She let out a yelp, which turned into a moan.

"Fuck yeah," Diana said as their's asses slapped together, they are putting a quiet a show for their god. "Oooh!"

But Talia was barely moving, she was clearly tired..

"Kal, help us out a bit, would you, sweetie?" Diana groaned. He obliged, and ran his hand over their asses, feeling their smooth firmness. Superman grasped the exposed section of dildo, and began moving it back and forth using his superspeed. Diana squealed, and Talia screamed in pleasure and pain. "by the gods, fuck me!"

"Oh, god's," Talia breathed. Superman worked the dildo harder, and could see Diana tensing up. Talia hung her head between her shoulders, her body unable to keep up with the ecstasy. This time, Diana came first, followed by Talia an instant later.

Talia collapsed forward, twitching and panting, the inside of her thighs slick with her and Diana's juices. The amazon princess shuddered and rolled to the side. "Oh, fuck that was good! Right, whore?"

Talia was silent and still, the only sign that she was alive and conscious was her raspy panting.

"Talia?" Diana rolled Talia over,

"i think she passed out" Superman said. He pinned Diana on the bed, "you have been little tease,"

"is that so..." her speech turns into moanam's when her husband showed his thirteen inch into her pussy. They fucked until Diana passed out.


Dinah and Kara is sitting in the room, simply watching game of thrones,

"can i ask you something," Dinah asked to Kara. kara smiled in return,

"ofcourse pet you can ask me everything" Kara teased, they both laughed.

"you dont feel weird fucking your own cousin" Dinah asked.

"technically in our planet, we would probably get married to each other, the forbidden and cousin part is only in this planet, you know when i heard Kal is dating Diana is was jealous, i even tempted to kill Diana, now i am glad, that he is my husband" Kara said with a smiled. Dinah smiled. "you dont feel weird, you know dating a married woman,"

"not really, actually you guys make me feel not alone, i am not only fall in love with Kal, i fall in love with you, Karen, Diana, Donna and most of them" Dinah said.

"fall in love with me" Kara teased and kissed Dinah in the lips, Kara sense her husband. " i think my cousin is here, old habit my husband is here,"

when Superman entered the room, Dinah rose to her feet. She threw her arms around Superman. She shoved her tongue into his mouth. His hands reached behind her and groped her round firm ass. He pushed Dinah against a wall and pressed her.

The groans of the woman inspired Superman. The kryptonian grinded his crotch against hers for a few more seconds.

Supergirl folded her arms and tapped her foot. She bit down on her lip, feeling a bit left out by her cousin. Superman released Dinah and smiled. He turned to his cousin. Kara jumped into her baby cousin arms, wrapping her arms around his neck.

Kara kissed the ever living daylights out of Superman. Her tongue entered his mouth, exploring their mouth. Superman returned fire with their tongues wrestling for domination. The Kryptonian ran his hands up and down kara's long legs to feel her up. He squeezed her firm ass and caused her to whimper into a kiss.

"Now, I'm the one feeling left out." Black canary moanamed, Kara broke away from the kiss with Superman. She turned to Dinah and grabbed her. Kara pushed Dinah's hands behind the siren's head and kissed her hard. The two shoved their tongues into each other's mouths.

The Kryptonian temptress easily pinned Dinah to the ground. Kara peppered a series of kisses down the side of Dinah's face.

Superman smiled and rested his hands on Kara's lower back. His hands felt up her body as Kara sucked on the pulse point of Dinah's neck.

"Make sure you give her a good working over, Kara." Superman, he stepped back and watch his cousin easily dominate Dinah easily. Kara gripped her hands underneath the bottom of Dinah's shirt and yanked it over her head, to reveal the delights underneath.

Kara ran her hands over Dinah's firm exposed breasts. She leaned in for another kiss to capture Dinah's eager lips with her own. The two women's tongues clashed together in an attempt to dominate the other.

The Kryptonian easily won the battle, but not without a good fight. She kissed Dinah back. The two of them staggered back into a room off to the side area.

A lavish bed allowed Kara to push Dinah back. Kara made her way over Dinah and kissed down her body.

"Damn, Kara just like your cousin's…you know my good spots!" Dinah yelled. 'Such a screamer,'Kara thought.

Kara kissed down Dinah's body. She paid extra attention to the woman's belly button which drove Dinah wild. Kara's kissing continued as she made her travels around Dinah's body. Superman walked behind Kara. He leaned down.

"Eat her pussy, and I'll take care of you, cous." Superman said. Kara kissed down Dinah's belly button. The woman's hot lips lingered inches away. Kara worked her finger into Dinah's pussy and spread her lips, allowing paradise to be revealed to the Kryptonian.

"Please, Kara, don't tease me." Dinah pleaded.

"Well, since you asked so nicely." Kara said. Kara slipped her tongue into Dinah. Dinah reached up and grabbed the back of Kara's blonde head. The girl's tongues with her tongue deep into Dinah's pussy became slow and soft at first.

"Tongue fuck me, Kara, tongue fuck me hard!" Dinah encouraged her. The blonde kryptonian grinned. Her tongue started to vibrate a little bit more. Dinah's hips bucked up into Kara's face.

Kara felt a set of fingers manipulate her pussy.

"Good, time for you to scream as well like a good whore, make the bitch scream as well." Superman said to kara, Superman became slowly striped his dress, the kryptonian slid his hard thirteen inch thick cock inside Kara's dripping wet pussy. The walls of his cousin tightened around him. She clenched him and pulled his rod deep into her body. Superman held onto her hips and started to pump his way into her molten core. kara never once broke what she did to Dinah. Her tongue moved in circle's in Dinah's deep core using her Superspeed.

"OOOOH, YES!" Dinah yelled. "Take your tongue, and….make me scream, make my love happy!"

"Good thing the room's protected," Superman said. The kryptonian held onto his cousin's hips and roughly plowed into her. He leaned in to her.

"This is what you live for, isn't it? My hard cock in her your pussy? You can't give enough of it, can you, Kara?" Superman asked. Kara couldn't answer on an account of her mouth being very busy with Dinah's pussy. She roughly graped her swaying tits with his hand and fucked her.

"Yes, she enjoys it, I can fucking feel her moaning in my pussy! The bitch is clearly enjoying, fuck that whore like own her" Dinah screamed at the top of her lungs. "Oh, good job, i forgot you own the bitch, work my pussy! Suck all of my juices. Oh god, I'm cumming!"

The woman's hips pumped their juices into Kara's mouth. Kara sucked them down with greed and desire. Her hunger increased the more Dinah flooded her mouth.

Superman sped up his hard thrusts he punish her pussy so hard. He worked over Kara's pussy. Her walls clenched him hard.

"Good, I'd like you to cum for me like a good whore." Superman said. Kara's walls tightened around him.

"You're nothing, but a slave to my cock, who wants nothing, but a slave to my cock" Superman said. "And I'm sure Dinah can't wait for her turn, she is just a whore like you can't she?"

Kara munched away at Dinah's pussy. Dinah's screams indicated she hardly could wait to have her king's large penis inside her body and fuck the daylights out of her.

Superman hung onto Kara's hips and drilled her cunt. Her cunt gushed with juices which allowed the kryptonian to easily slide to her center.

"And again."

Kara came again. Her walls fastened around his supreme thirteen inch cock to milk it. Superman grunted as the soft silk walls caressed him. His balls ached with cum and a fair amount of it. His fingers brushed against her dark pink nipples for a moment to tease her.

"It's time for you to get rewarded, Kara. Are you ready whore?" Superman said. He roughly massaged her breast. Kara's thighs parted to indicate how ready she proved to be. Superman hung onto her hips and plowed inside her a little bit more. His balls ached with their eruption of his thick white cum.

The kryptonian launched his large load amount of forbidden cum inside his cousin. Several spurts of cum coated the inside of Kara's body. He fired an immense load into her. Kara pulled herself away from Dinah. She rolled onto her back and dipped her fingers into her cunt. The nymphomaniac alien suckled the combination of her juices along with Superman's, prompting hardened nipples to show up.

"So, how much do you want this?" Superman asked to Dinah. The blonde crime fighter could see the kryptonian cock into full mass, she could see it dully coated with Kara cum.

The kryptonian floated towards Dinah. He easily straddled the siren beneath him. Superman leaned down and captured Dinah with an eager kiss to her lips. The blonde returned the kiss in heated fashion. Her arms wrapped around Superman.

His throbbing hard prick brushed against the smooth flesh of her stomach. Dinah reached a fever pitch, and groaned with need. His cock pushed against the outer edge of her lips.

She wanted everything the kryptonian had to offer her. The woman arched her back in an attempt to coax him inside her.

Superman carefully held onto Dinah's hips. He inched himself into her. His cock head teased the entrance of the woman.

"Do you want it all inside you?" Superman asked. He teased by touching his cock head against her pussy lips.

"Yes, my love stick your big cock inside me, and fuck the daylights out of me." Dinah said, Superman's re-hardened cock slid into Dinah's dripping slit. Her twat clenched him as Superman entered inside her.

The woman's long legs wrapped around Superman to ensure he would not stray from her pussy for a long time. Superman slowly grabbed onto her breasts and massaged it, enough to give her pleasure and giving them a squeeze, she moanamed and whimper in pleasure, he knows how make her his bitch. Superman lifted himself up out of her pussy and slid back into her depths.

"Fuck me! Don't hold back!" Dinah panted. Superman slowly brushed his hands over her legs and touched them and slowly her ass. He reached around to fondle her ass, playing with the firm globes.

Dinah arched her back off of the bed. She resembled an angel with golden locks draped over her face, Superman used her other hands to rub her clit.

"It's what you want, isn't it? You want my hard cock inside your perfect pussy, stretching the hell out of you?, dont you want me to make you bitch again and again, dont you?" Superman asked, Dinah screamed to the heavens. An orgasm rattled her body.

Superman's mouth worshiping her breasts, he cupped her firm breast and massaged it, he used his mouth to worship other breast, when he fucked her added to her pleasure.

"Yes, oh god, yes Kal, harder, fuck me harder! Fuck my brains out and make me scream! I want your cock, I want it inside me hard! FUCK ME HARD!" Dinah moanamed hard, she could feel his molten mouth kissed and bite her nipples.

The woman's tight pussy clenched around the kryptonian's aching thirteen inch steel rod. He plowed deep into her wet, hot, velvety, center, which stretched around his long, fat, cock.

"I love making you scream."

Dinah indulged Superman. Her body begged for him. His fuck stick drilled into her greedy pussy hard. Her moisture spilled from her thighs.

"Good girl, you're going to cum hard, aren't you?"

"Yes," Dinah said.

Pleasure filled her body. Her nipples grew hard to an uncomfortable level. His manhood pulled almost from her and pushed inside her. Dinah's cunt gushed with his manhood burying deep inside her pussy.

The stunning siren's loins exploded with pleasure. She tightened her grip around the kryptonian's neck with her arms and the grip around his waist with her legs as well. The kryptonian plowed hard into her from above.

"My turn, Dinah. But, you're going to have to earn it?" Superman said, Dinah clenched his throbbing rod with her tight muscles. The beauty's body tensed up. She saw stars from a second orgasm, then a third one. The kryptonian smiled.

"I can fuck this pussy all day, you know." Superman said.

"yes, Please do!" Dinah yelled.

Dinah matched . Her stamina proved to be ace. Her cunt enveloped Superman's hard steel rod inside her. The woman's hips ached for a moment, but she wanted more.

"Yes, fuck the daylights of her!" Kara yelled. She fingered her pussy at super speed. "Shove your big fucking cock in her pussy, make the bitch scream for you cock!"

the kryptonian lifted Dinah up off of the bed and fucked her hard enough for a normal human, Dinah senses overwhelmed. Dinah's hips automatically lifted up to return the fire. Something broke in a matter of moments. Dinah's latest orgasm opened up the door for Superman's end game.

"Yes, cum in me!"

Superman spurted his cum inside her. The force of his cum shooting inside her pussy caused Dinah to pump his rod into her.

The two rode out each other's mutual orgasms. Superman learn forward, with his face on Dinah's breasts. He lingered for a moment and rolled over.

In time for Kara to crawl on top of him, rubbing her pussy over his tool, for the two to join together, and spur the next round of sex. The fun continued for the rest of the day.