Dinah is slowly walk towards the bedroom, she could hear grunts, licking and slurping sounds from the bedroom, she opened the door, she could see Superman fucking Starfire mercilessly, on the bed Donna and Artemis sleeping there more like passed out by Superman hard fuck, the bed is clearly a mess, Superman poured his thick white cum in Starfire, he take his thirteen inch cock out of her tight cunt, his cock is covered with the the combined juices, Lady shiva licked and Sucked Starfire pussy getting the combined juices of Superman and Starfire from Starfire pussy, starfire moanamed in response, Karen and Kara take his thirteen inch cock and started to worship his cock,

Karen deepthroat him, while Kara play with his inhuman size balls, Diana sat on his face, the kryptonian is eating her wife's pussy, while Kryptonian played with her big breast,

Hera is sitting near them, Diana let a loud moanam and sprayed her juices on the kryptonian face, Hera slapped bare Diana tight ass, the sound echoed the room,

"what's that for," Diana asked,

"you made my husband dirty," Hera said, she turned to see her husband, "let me clean that my love,"

She slowly started to clean Diana juices from Superman face with her tongue. Diana slapped Hera bare ass hard again and again, Dinah watched the orgy, she stripped her dress, and kissed Diana, She returned with passion, when the kiss finished.

"Clark i want to ask you something," Dinah asked to Clark.

"you can ask my husband anything, what do you want" Diana asked to Dinah, Dinah could see Superman see Dinah in the eyes letting her know, what his wife is telling truth.

"i want you to come with me for my father's birthday party as my boyfriend," Dinah asked Superman hoping he would say, yes.

"ok" Superman replied. He is now playing with Hera's breast and he Passionately kissed his wife. Diana is now parting Hera pussy and started to finger fuck the queen of goddess pussy.

"its tomorrow" Dinah said. He graped her face and kissed her,

"i will be there, so dont worry," Superman said. Dinah joined the sex orgy, the fun continued for the rest of the the day.



Dinah and Clark arrived the home, they were greeted by Dinah's father and mother,

"Hello mom, this is Clark kent, he is my boyfriend, he is reporter" Dinah introduced Clark to them, he could see her father is not pleased to see him, but her mother clearly welcomed him.

They both entered the home,

"that's my sister and she is a bitch" Dinah said.

"she look beautiful" Superman said, he could see the hint of jealous look on Dinah, he smiled and kissed her, she returned it "you too, you look so beautiful"

Superman put a kent charm on her, she smiled,

"i don't think she would fuck you now, she is a lesbian now," Dinah said.

"Are you saying i can't seduce her?" Superman asked.

"yep, that's what i am saying" Dinah replied.

"what if i seduce her?" Superman asked,

"you can do anything with me," Dinah said with a smile,

"you are my slut, ofcouse i can do anything with you," Superman said, Dinah smiled at the thought, " if i seduce your sister, then i ask you a question you should only reply with yes,"

"Deal," Dinah said,

"goahead talk to her," Superman said, he knows Dinah never talk to her sister, she hesitated for a movements them walk towards her sister.

"Sara" Dinah called her Sister,

"Dinah" Sara said and hugged her sister, " i am sorry i ever cheated on you with the son of bitch oliver,"

"its alright, i am glad you cheated on him, i got Superman as my boyfriend," Dinah said pointing towards Clark kent.

"what" Sara asked she watch Clark kent, she has the ultimate fantasy to fuck Superman "you mean him,"

"yep, i am going to fuck the brains out of him," Black canary said to her sister, Sara could see her sister taking him to her bedroom.


When they entered the bedroom, Superman decided to take the matter into his hands by forcing his lips onto hers with an extremely powerful kiss. Superman struck and ensnared his pray with his lips. Black canary kiss him back, she want him fuck her own bed, let the world know, actually she is his bitch to him, she succumbed to the desire and the pleasure of such an extremely powerful man tender lips. Black canary backed up against the wall.

"Oh, god, fuck me, fuck me right here in my bed, I don't care how hard, just fuck me." Black canary mumbled from the kiss. The fact her lover exerted his dominance over her in such a way caused a pool of liquid to form in Dinah's panties, more prominent than anything else which ever happened.

'Well these are ruined,' Black canary thought, enjoying Superman pressed against her. Superman had Black canary pinned up against the wall with nowhere to go. The blonde crime fighter tried to maintain some level of control. Superman's hands working underneath the dress caused Black canary's control to lessen.

"Look at the state of you," Superman said, brushing against her dampened panties. "You're already wet, and we've barely started. What am I going to do with a whore like you?"

"I have a few suggestions, one of them is fuck me here like a whore" Black canary mumbled, she is breathing heavily. When the blue eyed kryptonian's fingers worked around her. Her underwear presented an annoying barrier. "and these are many, If you're really likely to hear them."

Superman scooped up and threw her onto the bed. Black canary landed onto the bed. Superman floated on top of the blonde crime fighter and pinned her down on the bed.

"if you really wanted me to fuck you in your bed, you have to beg for it" Superman said,

"Please fuck me in my own bed," Dinah begged, A series of kisses planted on the side of Dinah's head. Superman started to suckle on Dinah's ear which caused her to breath in pleasure.

"Oh, this feels good," Dinah said, with Superman marking the side of her neck. "More, please, I need more!" Oh god, I need more."

Superman worked over her dress, carefull not to rip the dress open. A pair of big firm breasts pushed up in the bra. Superman thought they needed some room and he prepared to give them some room. His hands gently pushed against her breast.

Dinah thought she never would feel anything this amazing in her life, she wanted it. Superman started to kiss all over her neck and move closer towards her breasts. He moved tortuously slower to her breasts. Dinah's nipples stood out for attention. The blonde crime fighter wanted them to be played with.

Superman squeezed one of her breasts, softly at first. The moan indicated a more firm handling was in hand. Superman squeezed Dinah's firm breast one more time and caused her to cry out in pure passion. Superman leaned on in and planted his lips down onto her nipple. He pushed the lovely bud past his lips and into his mouth.

"jesus, Clark you are my sex god" Black canary managed one more time. A foggy amount of lust entered her body.

"Good to see you admit it," Superman said, toying with her breasts a little bit longer. Black canary's bare stomach ended up being the next stop on Superman's tour. He started to kiss the girl who moaned underneath him. Superman could go straight for her sweet pussy. It wouldn't cause her to moan nearly as much in the most insane amount of anticipation possible. Superman continued to travel all over her, Superman sense a figure is watching them through the key hole, she know who is that.

Every single time Superman kissed her, she thought she would probably die in the pleasure. His lips needed to be registered as lethal weapons. Superman's fingers brushed against her lower dress.

"Please Clark, i want you" Dinah panted. "Don't tease me."

She never felt in need, she wanted him fuck her,

"Your pussy is so wet, i can feel it" Superman said, cupping her gently between the legs. The touch of his fingers prompted Superman to lose herself with him. "Maybe I should do something in plugging the leg."

Dinah almost fired back with a quip maybe he should. Superman's tongue drawing patterns around her smoldering lips brought Black canary out of these thoughts. The tongue touched her and did not slip straight it. Black canary attempted to lift her hips to encourage Superman to drive his tongue into her.

Several long moments of intense teasing passed with Superman driving Black canary to the point of pure sexual frustration. His tongue danced around her lips and did not shove it inside. At least until he had her right where he wanted her.

Black canary's moans increased when Superman finally plunged his tongue into her. It went a little ways into her, teasing her folds a little bit. It slipped further into her.

'Damn, how deep does this kryptonian tongue feels so good?' Black canary asked, she bucked her hips.

Superman sensed her arousal. It tasted wonderful after he built it up with the teasing. The normally self-sufficient and cocky woman squealing beneath his lips and tongue caused more juices to flicker.

Black canary gasped in ecstasy when her boyfriend nibbled her pussy lips and slipped back in. His tongue pushed further inside her and tickled her ovaries.

"jesus damn it, you're fucking amazing as always!" Black canary said, trying to wrap her legs around his head.

Superman easily pulled out and planted a series of intense and powerful kisses on her girl friends's upper thigh. Black canary breathed in and out heavily, almost losing all sense of herself with Superman's work on her.

"Just wait," Superman said after slipping his tongue inside her. "You've felt nothing quite like this, Dinah."

Superman's tongue slowly swished inside Black canary's dripping hot pussy. She couldn't believe it. His tongue practically vibrated inside her. The intense vibrations coming from it made Black canary's hips rise and fall, capturing more of his mouth.

The next sensation brought Dinah to even greater heights. His hands pushed down her legs and rubbed up and down. Dinah always loved when her lover paid attention to her legs. Most people focused on her tits and ass. Dinah argued her legs were the entire package.

Superman continued to worship and sucking juices from Dinah's dripping hot pussy while playing with her legs. The man's hunger increased with each slurp and each push inside her. His tongue drove into her deeply.

"AHHH, MMM, OOHHH!" Black canary screamed at the top of her lungs.

Superman struck her G-Spot with an excessive force. Hell, Dinah would argue he somehow transformed her entire body into one solid G-Spot. Every time Dinah rose up, pleasure cascaded through her body. Juices spilled out of her. The sex god above her started to suck the juices from her pussy and brought even more pleasure from her.

The cumming of Dinah increased and saturated Superman's face with her pussy juices. Superman rose up to show her the juices dripping from his face.

"Damn, I came that much," Dinah said, seeing Superman's face coated.

"Yes, you're a horny slut who gets off on being dominated by a man when her sister and mother is in downstairs," Superman said, running his hands down Black canary's pussy. "I'm going to fuck your horny pussy in a moment. First, you need to clean up my face."

"I think it's only fair," Black canary said, capturing her boyfriend's lips with a long kiss. The babe drank her own juices off from the handsome's face.

The exact moment Dinah finished licking Superman's face, the man in question pushed the the blonde crime fighter back on the peg. Superman parted Dinah's magnificent legs to reveal the dripping cunt for him. Superman's hand brushed up against it and caused a moan to rise from it.

"And now, this is the prize I wanted in my own bedroom." Dinah said, she thought she got a prize herself when Superman's cock tip touched the edge of her pussy. Superman held onto her and slid completely inside, sliding all of his gigantic prick inside her.

"Oh, Dinah your pussy feels so good," Superman said, pushing his thick cock inside her tight pussy. "For such a slut, you can be so tight."

"Yes, I am who wants your cock," Dinah said, breathing. "But, you're so big, your penis makes me your bitch, so fuck me…Clark."

The last word had been whispered into Superman's ear when he pushed into her. Superman pumped his way into her.

"How do you like that, honey?" Superman asked. "Do you like my cock inside your tight pussy? Do you like me pushing it in your pussy?"

A sheen of sweat coated Black canary's body when Superman pushed deep inside her. The vixen's legs wrapped around Superman's body and kept him close to her. The thick prick pushed deeper into her tightening womanhood.

"Oh yes, do me harder! Fuck me in my own bed" Dinah moaned, tightening her grip around Superman's arm. "Faster, Clark, push your big cock inside me."

Clark held onto Dinah's hips and started to push inside her. The tool slid in and out of her pussy easily. He made her plenty wet from the teasing and the eating out earlier. The stunning siren thought she would die because of the handsome kryptonian's big throbbing cock pushing into her again and again. He just fucked her harder. Dinah hung onto his arm to encourage Superman.

"Yes, Clark, fuck my dripping cunny, fuck it so hard! Break your whore in half, she's been such a naughty bitch, who want fuck her in her own bed." Dinah mumbled in pleasure.

"Does, my little whore want to cum?" Superman said. Dinah is creamed, Dinah's walls wrapped around his tight prick, milking him. Superman wasn't about ready to give up it. He kept pounding Dinah and she responded by digging her nails into his shoulders, but her nails broken, but Dinah dont care.

The two of them enjoyed the dance which sped up before slowing down. The constant orgasms which bombarded Dinah's body,

Superman brought Dinah to an entirely new level and kept pushing himself deep into her. His thick and heavy balls slapped against Black canary's thighs and caused her to whimper in pleasure.

"Harder, oh god, harder," Black canary said, whining when Superman kept pushing inside her. It felt so good to have him inside.

Superman anticipated his orgasm coming. Dinah's walls wrapped around him, pushing all the way up. The two of them continued to engage in the age old dance of passion.

"I'm going to make you mine forever," Superman said, biting her neck and suckling on it. "I'm going to cum."

"Yes, cum in me, please, shoot your seed inside your whore's hot, greedy, slutty pussy," Dinah said, hanging onto him. The more Superman touched her legs, the more her cunt oozed.

Superman fired a thick stream of cum into her body. The splatters of cum injected into her body and started to fill her up with the hot contents from his balls.

Superman collapsed on the bed, the final orgasm having put her into a blissful state of sexual bliss.

Dinah rolled over and placed her head on Superman's hand.

"i think the birthday party is about to begin," Superman said, Dinah watched his boyfriend's cock is in full mass, he watched the hungry look on her face, "so how about a blowjob,"

"Let do this," Dinah said, she graped his thirteen inch cock.


Sara lance watched this through the keyhole, her pussy dripped with desire, she wanted that big cock. She could see her sister give blowjob to the big hunk, 'how the hell did her sister taking that big cock in her mouth' She wondered. She tempted to strip naked and mastrubate herself. But she hesitated what if someone saw her.


The birthday party continued, Superman had a long talk with Dinah's father and her mother clearly loves him, Dinah could see felicity there, felicity walk towards them.

"Hai Felicity," Dinah called her,

"Dinah" Felicity said, they hugged each other.

"this is Clark my boyfriend," Dinah said, Felicity look the handsome man infront of her, he is tall.

"wow, it's Felicity," Felicity extended her arm. Superman took it and shake it, "that's some grip"

"lets go over there and talk to Thea," Dinah said to Felicity.

Dinah walk with felicity towards Thea, Superman could see Sara lance walked towards him

"can i talk to alone?," Sara asked to Superman. He watched Dinah's sister there,

"miss. Lance, you want to talk to your sisters boyfriend alone, what do you think your sister will think about it," Superman asked, he is planning on seducing her, but look like she is willing.

"my sister is talking with Felicity and Thea, i dont think she would notice us, i know you are Superman," Sara said. He acted like surprise.

"Are you planning on blackmailing me miss. Lance" Superman asked.

"i am planning, if you dont obey me" Sara said with a smile. Superman gave her a look. "just kidding, please"

"lead the way ," Superman said.

"it's Sara not ," Sara said.

"lead the way Sara," Superman said. She smiled taking his hand and lead him to bedroom.


"this is Dinah's bedroom" Superman said.

"it's both of our room," Sara said. When Superman and Sara lance entered the bedroom, Sara lance smiled when she looked towards her sister boyfriend and moved closer towards him. Perhaps she had been caught up in the moment, but her entire life had been all about making careful, logical decisions, when she cheated oliver with Dinah, she knows its wrong but she always wanted better than Dinah, she wanted Superman.

"you know Superman, what i always wanted to do here?" Sara lance asked, Superman gave her a confusing look. "I want to fuck you in my own bed day."

"i thought you are lesbian," Superman said.

"i am bisexual," Sara said. "i fuck both womans and mens, now my dream is about to come true"

She always want to fuck Superman in her own bed, its her ultimate fantasy, she never thought this would happen until now, White canary leaned closer towards Superman and her lips met her sister boyfriend's lips with a kiss. The blonde crime fighter could feel a burst of energy going through her body at the satisfying of beginning to settle a longstanding desire.

"look like someone is eager, and you look so beautiful" Superman said to Sara, he never thought this would be this easy to seduce Sara.

"thanks, compliment from Superman, that means every thing" Sara lance said, she wanted his big cock.

"Because that's the truth," Superman said, she flushed the kryptonian smiled, the kryptonian slowly sat on the bed and pulled her onto her lap.

His tongue curled underneath Sara lance's tongue and the most mind blowing kiss. His hand moved down the back of her leg and started to result in more pleasure coursing throughout her very being.

Sara lance could not deny it. The kryptonian could really know how to kiss and his kiss caused her mind to go absolutely numb behind her belief. Her mind had been blown by one simple action. Superman delved his tongue in between her lips and pulled away from her. White canary leaned back onto the Bed, her mind completely blown from the kiss. Her eyes moved forward in a rapid fire blinking motion.

"Are you still with me Sara lance?" Superman asked.

"Wow," Sara lance said. "I had no idea…"

"My tongue is good for a lot of things," Superman said. He smiled when looking at her. "Maybe I should give you a little demonstration. Would you like that?"

Sara lance responded with a brief nod. She had become a little bit hot underneath the dress something told her it wasn't because of the weather either. She started to tug the material of her dress off her to reveal her white blouse which had a couple of buttons undone to reveal her ample bust. The front of her blouse flipped a bit to show she had a toned stomach. Her skirt almost rode up on its own accord.

Superman drank in the hint of her stocking clad thighs. Sara lance looked like she was on wobbling legs. She leaned in and grabbed Superman. Her hand grasped his Bed and she looked at him with a hungry smile.

"mmmm, I always wanted to hold your rod, my god, its so big, just like i always dreamed, oh no its bigger than i dreamed " White canary mumbled with excitement.

Sara lance fingers brushed against her sister boyfriend's crotch. She started to work her hand over him and caused his bulge to start to harden a slight amount in his pants.

"Well, guess what i want to touch your big cock," Sara lance said. She swirled her tongue. "this is so great, i am really excited, i am going to fuck Superman."

"Yes, I gathered that." Superman said. Sara lance already unbuckled Superman's pants and pulled them down over his ankles. His boxer shorts with a throbbing hard cock on the other side had been shown. The tent Superman pitched looked magnificent and Sara lance could not wait to run her hands over it. She pulled his boxer shorts back and revealed his throbbing thirteen inch hard cock.

"wow, its so big!" Sara exclaimed. She wrapped her hand around the base of Superman's cock and started to pump in. "Nice wow look at it so beautiful, wow i cant beleive the bitch is so lucky having you as her boyfriend, look at it, my god it's throbbing with desire."

A naughty expression appeared in the eyes of the Sara lance when she leaned down and pumped Superman's cock a couple more times. She leaned down and kissed Superman on the head of his cock. Her tongue flickered around the head of his cock and pulled away from him.

"wow it's taste so good, i dont think i can deep throat it" Sara lance panted hard,

"Keep it up, you know how to lick a cock" Superman said. "Why don't you put it in your mouth? And try to deepthroat it, even your sister can do it, why dont you try it, show me you can do better than her."

Sara lance wanted show him she is better that her sister, the blonde placed her hands on the kryptonian's legs and moved her perfect cock sucking mouth closer towards his thirteen inch cock. She took him into her mouth with one hard and potent suck.

Superman groaned when Sara lance's lip wrapped around his hard tool. He grabbed onto the back of her head and carefully pushed his thirteen inch cock into her throat, the cock is fully coated with Sara lance salaiva, the salaiva is dripping from her mouth inorder to take his thirteen inch thick cock in her mouth. Sara lance gave in a solid suck.

Sara lance took Superman into the back of his throat. She never experienced something which made her feel so naughty and good.

"Go ahead, suck me harder, show me, you are better cock sucker than your sister" Superman encouraged her. He touched his hands on the back of her head. "Suck it hard. Keep sucking me, be a good girl and suck me off…suck me off you naughty whore."

The blonde haired woman bobbed her head up and down on Superman's tool. She worked her hands between in between his legs and stroked his balls. She tried to get his seed inside of her mouth.

"Mmm," Sara lance moaned when she sucked him even harder. Her throat worked further down onto his tool.

"There it goes, right now," Superman said. He held onto the back of her head. "Keep sucking me, that's it."

Sara lance kept sucking him alright. She could feel his balls and feel the big load which was about to go down her throat. She made sure his cock was sealed tight inside. The kryptonian leaned in and pushed himself hip first into Sara lance's face. He fucked her mouth and released the cum down her throat. She leaned back and took every single last drop of his seed.

She pulled back after completion and licked her lips. Superman motioned for her to sit down and she did as she was asked. She sat down on the couch and spread her legs for Superman. Her white panties pulled down.

Superman brushed his fingers against her dripping hot mound. He could not wait to be inside her tight. First though, he wanted to taste her before going into her.

"Superman," Sara lance gasped. Superman kneeled down between her legs and started to lap up her eager womanhood. Sara lance's thighs pushed almost all the way up and Superman slowly licked her dripping hot box. The kryptonian twirled his tongue into her molten gash with a series of swift licks. Sara lance thought he was giving her more pleasure than anything she ever felt, she moanamed and panted hard. He went inside her and started to shift back and forth. Her insides opened up so he could lick her even more.

Superman took the tangy juices from her pussy. He made sure to send a jolt from his tongue into her. More juices had been lapped up. She tasted of honey and Superman could not get enough of the nectar dribbling down between her legs. He wanted to lick her dry as he could manage.

"Superman," Sara panted so hard. She held onto the back of his head and encouraged him. The sight of his handsome face buried between her thighs and lapping her up made Sara squirm more than she thought she would. Superman's vibrating tongue hit the pleasure point inside of her girl friends sister. She bucked her hips up and enjoyed the kryptonian's tongue inside her.

"Now I know why bitch is so addicted to your tonite, jesus, wow oh my god you are so good, better than anyone i remember" Sara lance mumbled to Superman. Her nipples grew harder at the thought of being impaled by his thirteen inch thick tool, her body is sweating like never before.

Her canal moistened enough for him to slip in with ease. Superman swirled his tongue around her one more time and extended a little bit. He shifted back and forth. White canary collapsed on the bed from the mind blowing orgasm from Superman's oral talent, 'he is really Superman' Sara thought herself and Superman rose up to his feet. He reached up and unbuttoned the rest of her top. He exposed her sky blue bra with a transparent window on the cups. Her nipples poked out through the other side and demanded attention. Superman crouched over her hips.

"So, you wanted to hold my snake, didn't you?" Superman asked. "Didn't you, you naughty whore?"

"Yes, i want to hold your snake for my rest of my worthless life" Sara lance said with a smile.

"Do you want to go for a ride on it?" Superman asked, Sara lance rose up to her feet and could see Superman sitting on the bed. His cock stood at attention for her and Sara lance's lips dripped with the thought of sliding them down the kryptonian's hard and throbbing pole.

"Yes, i want to raid you big cock," she said with a smile.

White canary sat on Superman's lap and he unclipped her bra. Her large breasts spilled out, it not big as Karen or Diana, but larger than most woman's and Superman grabbed the firm orbs before squeezing them. She grinded up against him, she felt his strong hand squeezing her breast, he could feel more juices.

"Go ahead, and ride it," Superman said. He slowly slapped her on her firm ass which prompted a squeal from her.

White canary lined up her dripping cunt over the kryptonian's massive prick. She could not wait to have him all the way inside her. She was sure he would fill her up so good, she could barely even think about it. She aimed herself towards his hard tool and pushed all the way down onto his rod.

"Yes, my god it so big, i can feel it exploring every inches of my pussy!" Sara lance moaned like a common slut. Superman pushed into her and filled her completely up. "OHHH YES!"

Sara lance rose almost all the way up onto Superman's throbbing hard rod and then sank down. Her dripping box pushed up and down on Superman's steel tool, she love the feeling of his hard cock in her pussy.

"Go for the ride of your life," Superman said. He squeezed her breasts and flicked his tongue against her pink nipples, really getting her hot and wild. "I bet no one has ever filled me like and touched you like this before, have they?"

Sara shook her head, no one cock ever filled her like this, she is constantly cumming again and again, 'Dinah is right' Sara thought herself and bounced up and down on the kryptonian thirteen inch's throbbing manhood. It filled her pussy far and deep, to the point where she had been stuffed forward. Superman grabbed her hips and decided to thrust up to meet more of her. She never had her pussy filled so far and wide.

Superman smiled and could sense the pleasure going through the mind and body of the Sara lance. He ran his fingers down her spine and she whimpered in pleasure.

"Cum for me," Superman said and He nibbled on her earlobe.

Sara lance could not deny him any more. She took her hot box all the way down on Superman's throbbing tool and pushed her lips against him.

"Yes, mmm, yes….oooh God!" Sara lance yelled. Her wet vice clamped and released Superman's meat pole.

She came hard and Superman only thrust into her even harder. His hands found every single inch of her body and tempted her. Sara lance reared herself back and dropped down herself cunt first down onto Superman's large pole. She rose almost all the way up and dropped down onto him again. She bounced high and fast, their thighs slapping together in a fevered motion of love making.

Superman sucked on her nipples and really got her going. He always enjoyed making woman's cream themselves over and over again. The fact her juices coated his pole showed how horny she is.

"Are you ready for the big one miss lance?" Superman asked. He licked behind her ear which caused Sara to lose it even more.

Sara lance nodded when her gushing cunt squeezed and released Superman's iron prick. She wanted the creamy treat.

"Ride my cock harder, my sexy vixen," Superman said. "I'm sure you've dreamed about this for years….now all of your dreams are going to come true."

Sara lance would be lying if she did not. She rode his throbbing cock into her body.

"I need your cum," Sara lance said. She squeezed him with as much strength as she could summon. "I need it more than life itself."

"Good things come to those who wait," Superman said. "Be patient…and all of your dreams will come true."

Sara lance was not sure if she wanted to be patient for very long. Regardless, she kept riding Superman and pushing her dripping wet walls against his massive prick. He grabbed her hips.

Several orgasms passed through the blonde vixen. She moaned in the kryptonian's ear and kept egging him on. Superman wasn't about to deny such a lovely woman her pleasure. He buried himself into her wet vice in a constant series of thrusts. Each of them went deeper and buried himself into her even further.

"Yes, cum for me, honey." Sara lance's thighs closed around him and released him. She could not even function more than just riding for him.

"Please, Superman," White canary begged. The kryptonian's balls throbbed and ached to release their contents into Superman. He lead her through one more amazing orgasm before he decided to fire. The cum entering Sara's womb caused her to nearly lose her mind. The sticky seed coated her walls. The blonde vixen worked herself down onto the blue eyed Kryptonian's hard pole with everything she had to give him and then some more.

Superman enjoyed the sensation of the lovely woman milking him. Her breasts bounced up and down in his face and Superman gave them a few more sucks when she finished her ride.

Sara lance pulled herself away from him and turned on the bed, showing Superman her pussy which still dripped with their combined juices, Sara watched his cock at full mast.

"wow, your cock is re hardened in a nano sec" Sara lance said with a smile,

"Because he has nearly infinite amount of stamina," A voice said. Sara turned and saw her older sister there, she covered her both breast with one hand. And she covered her pussy with other hand, but the kryptonian didn't cover any of that, he only smiled.

"seems like you seduced her, the whore is shameless after all, so you finally won the bet" Dinah said. Sara was clearly confused, she thought Dinah is going to shout her, maybe even attack her "so clark, what is that i want to say yes,"

"not now Dinah, later" Superman said, Dinah watched her sister, she is covering her pussy with her hand, she could see her pussy is leaking large amount of cum, Dinah licked her lips. She wanted to taste it.

Black canary smiled, she was such a good older sister. And she was going to show how good of an older sister she could be.

Sara lance gasped the moment Dinah parted her thighs. The older Lances sister made her way between the dripping thighs of the younger one and started to lap up her and Superman combined juices.

Dinah tasted her younger sister for the first time, she loved the taste and she almost kicked herself because of the fact she did not move their relationship to their next level sooner. Dinah's tongue swirled around her younger sister's womanly folds, and licked her all the way out, bringing her to the edge of an orgasm, she licked and Slurped every Superman cum out of Sara pussy, Sara its not the first time she is with womans, she has nyssa al ghul as her lover before, but her Sister licking her pussy that something she didn't expected, she moanamed, her pussy is filled with her older sisters salaiva, she loved this forbidden.

"Want a taste, Clark?" Dinah asked. Sara lance's thighs spread at the thought of the kryptonian's magical tongue being it. Dinah kissed Superman for a moment, making Sara lance groan.

"goahead i want to watch, when you make the bitch scream like she never did," Dinah said. The older Lance sister smiled wickedly, at teasing her sister. She placed a hand on Sara's pussy and started to play with it. Her sister grew even hotter with pleasure, Sara moanamed and panted.

An orgasm spread over Sara lance's body. She saw stars from whatever Dinah did to her, Dinah learn the technique from Diana.

"oh my god, faster dont stop!" Sara moaned, feeling her sister's fingers probe her insides.

"And your been very very naughty girl, dont you, fucking every boyfriends of mine." Dinah said with a smile. A clink of metal wrapped around Sara's wrists, Sara struggled against it. She had been handcuffed to the rails of the bed on both sides, still spread eagled and waited. "And i can sense it you are feeling a little naughty as well."

The Sara lance realized her sister had planned this, she struggled against the wrist, try to break it.

"Don't worry Sara, good things come to good little girls who have patience," Dinah said. "And I have a few things to teach you."

Superman throbbing cock found its way into Dinah's hands. She smiled and looked at the pulsing manhood.

"Like how to properly suck a big cock, i know you can't suck a big cock well" Dinah said. Dinah dropped to her knees to worship her sex god. Her hot tongue ran all the way over Superman's manhood, causing it to grow even more.

Superman closed his eyes and enjoyed Dinah's hot lips and tongue teasing him. Eventually, Superman had enough of the teasing, he needed to bury himself into Dinah's mouth and down her throat. He grabbed her head and aimed towards her.

"I'm going to fuck your face right in front of your baby sister," Superman said. "We're both going to corrupt her innocence."

"the whore is already corrupted..." Dinah plan to say it was much too late for that, because the whore is probably corrupted, but given how much Sara's pussy dripped for both of them. Superman's throbbing cock aimed towards Dinah's mouth and she opened up wide for him. She swallowed his thirteen inch cock.

Superman grabbed onto the back of Dinah's blonde hair and started to fuck her mouth hard and fast for a normal human. She moaned when the kryptonian drove his cock into her. His balls grew heavier with their seed the deeper Superman pushed into her mouth. Dinah slurped him in hunger.

Dinah wanted to taste his cum. The sooner he emptied his cum into her mouth, the sooner Superman's cock could be slammed into her pussy. Dinah tilted her head back and sucked him with hunger. Her eyes glazed over the more Superman pounded her mouth. He stretched her throat out with these rapid fire thrusts, going deeper inside her with each powerful and quick thrust.

"Good, Dinah, we're almost there."

Dinah cradled Superman's steel balls and squeezed them. She could feel Superman reaching the edge, with his orgasm almost here. She opened up her throat to accept it.

One more pump into Dinah's hot mouth opened her up for the flood of cum. Superman pushed himself down Dinah's throat and emptied his balls into her. Her hand rubbed his balls to coax his seed into the back of her throat.

Sara lance's hips bucked into the air. Every now and then, when Superman finger caressed her inner folds and made her moan deeply. She could feel his long finger manipulating her, pure and unrefined lust pass though her body. Sara kept pushing towards the Superman finger, breathing with heavy moans.

Dinah pulled herself from Superman and crawled onto the bed. She made sure her face was pointed directly towards Sara.

"Dinah!" Sara moaned. Dinah was not done tormenting her baby sister. She kissed Sara on the lips, making sure to slip a fair amount of cum down Sara's waiting and willing throat.

Sara lance's body tensed up with more pleasure from the gift. She wanted Superman's thirteen inch cock. Dinah kissing her and slipping some cum down her throat made her want his cock even more.

Superman walked over to Dinah, he used his superspeed striped Dinah dress and wiggled down the older lance sister's panties to reveal her dripping pink womanhood. He rubbed those lips, working them open for his thirteen inch cock. He pushed himself into her without too much warning, watching two sisters sharing his cum made him throb with desire.

Dinah stretched around Superman and clenched her walls around him. Superman rested his hands on Dinah's hips and started to pump into her with rapid fire flurry.

"Harder!" Dinah yelled like a common whore. "More, that, it oh dont stop!"

Superman wasn't about ready to deny Dinah of her own pleasure. He rocked his thick cock between Dinah's waiting walls and drove his thick cock into her tight and willing body. Her wet walls clenched around Superman's thirteen inch throbbing cock.

Dinah hung onto the bed, biting down on her lip. Her moans increased the longer Superman drove himself into her and he drove himself into her pretty deep.

"That's so hot!" Sara lance spoke these words before she had a chance to stop herself. She could not help herself. The pleasure overwhelmed her, and the thoughts of lust increased even more, watching Superman fucking her older sister infront of her is too much for her.

Dinah smiled, she got all hot and bothered at the fact she turned her sister on. Focusing on Superman's cock, she worked herself up to the first orgasm.

Superman ran his hands over the the blonde crime fighter's toned body. Every time he touched her, Superman sensed her orgasm building and her juices flowing. Superman pushed his cock deep into Dinah's body and kept riding into her from behind.

"Give her it harder, she deserves to be pounded into her own bed! Fuck that bitch so hard until she can't stand" Sara lance encouraged Superman. "Fuck that bitch brains out!"

Dinah was about to punish her sister for such language, only then she realize it was making her all hot and bothered. Her boyfriend kept driving himself deep into her wet center.

The blonde crime fighter's body racked in a constant loop of orgasm. Superman kept hitting all of her buttons and working her pussy over. His thrusting into her grew intense.

"I think she's going to earn a big reward in a minute," Superman said. "Maybe you should eat it out of her, Sara."

"Oh, that would be so hot if I ate your cum out of Dinah's pussy," Sara said, she earn a orgasm on the thought of it. "What do you say, Dinah?"

Dinah could not really say anything on the account of experiencing one of the biggest orgasms she ever experienced in her life. The kryptonian rode her hard and fast into her own bed, driving his cock into her.

"I think she's about ready to cum again," Superman said. "Go ahead, cum for me, cum all over my big cock. Your tight pussy feels really good."

Superman's fingers tensed around Dinah's body, to encourage her to release those juices onto Superman's thick prick. His balls sized up with Superman hammering deep into her. Her wet pussy walls closed around Superman's thirteen inch cock and he brought himself deeper into her center, his hand is exploring her body touching her with full love.

"Yes, this feels so good, doesn't it?" Superman asked.

"Yes, baby, harder, fuck me harder!" Dinah yelled. Dinah is tensed up around him and she experienced another orgasm with rocked her entire body. She milked her boyfriend's thrusts, making sure he kept inside her as she came.

Sara lance's pussy burned with lust. She tried to summon enough strength to break out and join the fun. Dinah's face was a few inches away from hers, but far enough where Sara could not reach to get the taste full cum.

"Oh, fuck her harder, she deserves it!" Sara lance encouraged Superman. The kryptonian's loins tightened when he pushed into even further. Despite this sweet and hot pussy clenching Superman's thick rod, he managed to restrain himself from firing his heavy load into Dinah.

Dinah had been reduced into an incoherent and drooling wreck, on her sister's encouragement for the most part. Her loins clenched around Superman and brought him into her body. His balls slapped against Dinah's thighs the further he went into her.

"It's almost time." Superman moanamed.

Dinah's pussy twitched at the thought of her boyfriend burying a heavy amount of seed into her womanhood. Those wet walls threatened to milk him to a climax. The heavy load which built in his balls made her heat up and scream in pleasure.

Superman put his entire load into Dinah's eager pussy. He emptied himself in her with a few thrusts, burying his seed into her body.

The second Superman pulled out of her, he looked towards Sara lance who had spread her legs, ready to go. Superman sent a finger through Sara's pussy to get her attention.

"Are you ready for round two?" Superman asked. She is born ready for this, Without any warning, Superman destroyed the handcuffs. Sara lance jumped onto her sister and started to lap up her older sister's pussy juices, swirling her tongue around the insides of it.

Dinah had been half woken up by her baby sister's actions. Supergirl went down on her so far Dinah thought her loins would explode.

"Damn, Sara, you eat pussy so good," Dinah said. Sara's ego gave a little bit of a jump at her sister praising her. Being a good little sister, Sara lance licked every single inch of Dinah pussy. The combined taste caused Sara's hunger to increase.

She turned around and balanced herself on her elbows. Superman was on top of her, positioning his throbbing cock at her anal entrance. Sara lance spread her thighs, smiling.

"Come and get it, Superman," Sara said with a smile on her face. "I want you, so bad."

Superman could tell pretty much how bad Sara lance wanted him by the fact her pussy dripped for him. He positioned himself over her wet and willing walls and slid inside her, saving her ass for another time.

Sara lance savored the sensation of Superman spearing into her body. He gave her a few slow thrusts at first to really build up the anticipation. Sara lance's legs wrapped around Superman's waist and she pulled him in as close as possible.

"More," Sara said. "More, more, please, more, do it faster, just like you fucked her!"

Superman ran his hands all over Sara lance's legs and started to play with them. He rose almost all the way out of her and plunged into her smoldering hot depths with some huge and powerful thrusts. He stuffed Sara's wet pussy full of his throbbing hard thirteen inch manhood, pounding her almost all the way into her depths.

"oh my god, it feels so good!" Sara moaned in Superman's ear, fucking her sister's boyfriend. "Give me more, please, I want more, give me everything you have."

Superman gave Sara everything she could ever dream of and then some more. His hard thrusts penetrated her tight walls. She held onto him encouraging him to fuck him harder. Her wet pussy walls were all of the encouragement she needed.

"Get ready," Superman said. Sara's thighs closed together and released a flood of juices onto Superman's thirteen inch pole when he plunged further inside of her. He rode her pussy, pounding her as a normal human could handle from him. His hips shoved halfway onto her and he pulled almost all the way out of her. Superman rose almost all the way out and slid back in. Sara enjoyed the momentum her sisters lover established with her. Their hips grinded together in a feverish and never ending dance of pleasure.

Dinah started to stir from the pounding Superman gave her. She could see her sister's beautiful lips and she made a decision.

"Come on baby sister, eat me." Dinah said to Sara, the stunning siren draped her thighs over her sister's face and started to grind up and down on her sister's tongue pushed between Dinah's lower lips and started to lick her. The eager tongue of white canary kept penetrating her.

Superman's throbbing cock pushed in and out of Sara's wet sheath. She squeezed him and attempted to coax a heavy load from her sister's balls to be buried deep inside her body. Superman rose up and kept riding Sara's pussy for everything it was worth and in the back of his mind, her sweet and savory pussy was worth a lot.

Dinah thrust her chest out and allowed Superman to start playing with it. His hands caressed Dinah's breasts which caused more juices to flow freely into Sara's mouth.

"About done," Superman said. "But ladie first."

Sara lance's pussy clenched onto Superman. He must have been hammering away at her for over ten minutes, maybe more. And now he sped up, reducing Sara's pussy to a fine jelly when he speared deep into her. Sara lance's warm and hot sheath wrapped around Superman's throbbing meat pole when he worked down into her.

"So good, it feels so good," Sara moaned, when Dinah rose up from her and shoved herself pussy first down onto her sister's mouth.

"Finish that bitch off, Clark," Dinah said. "And then I want another ride."

One look at Dinah's sexy body made Superman pound away on the blonde crime fighter's younger sister. The woman had been reduced to a mewling wreck under Superman penetrating cock. He pushed into her and rode Sara into the bed.

"After you, Sara." Superman said, her's entire body had been let go. The pleasure spread through her body with the kryptonian steel cock bringing her to an orgasm which brought warmth through every single inch of her body.

Next, Superman's balls constricted and fired his cum deep into Sara's body. He filled her up with his seed, spewing the full contents of his balls into her body.

Superman pulled out of Dinah's body, leaving her a shuddering wreck in the process. Dinah groped his cock and smiled, tasting the combination of both her sister and Superman, she loved it, she could see her sister pass out by intense love making,

"my turn" Dinah said, but Superman stopped her, she gave a confused look, she could see his dick is throbbing with desire.

"it's time to collect the bet i won," Superman said. Dinah smiled.

"what do you want from Clark, you know, i can give anything for you, even my life, i will never say no to you" Dinah said. Superman take a box from his dress and kneeled infront of Dinah,

"will you marry me Dinah," he asked. She couldn't beleive this is happening, after a long silence.

"yes, i will marry you Clark kent," Dinah said, he put the ring no Dinah's finger and she kissed him, he returned it, Superman and Dinah fucked each other until Dinah passed out.