Chapter 2. Training and Spicy challenge.

6 February 2020




Aston Fluster the boy of mystery

Nobody knew that this topic will become so popular that the person involve in it will certainly gain his fame.

But our hero was looking at the celling at the moment and was pondering to increase his physical status because he felt tired just to carry few thing to a shop a minute ago when he heard a notification / Status check completed./ Which caught him unguarded as it's not common to find a ringing notification in your mind right. / Strength : 0.6, Agility: 0.4, Vitality: 0.5 and Intelligence: 0.3./ while all the data was shown in an organized manner.

Remembering the Sss grade blessings Aston thought ' so it's a system, Sss grade blessing is a system. ' while he ponder over the thought to use this status bar in his advantage.

/ Quest menu : closed./

/ Lottery option : 1 present./

/ All the other option are currently closed./

Looking at lottery option he prayed and scrolled to found another notification ringing where he saw / Practice fist of beginner./ Stored which was emitting blue light, " so it seem a fist technique or something, that's good while I need to start working out daily." Soon a knock was heard at the door and Aston walked toward the door and open it to find Landlady waiting outside while she smiled and asked " why don't you come down to have breakfast."

" Sorry Miss landlord, I will head down when everyone is done with there fill, because my recent acts caused a lot of problems and they all show there disgust while eating there with me."


" so ill come soon, and- d-d! I would like to apologize for my previous action

I know that is an hard to forgive sin of mine but I wish to insist for forgiveness

Me for it and I am ready to take any punishment you deemed to me."

Landlord Amami was shocked as she look boy bowing down and apologizing to her, suddenly she heard a drip as she look at the sweat drop on the floor and came out of her stupor realizing that the boy was still bowing down with all his effort and was tired but continued to bow.

" Please straight up it's alright, I am willing to forgive you." Lady Amami spoke while she flustered because of Aston actions.

" thank you Landlady." Aston spoke while he spoke politely.

' so he is trying to change as I felt nothing wrong in his voice and apology and from this morning I knew he had changed for sure maybe due natural instinct. ' as she asked Aston to come down with her to have breakfast.

After having his breakfast, Aston rushed back to his room and lay down on his bed while he click on the / Practice fist of beginner./ And soon his mind was filled 5 type of different exercise and soon warmness started entering into his conscious mind which thorough explained the breathing pattern while performing each set of exercise, First set was fist movement which improves tendon and muscles which increase his agility and strength, second set emphasize on muscle control and movement increasing agility, dexterity and strength, third set depend upon cardiac system which increase fist strength and vitality, fourth set include liver and other hormonal gland organ to increase vitality tremendously, fifth set was blank as he was not able to read it and he had to reach certain level to understand that part and could only work on above four for the time being.

[ First set ( fist movement : punch, sweep and block.) ( Improvise on tendon and muscles.)

Increase once Agility ( Reception.) And Strength ( Explosive force.) This set of exercise exert pressure on tendon to improve both Agility and Strength.]

[ Second Set ( Tai - Chi pose : improve center of gravity + Horse stance : increase control over muscles.) ( Improvise foot strength and control.) Practicing them would increase control point increasing once strength, agility and dexterity ( will open in status after it reach minimum of 1.) One who control himself can master his surrounding and his inner self.]

[ Third Set ( Breathing technique and meditation : can be used while performing above two technique and running.) Can increase cardiac response which allow our lungs to take large amount of oxygen and increase the circulation of blood, causing our body to increase the process of development of our cell by a large margin.]

[ Fourth set ( include pull-ups, curling throw, pushing limit of body, walking on hand and set of breathing technical support meditation.) Increasing the rate of organ and gland can improvise once consumption and reaction which will utilize all the potential developed during third set.]

Opening his eyes and digesting all the information, Aston sat in a lotus position and closed his eyes where he started concentrating on the breathing rhythm and started controlling while improvising them according to third set which was responsible to create a huge potential of blood energy which will help him to perform first two set completion, felling the rush flow of blood in his body which was causing him nauseous Aston jumped while he stood in Tai – Chi stance which was then replaced by Horse stance and soon both the stance merge with each other, reaching point where he was able to find equilibrium of his body which was a pleasant experience but his sore muscles of leg and hand after 15 minutes pull him back to reality but he knew that the pain act as an agent to improve his sense as he move a little cause different set of muscles to pain which told him that these muscles are joint and is related to this set of movement, Aston started 3rd set of techniques which was very painful but his body was greedily absorbing the energy.

Then he realized that it was a best time to try his fist training which increased the burden over his muscles, when he punched sweep and all he felt every muscle related to them and started synchronizing them helping him improve His technique tremendously.

After an hour he lying on the pool of sweat while he didn't realized that his sweat was black and oily while he performed 3rd set to gain energy back after sometime, as he walked toward the bathroom to take a bath again which was a shocker to him due to oily sweat really looked creepy.

' it seem I have loose a little weight too.' He thought while showering which show his developing body which could be considered improvising then previous case and other surprise was his skin tone as he became a little fairer.

He was hungry and walked down to kitchen staff cafeteria which gave a discount to students for purchasing the food.

Clutching his stomach which was growling down even after having breakfast just 2 hour beforehand he started training but the consumption of energy was very high which was the warning given in the training but he ignored it which was causing him to regret for first-time after coming to this world.

Walking down he saw people commenting on him as he moved quietly without paying any attention to them.

After he sat on the table while he opened A sandwich which cost him 5 Tear which was a discount price as an original cost around 10 Tear, after eating 4 of them he was satisfied while he saw trio also entering while all the boy around started looking at them but for Aston he was not interested and stood up as he walked out with out any care.

At first trio saw him ' nightmare of every girl. ' eating his fill and soon he looked toward them due to commotion caused by other guy's, which was a nightmare for them but soon what replace there thought was surprise as he walked out.


Walked out of here- re !!!!!

Without glancing toward them, as he continued to move on, vanishing out of there sight.

Causing all the three girl to feel a new kind of emotions they had never faced before, which came to them by surprise and all three blush out a little which was quite visible to everyone around especially boys of there fan club.

Entering his room he sat on the table while he took out his notebook which was neat and clean because they were never used after coming to Highschool for two months.

[ In this world Highschool starts at January 1st and final exam took place at 20th November to 10th December, after which holiday take place till 1st Jan / summer vacation happen after 2 months of study i.e. 1 march to 10th April after which regular classes start again.]

[ For Aston it was 3rd day of summer vacation which started and the date was 3rd March of year 2120.]

Opening his book he regulated his breath to a unique pattern which was essential for concentration and soon found his mind becoming calm and he enter the zone while he started reading the book's while his hand took notes related to the material he was reading, controlling his muscles of finger he realized there was many way he can improve his hand writing which was very essential for getting a good score.

Soon he realized that it was already lunch time as he walked down to take his lunch and wanted his fill while everyone looked astonished because...:::::::::

Today Landlady was very happy that her child was cooking food to improve her cooking skill but to her unveil she knew it will be a mess because it was her first time and other thing was that it was because all the girl in the hotel was having an competition to cook.

Soon everyone prepared food!!!

Yes it was food!!!!! Right ??? Was it edible.

Instead of food rice a green rice whose one fourth part was brownish because of burnt effect, on the other hand gruel they prepare was so spicy it might make eater into flame dragon.

When Aston came cafeteria at his regular time which should be perfect because no one would be there found all the boy looking at the food with admits gaze full of emotions, while some boys were breathing fire like a dragon and there face burning red.

" Oh it seem, there is a challenge of eating spicy food today may be reward will be extra food this is so lucky."

Smiling Aston reached on the table and sat alone while he heard " landlord please give brother Aston extra rice and gruel because recently I observed him and found out his appetite has increased."

" Oh thanks bro." Aston smiled back while Landlord looked at Aston weirdly while she sigh and put a huge bowl of rice and gruel as she spoke " you can't leave until you finish it." Glaring she walked away.

Aston was shocked but nodded as he took a bite while


Die from eating this bastard

Yeah that guy is dead for sure I am so happy, all kind of thoughts passed everyone mind

( boys section.)

( Common word : die and bastard.)

What does he think

Please finish it we are very sorry it was our fault.

( Girl side thought's.)

( Common word : sorry.)

" spicy and delicious, it is similar to spicy challenge he love from his past I love in my previous life." As he wolf down everything in 10 minute as he looked at Landlord expression while he asked " can I ask for more miss landlord it is really delicious and definitely I'll pay for it." Which caused a pin drop silence while all the staff girl including 3 beauties of the hotel face were blushed due to happiness they felt for the first time.

Landlady smiled and gave him more full of praise and happiness as she talked with him time to time. Like

"Sorry it's little spicy because it was there first time you know."

"Oh they made it." As he looked at them and made a encouraging thumbs up in there direction.

" yes it was."

" it seem I am quite lucky today." Aston smiled.