6 February 2020



Drinking the gruel as he place the bowl down he clapped his hand and spoke out " thanks for the food." Due to previous life habit and stood up as he continued to chat with Landlady as he emphasize clearly " it was delicious, I was able to figure out the hard work they put behind making this and it would be a loss if we throw away there great effort because of our mind partial thinking." Which caused all the boys who were not eating to feel ashamed and really made a good impression on every girl.

Soon he was out and happy as he first time felt happy from his tummy satisfaction, while he continued to practice inside his room and walked down for dinner at night which was again a better treatment for him because of his sacrifice the other time ( for everyone else not him)

After which he slept soundly in his bed.

One week had passed since then and everyone was astonished to see the a handsome boy with slim figure, muscular body, cool smile and gentle gaze ! Yes it was Aston for a week he had gone through regress training day after day and was also astonished to see himself a little fat guy turning into a macho man in a week period of time, " Good morning Landlord." Aston smiled and greeted while Landlord smiled and nodded as he continued " I'll go take bath I am filthy dirty due to sweat." As he rushed inside his room, as he sigh down and gave himself A+ grade for that lie because he was quite embarrass due to all girls were staring at him.

'Becoming handsome is good but still man even in my previous life I didn't get this much attention, so I had no experience how deal with this sensation.' Thought Aston while he could only smile wryly.

On the other hand all the girls including Landlord were giggling as they thought ' how cute he was blushing because he must have been embarrass because we were staring at him.'

And soon a new legend begin

" do you heard, Aston was not a bad one and Land lady thought he .UST have been forced by someone."

" eh, why is it so."

" Idiot didn't you see him Changing dramatically recently and I believe he was set free from that person."

" Oh how bad, such a good guy was forced, humph that person should due in hell."

" I think he had realized his mistake and is trying to change."

" who are you talking about."

" Aston Fluster, he was quite famous but now all people say he is trying to change and has became handsome while he was the one who ate that spicy gruel we made you know, say such kind of person he is now."

Hearing all the rumors he felt happy yet conflicted but he vowed to never become like his previous ancestor ( like something blab and blab.)

During morning at 4:30. Pm he practice his training while he still was unable to open 5th exercise which made him more happy because he knew more it take to open, more powerful will be training exercise.

After 3 day in evening he thought to Explore the city because he had never gone out to Explore after coming into this world, he had memories of previous owner but that guy was also room camper who would go out in rare- rare occasions.

After he came down to the main gate he heard " oh, Aston are you going somewhere." As he look back and saw Landlady as he replied " y- yeah, I was thinking for a walk as I had not leave my room except for jogging and wanted to explore some shop."

" sure and please can you look out for my daughter Aria out." As she walked inside.

Walking toward the exist Aston continued his exploration.

Firstly he walked toward a game center where he found few boys from his class who never treated his previous owner coldly because of his actions and were the one who supported him in his studies, both of them were twin brother Mathew and Charles, they were quite famous for there charming blond hair and even had fan club created by girl's.

" Eh Aston, is that you Bastard." They both spoke in unison which made Aston shiver while he could only laugh wryly. " Hey there bro." Replied and continue to walk toward them.

" so you finally called us bro huh bastard, now realizing how lucky you are to be our brother." They laughed as one of them spoke which was quite which was quite difficult to distinguish who was it ( Mathew and Charles.)

Soon finishing there talk they walked out separately and Aston window shopped almost every shop, after which he walked out of the shopping district and sat on the bench in the park while he thought, ' there was so many thing to buy but I don't have money. '

But soon found a beautiful girl walking with 3 men and he knew that girl, she was commoner beauty Ellie from his school, by her looks she was definitely in no good position.

Walking down the same path he soon found her being asked to.......

" hey there, time for repayment huh." A yellow head guy spoke with fierce glint in his eyes, while another guy with reddish blue hair licked his lips and continued " yeah, yeah take of your clothes, little beauty." As they continued to touch her hands while other was preceding inside her clothes and moving further inside her lower, Ellie was in verge of tear as her whole body was shivering while she was trying to say something but nothing came out of her mouth.

Yellow haired caress her hair as he smell her neck with a lecherous method, on the other hand Aston was on verge of exploding out but he couldn't because Ellie never protested and he had no right to meddle in there business, " hey guys do it quickly before somebody come and I also wanted to taste her."

" Wait until I am done he-he!!!!" Yellow haired spoke out with arrogant voice while simple one kept his mouth seal, " hey beauty can't you see my little brother is already on verge of tearing apart my lower clothes, so-o-o take out your clothes yourself or I'll rip it apart for you and then you might have to walk home necked." As both of them started laughing.

" I, please give me….ahh" suddenly his hand finger poked the area making her screamed and sat down while tear gushing out as she finally called out " help me!! somebody please help me!!" while there was no reply as she heard a sarcastic voice which made her tremble and she was ready to bite her own tongue to kill herself " huh!! Fuck no body will came just give up already." But suddenly saw a figure of a boy who was shivering but no he was sheeting with anger and his face was red from anger.

" Fuck!! who are you bastard." Blonde guys screamed to show his anger but boy gaze was fixed at Ellie while he kept on moving, suddenly Ellie took her action as she dashed out toward her last hope to cling on.

Aston was shocked as he smelled a beautiful fragrance assaulting his nose and warm yet soft body in his embrace trembling continuously while she mutter " help me !! Please I beg you please!!( Sobbing out loud.) Ahhhhhhhhthhh." While his heart finally found the reason he wanted to become hero, it was to be able to help beauty like her, to help someone like himself and further more to be able to overcome his own fear of powerlessness.

" bastard, want to die if not get the hell out of here and leave her behind."

" Son of a bitch didn't you heard him."

" asshole...…"




…Ignoring all of them he continued to embrace the commoner beauty as he cares her hair and spoke quietly " fear not, because I am here now Ellie."

Looking up she saw a beautiful smile on a handsome boy face as her thoughts ' who are you, H- how do you- you know my name. '

" What happened tell me in detail after we are done with them."

" ehh." She could only nod in response.

" Alright as for you all bastard, what was the thing she owe you guy's." as he looked at the trio with murder glint.

Looking at the cheap and ragged clothes of Aston they all laughed and spoke in sarcastic manner " 700 Tear she owed us." But to there unveil he took out a bundle of notes and mashed on there mouth as he spoke " here 750 Tear now she had paid but what you did to her is still on my tab." As he rushed out and whip leg crushed yellow haired guys balls soon he rushed to other one while making a knuckle punch he shattered his jaws and last one got his collar bone shattered of the hand which he hold and forced her in corner.

Ellie looked three groaning men lying down while the one who assaulted her inner part was lying clutching his crouch, other man who was asking her to drop her clothes mouth was broken and last one who right hand was touching her belly and chest was broken from the collar bone, she knew he had seen everything and her heart was still in pain as her body was giving up on herself and she found all her strength of leg vanishing as she was about to fall but a warm chest hold her stable and his hand were supporting her body as he carried her body like a princess.

Aston saw her falling and reached out to get hold of her while he instinctively carried her as he was able to enjoy her body smell which was pleasant but not bad feeling, while her body warmth kept his soul a pleasant experience.