Chapter 6

"How is it your first time leaving Unnamed District?" Shouyou asked Ban and Law.

"So that place is called Unnamed District. It wasn't written in any books I've read." Ban said in astonishment hearing the name of his hometown for the first time.

"It's just Aniki who have never get out of that place. I was from somewhere else." Law said.

"So you two aren't real brother?" Shouyou asked again.

"I told him to call me Supreme Leader but we compromise on aniki." Ban said with a sigh.

"You still disappointed with that! Just let it go already!" Law shouted angrily to Ban.

"You two, we're almost there." Shouyou showed the way.

"So this is Shoka Sonjuku." Ban looked at the place he's going to live in.

"Come in. I'll introduce you to my students they are all the same age as you Ban. This make Law as my youngest here. Everyone gather!" Shouyou asked his students to gather to introduce themselves.

One-by-one they come out. The first was a short boy with blond hair. He was holding on the hand of a girl with long silver hair. The last one to come was shocking to Ban and Law.

"A raccoon dog?" Ban surprised seeing an animal come out.

"I'm not a raccoon! I'm a reindeer!" The animal who claims to be a reindeer rebutted.

The reindeer was walking on his two legs wearing a large pale red fuzzy top hat with a white X mark on it and seems like the horns that come out of the hat wasn't part of accessories but a real horn.

"It talked!" Ban and Law surprised again hearing it talked.

"Now everyone is here why don't you introduce yourselves?" Shouyou tells the kid with a smile.

"I'm Tony Tony Chopper. A reindeer." Chopper was the first to introduce himself.

"Nice to meet you. I'm Elizabeth." Elizabeth the second.

"...Meliodas." Meliodas introduce himself reluctantly.

"Trafalgar Law. And this one is..." Law was about to introduces Ban when he was interrupted.

"I'm the Great Ultra Mega Lord Ban-sama."


Everyone had different reaction toward Ban's introduction.

"Sigh..." Law just sighed seeing Ban joking as usual.

"Whoa! Awesome!" Chopper's eyes sparkled.

"Hahahaha! You're funny." Elizabeth laughed.

"Damn you..." Meliodas jealous seeing Elizabeth laughing.

While Shouyou just smiling as if he knows already.

"Hey-hey how did you get such names?" Chopper asked Ban.

"Through imagination." Ban answered with a nod.

"Then I will be Choperemon!"

"Hmm... Nice try but still too weak."

"Hey you fight me!" Meliodas interrupted them.

"What you're jealous just because I made your girlfriend laugh." Ban mocking Meliodas.

"Doesn't matter, just fight me!" Meliodas insisted.

"Then you two shall fight. We'll watch you two." Shouyou agree to Meliodas' challenge and letting them fight. "Elizabeth, prepare tea for us."

Elizabeth go to kitchen to make tea while Ban and Meliodas prepared to fight.

"Okay then... Begin!" Shouyou announce the starts as soon as Elizabeth return with tea.

As soon as the match start Ban kicked the ground and run toward Meliodas. Using his right foot he kicked Meliodas but was blocked with his arms. After blocking Ban's kick, Meliodas throws a punch with his right hand. Ban blocked it in a similar way as Meliodas but he was knocked away.

"I see so you're power type. Since I'm speed type I think we will get along well." Ban said after just one exchange.

"You wish!" Meliodas dashed forward and prepare to throw a punch.

Ban dodge the punch and counter it with a kick. "You might be stronger but it's useless if you can't hit me."

Ban already analyzed Meliodas pattern. Meliodas was stronger than Ban but Ban is much faster than Meliodas. Every time Meliodas tried to hit him Ban would dodge and counter it.

This time when Ban tried to counter attack, Meliodas let out a dark matter from his body and use it to cover his own body as a black armor to reduce the damage.

"Argh! That hurts! You use your quirk now?" The armor was strong enough to hurt Ban's fist.

While Ban about to kick Meliodas, Meliodas transform the black armor into a pair of wings and fly. "So you're running away. I won't let you!" Ban used Snatch on Meliodas whole body and Meliodas feels a strong pulling force from Ban. As soon as Ban got Meliodas in his range he throws a punch to Meliodas' chin before Meliodas transform the dark matter into an armor to knock him out.

"Winner Ban" Shouyou announce the victor of the match.

"Haha seems like I had more experience in fighting than you are." Ban taunted Meliodas who was laying on the ground unable to stand.

"Elizabeth, heal them." Shouyou asked Elizabeth.

"Oh right. Heal!" a light come out from Elizabeth aimed at the two on the field.

"Oh my injuries are healed. This feels nice." Ban shocked to see his bruises heals. "Now that I'm the winner from now on I am the boss here."

"Don't get cocky." Shouyou suddenly appear behind Ban and knocked his head from above enough to plant his feet on the ground.

"Argh it hurts!" Ban put his hands on top of his head in pained expression.

"Hah you deserve it!" Meliodas who was just healed stood up.

"You too. Don't pick a fight every time." This time Shouyou knocked Meliodas' head.

"Ah!" Meliodas shout in pain as his feet also planted to the ground.

"Anyway let's welcome Ban and Law as our new family member."