Chapter 7

It has been almost 3 years since Ban and Law joined Shouka Sonjuku. They already know everyone there really well. Every day the five of them would be taught by Shouyou and in the afternoon they would practice martial arts for self-defense.

Everyone there is unique. Yoshida Shouyou, is the strongest one there. Even when everyone attack together he always win.

Chopper is the most innocent. Ban always like to mess with him. Chopper was a reindeer with a quirk. When he was a kid he always isolated from the herd due to his blue nose. Until one day Dr. Hiluluk save him and befriended him. Due to his mistake Chopper gave Dr. Hiluluk poisonous mushroom. Before he died by poison, he was killed by a tyrant in town. He asked his friend dr. Kureha to take care of Chopper.

Dr. Kureha taught Chopper everything she knows about medicine. They live together for a while until the tyrant came and tries to take their place. Fortunately Shouyou was there. Shouyou help defeated the tyrant.

Seeing Shouyou wasn't afraid of him, Chopper took interest to befriend him. As Chopper lack common sense due to people afraid of him, Dr. Kureha asked Shouyou to take Chopper which Shouyou easily agreed upon. That was how Chopper ended up in Shouka Sonjuku.

As for Meliodas, he came together with Elizabeth. Meliodas' father was a villain gang leader. He captured Elizabeth who was an orphan. When he found out Elizabeth healing ability, he abuse it for his own gain. The gang turned more violent due to the feeling of safety knowing Elizabeth can heal them even if they got serious injury.

Meliodas was raised to inherit his father legacy. He was taught to kill. But he fell in love with Elizabeth at first sight. He killed his father and his subordinate so he and Elizabeth could escape. They meet Shouyou while on the run and Shouyou took them in.

Everyone made progress with their quirks. Law capable to swap place with anything in his 'Room'.

Chopper has human transformation quirk. His transformation was imperfect because his human form was more like a monster than human. Back when he live with Dr. Kureha he can transform into several form by the help of "Rumble Ball". Now he can transform without using Rumble Ball except one form where he turn into a gigantic monster.

Elizabeth now can grow wings on her back. She can use her quirk to use light particles to attack or defense.

Meliodas and Ban had the biggest growth. After the first fight they keep fighting whenever they had a chance. That's how they became best friends. Thanks to that they quirks improve the most.

Meliodas now use short sword as his main weapon. He can use Dark Matter to form into a sword but he prefer to have his own weapon instead of depending too much on his quirk. He can use his dark matter in his body to somehow return an attack that he received without getting hurt. He named it Full Counter. But this technique cannot return a melee attack like a punch or a kick.

Meanwhile Ban uses Sanjiegun as his main weapon (Three-section Staff). He can use anything flexible or weapon that has joint to extend the range of his Snatch. He can steal physical ability like strength and speed of others using his quirk and use it as his own. He can also steal life energy from nearby like other people, animal, or plants into his body to heal himself. People who gets their energy stolen by him will be exhausted but he used it accurately so that he won't kill people or animal.

As he learned more about his ability he used tries to do the opposite of his quirk. Instead of pulling force into him it will be pushing force from him to others. He called it "Gift". For example he can steal life energy and Gift it to someone else so he can heal others this way.

Their life was good until one fateful day.

"Ban, everyone, I have something to tell you." Shouyou suddenly call them over and about to make an announcement.

"I have a bad feeling about this." Ban's expression turned gloomy.

"I'll be leaving today. I won't come back." Shouyou said something that makes everyone shocked.

"I knew it was something bad." Ban shook his head.

"Sensei... why are you leaving us?" Elizabeth about to cry.

"Actually I'm a villain. I did something bad long time ago and now the government already trace me here. They already nearby and I think they will come to this place soon." Shouyou explains.

"Why did you took us in?" Ban asked.

"...I too like you all wished for a normal life. Back then I took everyone in on a whim. I even thought of leaving you all without telling. But I changed my mind after you came Ban." Shouyou looked right into Ban's eyes.

"Why are you blaming me?"

"I'm not blaming you. In fact I'm grateful to you. You changed everything here. Elizabeth who rarely smile able to laugh after you came. Even Meliodas who always pick a fight become your best friend. I started to enjoy this normal life after you came." Shouyou said with a smile.

"Even though I am reluctant to part, I have to because they will capture you if they know our relationship." Shouyou shows a sad smile.

"Sensei don't go!" Chopper hug him tightly.

"Ban, protect everyone, please take care of them for me, okay?" Shouyou shook Chopper off of him and leave. Within seconds his figure already can't be seen.