Chapter 8

At a restaurant in the middle of city.

"Hey why are we having a feast? We were just left behind by sensei!" Chopper said angrily.

"My mind is clearer if I have full stomach. All of you should eat as well. We have to figure out what to do." Ban said with foods in each hand.

"I agree with aniki. If you are not hungry you should get a dessert like a cake." Law agreed with Ban.

"Uuuuh... Excuse me I want a chocolate cake." Chopper ordered food to the waiter.

Half an hour later they finished their meals.

"Gosh, I never been this full since forever." Ban exclaimed.

"You shouldn't force yourself to eat everything on the menu you know?" Meliodas responded.

"What should we do now?" Elizabeth asked.

"I've got an idea, but before that we need a place to stay. We can't live the school again after all. I know an acquaintance. He might be able to help. Let's go there after I can move." Ban with his belly full didn't move at all since he finished food.

An hour later they reach a pro hero's agency.

"Your friend is a hero?" Law asked.

"Yeah let's enter. Excuse me is Musica here?" Ban entered without knocking the door.

"Don't you know how to knock?" A man with piercing on his eyebrow and wearing a silver skull necklace shouted.

Chopper hide behind Ban and Elizabeth hide behind Meliodas because the man seems scary to them like a thug.

"It's you. What do you want?" The man asked Ban.

"Musica, we don't have a home anymore. Please let us stay here." Ban asked for a favor.

"What? Tell me everything first." Musica said.

"Okay... What?" Just as Ban about to enter he felt Meliodas hold his arm to stop.

"Can we trust him?" Meliodas asked.

"That's up to you. Even if you can't trust him please have faith in me." Ban answered seriously.

"Fine... I trust you." Meliodas let go of his arm.

Everyone then enter the building and Ban proceeds to explain everything including Shouyou's identity as villain.

"Hmm... I see. It's impossible for you guys to return there. I'll allow you to stay here for now." Musica said casually.

"What? This easy? After everything you heard?" Law confused with Musica decision.

"I don't understand much about complex situation. What I know was you need a place to stay, right? This building is empty anyway. It was a branch office of my agency but I found a better place and moved there." Musica explains.

"When will you leave?" Ban asked.

"In one week."

"That's enough to think of what we should do." Ban said confidently.

"Do you already have ideas?" Meliodas asked Ban expectantly.

"Just rough idea." Ban answered.

"Well I'm gonna rest now. You guys can pick any empty rooms you want." Musica went to his room and closed the door.

"Are you sure we can trust this guy" Law questioning Ban.

"It's fine he's a great guy." Ban started telling them what he knows about Musica.

Musica is different than other heroes. Although when villains came he will fight them but other than fighting villains there are huge differences between him and other heroes. Instead of having sidekicks, he prefer to have an equal partner. Although on paper he has several sidekicks, they were all actually his partner.

He also befriend thugs and homeless people. Whenever something happens, if the thugs or homeless people realize it was a villain's fault, they would inform Musica. Musica gave them proper reward depend on the weight of the information. Thanks to that Musica has the biggest network among all other heroes. Often times he would prevent crime before it happens. Thanks to that normal people doesn't recognize his capability as hero and Musica has low reputation because he always hang around thugs. But he doesn't care at all about his own reputation. His networking area has already spread to most big city in Japan. Even the place Ban and his friends using now is just a branch office.

Hearing Musica's accomplishment shocked the four of them.

"Law, not all heroes are bad and just following orders. Musica always checked first whether the one he has to fight are really a villain or not. That's was why he almost never join a huge mission from the government. If he still doubt even a little he won't comply to fight the so-called villain." Ban reminded Law that there are heroes he can trust.

"Yeah I'll trust Musica." Law said.

"Musica is awesome! He's a great hero!" Chopper shouted with sparkly eyes.

"Ban, you said that you already have idea on what to do, what should we do?" Elizabeth asked.

"Nothing. I want you all to stay here tomorrow to think whether you will join me or not. Shouyou asked me to protect you but what I want to do is just my own selfishness. I'll tell you my plan after I finished my investigation." Ban spoke in a serious tone.

"What do you mean by that? Are you going to leave us too?" Chopper looked like he's about to cry.

"Chopper, among all of us only you still have a place to be called home. I want you to think whether you want to join me in my selfishness or you want to go back to Dr. Kureha." Ban stood up. "I'll go to sleep now. You all need rest as well." Ban went to his room and sleep right away.