Chapter 16

The day has come for the recommendation entrance exam. Ban and Chopper left their home together. The day before Meliodas and Elizabeth already left for exam at Shiketsu high school. The two of them stay at Shiketsu student dorm temporarily. They will live there for three years if they got accepted into Shiketsu.

Ban and Chopper keep living at their apartment. Their place is near school and they can just ride the train to go there.

When they enter the exam place they were greeted by Nejire who seems to be waiting for Ban.

"Why are you here, Nejire-chan?" Ban asked Nejire who stood still at the entrance.

"I'm waiting for you. The teacher agreed to let me observe the exam."

"Ban, you know her?" Chopper asked Ban.

"What is this raccoon dog? So cute." Nejire proceed to hug Chopper.

"I'm not raccoon! I'm a reindeer!"

"Well Chopper, she is Hado Nejire who will be our senpai if we got accepted here. Nejire-chan, he is Tony Tony Chopper my friend and he is a reindeer but most of the time he will look like either a raccoon or a gorilla." Ban introduce them to each other.

"Reindeer? Then he is like our principal, an animal who got their own quirk."

"The time for the written exam is coming. I'll talk to you later." Ban picked up Chopper from Nejire who reluctant to let him go.

"Best of luck you two. "Nejire waves her hand toward the two.

The two enter the room designated for taking exam. The length of time for taking exam is two hours long. Ban finished his exam in less than 15 minutes and spend the time left by sleeping. On the other hand Chopper had difficulty in most of the questions except biology. He barely finished his test when the time end.

"Aaaah! Finally it's over!" As soon as the paper was taken by the examiner, Chopper shout out on his desk.

"Not yet. There's still practical exam later. We're given one hour to change and rest. Let's go to the locker room first to change so we can rest before the exam."

"You still want to rest after sleeping that long!"

"We have nothing to do after all. What? You want to explore the campus? I don't think there's any sweet shop in the campus. Even the cafeteria is closed for today."

"Okay then let's quick change our clothes and rest until the exam started." Chopper agreed to Ban and they left to the locker room together.

There is a girl who keep watching them since the exam. She has green eyes with long lower eyelashes and her hair is green and wavy reaching just below her shoulder.

She looked at Chopper at first due to curiosity but in the exam she's checking Ban because he fell asleep after just fifteen minutes into the exam. At first she thought that Ban had given up but when the examiner collected the paper she saw his paper are full of answer. Ban might had the biggest chance in entering U.A. she thought. She decides to befriend him after the written exam but Ban and Chopper left to the locker room right away so she decided to change first and meet him before the practical exam.

It took a short while for Ban and Chopper to change. They wear their middle school P.E. uniform. It still took a while until the next exam started so they looking for a place to rest. They lay on the grass under a tree and about to close their eyes until suddenly someone called them over.

"Hey you two!" A girl with wavy hair wave her hand at Ban and Chopper.

The two who was about to rest look over to the one who called them.

"Hey let's have a chat until the next exam." The girl wanted to have a chat with them.

"Okay! It's better than just sleeping after all." Chopper answered.

"How's your written exam?"

"Bad. Now chatting is over. At least change the topic." Chopper pout after remembering his exam.

"As long as you reach the passing grade even if it just barely, I think you will be fine if you did the practical exam later well." Ban cheering up Chopper who feels down.

"What about you? I saw you were sleeping soon after the exam began." This time the girl asked Ban.

"I think I'm doing well. I can reach the passing grade easily. Just like you, right?" This time Ban asked back the girl.

"What do you mean?" The girl looked like she was caught after doing some mischief.

"That's one pretty good quirk. You take off one of your eye and float it above my paper, right? If you put the same answers as mine, there's no doubt you will pass the written exam." Ban looked at the girl with a smile.

"How did you know?" The girl seems confused.

"I can sense many things in my surrounding if I just concentrate a bit. I can even sense the examiner who is watching us from the second floor of that building." Ban pointed at the building about 30 meters away from where they're chatting.

"Is that your quirk?"

"No. It's something you can learn as well. But it may takes a long time. Anyway I'm Ban. And this guy is Chopper. Nice to meet you."

"I'm Chopper. A reindeer. Not a raccoon." Chopper shows off his horn.

"I'm Tokage Setsuna. Let's do our best for the next exam."