Chapter 17

"The practical will start soon. All examinee please come to the designated place."

The announcement tells everyone that the second exam is about to begin. All examinees went to the designated place after changing their clothes.

"Let's go together." Setsuna asked Ban and Chopper to go together.

They are the last one to arrive. Other students are all already there along with someone with long blond hair which spiked upwards. He is a hero Present Mic and also the examiner for the second exam.

Present Mic announce the next exam with a loud voice.

"The written exam is over! Next up is the practical part! Last is the interview!

You'll be in groups of six for the practical! Could the number we just called please proceed to the test site."

Ban and Chopper are put in the same group while Setsuna is in another group.

"Good luck Tokage." Ban encourages Setsuna.

"You two as well. Good luck." Setsuna left them and went to her own group.

Present Mic continue to explain the exam.

"Your test is a three kilometer race. But this isn't a race that can be finished just by running! Make use of your quirks to reach the goal!" Present Mic shows the stage to the examinees. The stages has multiple obstacle from start to finish.

"Oh it's just a race. Seems easy to me." Ban proudly says so.

Ban has practiced a lot. Most of them are just fighting against Meliodas. But because their battle getting more and more intense, both Ban and Meliodas' physical ability gets improved even more. The two of them has physical ability way more than average peoples. Ban has an extreme speed while Meliodas has supreme power. Although that was obvious when they fight, but Ban's power and Meliodas' speed has reached the level beyond average human. Ban's speed had reached that of people with the quirk to increase speed and Meliodas' power also reached the strength of people with quirk to increase strength. It's thanks to their intense fights. Sometimes they fight until they break each other's limbs and even cut them. But thanks to Elizabeth, Law, and Chopper's quirks and medical ability, they had their body fixed and even getting stronger.

"Aaah! With you in my group it's impossible to win." Chopper sound desperate after hearing the test was a race.

"Don't worry. They just want to see your ability. Even if you don't win the race you may still get accepted. But I think you'll be fine. You'll be placed second in the race. Of course the first is me."

Just then the first group race was over. The first ranked was a man with wind quirk who won by a hair difference with someone who used ice quirk. The second group was the Setsuna's group.

Setsuna finished the race smoothly. She ran pretty fast and dodge any obstacle by splitting his body part and make it float. There's nothing in the arena that can stop her.

There's also an amazing girl with ponytail who had a quirk to create anything in the same group as Setsuna. Although her quirk was great it took time for her to create anything. Setsuna and the girl with ponytail was the most outstanding ones in the group.

Then come Ban and Chopper's group's turn. They went to the starting line. They saw Nejire in the distance who waved at Ban. Ban waved back ignoring the male students who seems jealous of him.

"Alright! Everyone is ready? Then Get set! GO!" Present Mic gave the starting signal.

As soon as the race began Ban sprinted and left the others far behind already. He dodged every single obstacle easily and keep running to the finishing line in less than 5 minutes. It was because he still took it easy and he doesn't even break a sweat.

Present Mic surprised seeing Ban's speed. He checked Ban's information to see his quirk. After reading Ban's information he realize Ban's quirk is Snatch and get even more surprised because it means that Ban hadn't even used his quirk yet but already breaking the record for the practical exam.

Meanwhile Chopper finished second. He only used two of his transformation in the race. He mainly used Walk Point to run. In this form he looks no difference than any other reindeer except for being much faster due to his regular practice. When he face some obstacle unless he can dodge with his walk point, he would use his Jump Point. It is a form where he keeps his reindeer legs in a human-like form. Its jumping capabilities are so high made everyone who watch him think that he flew. He finished second after Ban and left the others far behind.

"Chopper good job for being second place. If they put you in other group surely you will be the first place." Ban praise Chopper for being the second place.

"You're just too fast! You shouldn't even be considered a human anymore with that speed!" Chopper replied.

"Hey Ban, that was amazing! I never thought that a human being can go that fast. And you didn't even use your quirk yet. That was amazing!" Nejire ran toward the two of them and praise Ban.

"That was too easy." Ban proudly said.

"Chopper too. That transformation was so cool. You became so tall and jumped so high. So cool!" This time Nejire praise Chopper.

"Don't praise me you idiot!" Although Chopper says that he actually started dancing with a huge smile on his face.

"Is this how he shows happiness? He is so cute." Nejire asked Ban.

"Only in this form. If he dance in other forms he might scares off anyone who sees."

Their talks was interrupted by the announcement from the staff.

"The practical exam is over. All examinees please come to the class for the interview."

"I guess our talks is over. See you when the school starts." Ban waved his hand to Nejire and leave along with Chopper.