Chapter 39

Chopper defeating the small fries one-by-one. Meanwhile Aizawa run toward the leader who wears a hand-like accessories holding parts of his body including his face, Shigaraki. Shigaraki also charge toward Aizawa.

"So you're the boss?" Aizawa throws his binding weapon at Shigaraki trying to bind him but Shigaraki caught it.

Aizawa pays no mind to it and continue charging to elbow Shigaraki's stomach.

"It's hard to tell when you're scampering around, but… there are moments when your hair falls in front of your eyes." Shigaraki touched Aizawa's elbow and disintegrate it. "Don't overdo it now Eraser Head."

"Tch!" Aizawa punched Shigaraki with his other hand and retreated.

"By the way, Hero… I'm not the boss here." Suddenly Nomu appears from behind Aizawa and caught him. Nomu then dropped Aizawa on the ground and hold him down.

"Meet the Anti-Symbol of Peace. The Bio-engineered Nomu." Shigaraki proudly introduces Nomu. Midoriya, Mineta, and Tsuyu who somehow able to get away and watched when Aizawa was overwhelmed by Nomu from the pond, freeze in shock. They were originally wanted to help Aizawa to lessen his pressure but ended up despaired and frozen in place in the pond after seeing Aizawa easily defeated by Nomu.

The time turns back to the time before Nomu attacked Aizawa. Thirteen finally able to convince Iida to leave and with the help of his friends Iida able to leave USJ to report to the teachers. But when he opened the door, no one realize that someone gets inside.

Ban has finally arrived. Just as he was about to destroy the door, somehow it was opened and Iida come out. Without even noticing Ban, Iida just run as fast as he can. Ban used the small opening of the door to sneak in by jumping over Iida's head.

Ban arrived in time to see Nomu breaks Aizawa's arm. Ban run as fast as he could toward Aizawa and when Nomu raises Aizawa's head in order to bash his head to the ground, Aizawa disappeared from his hold.

"Whoa… Just in time I guess." Ban said while holding Aizawa.


"Rest for a while. I've called for reinforcements before coming here. Somehow I ended up coming here first so they will come in a while. Until that time I'll play with these guys."

Ban's appearance is strange. His pants is wet and he didn't wear anything on his upper body. His hair is also messy as if he was just swimming in the sea and dried over time.

"Well for now… You three need to get away from here. Get to the entrance and check everyone else. I'll get everyone there." Ban used his fastest speed to grab Midoriya, Mineta, and Tsuyu from the pond and carried them near the stairs..

"Who the hell are you?" Shigaraki who just realized that there is a newcomer coming is pissed.

"Me? I'm a passerby." Ban let Midoriya carry Aizawa and have them run to the entrance. Aizawa is still conscious. But because of his injuries and fatigue he just let Ban take over.

"Ban! You're late! You should have come earlier! In fact you shouldn't skip classes! You just got fired from your position as the class president, you know?" Chopper who is still fighting the villains shouted as loudly as he can.

"Chopper… I was thinking to hide my identity from them so I can have advantage, you know? Sometimes your purity and innocence pissing me off."

"Enough with the chat! You will die here!" Shigaraki who is extremely pissed aimed his anger at Ban.

"Wait! The main event has come. Your guest is arriving." Ban looked at the entrance and see it smashed from outside. Shigaraki also turn his head and see All Might coming in.

All Might finally makes appearance. "When I was at the main building we got a call from Kaito that villains is attacking USJ. On the way I saw Iida and hear everything from him. Fear not. I am here!

Kaito! You're already here? I thought you were on the way." All Might surprised to see Ban in the Central Plaza.

"After I called the school I ran as fast as I could. Seems like I'm faster than All Might." Ban proudly showing off his quick speed. "Anyway I'll take care of the other villains."

Ban took out Courechouse from its sheath and jumped very high.

"Kaito! What are you doing!?" All Might tried to stop him.

"Let him be! He's trying to defeat all villains in an instant!" Chopper who knows Ban the best retreated to the entrance while helping carrying Aizawa.

"Haha! Defeating us? In your dreams!" A villain nearby shouted while charging at the students.

During this time Bakugo, Kirishima, and Todoroki has already defeated most villains in their own areas and were about to join the battle when they heard Chopper. Although Ban's movement is too fast they still see what happened to the villains around them.

Kurogiri who also heard Chopper's shout without hesitation warped himself to Shigaraki trying to protect him.

"UOOOH!" Ban shouted while keep swinging his weapon very fast without stopping. "ASSAULT HUNT!"

Most of the villains suddenly knocked back like something hard just hit them and fainted.

In Central Plaza, the villains suddenly knocked by something and fainted. They don't know what happened and suddenly they lose their consciousness.

In Flood Zone where Tsuyu and the others were transported, the villains who were stuck thanks to Mineta's quirk were hit strong enough to make Mineta's quirk which was supposed to stick for the whole day to come off of their bodies.

In Downpour Zone where Tokoyami and Koda were transported, Ban's attack make the rain stopped for a moment. Tokoyami and Koda got blown and fall on their rear.

In Conflagration Zone where Ojiro was transported, Ban's attack even stopped the flame.

In Landslide Zone where Todoroki and Toru were transported, Ban's attack even broke the ice that was restraining the villains.

In Ruins Zone where Kirishima and Bakugo were transported, although most of the villains are already fainted thanks to Bakugo, there were still some other who tried to get back up. But because of Ban instead of get back up, they got knocked out.

In Mountain Zone where Kaminari, Jiro, and Yaoyorozu were transported, while they were surrendering because Kaminari was taken hostage, all the villains suddenly knocked out as well.

The ones who got hit were all fainted and the one who didn't get hit were blown by the wind pressure from Ban's attack and fell on the ground.

Everyone other than Chopper who already know Ban's true strength dropped their jaw due to the shock. They know that Ban is very strong but didn't expect to be this strong.

Meanwhile there are still three villains left who are still standing. Nomu who has Shock Absorption quirk along with super regeneration, and Shigaraki who was protected by Kurogiri who surround themselves with warp gate and try to warp Ban's attack to another place. But when Ban saw Kurogiri's intention, he didn't try to attack them because he was afraid his attack would be transported to his friends.

"Only three villains left. Should be over soon."