Chapter 40

"Only three enemies left. I'll go check the others. All Might, I'll leave the rest to you." Ban disappear as soon as he said that.

"Shigaraki! That boy seems to be more dangerous than All Might. Let's leave immediately."

"No. We'll leave after we kill All Might. That boy said that he will check the others. We still have time to kill him."

Shigaraki refuses Kurogiri's plan to retreat and insisted to kill All Might.

Before All Might fights the villains, Ban has already at the entrance just as Chopper carried Aizawa there.

"Is everyone here alright?"

"Baaan! You're late!" Ashido who was crying suddenly come over and hugged him.

"Sorry. I was swimming."

While still letting her hug him, Ban moved toward Thirteen.

"Thirteen you're okay?" As soon as Ban reached the entrance, he already used his quirk to heal Aizawa and Thirteen. He also give a little life energy to the other as well in case they suffer injuries.

"I'm fine now, thank you."

"Why are you here? I thought you had stomachache? And what's that about? Swimming?"

Ashido let go of him and asked why he came.

"Stomachache? Aaah yeah… sorry I'm late. I went poop."

"Don't lie! You said you were swimming! And also you smell like the sea."

Chopper who has sharp nose deny Ban's word.

"I went poop at the sea."

"Damn you liar! You will tell us everything later!"

Ban looked around and see the others at the entrance are safe.

"Sero, use my phone to record All Might's fight. We'll give the recording to the cops later. The teacher should be arriving any minute now. I'll go check the other first." Ban throws his phone at Sero who caught it. Ban disappear right after and move to the Downpour Zone first.

"Tokoyami! Koda! Are you okay?"

"Thanks to you."

Tokoyami answered simply while Koda keeps nodding.

"Can you go back to the entrance yourself? The teachers are arriving soon."

"Roger that."

Tokoyami leave with Koda. Ban then moved toward the Conflagration Zone and saw Ojiro.

"Ojiro! If you're fine then go to the entrance. Don't go through the Central Plaza. Try circling the building."



Just as Ojiro was about to leave, Ban asked him to stop.

"Aoyama! You too go with Ojiro."

"What? Aoyama you were here?"

Aoyama come out of his hiding place.

"Why didn't you help me?" Ojiro angry because Aoyama didn't try to help him.

"It's fine. Aoyama, you did well. If you try to attack them and then your stomach acting up again then you might not survive until I came here. You've made a good decision." Ban praises Aoyama for hiding.

"Oh… Ban's right. If you ended up having your stomach acting up and taken as hostage then we'll lose. Sorry for being angry."

"It's fine! You too, have fight well." Aoyama who was feeling down cheered up after hearing Ban's praise.

"Alright then, move. I'll go to the others."

Next is Mountain Zone. Ban saw Kaminari being an idiot while Yaoyorozu and Jiro watching them.

"What's wrong with him?"

"His brain seems to be short circuited after using a powerful move."

"Ban, you're very strong! You can finish all the villains all the way here."

Jiro complimenting Ban's strength.

"Hmm… seems like the teachers already arrived. All Might also just finished blowing away Nomu. It's over now. But it seems the other two villains will escape."

"Sigh… finally it's over." Jiro sighed in relief when she knows it's all over.

"Want me to carry you or you want to walk yourself out of here? There's only Hagakure left to check."

"We'll walk by ourselves. Give this to Toru." Yaoyorozu used her quirk to make a clothes.

"Aaah… right. Her costume. Then I'll go to her now." Ban disappear after taking the clothes from Yaoyorozu.

"He's so fast!" Jiro exclaimed.

"Seems like all this time he's still holding back his true strength." Yaoyorozu commented Ban's power.

"Yaaaaayy." Kaminari still being an idiot.

On Landslide Zone Ban saw Toru.

"Hagakure! Any injuries?" Ban gives her clothes from Yaoyorozu.

"I'm fine. All Might is so strong. He just blow the enemy through the roof!"

"Yeah. Can you walk by yourself or want me to carry you back to the entrance. The others are all safe."

"I want a princess carry!" Toru opened her arms and ask to be carried after she wears clothes.

"It won't be a long journey, spoiled princess." Ban carried her in princess carry and moved quickly to the entrance.

Ban appears in front of Nezu who was sitting on Vlad's shoulder and putting Toru down. When Ban appeared suddenly, all the teacher thought they were being ambushed. Turned out it was just Ban.

"Principal Nezu, everyone is safe. I'll go and check that thing now making sure that warp guy won't retrieve him. See you later." After Ban pointed at the hole where the Nomu was being blown away, Ban disappear again.

Ban followed the direction where the Nomu was blown away. After about 400 meters from USJ, Ban found him not moving and being unresponsive.

"Seems like it's true. You can only follow order. How dare someone experimenting on humans!" After trying to punch Nomu and talking to him, Ban felt anger knowing someone has been experimenting on human body as he found out during the time he disappear from school since yesterday.

"I'll carry back to USJ. Looks like the cops already arrived." Ban carried the Nomu over his shoulder and run back to USJ.

"Don't move!" When they see Ban carrying Nomu, the police aim their guns toward Ban.

"It's fine officers. He's one of the student here." Nezu stopped the police.

"Here, this guy was unharmed even after taken a hit from All Might." Ban dropped Nomu for everyone to see. The students are already out of the building and no one had injuries. Both Aizawa and Thirteen also already healed mostly thanks to Ban.

"This… looks like they used several bodies and combine all of them into one." Chopper come from the group of students.

"That thing is not dead? Why are you taking it back here? What if he tried to attack us again?" Mineta who is extremely frightened, complained why Ban let Nomu free.

"This one cannot move unless there are direct order. They have been programmed to only follow someone's order. Looks like this guy is programmed to follow Shigaraki's order."

"You must be Kaito Ban. I'm Detective Tsukauchi. You're the one who contacted the police from Captain Selkie's ship right? We have some questions for you." Detective Tsukauchi introduce himself.

"It's okay. I'll tell everything I know now." Ban sat down in the ground and prepares to tell everyone there what he did since yesterday.

"I'll tell you how I 'went poop' yesterday."