Chapter 44

"It's interesting to see classmates getting along. I see that most of those living here are students from U.A." Nezu started the conversation.

"Other than Law who is still in middle school and the other two who studied elsewhere, all of us are U.A. students."

"Since you let him stays here, he must be the reason why you want to discuss something with us."

"It's just with All Might. But if you want to know you can listen as well since it's something that could happen to all heroes. But let's talk about your reason to come here first."

"It looks like your discussion is more important than ours so we will keep it simple." Nezu who notices Ban's seriousness decided to talk first.

"Kaito, how far can your sense reach?"

"Normally about 50 meters. If I focused I can sense until about 500 meters. Also Courechouse has an attribute that can make me improve my concentration called Super Concentration. If I wield it I can sense farther about 5 kilometers around me."

"So it really is true… The school and the police force has agreed to let you carry your weapon anywhere you go as long as it stay sheathed. It could help us from villain attack."

"Since we keep it simple I will only tell you to not be reckless again."

"Okay. I'll keep it in moderation."

Nezu gave him the message from the police force and Aizawa has something to add as well. Ban promised to keep it in moderation.

"That's all we need to say. All Might said he came here to ask you something but it seems like you're about to talk about it. If you don't mind we'd like to listen." Nezu asked Ban if he and Aizawa are allowed to listen.

"All Might. Do you remember your mission few years ago? In Flevance?"

"I remember. It was back before my strength reduced. The villains were preparing to attack Japan using a disease. Amber Lead Syndrome if I'm not wrong. Those were some nasty bastards. The villains killed the whole citizen of Flevance so the government had to ask me and some other heroes to help. They are dangerous villains and the government had no choice but to give order to kill everyone on sight. Not my favorite kind of mission, but I'm just glad ever since then Amber Lead Syndrome never comes out again."

Law stood up suddenly and throw a punch at All Might. All Might got hit real hard and he took some damage because he was not ready and not in his muscle form.

"What are you doing!?" Aizawa angry and prepare to fight.

"I'll tell you the truth that government hides from everyone. There were no villains nor terrorist attack in Flevance. Amber Lead Syndrome is a poison accumulated from mining Amber Lead. The ones who ordered the mining of Amber Lead is the government. They know mining it was poisonous but they don't care. When the syndrome manifested, the government abandoned the city and isolate it. When the citizens fight back they made it an excuse to destroy the whole city. They gave order to kill everyone in the city including even children. After killing all the children, women, and the elderly, they gave order to heroes to kill the rest of the resistance member so the destruction of the city could be justified. Yes, who you killed during that time are villains just because the government say so. But the real truth is that you killed innocent people." Ban explained in a serious tone.

"You mean…" All Might expression turned into despair. Aizawa and Nezu also speechless.

"I was there. I saw everything. I saw you chasing my friend's father and killed him while destroying the hospital in front of you. She was there. My sister was there! I hide her in a wardrobe in my father's hospital and you killed her with a fucking smile on your face!" Law shouted with tears on his face.

"I…I don't…"

"The ones at fault is the government, I know. But what I see is All Might killing my sister with a smile. That's the truth."

"All Might." Ban interrupted. "What is a hero to you?" Ban approached Law and choke his neck.

"Ugh… Aniki. Stop."

"Law has just admitting he is a villain. As per government's order to kill the villains in Flevance depend on your answer I just need to exert my strength to snap his neck. Surviving is his crime."

"Kaito! Release him!" Aizawa panicked.

"You know… if I release him you all will be accomplices. The order was to kill him."

"Please release him." All Might begged Ban.

"Cough…ugh…" Law coughed after Ban released him.

"Sorry. Although it's the truth that Law was a villain, I already made a deal to erase his crime. He's just a middle schooler with a Provisional Hero License now. I just wanted to see how you react." Ban looked at All Might. "I just want you… I want you all to know that it can happen to any heroes. An order from the government to kill innocents but they will lie to you saying they are villains."

"That's… As the institute that raises heroes those are the worst outcome to happen to any of the students aspiring to be hero." Nezu said.

"All Might. You should have known that if you lied to the whole world the world can also lied to you. You should have known the consequences for lying. Being the number 1 but killed innocent lives. Now if you tell the truth to the world, it will be chaos. No one will be able to believe in heroes anymore. You can only keep it a secret for the rest of your live. In fact the government might ask you to do the same thing again as the Symbol of Peace. That title is useful for justifying their actions."

"I…didn't became the Symbol of Peace for that. I became one so I can prevent that. So why am I being used as a puppet?"

"I didn't said all is bad. The number of villains reduced thanks to you. It's the truth as well. It's good to have Symbol of Peace, but you did it poorly. Look at me. I'm a hero but also a doctor. Me, Chopper, Law, and Elizabeth. We worked hard to be a doctor who can even cure several incurable diseases. Now those in high position wouldn't dare to oppose us for fear having such diseases and only us can cure them. We now have the power to say 'no' to orders from government. Even if we refused, they were too scared to force us knowing that we might be the only one who can save their lives."