Chapter 45

"Why did you choose to be a hero? You can just became a doctor." Aizawa asked Ban.

"I have a goal to reach. Became a hero is just a stepping stone for it. My story may take a while so please have a drink first. Law you can take a rest in your room." Ban asked Law to rest but he refused.

"No need. You will talk about your goal right? Your goal is also my goal, and the other's as well. I will listen here."

Ban waited for All Might and the others to finish their drink and prepares a new ones. The conversation before was too intense and they were not prepared. After a while Ban started to talk.

"Until last year we've never went to school. We were just five kids who were picked up by someone. We didn't have any IDs and have no one to support us except for him. He is our teacher and actually a villain. He refused to kill children in Flevance so the government branded him as the traitor of the country. Thanks to that it's impossible to prove him innocent. After knowing he was being chased, he had no choice but to leave us."

"So you were like orphans and he is your benefactor. But he left you." Nezu asked.

"I was born in Unnamed District. I wasn't an orphan when he found me but I have no interest to find whether my parent are still alive or not. They tried to sell me for money."

"Unnamed District… That place has no law and order right? Before there are quirks in this world, that place is already one lawless area and it was difficult to put it under control because all the people there are either madman or has nowhere to go to. After quirk started manifesting, the government tried to put that place under control again. They succeeded but in less than a year, it became lawless again because many residence of that place also manifested strong quirk." Nezu explained what that place is to the other two.

"You're right. After that the government gave up and start treating that place like a different country. They put border guard there. After a long time, the guards started to loosen up and the government doesn't know that peoples coming in and out of that place. Enough about that place. I'll continue where I left off. In that place I met Law who escaped from the government and took him as my brother. Then we met our teacher who picked us up. We met Chopper and the other two after that.

When he left us, he asked me to take care of them. To prove him we can live a proper life I made a plan to first have our IDs made. We raid the villa of Minister of Security, Sengoku. I told him our quirks are useful to become a doctor and made a proposal to be a medical heroes."

"So that's why you can get Medical License and Provisional Hero License early. You also had Sengoku to be your legal guardian so you have protection from other high-ranking officials." Nezu summarized what he heard. "But you still didn't tell us why you want to be a hero. You can just become a doctor."

"You're right. The ones who truly want to be doctors are just Law and Chopper. Law is the son of a surgeon and Chopper was raised by a doctor our teacher took him in. Elizabeth loves to help people so she and I asked Law and Chopper about medical knowledge so we can become doctors. I was thinking to be a doctor that can cure difficult disease so I can have the power to refuse orders from the government. I want to be a hero so I can apprehend our teacher myself. If I do that then he can rest easy knowing that we cut off our relationship as teacher and disciples, and become one of heroes and villain. If I'm the one to arrest him then I can have a reason to visit him in the prison. If I become a police officer, then I will be restricted and have less freedom, so I choose a hero over police."

"So you want to be a hero to capture your teacher?" Nezu asked.

"And tell him that we are fine. It was supposed to be just me who become a hero, but the others decided to follow me. I have to be strong to be able to protect them who trusted me so much that they would even wanted become a pro hero along with me. I made a promise with our teacher after all. That's why I choose to be a hero. Now even if I have reached my goal I can just retire from hero works and become a doctor. I have thought about it carefully."

"You don't want to prove your teacher's innocence?" Nezu asked.

"Do you think it's possible? They even used the Symbol of Peace to justify their act, how could they admit that they just destroy a city full of innocent peoples?"

"Right… it's impossible. Do you think that he's still free out there and no one has caught him?"

"What do you think?" Ban asked Law instead.

"Back then even the five of us together we still can't defeat him. Although we were stronger now I can't imagine him defeated by us."

"What's his name? Do you think All Might can't beat him?"

"His name is Yoshida Shouyo. As for All Might… even I can beat him so I don't think that he can beat Shouyo."

"That's a bold statement even from you." Aizawa said.

"Using my quirk I can steal other people's strength, like power and speed to use it as my own. If I used it on All Might I'll be stronger than him."

The teachers are surprised to hear that. They didn't expect Ban's quirk to be able to do many things.

"Even if I didn't use that I can still defeat him. All Might's weakness is that he never fought enemies far stronger than he is. His fighting style is to overpower the enemies so he lack fighting techniques. That must be why he got injured like that." Ban pointed at All Might's body. "Even when he fought those with similar strength or stronger, he didn't try to change his style but instead keeps throwing punches just like he did yesterday against Nomu. It's easy to predict how he will moves."

All Might can't make any comeback hearing that.

"Now that you're injured you must be getting weaker and weaker. Maybe that's why someone tried to attack you yesterday. Someone who knows that you're getting weaker."

"Kaito. You say that you can heal many diseases other doctors can't. Can you heal him?" Nezu asked Ban with hope.

"Even if I could I'll leave the decision to Law whether he would heal him or not." Ban and everyone turned their head to Law.

"I won't heal him. I still haven't forgive him."

"You heard the doctor."

"Fine then. If we're done here then we'll take our leave." Nezu, Aizawa, and All Might leave. All Might turned to his muscle form before he leaves the room.