
I'm Kat and this is my tale.

When I usually wake up I'm usually in this really dry and hard place so it's was a total surprise when I woke up in cool wet air. Looking up I see Mist but she seems different but I'm too tired to think about that now so I drift off back to sleep.

When I wake up again. I feel like I'm in a heavy fog I call out then stop when I hear voices but they had stopped when I had called out so I adjust myself and pretend to be asleep the voices continued. "Sabule what are you doing with that cat!" I hear so that's the name of the person carrying me he doesn't smell like a person though he smells of sulfur and ash. "Last night a person appeared in the garden and handed her to me" the thing called Sabule answered simply. 'So that's how I got here', I thought to myself, 'but whose this person the last person I saw was mist and she's no person' I was thinking when the voice shouted "Then why bring it in here you know I'm allergic to cats!" 'What! This is bad that person must have brought me here for a reason it would be bad if my covers blown' I thought "young master have you felt sick since I brought this cat to your room? Questioned the thing called Sabule "no" said the voice I now know as young master "then this is a very special cat" said the thing called Sabule "if it so special then why don't I see anything special about it?" questioned the young master. "Maybe it's waiting for the right moment," said Sabule turning to leave. Cracking my eye open to see the people who would take care of me until the day I know what I'm supposed to do. But the only thing I see were a pair of red demonic cat like eyes and my last thought before I fell back to sleep was the thing called Sabule was a demon too.