
When everything calmed down, Ji Haishan walked towards the couch. He took a seat calmly but his waist still hurt. He crossed his arms as he sat there like a king (or queen).

Bai Yulin looked at how he navigated her body as he pleased. She suddenly had an urge to demand compensation.

*Congratulations both parties for meeting each other! Now let's start with the briefing of terms and conditions!*

"Shut up, whoever you are." Ji Haishan said in a menacingly cold voice.

"Show yourself first." he demanded. He really wanted to meet this bastard who was talking inside his head. He couldn't believe that there was some entity inside his mind.

*As per party A's demand, it will be fulfilled! But on one condition, party A and B must be at least two feet away from -----*

That filtering again. Ji Haishan frowned as he nodded slightly. He was still dissatisfied. He couldn't go and strangle this damn thing once it came out.

Then, a strange light flickered in the room as paper particles scattered around. Bai Yulin was still in a state of confusion but the miraculous thing that was happening before her managed to spike her little interest. She looked up at the particles in awe.

Then, a good three inches paper doll emerged. It was just flat- like... a single paper made in the form of stickman. It looked so cheap for some reason.

Ji Haishan and Bai Yulin's jaws almost touched the floor at the sight. Bai Yulin looked at him and the paper doll back and forth. She was also stunned. The first one to recover was Ji Haishan. He stood up and went towards the paper doll floating around. But when he was in the vicinity of two feet, he suddenly felt chills all over his body, like a thunder would be falling upon him anytime soon.

*Warning! Warning! Party A almost breach the condition! Please step back and maintain the distance of two feet away from -----*

Ji Haishan clenched his teeth. He so wanted to shred the paper doll until there were no pieces left. He stepped back and sat down again. Silence ensued for quite some time before he spoke again.

"Now, this is actually your doing, right? The reason why we exchanged bodies." Ji Haishan started. He was so calm, surprisingly enough.

*Exactly! Ji Haishan and Bai Yulin are both selected to be the beta testers of Game of Fate.*

*Game of Fate is a recently new game made in the land of Eden because the gods and goddesses there are bored!*

"What the hell? Just because of that?!" Bai Yulin started to feel dizzy due to shock that she even cursed out loud.

*In order for Ji Haishan and Bai Yulin to clear this game, each of you are divided to two sides: party A and party B. In which Ji Haishan and Bai Yulin are party A and party B respectively.*

*There are some conditions in order to clear the game and win at the end. To clear and to win are not the same- so bear this in mind!*

Ji Haishan's eyes turned to slit. He was analyzing the situation but his head hurt from too much of ridiculous fantasy's doll ramblings. So this was all a game? A game for bored gods and goddesses?

*There are several conditions to doing the task. When the task is done, one part of the game is cleared. So before going to the task, let's look at the conditions:

1. Don't ever reveal to others about the game and anything associated with it.

2. Don't reveal your true identities.

3. Tasks must be done with ease and complaints won't be tolerated.

4. Other specific conditions for certain tasks are to be followed.

5. Don't breach the contract made as the beta testers by the end of this briefing.*

"F*ck." Ji Haishan didn't even surprise himself anymore when he cursed for the first time. Many people knew he didn't curse. Because to him, it lowered his dignity by a lot.

But this- this strange paper creature... and the things that unfolded upon him was a total blow to his entire 26 years of life. This was almost unbelievable for him to get through. He was so out of character and he fell speechless by a lot just within 24 hours.

And things weren't better in Bai Yulin's side too. Perhaps she got it worse. She didn't know why the hell was she chosen as this stupid game's beta tester. She wasn't a game developer nor was she a gamer! And she was aware that Ji Haishan wasn't one too. He was just a fricking businessman.

*Now that all conditions are clear, let's get through the contract!*

A scroll popped up out of nowhere as it floated in the air. Then the same scroll revealed its content mostly about things that were already obvious.

*Raise your hand and face it towards the contract, then the signing will commence immediately!*

"Wait." Ji Haishan's glare was prominent.

"What do we get out of this? What will happen at the end of the day?" his words sharp and cold. He looked like he was ready for murder.

*By all means, upon clearing the tasks will only both parties win the game! After party A and B win the game, then party A and B shall return to normal.*

*Note that this game is just a prototype, this is why the efficiency of the game will be manuavered solely by the players' ability! It is a job of the beta testers to see to it that this game is cleared and won.*

*Note that if the game is not cleared or won, then party A and B shall be stucked with this predicament forever! As this game is guided by fate, thus both parties not need to worry as long as both parties work hard and enjoy the game! Both parties are currently protected and blessed by the land of Eden.*

When all was said and done, the surrounding area was quiet like in funeral. Ji Haishan and Bai Yulin were no longer resisting. They seemed to be so tired from all these nonsenses. They tried to close their eyes and see if they would ever wake up from this nightmare, but none happened. It was a reality they couldn't escape from.

Ji Haishan never knew he would one day become prey of the outside forces such as the gods and goddesses. Did he commit a grave sin in his previous life or what?

Bai Yulin had ceased her crying and she looked dazed. She was thinking of what she would do next now that she was suddenly a man. But she came out with nothing.