
*Congratulations on signing the contract! Now without further ado, let's start with a warm up first task!*

Bai Yulin and Ji Haishan's head turned towards the paper doll simultaneously. They could get whiplash, alright.

"What do you mean by warm up? It's starting already?!" Bai Yulin looked startled. She wasn't ready! Not now nor forever.

"I want to end this quickly, woman. So let's just do it. The sooner you and I clear the tasks, the sooner we'll win and return to normal." Ji Haishan was pinching the area between his brows. His head hurt from all the nonsensical words he had to utter. He sounded like a resigned idiot and he was speechless himself.

*Come on, party A and B! Let's have fun with the first task!

Task 1: Get comfortable with your new life as a new person.


1. Party A moves to party B's house.

2. Party B moves to party A's house.

3. Both parties must live in their respective new home for one day and get comfortable.

4. Don't contact each other until one day is over.*

"What the hell?! I have to pretend to be Ji Haishan and live in his house?!" Bai Yulin exclaimed in shock. She had one shaking palm over her chest, indicating how surprised she was.

She looked at Ji Haishan who closed his eyes like he was trying to calm himself down for the nth time. His fists were trembling like he was ready to punch the wall.

"Alright." he said after a minute of silence. But then the door was suddenly knocked from outside. Ji Haishan assumed that Li Rou was waiting so he walked towards the door.

"Ji Haishan!" Bai Yulin called for him and he halted. She didn't even remember to call him as 'young master Ji' like everyone else did.

"Wh- where are you going? Don't leave me here! I don't know what to do." Bai Yulin looked scared and drained. He sighed and shook his head.

"You're me now so just go ahead and do whatever you like."

"We- can't we tell anyone? Maybe they can help us." she told him, a pleading look in her eyes.

"Do you think it'll be that simple? Your sentence got filtered when you talked to that woman outside just now." he said.

"And it's one of the conditions not to reveal our identities..." she murmured loud enough for Ji Haishan to hear. She seemed to get what he was getting at. Her eyes watered but she shook her head afterwards.

'Don't cry, Bai Yulin! You're a strong woman like Do Bong Soon! Yes, this is just like all those fantasy K-dramas you've watched... this is nothing strange...' she chanted in repeat. Trying so hard to steel herself.

Ji Haishan looked at Bai Yulin as he sighed another tired sigh. He would never get accustomed in seeing his own self acting like a girl. The thought itself made him churn.

"Come here for a minute!" Bai Yulin called him. Ji Haishan didn't want to go over but he still did it with a frown.

When he was already standing by her side, Bai Yulin studied him like he was a biological specimen. She touched his hand as her eyes gradually turned sad.

"Oh God... this is really happening." she started. She caressed her original body as her eyes trailed towards her own real face. The face that she was so proud of.

Ji Haishan felt a shiver run down his spine when she did that. He quickly retracted further away from her. But then the door was forced opened by a few bodyguards- this time, they were all Ji family's assigned bodyguards.

Several bulky men went to Ji Haishan as they grabbed his arm and subdued him in a matter of seconds.

"Hey-" he tried to resist but the stares his own men gave him was threatening. He realized he was now Bai Yulin and not Ji Haishan. This fact once again fumed him to the very core and he yanked himself off the bodyguards' grip.

They all looked stunned by his sudden amount of strength considering he was just a girl.

"Wom-" he immediately cleared his throat with a scowl. The damn mispronouncing was getting to his nerve.

"Young master Ji." he uttered through gritted teeth. Ji Haishan never thought that he would be calling himself this way. It was like he was a narcissist bastard.

"Beautiful supermodel Bai Yulin." Bai Yulin's words made his frown increase to a different kind of level.

"Stop that. Don't call me that." he hissed in annoyance. He saw his bodyguards surprised look when they heard their young master calling another person an endearment of 'beautiful'.

But the problem was... it was Bai Yulin who called herself that way! Like, who ever called themselves beautiful?! Was she a real narcissist then?!

"Then... supermodel Bai Yulin."



"No!" he roared. Feeling himself ridiculed by that tittle.

"Bai Yulin."

"Good." he said.

Bai Yulin on the other hand, had her palm covering her mouth. She tried to stop smiling but she couldn't. She wanted to piss Ji Haishan off and she surprisingly succeeded. Now she felt better. Life wasn't that cruel to her, it seemed.

Unaware of their surrounding, several bodyguards and even Li Rou- who went inside to see things, were all speechless. They saw a very alien sight. The young master of Ji was grinning like an idiot while Bai Yulin the model roared at him- utterly pissed off.

Li Rou had a downfall look in her eyes as she saw how her model acted in front of so many people. 'Bai Yulin' just snarled at Ji Haishan and she didn't even cover her emotions! No!! How about her image! Her image Li Rou had frantically built over the years.

"Yulin!" Li Rou strode towards 'Bai Yulin' and she started dragging her outside.

"Hey- get off me! Hey-" Ji Haishan was personally dragged away by his arm but he didn't appreciate it one bit.

Nobody had ever drag him off the floor like this!

"SHUT YOUR TRAP, YULIN." Li Rou stared daggers towards 'Bai Yulin'. She wouldn't take it no more. 'Bai Yulin' just had to lose her temper in front of many people and even in front of the infamous young master!

"Say even one word and I'll rip your head off." Li Rou gave a final warning to her as she dragged 'Bai Yulin' away. Her voice was low and dangerous.

Ji Haishan was utterly perplexed. He didn't know how and why he was suddenly afraid of this woman called Li Rou. He knew he wasn't as strong as in his original body anymore, but even his temperament started to change. But then a sudden voice rang in his head.

*Party A should be careful by not seeding doubts in other people about your identity! Take note that if things elevate then there will be penalty!*

Ji Haishan's face fell. A look of resignation appeared.