Hospital Shenanigans

I wake to the smell of slightly stale air with a chemical clean scent. Groggily, I open my eyes to see a blurry white ceiling and white walls. (Man, another weird dream. I swear my imagination scares me at times. What the hell was my brain on to dream up a Judoon from Doctor Who to be dressed as Miss Piggy from the Muppets and singing love ballards to the Lucky Charms leprechaun? And what the hell was that other weird dream? Shooting stars and a giant guy with a huge weird moustache…)

I yawn quite loudly before I go to rub the sleep out of my eyes only to find out that I can't move my arms. The shock wakes me up completely and I look down at my body to see 3 sets of straps holding me down.

"What the hell!" I exclaim loudly. (Why the hell am I strapped to some sort of hospital bed?) I struggle in my bonds, wanting to get out. I use my weight to start rocking the bed trying to tip myself over when a nurse hurries in at the commotion.

"Miss Krystina! What ever are you doing!?" she cries out shrilly.

"Why the hell am I strapped down!?" I shout back louder, not stopping my struggles. The nurse throws herself on the bed in attempt to stop the rocking.

"We had to! You wouldn't stay in your bed to rest after we finished setting your nose!" she shouts back. At this, I stop trying to free myself. Now I'm feeling perplexed. (Setting my nose?)

I voice my question and the nurse, looking relieved that I stopped, answers, "Yes. Yesterday you were brought in unconscious with a broken nose and we gave you some strong painkillers so you would stay asleep as we fixed it up for you." She takes a calming breath while straightening out her clothes.

"You woke up a short while afterwards and you were having an unusual reaction to the mediation that was still in your system." she finishes.

Feeling worried, I slowly ask, "Unusual reaction?"

She nods then clarifies, "You were acting very silly and saying the most ridiculous things. And you refused to stay in bed. In fact, if we didn't restrain you then you probably would have been running around doing who knows what in the hallways. The doctor was afraid you would re-injure yourself so we had to do this." Feeling extremely embarrassed, my cheeks heat up while I look down in shame.

"I'm so sorry to have caused so much trouble for everyone." I whisper out feeling my cheeks warm from the embarrassment.

The nurse just laughs it off, "Oh no need to worry, it was quite entertaining to watch. Even though we didn't understand most of what you were talking about. Mostly we were just worried you would've injured yourself further. Honestly, I never seen anyone react the way you did to the painkillers. Usually it would either knock out patients completely or just leave them in a slight daze." I sink further into the bed at this. Seeing my embarrassment, she pats me on the head in a gentle, reassuring way.

"Oh come now, it wasn't all that bad. At least we were able to keep your friends from seeing your antics." I look up in surprise.

"My friends?" I question. She nods happily.

"Yes, they were quite worried about you, the poor dears. Dr. Shibiwa convinced them that it would be better to wait until today to see you, so the medication would have time to run its course." She leans in closer for a conspiratorial whisper.

"That and to give you time to get back to normal so you wouldn't be embarrassing yourself in front of them." I nod gratefully to her. (Thank god for small miracles. Natsu, Happy, and Lucy would never let me live it down.)

She winks before adding, "Especially those two good looking guys." I blush at that. I cough to try to clear out the additional embarrassment caused by that last remark.

"Thank ya'll very much. It's very kind for ya'll to of thought about my feelings in such a manner." I say, feeling extremely thankful while my cheeks still feel quite warm.

"So how are you feeling, dearie?" the nurse asks me cheerfully. I mentally go through a checklist on how each part of my body is feeling, wanting to give her a truthful and complete answer.

"Hmm, besides starving and needing the bathroom, I feel just fine." I tell her after a moment's thought.

"Well let's get one of those taken care of." she says with a chuckle as she goes to release my straps. Quickly and efficiently she lets me out of my restraints to which I immediately start stretching. (Nothing like a real good stretch after not moving for a while.) I hop out of bed and onto the cold floor to finish the stretches and popping of my joints. The nurse raises her eyebrow at all the crackling and popping noises as my body limbers up.

I give her a sheepish grin after I finish while scratching my cheek. She rolls her eyes and grins back, causing the both of us to laugh. Moving off to the side, she points out where the bathroom is located at the other end of the room. As I start walking I immediately notice a breeze where there should not be one. I quickly turn to face her, feeling my cheeks heat up like crazy.

She laughs at my reaction as I find out that I'm wearing a hospital gown. (Just like the ones at home. Oh thank god they kept me from running down the halls dressed like this.) My blush turns up a notch at my next thought. (What if Natsu and the others saw….?)

I let out a squeak and run to the bathroom while holding the back of the gown as closed as possible. Slamming the door shut, I can hear the nurse's laughter through the wooden door. (Oh gods. I could've done without that bit of embarrassment.) Swiftly, I take care of the reason why I wanted to use the restroom in the first place. Washing my hands afterwards, I look up into the mirror to see that the middle of my face is bandaged and that they go all the way around my head.

Tentatively, I reach up to touch my nose and jerk back with a hiss of pain. (Ok, now I know. No touchy the nose at all.) I sigh as I see that my cheeks are still quite pink.

(Geez, I don't know why I was so embarrassed that she saw my bare backside. She is a nurse after all and more than likely seen a lot more than what I was showing. That and it's not like I'm ashamed of my body. Sure I can stand to lose some weight, but its not like I'm morbidly obese. Usually I'm much more comfortable with people seeing my body.)

I shake my head at the thought. (Maybe its just something to do with the hospital and I didn't know I was in a gown until too late.) I give myself time for a fortifying breath and I leave the bathroom to see an unknown male standing in the room with the nurse. I stand in the doorway looking at him as he whispers about something on a clipboard with her. She glances up to see me and smiles widely.

"Ah, Miss Krystina! I was just telling Dr. Shibiwa about you." she says perkily.

I nod before moving over to the taller male, mindful of my exposed rear end and where it is pointed. I extend my hand to shake his while giving him a warm smile.

"It is a pleasure to meet you Dr. Shibiwa. I want to thank you for everything you and the rest of the staff has done for me. I also want to apologize for my actions and the trouble I caused." I say this last bit bashfully and look down at the ground as I let go of his hand.

"It is not a problem Miss Krystina. We here at Magnolia Hospital are always happy to be able to take care of our patients in any way that we can." he says in a pleasantly low voice. At this, I lift my eyes and take a good look at this man. Warm eyes are the first thing I see. The color of deep jade, with flecks of brown in them. Laugh lines around his eyes and neatly kept blonde hair are the next things I see. Slight graying at his temples tells me that he is an older man, but not that much older. The sight of his smile causes a slight tingle spread through my body.

I give him a much warmer smile as I reply, "And I really appreciate everything that you did. Thank you so much." A cough from the far end of the room catches our attention. Natsu is standing in the doorway glowering in my direction while Lucy and Happy are smirking.

(Now what are they up to this time?) Despite my thought, I give them a happy grin.

"Morning guys. Didn't expect ya'll so early." I chirp.

"Early?" Lucy snickers. "Could barely make this guy here leave the lobby yesterday. Would've slept here if we let him" she continued while pointing at the disgruntled guy next to her. He looks more angry at her comment and looks away to stare at a blank wall. I'm surprised at her statement.

(He was that worried? How bad was I hurt?) Still mindful of the back of my gown, I walk towards Natsu.

"Is that true, Natsu?" I gently ask him, trying to make eye contact. He just huffs and puffs his face out slightly.

"Aye, sir! Erza had to drag him out to have him get some sleep." Happy cheerfully tattles. Feeling saddened that I caused this much worry, I step up quickly and catch him in a hug. I feel his body stiffen at this.

"Kr-Krysti?" he says hesitantly.

"I'm sorry that I worried you this much, Natsu. I can't recall what exactly happened, but I'm sorry nonetheless. I never meant to cause anyone to worry about me." I rest my cheek on his shoulder, careful not to have my nose touch anything. His arms slowly move up and wrap me in a warm embrace. I didn't realize how cold the room or I was until then. I partly melt into him just enjoying the warmth.

"It was mostly my fault, you shouldn't have to apologize. I'm the one who should be saying sorry." he says a bit sadly. I pull away enough to look up in his eyes. He gives me a startled look at my sudden action.

"It doesn't matter whose fault it was. What's done is done and I'm fine. Time heals all wounds, and this one will be just fine as well." I close my eyes and smile widely. "Anyways it's just nice to know that someone cares about me so much. Thank you, Natsu." I open my eyes at this point without dropping my smile. He looks at me in surprise before pulling away while turning to look elsewhere. He has a bashful expression on his face. I slightly pout, missing his warmth.

"We-well of course I c-care, you're family after all." he slightly stutters.

I lightly laugh at his reaction while agreeing, "Yup, family." Lucy claps her hands in happiness and smirks over at us. Before I can figure out what that particular smirk meant, a throat clears and we look over to see Dr. Shibiwa getting our attention with an amused grin on his face. (Oh my. He looks really handsome with that grin.)

"Sorry to interrupt, but before anything else I will need you to finish filling in this paperwork. Your family wasn't able to complete it yesterday and you were… indisposed until this morning." he informs while holding out the clipboard in my direction. I blush knowing what he is hinting at.

"Sure thing Dr. Shibiwa. I'll take care of it." I say while walking back over to him. I hear Lucy gasp and Happy sniggering. I look over my shoulder to see her pointing a shaking finger at me and Natsu eyes are bugging out.

"What's wrong?" I ask, slightly turning back towards them.

"Umm, your gown…." Lucy says weakly as she starts blushing and her hand falls.

"Eh? My gown?" I repeat. (Why would she be worried about my gown…? Oh,. OH!) My face feels like its on fire with how bad I'm blushing while I twirl to hide the back of my gown. Both sides of it is now clenched tightly in my fists as I bring them together so I'm no longer mooning anyone. The doctor gives a hearty chuckle over our reactions as he hands me the clipboard.

I grin sheepishly over at him as I take the clipboard in one hand while the other holds both sides of my gown together. My sheepish smile turns into a real one and I let out a small laugh at the look of warm amusement in his eyes. (He is definitely a handsome man. If he is my doctor, maybe I should get hurt more often.) I blush even harder at that last thought.

"They lllllike each other!" Happy and Lucy cry softly in unison which causes me to look down in slight embarrassment at being caught admiring the doctor's looks. I hear an annoyed huff coming from Natsu, and I look over to see him glaring slightly at Dr. Shibiwa.

(Ok, what is with that look? It's like he doesn't like the doctor. That's odd though, he seems like a nice guy. Nice and handsome, probably really smart too…)

I mentally kick myself out of that thought process to concentrate on the forms in my hand while my cheeks heat up more. The nurse is already gone by now as I move backwards to sit on the bed. Still smiling warmly, Dr. Shibiwa leaves the room as well but not before saying he would be back soon with the release forms and instructions for at-home care.

After he leaves the room, the tension in the air relaxes while Lucy and Happy follow me to sit on the bed as well. Natsu moves closer to lean up against the wall next to me. Sitting back against the headboard, I rest the clipboard on one leg while the other leg hangs off the edge. Leaning forward, I start to look over the form only to remember that I can't read.

"Umm, I'm going to need some help." I say lamely.

"Help with what, Krysti?" asks Lucy curiously.

I lift up the clipboard as I tell her, "Uh, I can't read this."

"Oh! Sure, I'll help you with that." she chirps. She scoots up to sit next to me and leans over to look at the questions. We go through each question quickly, although she does blush quite a bit when we get to the more, feminine questions. It doesn't help that Happy starts to ask about those particular questions.

Hushing the curious cat, I do notice one odd thing, it doesn't ask about my last period as most medical forms I'm used to seeing do. (Huh. Wonder what that's about? Oh well, I'm certain they have their reasons.) We sit in silence after the forms are finished, waiting patiently for someone to come back.

"So Krysti," says Lucy, trying to break the silence, "what are your plans today after you get out?" she asks.

I reply absentmindedly, "I dunno. Maybe whatever I was gunna do yesterday before I messed that up."

"And what was that?" she inquires. I look over at her as I frown in thought. I shake my head negatively before wincing slightly in pain. (2nd memo to self: don't shake your head hard.)

"Can't remember what it was. Hey Natsu, do you know what I was gunna do yesterday?" I call out to the guy next to me.

"We were going to train together to get stronger! Umm, I think there was something to do about settling in first, I think?" he starts off excitedly then trails off in thought.

"Ah! That's right! I was going to get settled then train with ya." I smack myself lightly on the forehead, careful to avoid my nose. "Can't believe I forgot that."

"Krysti, you shouldn't be forgetting stuff like this. That's Lucy's job!" seriously states Happy.

"You crappy cat!" shouts an enraged Lucy.

"Fufufufufu!" laughs the blue cat as he flies out of reach of the angry blonde. She huffs out in annoyance before turning to me.

"So what is with this sudden need for training?" she asks, still feeling miffed.

I let my attention wander as I hear a revved up Natsu start telling Lucy about the run-in that I had with the drunk. I chuckle to myself at his energy. I feel a paw on my leg and I look up to see Happy giving me his intense look.

"You lllllike him." Happy says. I raise an eyebrow in confusion.

"I thought we went over this. Of course I like him. I wouldn't be rooming with him if I didn't like him." I tell the cat matter-of-factly. Happy shakes his head in denial.

"I mean the doctor. You lllllllike him." Happy clarifies. I feel a bit of heat on my cheeks that I hope is hidden by the bandages.

"Well he is a nice guy, why wouldn't I like him? He seems like he would be a good friend." I say nonchalantly to the little blue cat. Happy just gives me a look of disappointment before flying over to land on Natsu's shoulder. I smirk to myself.

(I know your game now silly little cat. Gunna have to find something else to get a reaction out of me. I have no qualms at all about declaring who I do or don't like.) Stretching my arms over my head, I arch my back until my spine pops. I let out a satisfied sigh and I close my eyes to lean back against the headboard to relax. Instead, I fall against something soft and warm against my bare back.

"Huh?" is what I say as I open my eyes in surprise to find that Natsu was face to face with me and had on a large grin.

"Hey, hey Krysti. How long does this 'settling down' take? I want to get to training to get stronger!" he asks me excitedly. I can't help but smile back with his contagious happiness.

"Well that depends on how much stuff I have and how much room I'm allowed to use. It shouldn't take long at all since all I have is the clothes on my…." I trail off. "Hey, where are my clothes?" I start looking around to see if they are hiding anywhere.

"You mean these clothes?" asks the nurse as she enters the room with my clothes neatly folded up.

"Ah! Thank you….uh." I trail off again, realizing that I didn't know her name.

"Saiya. My name is Saiya Kaname. And you're very welcome Miss Krystina. Dr. Shibiwa is almost done and will be back shortly." she informs us pleasantly.

"Saiya. That's a beautiful name. Thank you Miss Saiya, for everything." I tell her gratefully as I take my clothes out of her arms. I look down and let out a small sigh of relief to see my iPod and earbuds on top of the clothes. Nurse Saiya then turns around to leave the room and I face Natsu again.

I lift up my clothes for emphasize as I continue our conversation, "This is all I have, so I guess I just need a tour around the house, know the rules and then that's that, I guess." I end with an awkward shrug. Natsu takes his arm away as he almost bounces up and down in excitement and starts to babble about the training he wants to do that so fast that I can barely understand him.

Lucy and I share a small laugh at his antics. I smile over at him, feeling quite amused at my roommate. I look down at my clothes and grab the sweatpants intending on putting them on. I step off of the bed and with a flick of my wrist, unfold my pants. I turn them around so they are in the right direction. Bending down, I quickly step into the leg holes and just as fast I pull them up. The immense feeling of confidence and security has me let out another sigh in relief.