Discharged and Auntie Vi

"Ahhh, that is so much better now!" I say feeling quite happy and much better about my situation. (It's a wonder how much better a simple pair of pants can make one feel, especially after going basically bare-arsed in front of everyone. If I can get some regular clothes to wear, I would probably be ecstatic.)

I make a grab for my gown and as I unfold it, I recoil in horror at the amount of blood on it.

(Holy shit! I bled that much!? No wonder they were worried about me! How the hell did I break my nose and do that?!) Unknowingly, I voiced my last thought and Natsu's voice breaks through, catching my attention.

"Uh, well… Happy and I tried to make you wake yourself up by tickling your nose and having you smack your face." he looks down and rubs his neck out of embarrassment before continuing. "And well, you suddenly jumped up and roared to scare us. You must've leaned too far over because you then fell face first onto the floor. We didn't know you were actually hurt until you sat up and we saw the blood." He looks like a little kid about to get scolded now.

"You wouldn't answer us, so in a panic, I picked you up and ran you over to the guild, then they had Jet run you over here."

His head lowers as he mumbles out some apology that I can't really hear. (Hmm, so I tried to scare them in the middle of their wake up prank. Then I fell over and hurt myself. Yup. Sounds just like me and my luck.)

I look over at Natsu and I place my hands gently on his shoulders to catch his attention while giving him an encouraging smile.

"Hey, it was mostly an accident, ok? Things happen, and Lord knows that with how many times I have been hit in the face that sooner or later I was going to break my nose. So stop looking sorry about it, dragon-boy. Ok?" I use one of my hands to place it under his chin and lift his head up from where he had it hanging low in guilt.

In a softer tone I continue, "I'm not blaming you and I'm not blaming me." He perks up with a small grin before nodding in agreement.

I nod my head once and growl out, "Damn right it's ok." I take my hands away from him and step back before realizing how close we were. I feel my face heat up with that realization and I had a sudden desire to hide my noticeably pink cheeks. Without further thought, I take my gown and slide it over my head and over the hospital gown while keeping it high enough that it hides my face.

I work on taking off the hospital gown while my bloody nightgown covers my movements. Finishing getting the gown off and taming the heat in my face, I put my arms into the nightgown's sleeves properly. I then uncover my head while pulling out the hospital gown through the collar. I look over to see the others giving me incredulous looks when I finish.

"What?" I ask them nonchalantly while shrugging. "I didn't feel like walking to the bathroom." I then sit down on the bed again while they just exchanged looks at my answer. I grab my iPod and earbuds and slip them into one of my pockets. A knock sounds from the door and we all look over to see Dr. Shibiwa entering the room with more papers and a small bag. He gives me a look with a raised eyebrow when he sees that I'm wearing my bloody clothes. He coughs a slight bit before handing me the papers.

"These are the release forms, I just need them filled out as best as you can. After that, you're free to leave. Just make sure one of the staff gets it before you go." He then hands me the small paper bag that rattles some in my hands.

"And those are some weaker painkillers for you to take for your nose. They should hopefully not give you the same…reaction as the stronger ones did last night." he tactfully says. I chuckle a bit nervously, knowing what he was talking about.

"If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to come back at any time. If I'm not here, then any of the other doctors or nurses can help." His warm tone changes into a more stern, lecture-like one as he continues.

"I do, however, want to see you back in a week so we can check how your nose is doing. It was a nasty break, and I want to make sure that it is healing properly. It is hard to tell right now because of all the swelling, so keep the bandage on at all times. We put a splint on your nose to hopefully let it heal the right way but until the swelling goes down naturally you are not to do anything that could re-injure yourself. That includes no sports, no fighting, no physical labor beyond light household chores, no running, no missions." At this point his stern look hardens along with his tone.

"I know how stubborn you Fairy Tail mages can be, and as your doctor I expressly forbid any of those activities or anything else of that sort. This break was nasty, but if you hurt yourself before you're healed it could become lethal." I nod my head solemnly in agreement.

"Yes, the nasal septum bones could potentially get pushed into my brain which often leads to death." I recite from memory to the doctor. I hear a squeak from behind me as he lifts an eyebrow in surprise as his hard look softens. I smile softly as I think back to my medical courses that I taken over the years. Not enough to qualify, but enough to know what needs to be done for a range of injuries from minor scrapes to short of life-or-death.

"I took a lot of medical training back where I am from." I look down towards the ground and I let my smile fade away as I shrug. "Never know when you are going to need to know these things. Heh, just didn't expect that I was the one who was going to get injured."

"Seriously, Krysti? You can die from a broken nose?" asks a very worried Happy as he floats on his wings to land gently in my lap. I rub his head affectionately as I explain further.

"Normally no. Almost all broken noses aren't going to kill you, but however if these bones here..." I pause to point toward the top of my nose, careful to not touch in case I get another round of stabbing pain. "...get broken and pushed up at an angle, the broken pieces can get pushed into the brain and that will usually lead to death. Not all the time, but fairly often. That's why if you're going to punch someone in the nose, you punch them straight or downwards. Never up."

I look away from Happy's watery eyes to look back up at the doctor.

"Am I forgetting anything, doctor?" I ask him curiously, wondering if magic may have a difference in some unknown way.

He has a calculating look in his eyes as he answers, "No, I do believe you have the subject quite covered." I chuckle at this. He looks at me curiously.

"Pun not intended?" I ask with a grin. His eyebrows shoot up as realization hits and he lets out a hearty chuckle.

"Yes. Pun not intended." he agrees with an amused grin. He shakes his head before coughing lightly to get back on track. "Now, I'm certain you know this, but I'm going to say it for the benefit of your friends. Don't get the bandages wet, or we will have to reapply them. That includes steamy hot baths, anything beyond light exercise, or even applying ice to your face. Also, if you experience any more trauma with it, as in getting hit in the face or falling down again, I want you back here as soon as possible. Is that clear?" he asks that last question in a very stern voice, like I'm some kid who doesn't know how to listen.

I just give him a warm smile before answering, "Of course, doctor. Thank you again for everything. I'll be sure to be careful about not letting anything hit me before I'm fully healed." He gives me the warmest smile I have seen yet, which causes an electric-like current to spread throughout my body. My cheeks heat a bit as I watch him turn around and walk off.

I look at the forms and groan. (More paperwork. Ug.) I grumble slightly to myself before catching Lucy's attention again.

"Hey Lucy, do you mind by any chance?" I ask while pointing at the papers.

She smiles before answering, "Of course not." and just as before, she and I put our heads together to fill out the forms while Happy and Natsu stand back, talking to each other.

A particularly loud , "I am not!" catches the attention of Lucy and I. We look up to see a dragon slayer fuming at a very mischievous looking blue cat. I snicker while Lucy shakes her head.

"I wonder what Happy said this time." Lucy wonders quietly. I shrug, not caring at this particular moment.

"I was telling Natsu that I think that he is jealous of the doctor!" loudly proclaims the flying cat.

"I AM NOT!" shouts out Natsu, his face a thundercloud. Lucy and I exchange looks at Natsu's particularly strong denial of Happy's accusation. "I'm not." he mutters before crosses his arms over his chest and hunching his shoulders, looking away sullenly.

"Happy." I call quietly. The cat turns to look at me just as he was going to say something else. "How about we leave Natsu alone for now, ok? Whether or not is he jealous is his business and we shouldn't pry if he doesn't want to tell us." I continue in the same quiet tone. Happy pouts big-time at this, but he nods in agreement. He goes over and sits in Lucy's lap, still pouting.

The blonde and I chuckle before we go back to the forms, but not before I see a grateful smile on Natsu's face. Luckily, it seems all the rest is just reading about different ways to take care of various injuries. (Kinda smart, they have the people read basic first aid, so they are less likely to show up with minor wounds that are easy to take care of. But some of this is outdated. I mean seriously, using butter on a burn is just a bad idea. Maybe I should make it a point to come back to share what medical knowledge I know to help them out…)

A few minutes of listening to Lucy read, and finally everything is done. I sign at the back of the forms to say that I 'read' the papers before I straighten them out in a neat pile. I hop out of bed with the papers firmly held in one hand while lifting the other one over my head.

"No more paperwork! Yay!" I cry out happily. My stomach growls out loudly, causing me to lower my head in embarrassment. "Heh. Guess I'm hungry." I explain lamely while the other three laugh at me.

"Let's go eat!" yells out an over enthusiastic fire mage as he grabs my arm and starts dragging me out the door. I hop on one leg as I try to turn myself in the direction he is pulling me.

"Hold it!" Lucy shouted. He halts suddenly at Lucy's shout which causes me to crash into him, side-first. We stagger at the impact, but he steadies the both of us quickly with an arm around my waist. I hiss in slight pain before shooting a grateful smile in his direction as Lucy started to lecture.

"We can't have her go out and eat dressed like that! We need to get her some new clothes that aren't covered in blood. I mean it looks like she just came back from killing someone." the blonde states with her hands on her hips.

I mutter softly, "And 'she' is right here." before I look over at Lucy as I say louder, "Wouldn't it look just as bad while clothes shopping?"

Lucy looks a little taken aback by that before she plows on, "Yes, but there will be a lot less people at the clothes shop during this time of day and easier to explain away the blood."

I think this over before replying, "That sounds reasonable. Only problem is that I don't have any money for new clothes. So until I can earn some, I'm stuck with these."

"Don't worry about that! We got plenty of it for you to use!" Happy cheerfully announces.

"I don't want you guys to use your money to buy me stuff. It wouldn't be right…" I try to protest before getting cut off.

"We went and got some from a mission to use to help you. So it's ok. If getting you some new clothes is the fastest way to get some food, let's do it!" Natsu says excitedly.

"Seriously? You guys did that for me? Aww, thank you! I'll do my best to work hard to pay you back!" I cry tearfully before giving everyone a big hug.


The four friends left the hospital but not before making sure to hand over the paperwork to a passing nurse and paying the bill at the lobby. When everything at the hospital was taken care of, Lucy takes the lead and marches off with a spring in her step. The other 3 follow the blonde girl of their group to a small shop a few streets over. Going inside, three faces recoil in horror while the fourth looks in bliss.


Everywhere and almost everything is covered in pink, lace, and frills.

Super excited, Lucy grabs Krysti's arm and drags her deeper into the store. Unable to break the grip on her arm, Krysti looks back and stretches out a hand with a silent plea to the dragon slayer to save her from the horrors of the shop. Looking traumatized, the boy and the cat stand by the door trembling in fear as the females disappear within the bowels of the shop of feminine hell.

"Lucy! Sweetheart! Come here dear and give Auntie Vi a hug!" A high, nasally voice calls out. Both girls look over to see a tall, super thin, and inappropriately dressed for her age older woman heading quickly their way. Lucy brightens up and steps into the hug of the shop owner.

"If I'd known you were coming this early I would have had tea ready." Auntie Vi quite happily declares. Krysti hangs in the back, inching towards the door in the hopes to get away before she is spotted.

No luck.

When the owner noticed the larger woman nearby her happy expression turns to one of horror and disgust. No small wonder though, Krysti was dirty and unkempt, her clothes were covered in blood and dear lord, she was barefoot. The woman who calls herself Auntie Vi has to hold herself back from shuddering.

"Um, Lucy dear..." she hesitantly calls out.

"Who is your....friend?" she says the last word like it pained her to say.

Not noticing or ignoring the shop owner's tone, Lucy replies happily, "This is the newest member of Fairy Tail and my new friend, Krysti. We are here to shop for new clothes for her."

"Really..." Auntie Vi said with much less enthusiasm than when she greeted the blonde. Lucy nods while heading to her friend and grabbing her arm to drag her over to the much older lady.

"Yes, she is going to need an entire new wardrobe." Lucy continues in a sad voice, again ignoring how uncomfortable the other women look with each other. "She lost her whole family and everything she owns to a bandit attack during the night. My team and I found the poor thing in the woods hurt and scared while we were on our way back from a mission. We couldn't just leave her alone with no money, or way to support herself and only the clothes on her back. We let her join the guild so she can have a place to stay until she can get back on her feet. She just now got out of the hospital after treating her wounds."

At first Krysti looks confused at what Lucy is telling the other woman, before quickly picking up that it would be much easier to believe that she a victim of bandits than from another world. She is impressed at the blonde's storytelling skills and realizes she needs to play her part. So she starts acting in what she hopes is a believable way to help sell the story.

Very quickly, the shop owner looks at the frightened looking brunette in a new light. Her heart aches at the look of unshed tears in the young girl's eyes and snatches her up in a tight hug. The brunette is very stiff at first, but timidly starts to hug back with shaky arms.

"Oh you poor, poor dear! What horrors you have seen! I can't imagine what you had to go through! So much loss and so soon and at such a young age!" the shop owner wails out. Krysti thinks about what she really has lost, and she lets out a small sob before clutching onto the woman's thin frame even tighter. This is the first time she is letting herself feel the sorrow of her situation and it hits her quickly and hard. The older woman lays her head on top of the brunette's and gently rubs her back.

A quiet "There, there." is heard occasionally as Krysti pours out her heart. Hearing the sobs, Lucy's eyes also tear up and she too joins the women with a hug to offer comfort to the girl who in fact did lose everything but the clothes on her back even if it wasn't bandits that caused it. After some minutes of crying, the brunette's cries calm down until she is just sniffling. She eases off on the tight hold she had on Auntie Vi, and sensing that she is better the other women gently release their hold as well.

They don't back away and stay close to Krysti in case she breaks down again. She sniffles and looks up into Auntie Vi's face with a look of gratitude.

"Thank you ma'am." she says quietly before hugging the shop owner again. The older woman returns the hug with a laugh.

"Please, call me Auntie Vi." she requests before breaking the hug to dry her wet eyes.

"Thank you, Auntie Vi." the brunette says, her voice full of gratitude. During this, Lucy hasn't taken her eyes off of Krysti, sensing that her new guild mate hasn't gotten everything out of her system yet, being no stranger to loss herself. She plans on being there as much as she can for the older woman. Auntie Vi seems to come back to her senses and claps her hands to gain the attention of the younger girls.

"Ok, now." She pauses to clear her throat. "New wardrobe, eh? I'm certain we can do something about that. What type of clothes are you interested in sweetie?" Looking embarrassed, the brunette looks down while dragging a toe through the carpet.

"Well, actually at this moment, I would just like a shirt to replace what I'm wearing now." she says softly.

Eyes widening, the shop owner places a hand over her heart in shock before exclaiming, "But dear, you need much more than one shirt to make up a new wardrobe!" The brunette nods her head in agreement.

"That is true but, well, umm..." she trails off before her stomach rumbles quite loudly. She laughs nervously in embarrassment. Lucy steps in at this point to help ease the situation for the poor brunette.

"She hasn't been able to get a bite to eat since the day before yesterday. We just need the one shirt for now so she doesn't start a scene before we eat. That and we got a couple of friends who are waiting for us outside who are impatient and probably very hungry as well." she smoothly explains.

Krysti nods in agreement and smiles fondly at how considerate Lucy is towards her. Her outlook towards the blonde continues to grow better.

Auntie Vi smiles softly at the two girls before replying warmly, "Of course, let's go get you measured sweetie. And I'll get you some cookies I baked to nibble on. Don't want you to start passing out on us from lack of food." The brunette perks up quite noticeably at the mention of cookies. The eager look on her face causes the other two women to laugh gently as all three go towards the back of the store.

During all of this, Natsu and Happy wait outside for the girls. With the town so quiet this early in the morning, he was able to hear everything going on in the store. He got distressed and anxious when he heard sobs from coming inside the shop. If it wasn't for fact that he could hear comforting words coming from inside and with how girlish the inside of the shop was, he would of barged in to see what is going on.

He just stood outside feeling quite agitated at not being able to do anything. Happy wasn't sure what was going on since his hearing, although quite good, is nothing compared to the dragon slayer's. When sounds of gentle laughter and happy voices came from the shop, he visibly relaxed much to Happy's relief. Natsu went and settled down by the wall of the shop as he waited for the girl's return.

He is already learning from being around Lucy, when girls shop they take quite a while. So when less than 10 minutes later the shop doors open and his two guild mates exit the shop, he is surprised. When he sees Krysti, he is stunned. How can someone seem to change so much in so short of a time?

She is wearing a baby blue shirt that fits her curves nicely with a wide neckline that has a small amount of lace on it. Her hair was brushed and part of it is in an elegant bun with two chopsticks sticking out of it for decoration. It now shines like gold where the mid morning light hits it. She is even carrying herself differently. He can't place how, but he knows its true. He finds that he is having a hard time not letting his jaw drop at the transformation.

Lucy smirks at the look on his face, planning on teasing him about it later as revenge for how much he made fun of her during her first days in the guild. Auntie Vi comes out of the shop to give the girls one last hug. Glancing over at Natsu, she gets a knowing look in her eye. She turns back to the younger girls and gives them both a peck on the cheek.

"Make sure you both come back soon, ok dears?" she says sweetly before turning to Krysti. "Especially you, sweetie. I know there is a lot more I can help you with." She smiles mysteriously before glancing at the dumbstruck man nearby again. With promises made to come back soon, Auntie Vi heads back into her shop. Door closing, the girls turn back to their male friends.

"Sorry for the wait, ready for some food?" Krysti calls out to the guys. This seems to snap Natsu out of his thoughts and he grins very widely.

"Food!" yells out both of the guys. They start running down the street to the nearest restaurant they know. Lucy just sighs and Krysti smacks her forehead lightly with the palm of her hand.