Shopping Spree Humiliation

"Those guys and when it comes to food." Lucy sighs out.

"So how long do you think it will be before they realize we aren't with them?" Krysti asks.

"Probably like last time, all the way to the restaurant." Lucy quips. They look at each other and bust out laughing.

"Come on, I know of a good spot for breakfast. They can catch up to us later." Lucy says.

"Right behind ya." chirps Krysti. She folds up the bloody gown in her hands and gives it to Lucy to put in the bag. They then set off at a much more leisurely pace than the males. A couple of streets later, a thundering of steps announces the return of the guys. Sliding to a stop in front of the women, Natsu gives them an accusing look and opens his mouth to say something.

Krysti clears her throat to interrupt and gives him a 'You-better-rethink-about-what-you're-going-to-say' look when he focuses his glare on her. His mouth shuts with an audible click as his eyes widen. He stays silent for a moment before looking down with shoulders slumped, and mumbles out a bashful apology.

Happy laughs at the defeated looking dragon slayer which causes him to glare at the cat. Krysti nods and hums in approval before turning back to follow Lucy and the guys fall in behind. They take a right, then a left before Lucy stops at a small café alongside one of the canals that runs through the city. Happy and Natsu start to chant for food when Lucy turns an evil glare in their direction.

Quickly they quiet down and shiver in fear until Lucy looks away. They sigh in relief and Natsu turns a miffed look in Krysti's direction when she giggles at their antics. They are soon seated and given menus. Natsu helps read the menu to a grateful Krysti and before long the four of them are enjoying breakfast. Krysti and Natsu enjoy a rather large breakfast of eggs, pancakes, and lots of bacon, to the silent wonderment of Lucy.

Happy is munching on a plate of fish, while the blond just sticks with a small fruit salad.

Lucy does get quite the kick watching the dragon enthusiasts start a small fight for the last pancake. Since they both have eaten quite a bit, the battle is nowhere as fierce as it could've been. Forks and butter knives clash for dominance. It ends when the pancake splits in two and Natsu got the largest piece.

He gulps it down in victory and Krysti playfully vows to get retribution. Natsu just smirks in superiority, quite content in his victory. Lucy just laughs at them while Happy snickers evilly. Already used to his game, the other three don't pay him much mind.

After paying the bill, they head outside to find that the sun is now over the buildings and the streets are filled with people. Krysti lifts her face towards the sun with her eyes closed and lifts her arms to bask in the warmth. She makes a small 'hmm' of pleasure before dropping her arms and faces the others as they look at her odd behavior. Brushing it off, Lucy grabs Krysti's arm and starts pulling her along in the direction they came from.

"Let's go get more cute clothes for you!" cries out Lucy excitedly. The tomboyish woman immediately panics at the thought of going back into the pink shop and digs her heels in the street to keep from being dragged.

"Uh, Lucy! Wait!" Krysti calls out hurriedly. Lucy stops, a puzzled look adorning her face. Krysti quickly tries to come up with an excuse to keep from going to that overly pink shop. Even if the shop keeper is surprisingly sweet for someone who looks like a mix of Cruella de Vil from 101 Dalmatians and Yzma from the Emperor's New Groove, those clothes just aren't her.

"Actually, I think maybe I should get more regular clothes. Since I'm, uh, going to be training with Natsu! Yea, that's it. I'm going to train with him, a lot. And if I get nothing but nice clothes they are going to get ruined most likely. I can always pick up some nicer ones when I need them for something special." she finishes nervously, hoping that Lucy won't press the issue.

And she does much to the relief of the brunette. Lucy has a very disappointed look on her face since she wasn't going back to one of her favorite shops for more clothes. So a partially dejected Lucy leads them to a different shop that had regular clothing, much to Krysti's relief.

Although Lucy did still try to get Krysti to buy more feminine clothes. Being mindful that she is living with someone else and may be moving out soon, the brunette decides to get just a few pairs of the essentials. She purchased 5 different shirts and pairs of pants to start with, along with normal undergarments. Two different outfits that are going to be used in training along with few night gowns along get added to the mix.

Getting quickly bored listening to the girls debate over the different undergarments, Natsu and Happy start to play around with all the various female underwear. Krysti is amused and just watches them horse around while Lucy is embarrassed to no end. The immature acting boys ignore the blonde as she scolds them which starts to cause a scene.

Krysti sighs in a put upon way as she notices the employees looking over the teens in displeasure. She decides that embarrassing the scarf wearing man will most likely be the quickest way to end this before they get kicked out of the store. She strides over to the trio and places a hand on the blonde's shoulder as she takes in a breath to continue scolding them.

She turns the glare that she was giving the boys on the brunette that quickly fades when she sees who she was glaring at. Krysti gives her a smile and a wink before going up to the pink-haired man. He has quite the silly face while wearing some underwear on his head which causes her to laugh.

He gives a happy grin seeing that he is making her laugh unlike Lucy who just gets angry. He stops in confusion when she reaches up to the feel the material on top of his head. With a thoughtful expression she takes it off his head before examining it closely.

"This won't do. The material is too rough for practicality." she says in all seriousness. Dropping the underwear in a nearby pile of dainty stuff meant for lingerie, she digs through a different pile before quickly coming up with a plain looking pair of granny panties.

"Now this is what you're going to want to wear especially while training. Here, feel how soft this is." she tells him while grabbing his hand to make him feel the garment.

"You don't have to worry about chaffing with these types. With how much you move and run, you definitely want comfort over looks. Of course, if you feel like there is too much material, we can get you some of these."

With that, she reaches over and grabs a few thongs of different colors before continuing, "With these, you are definitely going to have less worry about any sort of chaffing in the sensitive areas as you move around and train, although you will have to deal with the feeling of having this string in your butt crack all the time, especially when you bend over."

By now, Natsu's face is completely pink and isn't able to answer at the onslaught of information streaming his way. Lucy is covering her mouth and is having a hard time trying not to laugh at the expression on his face. Happy looks like he is in pain from trying to stifle his laughter.

Behind Natsu, Krysti can see Erza and Gray enter the store. Upon seeing their friends deeper inside, the two new arrivals make their way quickly over to towards their friends. Krysti looks back over towards Natsu and decides to ignore the other two heading their way as she continues her 'lecture'.

"Now you can get that pair you had with you, with the rougher material." Krysti keeps going, and moves to grab the underwear she took off his head.

"Those are more meant though to be used when you're less active, like when you are hanging back at the guild, or perhaps going on a date. You see how dainty this is? Its meant to make the wearer feel pretty, and be seductive. So if you want to just feel pretty, these are a good pair to use for that."

By this time Gray and Erza are within hearing distance and the amount of stifled laughing coming from Lucy and Happy increases. Krysti looks thoughtfully down at Natsu's hips and then back at the underwear. His face is no longer pink, now its red with embarrassment and his head sinks into his scarf trying to hide it.

Happy and Lucy aren't helping out his situation either with their struggles not to laugh. They really want to see how far this will go. Erza and Gray are confused at the antics of their teammates and stay silent to figure out the situation.

"I'm not sure exactly what size you wear, so I'm going to grab a few that look right and we can have you try them out, of course it also depends on how tight of a fit you want." Krysti's tone turns a bit playful. "But we can't have it too tight after all, we can't let the boys be completely stifled no matter how nice it looks." She grabs a few different types of underwear before presenting them to the dragon slayer with the most innocent expression on her face.

"Now which one of these would you like to try on first?" she asks in all seriousness. At this, Natsu's face turns tomato red and he tries to stammer out something that couldn't be understood. Gray looks scandalized and Erza looks thoughtful.

"I would say the most plain would be the best to start with, that way you can get a better feel of the size and kind you want." Erza says in her normally serious manner. At hearing her voice, Natsu literally jumps a few feet in the air and spins to face the rest of the team. Lucy and Happy burst out in laughter unable to hold it any longer, both of them in tears.

Natsu looks absolutely horrified at his other teammates coming in at the worst possible time. Gray's scandalized expression turns into one of the largest, most evil grins that anyone has ever seen. The blackmail possibilities are endless and he can't help but smile. After fighting Gray for so long, Natsu knows exactly what is going on in the raven-haired male's mind.

And it spells nothing but trouble for Natsu.

"It's not what it looks like!" Natsu squeaks out before coughing and lowering his voice,

"Really, this isn't what it looks like at all!" Gray says nothing at all. He just keeps grinning. This situation for him was like his birthday and Christmas from the last 10 years, all wrapped up into a gift being the ultimate humiliating moment for his rival.

"Oh?" Erza says surprised as her eyes widen slightly. "Then what is it suppose to be, Natsu?" He starts waving his arms around sporadically while trying to form a coherent sentence.

"I... She...They.... UG! Stop grinning at me like that, Snowflake!" Natsu shouts out in exasperation. Gray just ignores the insult and keeps grinning, knowing that he has the upper-hand. No matter what Natsu says to him is not going to change the fact that it looks like he is shopping for women's underwear. So far this is turning out to be the best day ever for the ice mage.

"Dammit, droopy eyes! Stop grinning like that! You're creeping me out!" Natsu shouts out in mortification. Gray just keeps grinning. Natsu starts to throw a punch when Erza catches his forearm in a tight grip and gives him a frosty glare. He wilts under it and he slinks off to a nearby sitting area to fume in silence. The evil glare he gives everyone lets them know that he is planning on vengeance.

Painful vengeance.

With his grin still adorning his face, Gray leans in toward Erza and whispers, "There is no way that I could ever get that embarrassed." Hearing this, Krysti quirks an eyebrow at Gray feeling that he was challenging her ability to embarrass people. As Barney Stinson from How I Met Your Mother would say 'Challenge Accepted'.

"So you don't think you can be embarrassed as easily huh?" she retorts, while placing a hand on her hip and a challenging glint in her eye. Gray looks at her shocked that she heard that while Erza looks slightly impressed at the brunette's hearing. Recovering quickly, his normally stoic expression returns while he crosses his arms over his bare chest. Krysti and Lucy wonder where his shirt went and how did they not notice him taking it off?

"I know that I can't." he states confidently. The brunette eyes the taller bare-chested male knowing just what to do.

"Well that's good to hear, because I think you would be perfect to help me decide something." She starts off with a grin. Gray looks down at the older woman, wary of what she is about to do. "I been having a debate with Lucy and you would be an unbiased opinion that would settle the score." she tells the ice mage.

"Okay..." he starts off slowly. The grin leaves her face as she looks at him in complete seriousness.

"Under wire or no wire?" she asks him. His eyebrows shoot up in confusion and his arms fall away from his chest.

"What?" he asks, not understanding the question.

"Under wire or no wire?" she repeats while leaning closer to him. Lucy, having a good idea now of what Krysti is planning on doing, has to turn away and cover her mouth as she tries not to laugh again. She has barely recovered laughing from Natsu's embarrassing moment.

Now she gets to see the stripping ice mage have a turn at being embarrassed. She is having a field day with this since usually its the two males making her feel humiliated. Gray leans away unsure of what is going on.

"I... don't understand." he says slowly, looking more perplexed.

"In bras, do you prefer under wire or no wire?" Krysti asks in utmost seriousness. His face takes on a slight pink tinge.

"I... er, uh. Don't know?" he finishes, quite unsure about the question and starting to feel uncomfortable. The brunette lightly smacks her forehead.

"Of course, you wouldn't. You never wore a bra. We can fix that." She grabs his cool arm and drags him over to where the majority of the bras are 2 aisles over. His face turns more pink as he tries to struggle against the tight grip on his arm.

"Hey, wait a minute! Let me go!" he protests.

He is ignored.

Krysti tightens the grip on his arm as they make it to the bra section of the store. She waves away a sales clerk who starts in their direction with a smile on her face. The woman nods and heads off in a different direction and ignores Gray's pleas for help. Krysti looks at his chest, and then back to the bras and then back again.

At this point, he is just trying to pry her arms off of his when she suddenly lets go to his relief. He flexes his hand and arm to get the circulation flowing again when two very warm somethings land on his chest. Surprised he looks down to see Krysti's hands on his chest, but it isn't until she starts to squeeze that he understands what is going on. Shell-shocked, he just stands there gaping as she gropes him.

In public.

She takes her hands away to make more groping motions as she studies her hands before going back to grope him again. It takes him almost a full minute to process what is going on. He slams his arms over his chest as he takes a step back, his face fully pink. Chortles coming from his teammates are not helping his situation.

Krysti then with her hands still in groping position asks, "Hey Lucy, you would say this would be about a B cup, right?" Red-faced, all the blonde can do is nod vigorously. She knew if she spoke, the dam would break and she would be laughing on the floor. Krysti nods in satisfaction before digging through the bras nearby.

Feeling violated, Gray takes another step away from woman in front of him. He looks back towards Erza and gives her a silent plea for help.

She folds her arms over her armored chest before replying simply, "I would like to know your opinion of this matter as well." Gray can feel the bottom of his stomach drop. He was doomed. Damn him and his bragging mouth. A triumphant cheer brings him back to the situation at hand and his blush deepens at the sight of Krysti with an armload of different bras. She lays them near Gray and starts to fuss about.

"Ok, so color wise, I'm torn between black, dark blue, and red." She holds up a black one by his skin. "Black looks good since it goes with everything and it nicely contrasts your skin."

She put that one down and holds up a dark blue one. "This one however goes nicely with your eyes and your guild mark. Would help compliment your color scheme." She put that one down and brings up a lacy, see-thru, red bra.

"Ah, but this one, yes, I think this one would do quite nicely. Not only would it work well with your skin tone and add some color," Krysti's voice at this point lowers in a sultry way with a big, mischievous smirk gracing her features, "but I bet it would help you feel oh so sexy when you show it off the next time you strip."

His eyes widen at her words. She then chirps happily, "Here, lets see if this fits." She reaches around under his arms with the red bra in hand. He jumps away like he been burned with his face blazing as red as Natsu's have been.

"Keep that away from me!" he practically shrieks. The entire store looks over to see the red-faced man cringing away from a bra that a girl is holding towards him. As soon as he realizes how loud he was and is now the center of attention, his blush creeps down his neck and even some of his chest turns pink.

Now he feels mortified. Hanging his head in defeat, he slinks away to a different bench and tries to hide his face in his arms. Krysti stands there in triumph, feeling quite proud in her achievement. Looking around she sees Happy and Lucy slumped together, trying not to die from laughter. Natsu has poked his head out of his scarf and is happily laughing at Gray's embarrassment.

While Erza on the other hand is looking at Krysti in a displeased manner. The brunette raises an eyebrow in question and Erza hardens her expression in response. Getting the message, Krysti rolls her eyes but nods in agreement. She heads over to Natsu and grabs him by the arm and drags him, still snickering, over to Gray. Grabbing Gray's arm with her other hand, she pulls his arm to try to get him up.

He doesn't budge and Krysti tells him quietly, "Come on, we are going outside to talk this out." Reluctantly, he allows himself to be pulled along, his whole face still blazing red while Natsu's is bright pink. She marches them out of the store and rounds the corner of the shop to drag them partially into the small alley next to it. Placing both boys at one wall, she leans up against the other one and folds her arms across her chest.

Studying them for a moment, she then takes a deep breath and starts, "First off, I want to apologize to the both of y'all. It went too far and neither of you deserved such embarrassment. Although it was partially y'alls fault as well." Both boys look at the older woman in surprise. They clearly didn't expect an apology from her.

"Gray, I'm sorry that you were that humiliated, but you did challenge me to embarrass you as much as Natsu was. And well as Natsu already learned, you don't make a dare or challenge me without being ready for it to go further than you expected. Right, Grilled?" The brunette aims a smirk over at the dragon slayer whose pink face darkens slightly at that particular memory.

Krysti lets her smirk turn into a serious expression as she continues, "Natsu, the reason why I went to embarrass you was for one, you and Happy were seriously embarrassing Lucy with your actions. Two, the ruckus the three of you were causing was making the sales clerks and the other customers uncomfortable and were most likely going to get y'all kicked out of the store."

She holds up a hand with 3 fingers up as she continues, "Three, I figured embarrassing you would be the fastest way to put a stop to the antics. You will have to admit I didn't know Gray and Erza were going to show up at this time."

At this, Natsu looks down at the ground and nods, still recovering from his earlier bout of embarrassment. She places a hand on his shoulder and her expression softens.

"Hey, don't get me wrong. I loved watching you and Happy play around like that. I thought you guys were hilarious. Just there is a time and a place to act silly and being inside of a store while trying to shop is not one of them. Oh you can be a little silly, but you went over the line in there. Basically as long as you're not bothering other people it should be ok, although there are limits." the brunette gently chides.

An idea seems to pop into her head at the sudden change of expression and the gleam in her eyes. Not knowing what to expect, the boys lean away from her. Amused at their reactions, Krysti waves her hands in a placating manner.

"Calm down buckos, I'm not going to do anything. How about as a way to make things more even, you two try to find a way to embarrass me?" she says with an excited grin. "Providing of course that we don't bother people outside the guild and no one gets hurt. After all I didn't hurt you two besides your pride."

"You groped me." Gray accuses and this causes Natsu to snicker. Krysti lifts an eyebrow at this before giving the ice mage a sly smirk as Gray elbows Natsu in the side.

"You enjoyed it and you know it." she teases in a flirty fashion and this causes Gray, who was almost fully recovered from his earlier embarrassment, to start turning pink again. He splutters in indignation and Krysti chuckles at his reaction.

"Ok, ok. Before you go having a heart attack, let's make it even then." His eyebrows shoot up as he watches Krysti places her arms behind her head.

"Wha...?" is all he can say with his jaw flapping uselessly. Natsu, just stands there frozen, not sure what is going on at all.

"Grope me." she commands.

Two little words. Just two. Nothing special about them but all the same, powerful enough to cause the brains of both boys to malfunction. They both stand there slack-jawed trying to wrap their minds around the situation.

This woman. This impossible woman is acting so blasé about what she just said. So at ease its like she commented on the weather and didn't just tell a guy to molest her in public like its no big deal. What kind of woman is she to be so calm and collected about something so personal?

As they get to know her, they start to slowly understand that this woman truly is from another world. She is not like any girl they have ever met before. Almost every time they turned around, she is showing a new facet to her personality that they can hardly keep up with. Whether she is scared, sad, happy, mischievous, confident, loyal, flirty, angry, or silly. Each new emotion opens up a new personality and makes her harder and harder to figure out.

They know so much about her, while at the same time they know nothing. Each time they think they start to figure her out, she reacts in an unpredictable way that usually leaves their heads swimming. She has only been in their lives for four days and already she commands a huge part of their life.

Gray and Natsu are more alike than they would ever want to admit. Despite one being as cool as ice and the other as passionate as fire, both are thinking the exact same way as they watch the older woman in front of them. They are both intrigued and intimidated, pulled in but held at arm's length. Both of the boys just stand there, stupefied, as they watch her slowly bring her arms down after staying that way for a minute. She quirks an eyebrow at the lack of reaction from the two rivals.

"Ok, we will just take a rain check for some other time then." Her eyes twinkle merrily as she happily waves good-bye to the boys. "I look forward to see what you two come up with." She winks in their direction before turning around. "Catch ya later!", she chirps over her shoulder as she leaves. They stare after her as she almost skips back out into the street.

"So...." Gray begins before swallowing hard.

"Yeah..." Natsu says in agreement as his head slowly sinks into his scarf.


After going inside the store, I lean up against the wall and let myself laugh silently. (The faces on those two were priceless! If only I didn't have to save the battery on my iPod, I could of taken a picture of their expressions.) Thinking of what I did to earn those expressions, I allow myself to blush.

(I can't believe that I told Gray to grope me. When the hell did I get so bold? Would I of even been ok if he actually did take me up on my offer? ) With my eyes closed, I picture how that might of happened and honestly I just feel confused. I shake my head to help clear my thoughts.

(This place is definitely affecting me. Maybe those meds haven't fully run their course?) I take a deep breath and push all those confusing thoughts off to the side. I need clothes, and then we can go get shoes. (Oh shoes, how I missed thee.) Pushing myself away from the wall, I make my way back to where I last left the girls and Happy.

I spot them quickly, not far from the undergarment section. I let a big grin overtake my features as I wave over towards them to get their attention. I see Happy jumping up and calling attention to my arrival. The other girls look over at me in curiosity. (Most likely wondering where the guys are.)

"Hey, where did Natsu and Gray go?" Lucy asks while looking for them in the store. (Called it.)

I hook a thumb over my shoulder to point back out the way I came before answering, "Back outside. Most likely plotting revenge for how much I embarrassed them." Hearing this, Happy flies off with a gleeful look on his face. (Probably wants to get in on the planning.) I can see Erza leveling a stern glare in my direction and I give her a put upon expression.

"Before you start Erza, I apologized to them both and told them that as long as they don't bother anyone outside the guild and don't hurt anyone they are welcome to try to humiliate me so we would be even." The red-head straightens up her posture slightly in surprise before nodding.

"Good. I'm glad that the matter is settled." she says in her normal no-nonsense manner. A thought occurs to me. (Maybe I should let them know about that rain check with Gray.) I frown slightly as I debate with myself if I should tell them or not. Looking at  Erza decides the matter. (I'm telling them.)

"Hey guys." This catches their attention. "I should let you know that I did give Gray free rein to get even with me." I start to explain.

"You already said that Krysti." Lucy cuts in with a confused look on her face. I nod over towards her.

"Yes for the humiliation, but I gave him permission for something else." I pause at this point, mainly for dramatic effect.

"For?" Erza prompts, looking interested. Looking around for anyone nearby that could hear I lean towards the girls who also lean towards me to hear what I am going to say.

"I gave him permission to grope me back." I say simply. Erza's eyes widen in shock and Lucy has to clamp her hands over her mouth to keep from shrieking.

"Why would you do that!?" hisses out the blonde in a furious whisper while her face flames to life.

At this, I shrug before saying, "Honestly, he seemed extremely scandalized that I did that. It seemed like it was something separate from the humiliation. Like I not only humiliated him, but I violated him. So I told him he can return the favor for that as well." Erza's face reddens to where it almost matches her hair. Lucy herself looks like someone just came up and goosed her.

"B-bu-but a m-maiden shouldn't h-have to submit herself t-to..." the red-head trails off, not able to form a complete sentence.

"Girls. It's okay. I am a grown woman. I know what I'm doing. I'm not exactly a blushing virgin here." (Huh, now that I said it, I am okay with the idea. I mean its not like I don't like the guy. And him being ripped like he is certainly helps.) The girl's eyes almost pop from my statement.

"You mean," Lucy tries to ask while raising a shaky finger towards me. I roll my eyes at the super shy duo.

"No, I have not. I'm waiting til marriage. That doesn't mean that I don't know the other stuff." I tell them while cocking out a hip and placing my hand on it. The way their faces redden up, I swear I could almost see steam coming out their ears. I roll my eyes at the dramatics.

"Look, I just wanted to give you a head's up that one or both of them might try something like that to me and I wanted to try to avoid a big freak out with you two if and when it does happen. Heck, there is a good chance that those two numbskulls will forget that I even offered by the time their next fight rolls around." I say matter-of-factly.

"Still, that's just foolish. What if he actually remembers and wants to do that?" Erza asks, her face not quite as red as before. I move over to grab the clothes I plan to buy and with them securely in my arms, I look over at the two girls and give them a smug grin with a raised eyebrow.

"Well, then I would get to enjoy having a sexy guy fondle my chest." I tell them cheekily. Both girls seem to of broken down by this point and I walk away, silently laughing my butt off.