Shoe Shopping Accident

Clothes purchased and blushes under control the 6 friends enter a shoe shop and to Lucy's dismay, Krysti only wants to get a pair of men's hiking boots with a pair of combat boots. Krysti lightly growls at the constant barrage of the flimsy high-heeled things that Lucy kept pushing on her.

Erza is being no help as her eyes are sparkling at the combat heels section. Natsu and Gray are more subdued as they just sit in separate, nearby benches really not wanting to risk a repeat performance of mortification. While Happy is cheerfully munching on a fish that he recently acquired from somewhere, just waiting for more chances to tease his friends. So its mostly Krysti and Lucy who are doing anything.

"Lucy, I'm sorry. But no way am I am going to wear those things! I will seriously break an ankle if I even try. That and I much prefer to wear boots so at least my feet are protected better." Krysti snaps, her patience wearing thin at the blonde's constant badgering.

"But Krysti, you're a woman! Don't you want to look good in case you might meet someone special?" the younger girl pleads.

"If something as simple as the clothes I wear is enough to make someone like me, then I say they can GO TO HELL!" she shouts out angrily. Lucy flinches at her shout the others stare wide-eyed as Krysti continues on her tirade. "I don't want people that shallow in my life, I want them to like me for being me. That includes being rude, crude, and not being dolled up. If they can't like me at my worst, I'm sure as hell not going to give them my best." Krysti growls out with fire in her eyes. The guys wisely stay quiet while the females 'talk'.

"Krysti is as scary as Erza." whimpers out Happy to which Natsu silently nods in agreement.

"She's also way more awesome..." Natsu says under his breath as he thinks about her kindness in dealing with his motion sickness, the way she handled herself with that drunk, and even out glaring Erza while the red-head is angry. Luckily for him, Happy didn't hear Natsu's words, or the cat would have even more things to tease him about. As if the blue furball didn't have enough as it is.

"But…" Lucy begins before getting cut off.

"No buts, Lucy!" a faint snickering is heard but is ignored as the irate woman continues. "I don't want them, and I don't need them. That is final. I want my clothes to have function and practicality over fashion and looks. If its comfortable, I'll wear it. That's how I shop, and I expect you to respect my wishes, young lady. You can wear what you want to your heart's content, but this is my decision on who I am and what I want. If this really bothers you so much, you don't have to stay. I'm not stopping you." Krysti finishes with a huff. Lucy hangs her head down in shame.

"I'm sorry, Krysti. I didn't know you felt so strongly about this. I still want to help you. And I promise to stop trying to force you into getting what you don't want anymore." she softly says, while looking extremely depressed. The brunette lets out a long suffering sigh before placing her hands on Lucy's shoulders.

"Hey, don't be sad about it ok? If I do ever want to get some nicer clothes for special occasions, I will totally have you help. I just want plain stuff for everyday use for now." Krysti tells her in a soft, encouraging tone. Lucy perks up at that future promise.

With that problem resolved, the group of 6 leave the store after paying for the boots and a few pairs of socks. Without wasting any time, Krysti moves to the nearest outside bench to put on her new socks and hiking boots. Standing up, she stamps both feet a couple of times to get a feel of the boots. Satisfied, she grins widely, finally feeling better that she isn't barefoot anymore.

"Shoes!" she cries out happily as she does a little dance in celebration. "Blessed, blessed shoes!" the other five just laugh in amusement at her antics. They next shop they stop off at is for bathroom necessities, which the boys didn't care for at all. In fact, they didn't even go into the store which suited the girls just fine.

Nothing special was bought, some lotion, shampoo/conditioner, deodorant, and other necessary female toiletries. Lucy started to get makeup for the brunette, but a well placed glare stopped that before it got started. So besides taking time to find what smells good to the brunette, it was a quick stop.

Although Erza did have to break up the fight that the boys got into while waiting. Krysti had a good giggle fit at the buddy-buddy act that the boys put up to keep Erza happy. They sent the older woman a glare once Erza looks away for laughing at them which just made her giggle all the more and she even sticks her tongue out at them childishly. Lucy chuckles lightly at the scene and Happy just shakes his head while shrugging his shoulders like there is no helping them.

Krysti has them stop at an apothecary's shop next and goes in by herself with the money bag. The others are confused as to why she doesn't want them to go in with her. They mill around, coming up with different theories why she wants to be there all alone, each one more ridiculous than the last. Minutes later, the brunette appears with two additional bags to go along with the other six bags she has.

Ignoring their questions, she hums happily while walking down the streets in a random direction. Without being asked, Gray moves up next to her and snatches four of her bags to carry them for her. After her initial shock and small flare of angry words, she settles down and acquieses to his chivarly and gives him a grateful smile which he returns with a small nod.

Always competing with the ice mage, Natsu goes up and snatches the other four bags despite the brunette's protests. Both guys fully ignore her and deny her attempts to get back her bags. Eventually she gives in with a pout, but no one notices the fond look she gives them as she pouts. Natsu smells a bunch of different things in the bags he took, but one causes him to smile as he recognizes it. Ginger. Remembering Krysti's words about making him a ginger tea that should cure his motion sickness, an estatic grin can be seen on his face.

He grows very excited that soon he will be able to start getting rid of his motion sickness. Erza, Lucy, and Happy look on at the interactions of the three ahead of them with mixed feelings.

Erza has sisterly pride that those two uncouth boys are finally acting like gentlemen for once. Happy is laughing to himself at how much he will get to tease Gray along with Natsu. Lucy is happy that they are behaving like gentlemen but is also kind of jealous since they haven't acted like that towards her despite knowing them longer.

Noticing the look of utter excitement in Natsu's expression, Gray can't help but throw an insult in the dragon slayer's direction out of habit more than anything else. It has the desired effect and now Natsu is glaring at the raven-haired boy over Krysti's head. Natsu insults him back and almost immediately the two start bickering.

Erza sighs in disappointment, while Lucy and Happy look disgruntled at how quickly they start fighting. Before they know it, the boys are getting ready to come to blows and they both forget about the bags in their hands and the woman between them. Gray lifts up a tightly clenched fist quickly and the forgotten bags in his hand swing up and smack Krysti in the face.

She immediately recoils and cries out in pain, her hands flying up to protect her face from more damage. She is lucky that those bags just had clothes in it, but the pain is still intense. Her pained cry immediately snaps the boys out of their argument. Guilt replaces anger and they stand awkwardly as Lucy and Erza rush in to check on their friend.

As the girls hug the older woman and move her away from the boys, they turn as one and send very nasty glares at the males. Gray and Natsu wilt under those venomous looks. Sensing that, at the moment, Natsu and Gray are chastised enough, the two younger women usher Krysti back to the hospital as per the doctor's orders.

The guys trail a good ways behind the girls and Happy decides to fly next to Natsu to keep him company. Each time one or both of the boys tries to get closer to the female trio, Lucy or Erza would glare them away. Also, each time the boys heard a pained groan, they would flinch and shrink in on themselves.

"This is your fault you know." Natsu softly accuses Gray. The raven-haired male starts to argue back before slumping his shoulders in defeat. It was his fault. He started the fight and he was the one to hit Krysti in the face.

"Yea, you're right." he says too softly for any normal person to hear. After growing up with Natsu, he knew that his scarf-wearing companion would hear him just fine. Natsu turns to look at Gray with a gob smacked look on his face, can't believing that his rival actually agreed with him on something. And without a fight! The dragon slayer stands up taller and prouder and can't help the smug look on his face.


After exiting the hospital with new bandages, a sound scolding to be more careful, and given the all clear, Krysti turns to her friends with a wide grin before she says, "So I don't know about you guys, but I could do with some lunch. Anyone else interested?" She gets a chorus of agreement from the others as the mood around them lightens considerably.

Erza suggests a place that she likes to frequent and before anyone can make any other suggestions, she purposely marches off in the direction of that restaurant. They look at the red-head in slight exasperation before dutifully following after her. Thankfully there were no more incidents heading to the cafè or during the meal. With the trio of girls keeping a close eye on the two guys, they were very quiet and well behaved.

Lucy left right after lunch to go home and do some chores, while Erza claims she has business at the guild. Gray grumbles something in an awkward manner before he too leaves, not wanting to risk anymore mishaps.

So Happy, Natsu, and Krysti make their way back to the dragon slayer's house with Natsu insisting that he carry all the bags. Krysti huffs at this at first, but settles for ruffling Natsu's hair after he stole the bags from her. He gives her a mock-glare at that and she just smiles sweetly in response. Happy is flying ahead, happily munching on a fish while the other two walk side-by-side along the streets.

As they near the edge of town, the brunette notices that Natsu has been quiet and is looking down at the ground as he walks. Thinking that he looks like he is bothered by something, Krysti decides to broach the subject.

"Hey, Natsu." she starts off quietly.

"Hmm?" he says as he turns to look down at the woman beside him.

She looks him in the eyes before asking, "Is everything ok? You seem bothered by something." He then grins at her.

"Naw, I was just thinking about something. That's all." he replies casually.

"Mind sharing?" she asks back. He looks ahead at this point and crosses his arms behind his head even with the heavy bags in his hands.

"I was just wondering about that fight you had two nights ago and how much you wanted to brawl with the guild. You just don't seem like the type of person who wants to fight." he says after a moment. She also look ahead at this point before a teasing grin appears on her face.

"And you don't seem to be the type who likes to cuddle while sleeping either." she points out with a playful tone. Blushing, he splutters out a protest with his arms waving wildly and items start flying out from the bags. Laughing loudly, she holds out a hand to calm him down.

"It's ok! I think its cute." This statement causes him to blush more and start pouting. His expression causes the woman to have a loud giggle fit as she stops to pick up the fallen purchases. Thankfully none of them were damaged. At the loud laughter, Happy flies back to see what is going on.

"Natsu, why is your face so red?" he asks innocently. Natsu mutters out a reply. Happy looks over to see his newest friend still giggling and he gets that intense look on his face he likes to use when he teases. "You lllllike her." he accuses.

"Do not!" shouts out the scarf wearing guy while his face gets decidedly redder. Krysti who heard Happy's comment, giggles even louder as she picks up the last item. She slings her arm that is holding the wrapped package over the blushing boy's shoulders which causes him to stiffen.

She grins at the laughing cat before saying cheerfully, "Of course we like each other! We're family, silly thing."

Shaking his head while losing that intense expression, Happy says, "That's not what I meant."

"What did you mean then?" she feigns a look of such absolute innocence that it causes Natsu to snort in suppressed laughter.

Happy, taken aback by her question stutters a bit before muttering, "Oh never mind. I'm going to get a fish." He flies off somewhere to get the treat feeling disgruntled. The two people left behind turn to look at each other before bursting out in laughter as the cat gets out of earshot.

Slapping his leg, Natsu cries out between laughs, "Did you…see his face?…Priceless!" Krysti is hunched over a bit, holding her stomach.

"I know!" she laughs out. After another moment, their laughter calms down, but they still have large smiles on their faces as they turn to face each other. The woman gets a glint in her eye before grinning widely. She rushes off quickly in the direction that they were heading, leaving Natsu standing there confused.

That is until she shouted over her shoulder, "Race ya home!"

He gets a competitive glint in his eyes while a grin takes over his face before crying out, "I'm all fired up!" Quick as a whip he takes off after her and catches up within seconds. He pulls ahead then matches her pace so she can keep up, both of them laughing breathlessly. At the edge of the forest, they slow down and Happy rejoins them with a large fish in his paws.

Breathing heavily, Krysti is still smiling while Natsu isn't even slightly winded. She gives a good-natured jealous glare that he doesn't notice. Giving the brunette time to catch her breath, the three then continue towards home. When in sight of the house, Krysti squeals in delight and talks about how cute it looks. This causes Natsu and Happy to look embarrassed, but proud at the same time.

"Wait a minute…" Krysti starts off, causing the other two to look at her. "Is that actual tree branches growing out of the walls?" she asks.

Natsu nods with a wide grin, "Yup. It's a nice big one too." She looks over in slight disbelief at the male walking beside her before looking back at the house. A smile with a small chuckle escapes her lips before full on laughter ensues. The cat and fire mage stop to look at the woman in confusion. Why is having a big tree growing in the house so funny? Almost as if she read their minds, she eases up on her laughter so she can speak.

"I'm sorry, it just struck me as really funny that I'm going to be living in a house with a entire tree inside it, when back home we didn't even have plants in the house cuz my parents thought it was too much of a hassle." she explains.

"Ok, but I don't really understand." Natsu says with a grin as he tilts his head some.

Happy flies past the two while excitedly shouting, "Fish!" This causes the man and woman to start laughing again. They start walking towards the quaint looking 1 story bungalow. Light yellow walls with a red tile roof and stones line the bottom.

It has white paned windows and a chimney on the side made of the same rocks that lined the bottom of the house. A small room extension in front held the entrance to the house. Finally, some unknown animal skull perched above the wooden door completed the outside decorations.

Approaching the house, Natsu opens the door to let in an eagerly awaiting Happy who flies in as soon as the door is wide enough to let him in. Krysti follows behind Natsu as she gazes around the outside of her new home, but is shocked when he suddenly closes the door in her face. Wide-eyed, she stands there unsure about what to do.

She starts to raise her hand to knock, but then stops to leave her hand hovering in midair. A look of confusion runs rampant on her face as she tries to figure out what to do. After standing there for a couple of minutes with nothing happening, her expression saddens.

Biting her lip, she slowly turns around to trudge back into town, feeling that she was mistaken and was only allowed to stay the one night. She lets out a sigh and hangs her head down as she starts picking her way down the path.

A small creak comes from behind her and Natsu's voice calls out, "Hey, Krysti! Where are you going? Don't you need to put this stuff up before we go train?" She turns back to face the pink-haired guy, confusion written on her face.

"Huh? So I am allowed to stay?" she asks. Looking confused himself, Natsu leaves the entrance to walk toward her.

"Well, yeah. I wouldn't have invited you to be roommates if I wasn't allowing you to stay." he states like it is the most obvious thing in the world.

"But you shut the door in my face when I tried to enter." Krysti tells him. His eyes widen in surprise.

"I did?" he rubs the back of his head sheepishly. "I'm sorry, I guess that was a force of habit. I'm not used to having other people here." he ends with a small grin. Krysti just smiles back, happy to know that it was just a simple mistake. He reaches over and grabs her wrist. With a small tug, Natsu leads her back to the house that they are now going to share.